Sunday reset routine: peaceful cleaning, healthy grocery shopping, to-do lists, productive self-care

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[Music] [Music] [Music] good morning guys and welcome back to another video today i'm going to be doing like a sunday reset every sunday is a little bit different depending on what i have going on and what i need to do but on sundays i like to end the week off on a good note and prep accordingly so i can start off the new week on a great note clean around the house maybe get groceries take out prints on like a nice long play session hang out with a while finish up anything i didn't get to finish that week that i have to finish so that i can start off the new week on a good note i like to do like my beauty stuff on sundays too sometimes i'll go work out or um just depends on how i'm feeling and what i have to do so that's why every sunday is a little bit different but in general it's like a chill calm day trying to get things done today i'm gonna go to the sauna i have an appointment at 1. i woke up this morning and i did really simple skincare did just some brow gel and that's about it i don't usually wear makeup unless i'm doing something and want to or need to normally when i first wake up i like freshen up and take print out but wow took prints out this morning so i don't have to do that but i'm gonna make some coffee first and then i'm gonna make my to-do list for the day [Music] [Music] i'm using this oat milk for my coffee today i mean i like this candle because i want it to smell nice in the apartment this is typically the time i would make breakfast but i had a really big dinner last night and i'm still full so i'm probably gonna eat around like lunchtime but i'm gonna make about something um i don't i'm gonna see what we have in the fridge i know we have some leftovers i might have to do a trader joe's run today um just so i can stock up for the week so we have enough food and stuff [Music] this is also the time of day i would take my supplements in the morning so i'll take my probiotic usually i'll take my multivitamin i will drink my detox water i'm going to do this a little bit later just because i'm having coffee right now i'll take a whole drop full of this and just a glass of water and drink it it's really nice and refreshing i'm about to do my to-do list for the day and normally i would actually do this outside on my balcony but i want to show you guys it's just so bad outside right now so i can't do my to-do list her furniture and our cushions are all flipped over are you ready for some breakfast i think that's the face of yes belly rub time i love his little paws and how curly they are [Music] normally i would do my to-do list outside just because the view is so peaceful and relaxing and i will stretch sometimes most of the time and where i'll listen to a podcast um another fun tip that i have i feel like this really helps me feel good every day and start my mornings off right and just have like a good week i shared with you guys how i use the aura app before so on the app you actually have this setting where they can put quotes in your calendar every single day so i'm going to show you guys on the screen what this looks like but like for sunday it says live the actual moment only this actual moment is life and then on monday if you want to conquer the anxiety of life live in the moment within the breath and today we have you'll never find a rainbow if you're looking down so i think that's really cute and it just kind of puts you in a good mood and it's nice to read every morning so i'm going to start my to-do list and typically on sundays like i try to not work too much but i do have to usually catch up on emails because i want to start off my monday on the right note and not feel like i'm like overwhelmed so i can't wait till you know i reach a point in my life or sundays i literally don't need to work i haven't felt that yet but i also just enjoy what i do and love my career so i don't mind catching up on emails it's not hard or stressful for me um in terms of social media i usually have my posts pre-planned i don't like usually take content and edit content on sundays unless i'm like behind and need to then of course i will but today is not one of those days so i will post what i have planned to post today and then maybe do some emails [Music] looks like it cleared up a little bit outside but i'm gonna get some cleaning done cleaning for me is like so peaceful and therapeutic i'm gonna get some stuff done i'm gonna clean the bathrooms a little bit um vacuum always because our floor just gets so dirty so quick especially with prince and his toys and bones and stuff a clean organized home is like so important for me and i've always been that way it just helps me be more productive be more successful especially when you work from home you want your environment to be like clean organized easy going easy flowing environment like it makes you feel good it doesn't stress you out [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] got back from the sauna i made myself some food these are leftovers rice with some chicken and then quinoa and roasted vegetables um but the sauna was so good i only stayed like 15 to 20 minutes something around there because i got way too hot also if you hear that noise it's the laundry still going so yeah i'm gonna shower in a little bit eat real quick do my emails and then continue cleaning i only have to vacuum and clean the floor that's pretty much all that's left [Music] so [Music] off to trader joe's right now usually when we're in the car val and i will like listen to this audio that we like to listen to and it gets us like in the right headspace and things like that [Music] [Music] [Music] i just unloaded all the groceries and now i'm making some food for the next few days i'm putting it like in little uh glass containers and i just leave them in the fridge i got stuck in really bad traffic when i went to trader joe's so a lot of put them out to play i just gave him some fresh bones and he's loving life we love your new haircut don't we yes we do yes we do i washed his toys in um the washer earlier today if you notice i don't know if you did but they were getting so gross so i threw them in the washer i didn't dry them they were kind of damp when they were out of the washer so i just let them air dry and they're good now but i definitely have to wash them because they get so gross [Music] i'm using my micro current facial massager i'm not really sure what this is called just chill with loud friends for the rest of the evening i hope you guys enjoyed this video and found it helpful let me know if you want to see more of these types of videos and yeah i love you guys so much make sure to subscribe if you haven't already so you don't miss anything and i will see you next video [Music] you
Channel: Gergana Ivanova
Views: 311,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GEinQGh4M-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 23 2022
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