Weight-ing for Something to Go Right!

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and this is gonna be a process let's do a tire lesson this is good because i always get confused as well i'm super proud of you [Music] good gracious everybody's hungry this morning [Music] we're having to feed a little different because we move some around it's not actually winter i'm just dressed like it is this is the low 40s this morning oh it's a little chilly because i'm not used to it yet [Music] [Music] so [Music] everybody needed hay this morning except for these y'all didn't need any hay i was having having a hard time with the hay strings on that last one i missed some on the end and i was trying to pull them and anyway i hate fighting with a hay bale [Music] well here we are y'all finally we're getting closer we're getting closer to getting that bend down our friend tony who is doing um who's doing it for us didn't have any extra help today so lawrence has been over here helping him we are lunch duty bringing them lunch and see what's going on it's down there y'all if you remember it was way up there now it's not way up there playing in the old barn while they finish their lunch this would be fun to have it's like a big jungle gym in it [Music] i'm sad i didn't get over here to see it coming down at all but i will get to show y'all it going back up so that's one thing just hanging around uh-huh just explaining how this thing works this is called the jack is that right you bolt this onto this this was the second ring yeah when the bam was setting up full side you bolted that on to the second ring you picked the band up where you don't took the flow out then you go around take the bottom ring off then you let it back down and move them up to the next ring pick it up inch off the ground take the next ring off and let it down do the same thing till you got to the top yeah you gotta take top off and then unbolt that ring very good okay tony are you okay being on youtube [Music] i think i'm safe all right okay which section you gonna take off that man what are we doing what are we doing [Music] you don't want to top it up slightly [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] getting down to the knitting grating [Music] all right take my boat out okay let me hold okay it's all on all of them been ringing just by doing that's right it's the best way to learn it's about the only way to learn i gotta keep it on there you did good helping out whoops all right the bin is down then it's down the rest of it's gonna get loaded me and austin need to leave [Music] we both did good we both did some stuff helped out yeah i think they needed our help didn't they all right we got to leave get back to church for the day and then uh anyway so so now they're just gonna take that to the house get it unloaded well drop the trailers off and uh then he'll be he'll be back to the farm sometime soon and start getting it put up just in the nick of time because we should have beans ready in the next couple weeks so put all work out [Music] we found a baby a new baby and we see a spot here in the fence where the cow's probably gone here she comes gone over on the other side here she goes so large just made that sound like a baby she's coming this is the one we couldn't find the other day because she wasn't here she was in the other pasture for the calves on this [Music] side watch well there you go now we know gotta fix that piece don't have anything in here to do it with though i don't reckon do ya [Music] [Music] good old barbed wire oh pain in the booty well two strands instead of one strand that's a good enough fix right now i put a small piece well that's good solving problems taking names oh no babe oh i don't think you're gonna get out of that hole all right everybody's back where they need to be for now hopefully stays that way escape artist morning baby well i was out here in my troughs uh doing some some phone call work and lawrence had just left a little bit ago to do some ripping on a field but he's coming back so i'm assuming that it was too wet well not too wet but wet enough he needed to come back to get weights to put on the tractor so he's going to get the bolts whatever something he needs to do that and i'll help him in a second a little muddy eh aware where where are the weights they're hidden oh i see them uh these things are heavy i think you said 150 pounds we got it on the spear this i can tell already this is gonna be a process i think we have to do four two what are we doing i don't know two whatever it's still gonna be a process everything is a process okay now we gotta get it on here well we got it on almost and we're gonna put another one on top of it so it'll be four total we got issues i can't get this all the way on oh it's hitting here and we've already rotated it once so the weights on this tractor this is what we need they need to look like this um so why not use this tractor because he's already got the the well i'm thinking why not okay we'll just use this tractor sensitivity on each side and he doesn't have more of those i don't know yeah yeah it's all confusing so i asked him about this one he said he bought it at a sale he bought these weights at a sale so he's never actually used them and didn't realize they wouldn't fit this tractor so this is where we're at this is how it goes a lot around here we need two weights right he wanted to put two weights on each side i don't know he's gonna be able to use it all if if we don't have more that fit miss priss really wanted to go riding and you know it is what it is just do the best we can can't don't we bonnie say you gotta be like me you just gotta go with the flow you just gotta chill you just gotta just gotta chill out just be happy to be here no matter what right girl are you so happy to be here no matter what yes mommy i am okay so plan b is for him to grind this a little bit to get this one to fit and then the other one that's just like this will fit on top of it because it won't have to go past that is that right i'm tracking he said he