35 Life Saving Hacks For Every Occasion

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if you literally are in an emergency situation and need to get your shirt ironed but don't have an iron you can boil water and steam your shirt or iron it with the boiled water today we're looking at the craziest hacks that are literally Gonna Save you what you need it most if you have to pee and you're stuck in traffic you can buy this Chinese little product here and this powder once poured into a bag actually converts your urine into a weird slushie not you don't actually take the slushie out the point is it makes it a little bit easier to pee in the car if you're stuck in traffic this thing really does a lot so they're stuck in the car they're like drowning oh what do we do boom you take your phone holder out and you literally just toggle the settings and a spike comes out and breaks your window this will save your life guys that you need to have one of these all right if you find yourself stacked whatever you do do not remove it oh or this will happen around the area and wait for medical assistance if you're ever at home and suddenly smell fish for no reason then maybe an electrical fire really if your pupil reflects white and photos like this picture you should go see a dog wait wait wait is this one like this and every where that was fine Is that real yes really does that work does that work does that work I have these I thought honestly if you have those rings on your stove it was impossible to ever remove them like I thought that was just permanent I didn't know that was a thing that could get them to come off bro found a life hack can you keep twisting it or what oh no you just lift it no way dude I honestly think it's the best iPhone trick ever watch to the end okay settings accessibility voice control I think he's gonna mark it so he knows exactly where to touch and then he's gonna record his like fingers customize commands you're gonna make it so it unlocks your phone right into the same command I did it's kind of cool but let's see how it actually works you have to like swipe up like okay two five two five gesture as your password for example mine is to five to five to five please it's cool but like what if someone else says that like what if one person records you it really this is not taking security into account but it is kind of cool my sister is hack on the beach oh this is cool the sheet keeps all the sand out of your stuff and then you have to get your feet wet I mean I don't know is it actually a good idea don't you kind of go to the beach just to get sand on you like isn't that part of it like this is a lot I don't know if this is a good hack or not okay this is weird a toilet a toilet bowl lid what the crap kind of hack is this and glue this is gonna be a disaster what glue blue toilet bowl lid put your glue on the lid and then also on the seat how do you have no sand on that that's the crazy part oh God your poor hands dude after this you're gonna have sand for days I really hate this so far but okay are you gonna what I mean it's nice ASMR if nothing else but what the crap are you doing my guy it's Ford I I have so many questions right now so what are you doing you're putting this there with your stuff under is this supposed to camouflage your items bro I hate that it's actually like not bad like it actually works and it actually does hide your stuff and people actually get robbed it just seemed like from the start it was such a wild idea but now that I'm seeing it I'm like there's some value here so This Girl's Life Hack is a martini glass with the dip in it and you put the chips with the bottom oh my God this is next level genius this might be one of the best things we've ever seen all right so this guy has a scanner and he's trying to SK what now you're scanning an outlet is that even an outlet I don't understand this looks like a British Outlet Maybe what is that oh that's how you line the holes up okay it's not bad it's really not bad that is not a bad idea I mean look at this thing like how is this gadget actually gonna close my door automatically it doesn't make any sense I stick around my wall and grabbed the other little sticky piece so that actually connects with each other so I attached them and apparently it's gonna automatically yeah that'll actually work though that's kind of cool that's smart design it works it's probably cheap and probably breaks in a week but it works so does anyone else use a hair dryer on the cool setting to inflate their pool doing this for years and it's a complete Game Changer I mean okay it works but I'm gonna be honest with you they make things called pumps that are designed to do this so if you have an inflatable pool would it not make sense to buy a pump instead of doing this summer in Germany 2022 okay oh is this how you can cook outside if it's like really hot this saves you money guys on your energy bill look at that wow okay that's crazy could this guy actually cook an omelet just outside it's boiling that's actually working wow so you guys the global warming's not all bad when the world heats up and we all have to like leave our houses we know that we can survive on the streets by using our cast iron okay pour out