WEEKLY VLOG: new sbux drink, shooting day, & family in town!

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welcome to the weekly vlog guys i have been watching keeping up with the kardashians literally from the beginning it's all on peacock if you guys want to watch it it's like all that i've been doing and here's my sweet homie say hi say hi okay so it's gonna be kind of annoying but i forgot i had to put on my blue light glasses yeah eyesight has been so blurry i think it's because i'm on my phone all day which is like not good but since it is my work i can't not be on my phone so i'm like definitely trying to wear these at night from like 6 p.m p.m on but i wanted to show you guys what we made for dinner tonight you guys i have been super into hello fresh lately and i know it's really random i've actually worked with them a few times i'm not working with them right now we're just buying them as groceries but it is like so good so we have all of them up here but it is really nice if you're feeling lazy but you still want full meals because they just send you all of the ingredients all like the tedious little ingredients that you don't want to get like the spices and stuff they send you the meat everything it is so nice and we actually got a really good deal on it so no this is not even sponsored i'm just my current obsession is hello fresh anyways it is tuesday night brandon's out flying so it's just me and honey i have been breaking out so bad so i'm trying to just let my skin get a break for the past few days i have i think i'm gonna have to put on makeup tomorrow because my family is coming into town i'm so beyond excited they actually my parents were here a few weeks ago but they are coming back and my sister and her family are coming so i am like so so ecstatic it is just so nice having them here it definitely just feels like a little piece of home when they come into town so they're gonna be here for a good week so i'm hoping to get a good weekly vlog for you guys and we can go to some cool spots my mom's gonna help me a shooting on thursday picking them up for the airport tomorrow so it'll all be good i want to show you guys this this cute little set obviously i'm not doing it much justice right now with how i look okay i got this one from revolve you can probably find some cheaper ones somewhere else but i am in love with this it comes in like a ton of different colors they have a really cute like lavender and blue color too but i love that the shorts are like such a good size not too short not too long it's just i've been living in all this sweat stuff recently so i'm very excited about it so i'm gonna watch the bachelor but i will check in with you guys for tomorrow okay my friends this is a monumental day for all of the basic you know what girls starbucks got oat milk i think they may have started it like a while ago first places that got it i believe for washington and california correct me if i'm wrong i really think i'm probably wrong i know that yesterday is the first day that arizona got it and i think most other places too so i am so so excited my barista friend told me yesterday and i cannot wait to try the new drink i think it's the brown sugar shaking espresso with oat milk or something like that i'm not sure exactly what it's called but i'm pumped i think it might be a little too sweet but i'm going to try the original one today and if it is too sweet i'm just going to tweak a little bit and ask for you know half the pumps of syrup or half sweet or whatever so we'll see i'm gonna do the first taste test on here i'm freaking pumped i actually was thinking about it last night before i fell asleep i was so excited so it's like very little things i get excited about but hey you got to make the most of your everyday fall in love with the little things in your life am i right i'm right okay here we go good morning thank you for choosing starbucks my name is tim what can i get soda for you today hi um do you guys have that new brown sugar um like shaken espresso which i absolutely do oh with the oat milk too okay i'll try that yeah what size are you looking for today um i'll do a grande yeah i got one crown height and brown sugar oatmeal okay so that's what it's called for next time okay perfect yeah that'll be all all right yeah we'll be able to copy the word for 5.92 see you just one moment okay thank you okay we're going to try this bad boy out i totally butchered the name if you listen to it oh my goodness i still don't even know what you call this thing grande ice brown sugar oat milk espresso i don't i don't even think that's definitely not how you say it you guys get the first taste test so be happy about this it looks freaking good so far it looks really good actually shake a little bit check it show you oh i like it it's really yummy i didn't think i'd like the cinnamon on top but it's actually pretty freaking good wow wow i like that it tastes very strong too like not too strong but i feel like a lot of these coffee drinks that starbucks makes are just like very overpowered by sweetness this is so freaking good because you can really taste the coffee and it it tastes good but it's not like it's not too strong they did a very good ratio on this i am very much impressed this might be my new go-to i think i'm going to try tomorrow or the next time that i go getting a little less sweet the sweetness is actually not too much at all but i do try to get my drinks like under 100 calories i know this is 120 which like isn't bad you know but that's just kind of my rule of thumb i try to make them a little less since i like to go to starbucks more than the average person so i'm going to try that just really bomb you guys have to try this let me know in the comments if you try it because it's really good i'm excited i love finding new starbucks drinks i also have my parents coming into town today i'm very excited i think i told you guys about that so just working for the day um and then i'm gonna go and pick them up around six o'clock with brandon and hopefully he will grab some dinner because we love to eat out in this family tomorrow we're going out to dinner with them we're taking them to parma az which is one of my favorite italian spots here if you're looking for good spots in scottsdale i also have on my instagram a scottsdale