MY 25TH BDAY!!!!

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hello friends it's my birthday tomorrow i'm so excited i've been telling brandon just about every single day just reminding him you know so i am very much late and very much in a rush per usual what else would we possibly expect so it's the day before my birthday it's october 3rd um i planned out a little birthday shoot i'm so excited to show you guys um it has a cake so i'm going to pick up the cake right now i have my special dress on and i have these pretty floral letters that say 25 so i'm gonna take you guys along the journey got my sweet friend jess here helping me out today hello we're like in opposite outfits she's shooting a fall outfit the cake is all picked up we're good i did not drop it i'm truly shocked it's right here and it looks so so cute also brandon doesn't like sweets so i told jess that we're gonna be eating that cake after we finish this shoot because it looks freaking good yeah i picked that bad boy up and asked for some extra forks because i'm really excited to dive into it so anyways we're on our way to this special like peony lawn i don't think that the peonies are in bloom but i didn't have anywhere to do the shoot so where the huge floral numbers are um for this like event rental place that's where we're gonna do it because they're like 10 feet tall so obviously they can't fit in my apartment or anywhere well going there now excited to see how this turns out i'm a little nervous um but it's gonna be so fun [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're done we're in the air conditioning and we're gonna we're gonna eat the cakes i'm so excited just like do you think you'll be sad i'm like trust me no and trust me i will not be sad okay okay i don't even know i'm just going for it um that is so really good job well done i'm impressed i'm impressed it's my birthday oh we are making some pumpkin cinnamon rolls right now and then what i really want to do for my birthday is obviously quality time so me and brandon and honey are walking to the starbucks that just opened by our apartment i'm gonna get little honey and puppuccino and i'm gonna get my birthday drink and then we're gonna go to church on our walk to starbucks needs some coffee there's one that opened right next to our house this is our first time going there and honey is just in her prime in her prime she's gonna be so exhausted [Music] honey has got her birthday present you got your puppy no oh is that good she's like this is the wife right here really get it in it girlfriend are you dead it's hilarious to walk she's like i never get this it's like all over her she shouldn't empty it break for error [Music] we're all [Music] we are on our way to dinner i'm so excited it's one of our favorite places we seriously go there probably twice a week just on our own because they have the most amazing happy hour um it's like a steakhouse but they even have their steak on their happy hour and everything's like 10 to 15 it's really great so i'm pumped and brandon probably he you made fun of me a few times because i really wanted to go there even though we go there all the time right i love this spot though yeah it's really good so i'll show you guys what we get chow down i've been waiting for this all day long [Music] first course we have the focaccia bread i'll let you be the judge we have a wagyu beef here looks really good we have octopus i don't know i told brandon he might have to have that one but it looks really good on to the scallops and i already dived in so sorry it doesn't look that pretty pairing it with the chardonnay so so good we have the dessert cocktails oh that one's so good is that that one's the basic bb what is it really called basic fish it's like their pumpkin spice latte cocktail and then here this is the dem apples and it's like an apple pie cocktail for someone who doesn't like sweets you like that happy birthday to you so good brandon yeah but our last and final course we're literally so stuffed so stuffed but you bet i'm gonna keep eating this so many different things i'm in heaven because i'm such a dessert person just got home for dinner yeah honey and actually feel so sick it was three hours long and just ate way too much five courses i mean i actually look like there's a little baby bird in here in all seriousness i'm full and happy and i seriously just feel like this was the best day i'm such a words affirmation person and so all the messages coming through just made my day so special um so thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday it was truly amazing we're celebrating um my actual birthday present next week at the scott we're doing a little staycation i don't know if anyone's been there i think i'm gonna do a vlog at the scott too because it is so beautiful but anyways it was the best day just feeling so thankful to jesus for another year because every year every day every moment is such a blessing um and yeah just feeling so thankful grateful all of feelings today so thanks for watching this um hope you guys enjoyed this little bougie birthday day vlog so love you guys
Channel: Nicole Carlson
Views: 930
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: BDAY, bday vlog, instagrammer, fashion blogger, scottsdale, scottsdale restaurants, scottsdale spots
Id: -DzdJA3qfbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 17sec (497 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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