the Apple pry it out then you can just eat the whole thing whoa that's cool going to teach you how to make sure nobody sits next to you oh are you gonna invite them to sit next to you I would be like hey sit here that would be weird scowl let everybody walking past oh oh you know what these are solid dude these are solid I was in a trade in New York City one student it was so bad I had to stand up for two hours because I couldn't get a seat a beauty hack girls listen up and guys honestly why not unconscious so braid little tiny baby hairs and then pull them back to lift your face up you can girls lift their faces up this is this is this a common thing let's try a new tick tock hack okay got some great okay why does this look like a grape juice I thought this was grape juice you're telling me this is what you put in your toilet why does it look so drinkable here's what you do when you're super tired but you only have eight minutes lift your feet I don't know why this is a thing and I've never tried it has anyone done it and does it actually work sticky underwear put it on your face and tie it around your neck and then turn it into a mask why would you do that with stinky underwear why would you write this why would you not make it clean first I have so many questions on this one don't do it what these marks are for what are they for let me show you what this is for stealing things where you're measuring but what she's using this to measure the size of the pots based on what she needs that's why she did it but that's so odd again to me because I feel like don't like don't they have their sizes like labeled like don't they say how tall it is or something like I don't know maybe that is useful though if you're vertically challenged anyone to sit in front of you at the cinema me try this okay oh he poured a drink in the seat wait that's such a good idea so I just learned that if you drill a hole Yeah into the side of your garbage can it does something magical it leaks my trash is made of metal how would I do this with a metal trash can it'll hold like that just somewhere on the side of your garbage can Okay so let's hit him all right now go find yourself a vacuum and use the hole wait what and there's a lot more steps than I was hoping for so you're telling me if you destroy your trash can then you can put your trash bags in about 30 slower so guys go out there drill a hole and destroy your can let all the stuff leak out and all the sense and then you're gonna need a vacuum cleaner every time you change your trash and that's so much work dude nobody should do that ever don't tell me you still don't know this fly trap trick grab a towel that is Reddit ew aim at the fly oh it's so good and so gross at the same time I love it okay I read a full book about this how you're supposed to breathe through your nose at night and it's way better there are a whole group of people that are mouth tapers at night this is like legit in fact they make actual tape just to tape your mouth shut I don't think I do this but my allergies are so bad today to my cats and maybe I should not do that life hack okay did you know that if you need to do a return or send something out and need a bag to ship it out you can just use one of your old ones oh I never thought of that yeah I should save a couple Amazon so I could pull this off because I return things every now and then not often but this will be good to have so gross how to get free food is that what this is heavily salted later there's a hair on my food I'm so sorry about that let me go take it back to the kitchen and fix it for you I could never I mean all right sir here's your new food back great thank you very much oh excuse me waiter they didn't make me new food they just took the hair off my old food and gave it right back oh oh I see if you have hair you salt your food so you know if they actually changed it oh what's this is gonna destroy her hair [Music] I feel like it's gonna destroy it [Music] no okay hey look all right good for you if that works for me I'll be too too terrified to do that because if my hair got tied up in a bunch of knots then what how to do your nails without doing them well hey what you're making a sticker out of the nail are you gonna put them over your finger in a sh in a photo no way does it actually look real what [Music] what that's kind of crazy actual life hack on January 1st put 12 bed sheets on your bed on the first of every month no I hate it so much dude what if you spring a leak in the middle of the night man then it goes through all 12 layers you know okay this is a serious way to stir in your milk how do you even get a spoon attachment like that that long it's gonna destroy your milk isn't it or do you lightly oh that's not bad I don't know spoon attachments existed they were that long I always thought it had two holes so if one got clogged up you could pour it out the other hole if you guys learned something today don't forget to subscribe to the channel peace [Music]
Channel: LoverReacts
Views: 129,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Loverfella, lover reacts, loverfella reacts
Id: 5VaotYV883I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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