guides of my favorite restaurants and stuff because that is one of the most common questions um that i get regarding scottsdale places to visit so many people are visiting here lately i am so excited for them to be here so cute my sister um and her husband brought their little kids so my little nieces and nephews so it'll be really fun to see them and i know that they're really excited to see honey so it's just gonna be a good time all around i am just really excited about it so i hate when people walk by when i'm talking it's so awkward okay so that's what we have going on for the day i might show you guys a little bit of my boring at home day to day i think i'm gonna do abercrombie try on maybe for the vlog actually um and then maybe i'll show you guys my new planner that i got that i'm really in love with it's like not exactly a planner it's called get get it done or get things done and it's amazing i think i might show you guys that i'm obsessed with this brand that i found from one of my blogger friends so i think i'm gonna show you that so anyways [Music] bye i'm like panting i just lifted so much stuff into my car but i'm going to pick up my mom i am all put together i feel like my skin has been just really breaking out luckily this camera smoothed it over a little bit thank goodness for that but i have been eating alani nutrition stuff so this is one of her bars i'm not crazy crazy about the bars but it is just a nice nice healthier option um when i'm running out the door but i love their energy drinks they have protein powder and pre-workout if you guys take that but also one product i love from alani new because i got to try a bunch of their stuff and just i'm obsessed now is they have this super greens powder and i put it in my smoothie and it has so much good stuff in it so anyways just a little plug right there i had to talk about gonna go shoot downtown see how it goes my hair is disgusting i don't remember the last time i watched it today is definitely supposed to be hair wash day but just was got in super late last night so that's just not happening it's not happening but we are going downtown gonna get some coffee and shoot for looks and then we're gonna come back here hopefully grab honey so that she can come back to um my sister's house where they're staying and we will just chill until dinner so that's what we got going on today that's it say hi coffee my dad's out here on the phone [Music] [Music] okay we are here we parked in here and that's our next wall over here so it's really nice we just went to sorry we just went to futuro and parked in here our next wall is just right here so we really don't have to go that far which is so nice [Music] um [Music] [Applause] [Music] we are finishing our shooting day at zinc and we got some yummy sandwich and salads then we're gonna go and pick up honey to bring her back home to the house so shooting day accomplished i had him on the vlog camera she was taking the photos we got a team here so we just gotta move him down here [Music] good morning it is saturday our house is an absolute mess i meant to take you guys along for more of yesterday and honestly my camera was dead i forgot it here it has been absolute chaos with our family in town and it's been so fun but it's just been non-stop go go so definitely was a crazy day yesterday after our nails um we just ended up hanging out at the house um getting dinner yeah just chilling i did a little bit of work so that was great today i have a baby shower for my sweet new sister-in-law it's brandon's brother's wife so she's having a baby in may and so i heard showers this morning obviously i can't be there in person because they're from portland but i will be there on zoom so i think i'm gonna try to do a quick workout get some of this house together i literally have one million packages there here here and it's so funny because honey is usually the most hyper and she has just been straight dead for the first day because she's been swimming in the pool playing with the kids it's been so cute since we don't have a yard i just like i love taking her to houses that have yards it's just so fun for me as a dog parent but she has just been exhausted too so we just all feel dead around here brandon just went to work so i'm gonna go ahead and clean and hopefully just get my life a little more on track maybe do a workout because we've been eating like absolute crap but that's it and then after the shower going over to my family's our you know their airbnb and then we're having a barbecue with some more family that lives here and just chilling in topgolf oh my gosh we actually have a lot today so honey are you so tired are you so tired look at this girl and her hair is so crinkly from the chlorine you got to get a bath oh brandon face the brother-in-law my sister he was just in the pga he just got off the vga oh yeah you tied it he decided to be a doctor so high that was 14 points lauren is rushing she's murdered brad and nicki and she's crazy whatever they used to play golf right it's been a while yeah but you almost went he almost got a scholarship dude hey everyone it is the end of the vlog it is sunday night we had such a fun time this morning at church and then we went out to mexican food and i'm just been like dead ever since i had the mexican food i'm sorry but after mexican food you just don't feel normal i'm like this is just this is not right i dropped my parents off at the airport honey want to say hi she's been swimming in the pool this weekend it's been so fun um my sister and brother-in-law and their family are still here until tuesday morning so i think we'll end up seeing them tomorrow but it was just such a great week with family and um yeah just all around i hope you guys enjoyed this vlog and just seen a little bit of our life now if you guys like these weekly vlogs i think it might be more of a fun thing to do i hope you guys have an amazing week and i'll see you next week
Channel: Nicole Carlson
Views: 1,518
Rating: 4.9375 out of 5
Keywords: daily vlogs, vlogs, arizona vlogs, arizona, scottsdale, brown sugar shaken espresso review, starbucks drink review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 38sec (878 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 13 2021
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