Weird Life Hacks That Should Be Banned

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they were looking at tick tocks that teach you things you never knew were true and these are insane all right best lower back pain stretch rip that back pain all right what we got here grab the door handle lean back push on your knee and twist oh i've never heard of that someone do it right now and drop a comment if it actually works i'll wait was it good 38 years on this earth and i just learned this on this earth i just learned this [Music] i saw someone post this like a year ago and i've been doing it ever since and it's the weirdest thing to do it's so weird mine like has like a little twisty cap i just right it's crazy i can't believe it does that car seat life hack what wow that's actually like not a bad way to do it so you have to climb in the back and the kid gets a fun ride seems dangerous dude it makes me want to be a kid again can you imagine just having no worries in life sitting down ready for a rocket to launch you up until he falls through and does some damage to stuff look i think that's pretty sweet though i love it i love it i wonder how stable it is but i love it oh this is fun if you never microwave a marshmallow highly recommended it gets so big it works it actually works watch we're this try some hmm they're so good it's like an infinite food glitch like it makes extra food maybe that's like a better way to eat a s'more because your mellow gets way bigger i love it oh kitchen hack okay well that's interesting but like it freaks me out because like isn't that like wood on a hot surface it's going to catch fire [Music] whoa cool that's weird what is this for what is that tomato paste i've never even oh i've never even used that in my life what why are you doing this why do we need tomato paste frozen why do you need that what is that for though what would you need a baby tomato paste for i don't maybe it wasn't tomate i'm just not sure what you need it for but yeah i don't like the wooden spoon one that seems like you're gonna burn the house down two days year old when i realized i have been opening cans wrong this whole time oh really is that actually how you're supposed to do it what whoa what if the thing breaks if it doesn't break this is like futuristic but i don't know i've never tried it i don't really open up cans a lot so i don't have enough like i don't try this over what is this a pop it full of candy and then chocolate freeze for two hours you know what i ain't even gonna lie that's actually not the worst idea i've ever seen before like i'm i'm not gonna lie that's actually kind of a good idea hydration check to see how dehydrated are you have to squeeze your fingertip right here and if it goes back down you're hydrated oh god oh no is this real the skin oh wait the more hydrated you are the more elastic your skin will be and it will bounce back immediately after pinching it if you're dehydrated the skin loses elasticity and it takes a while to return to normal and it's more likely to tend to yo i didn't know that but it looks like i am severely dehydrated because like i don't know if you can see that but like i'm i'm definitely staying there yo i need some more water please wait i'm gonna finish this before the video ends so i get hydrated guys drink your water all right let's let's get healthy together rin was little and we would go through the drive through um we taught her to take the ketchup packet and tear it down this way okay and then when you open the packet she could dip her fries right in there wait a minute that's like actually a good idea why don't we just have the things that like they used to have where you can like peel it open and it's like a little cup and you can dip into the cup why do we have to have packets like this you know that's a genius one though i like that i do this from time to time i burn a lot of food i don't have a grinder like that but it seems like actually a decent idea well you get a lot of metal on there though if you've used this otherwhere otherwise look at that though it works so well it's actually amazing that this actually like does the job because it kind of looks like cardboard now but there's no burn it's all gone i feel like this is one of the most genius things we've seen today turns out iphones have a hidden feature that allows you to fix it you can download a series shortcut called ejectwater which allows you to say hey siri get rid of the water and it will start buzzing from both the speakers oh wow that's cool and water will just spray out of it share this with the person most likely does it just vibrate and actually works like that's actually so cool i never get mine waxed it freaks me out but that'd be useful if i ever actually drop it no what instagram it no oh my gosh she just carries that around that's literally what i'm going to be like because i'm too short to reach it half the time i'm never paying for a car wash again that's a lot of soap there buddy that's a lot of soap oh this seems intelligent spray till the soap's gone that's kind of cool actually hold up i like this yo that's kind of sweet what happens though how do you rinse it off if it's infinitely squirting out soap how long does it take to run out what is this what are you doing ripping your paper [Music] oh he's showing us the right way to take tape off a paper without ripping it well that's only if your tape goes so far off the edge it's just even possible like most of the time you tape it you're not leaving an extra five inches off the edge so i don't know post when you move into a new house okay you've probably seen pictures of someone who bought a house