actually bought six of these and was told they would fit a 44-40 but he said he was lied to he doesn't like being lied to oh boy oh that's pretty much par for the course i reckon every time is on all of them unless you do it every day no no what's that it could be done today but this place is in the field he's saying it's really wet anyway so if we can get this done he can just wait and roll tomorrow in other news it's a really beautiful mid-october mid-afternoon yeah it's amazing it feels great okay they're back with a sharpie okay good news we actually found two over there in the pile that are ripe that can go on the inside and the other two could go on the outside okay yep now come on all right now you need to go down we had to redo it three times we have to move it around three times this is my workout today and probably for tomorrow the week maybe this is the right one to go against the wheel okay this one on this side went on the first time now we'll put this one on top of it and we'll go get the other one and put on the other side oh my gosh okay so we got this outer one on so now we gotta take it back off and twist it around because the bolts that one's okay that one's okay but that one's not coming through at all so hopefully we can twist it and it'll fit better okay so since that wasn't gonna work i decided to just leave it with one weight on each wheel tire whatever you call these things no but i said i said we're going to leave one weight on the wheel on each wheel and then i said well tired but no it's actually a wheel i reckon let's do a tire lesson this is good because i always get confused as well that's the tire this is the tire rim that's the wheel this part is the wheel you would have the hub right here same thing you got that hood then you have the spokes and then you would have the rim on the outside the wheel is actually where the spokes go into and then the rim would be the metal piece on top of the wheel well we've been in school today learned a lot done some new things i don't really like doing but whatever at least nobody got hurt right that's what mr griffin said mr griffin was his uh like mentor grandfather figure i never got to meet him but i wish i had because i've heard lots of stories about mr griffin but anyway all right let's clean up all right we were just talking about i said this thing would be good for like exercise all right so he thinks it probably weighs like 30 pounds so yeah she's i got a pry bar she's got a crowbar which is probably we're doing our little farm fitness and there's no doubt in my mind that tomorrow arms okay he's gonna go try i reckon i'm gonna so i've been sitting here talking to myself for like two or three minutes didn't realize that i didn't i wasn't recording so take two what was i saying i was saying he's going to the field with his one weight on each wheel and see what he can get done i'm not going over there right now i need to go try to help austin she really wants to ride a horse and one of our saddles um we need to try to pull the stirrups up so he said he will not finish today so i'll i'll go check that out tomorrow um but also our tack is really well it's old but i mean it's still it's good tack it's good saddles but they haven't been used in like 12 years so they're dirty and they're moldy and they need cleaning so definitely not going to get all that done tonight but we're going to at least try to let her ride around a little bit and um start getting the tack cleaned up so we can all start writing more that is the goal we are going to do this we're going to do this look and bonnie is so excited right girl here we go our rocks are finally done done done last step all right look at how smooth they are [Music] that is awesome wow okay where is red i wonder they're like red so pretty they're so pretty oh look at this it's got like a black streak there love it love the rock tumbler yes thank you thank you robbie and jesse mississippi this one is really you know you can appreciate it i'm looking at it it almost looks like wood like glossy this brown one is really pretty to me is that is that called tie design i can't remember i think it is wait i think i'm gonna take it over here to the right i'm gonna get my real camera out and take pictures of these rocks look i'm putting on this piece of bark isn't that pretty uh it doesn't do it justice i'm afraid and i'm just kind of dirty it's like really shiny when it's wet yeah that's really cool well that was super fun is it worth the wait [Music] those are pretty together they complement each other i'm proud of her she got him altered and she's bringing him to the barn by herself good job sis i'm super proud of you yes i am good job [Laughter] good job all right bring him in and i'll see about getting somebody come on little man and you go fuzzy wuzzy you take him in i got it well a horseback riding didn't go as planned today because little man started showing his tail which he never does and the saddle that i had fixed for her i realized um did not have the girth on it i couldn't find it so we decided to wait for daddy's help and um anyway so it is what it is but i'm now going to pick him up so we can leave the tractor where he's been then we're going to come back and we're going to have a steak cast iron steak because we haven't had one in a while and it's a good night for a steak in fact it's always a good night first day and it's a really pretty evening look at that beautiful sky and my buggy dirty windshield wowza and he's still going [Applause] you
Channel: This Farm Wife - Meredith Bernard
Views: 102,375
Rating: 4.9683819 out of 5
Keywords: farming, farm wife, farm life, farm living, john deere, farmher, ranching, ranch life, women in ag, woman farmer, women farming, Meredith Bernard, This Farm Wife, farming videos, cattle farming, small farms, old farm equipment, farmall, farming with old equipment, farming in US, farming in America, US Farming, mom, parenting, lifestyle, vlog, how to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 20 2020
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