and is holding up their new key yes i've done it but there are computer programs that allow you to recreate a key just with a picture so treat your keys like you would any private information and don't post it yo if that's actually true what else can we recreate by just looking at a picture like are we going to regret things we posted from like a couple years ago because technology comes out they can like find us that's like actually kind of scary in sugar taste would be the same like a watermelon so that means watermelon is just cucumber with sugar in it it makes sense because watermelon it just tastes like cucumber with sugar in it wow mind blowing what does everything spin like that because i got appliances i gotta plug in upside down does that mean there's no reason i've been doing it there's some life-changing things in here like i got a lot of upside down stuff and it i don't know if this is true or not do you guys know that this little tag right here on your shirt was actually made to come off what and to hold your fishing rod no place that way you can welcome the fishing lure and not have to worry about your rod whoa i don't really fish a lot but that's actually so cool and now i feel like i now feel like i understand something about fishing culture is this a thing people do like lock the bathroom or is it just not not staying or what why are you doing that dude american bathrooms are so weird you ever think about how like we have an inch wide gap you can just look at people taking a poop like that is weird i don't get why we're okay with that we should like revolt i've had tic tac made me try it oh that well that doesn't seem like it works too well maybe it does i don't know you could just use like uh you know like a like a like a vacuum cleaner maybe to clean up your floor like a normal person what are you doing with a wet towel jeez easing hack used to fingers massage your nose pull and rub a nose wait a few seconds i kind of feel it i kind of feel it i like need to sneeze now but i can't get it out so a little bit uncomfortable just put me into an uncomfortable position oh i gotta sneeze so bad don't do that one it actually works i was today years old when i learned that you supposed to cut these pockets open no well i learned this last week no my husband i bought him some shorts and he asked me to cut the pockets open for him what and i'm like what i've been having these shorts right here for at least five or six years and the pockets been still closed the whole time not knowing i was supposed to put this open is that real is this actually a thing you're supposed to do because i got a lot of shorts they don't have pockets that open and i was never told you were supposed to cut them open that seems like total cap i need the answers below is this a thing secrets your teachers don't want you interesting search for doc city and enter the name of your school this website will give you access to all their past experiences no way is this real dude if this is real how does that exist isn't this like a legal like this is legit dude all these people in the comments saying you could just study you could just study guys this is studying studying the test all right when you go out and scrub so you don't get id'd wow that is smart if you wear scrubs you would absolutely look old enough like why would you id someone with scrubs they're obviously twenty one say about to get a college degree this is brilliant soak them in a bathtub with gray i don't have that many whites that's a nice looking bathroom look at that shower thing that looks like it's working it's doing something that could be good oh okay we're making some kind of chemical mixture here i don't like this that's a lot of peroxide dang can we see a before after wow it does look so white i mean that yeah that's definitely like a lot whiter oh my gosh i gotta start doing that to all my white shirts wait what what it locked let me try this all right should just come oh dude why don't they teach us this stuff it worked what the heck i never knew that why do card manufacturers not show us they have special features like no one knows about this this is so weird take your baby's band-aid off without tears and residue i gotcha all you need is petroleum jelly or oil there's a lot of work take off the amount of petroleum jelly on the band-aid let it sit for one to two minutes and gently peel it off voila now you got freaking jelly all over your leg i mean you're just creating more props for yourself i don't know about that one i was today years old when i found out the alphabet melody is the song twinkle twinkle little star have a sec try it that one's weird which one came first the alphabet or twinkle little star oh that's weird i never knew that one any sunglasses highlighter a what color in the lens seems like a bad idea charcoal toothpaste seems like a worse idea this is not good even coat wait for 15 minutes wipe off huh where'd you just get charcoal is removed from the lens continue wiping until clean why would you want that i don't know why you'd want to do that but don't be too scared to test it out that's crazy oh genius too bad you can never turn it back up you would you could probably create a tool to hit that top one too that's amazing i'm glad my landlord doesn't do that guys if you learned something new today drop a comment down below tell me what it was don't forget to like the video and subscribe
Channel: LoverReacts
Views: 714,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Loverfella, lover reacts, loverfella reacts
Id: 8hSwC0dhJQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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