WEEK 7 IS HERE & TANK-MAN IS AMAZING! | Friday Night Funkin'

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sorry no prob for you this year [Music] okay good pretty good dude you know who you're dealing with oh the channel has been doing so wow lately and brings a smile to my face dude sure people love that friday night funking video as well that i'll only do for this week okay why is the alarm going off right now [Music] hello let's do this oh collaboration with [Music] hey hold up hold up oh let's go lemony her father oh yeah we know all about that dude oh yo this is cool though her mother she's a nasty one you see that it's christmas time let's celebrate [Music] and it keeps on going look at this beautiful day so many cool games though [Music] oh my goodness though this is it you see that oh this is that feel good song hang on this has to be like the opening trailer right oh yeah we already know about that cartoon rhythm game in excellence [Music] okay i like where this is headed though 20 weeks 60 songs what the heck is going on it went from no week seven to too much [Music] bro this game's on kickstart right now you know i'm about to bite this no no so this is the price i pay for choosing to sleep at normal uk times when this thing drops midnight so what is going on guys this is ryan here and welcome back to friday night funking out absolutely nowhere week seven has just went ahead and dropped i gotta keep this intro real short because i really just wanna play this week it is afternoon for me and i am gonna upload this the same day so i gotta keep this video a little bit more concise we are gonna be doing week seven for this thing i've heard that there's a new story mode to this game with actual cutscenes so i need to get into this thing and see what's going on oh you see they got the kickstarter thing let's go options hold up a second preferences controls login so i have heard that there's a lot more different things look at all this at this you can change up your controls to whatever you see fit this is what we're talking about full customization however the main me in potatoes is straight in the story mode right let's check this thing out so okay week one daddy dearest spooky monk pico mummy must murder red snow what's the fruit red snow hating simulator and then last but not least the new character which i think most of us know already it was gonna be tank man we're gonna get straight to this thing guys and if you do on that next episode of friday night real soon yeah i think you know exactly what to do please work please work this just keeps happening guys this just keeps happening well well well what do we got here a working version please oh my god we're still playing kill you but what the hell it's been a boring day let's see what you got yo oh tank man going and all right here we go all right guys there's something hard that's going to okay let's go i can't believe it we're doing it [Music] [Applause] oh let's go oh yes this is so sick though the background looks so good she's got her hands in here though oh my god yo we just woke up let's go this song [Music] it's so good let's go oh oh okay what the freak was that oh my god i love the nose i'm losing so many new things this is so good all right we're winding down here we go all right no don't try and do that what an opener what an opener you see those dudes in the back those rifles are pointing i think we're moving on to the city bars for a little dude who's sipping over an ugly boring little teenager that wears her mom's clothes yeah oh you're the only one laughing buddy straight in i see that i love the girlfriend in the back with the arms in the air though all right this song's new though sound up stand up [Music] i'm hearing those electrical chords here we go okay all triplets okay let's go hold on let's go i think i missed one this is so good oh my god oh let's go okay okay this is so good holy crap seriously okay [Music] oh yes let's go [Music] whoa oh i gotta [Music] these let's go yeah i'm concentrated let's go whoa this is tricky what the freak happened that you the ladies in the back zone two was absolute fire what a tune holy crap what's he gonna say effing damn it well played you little sh but this is war and in war people die oh man get rid of fire sorry no [Music] shoeing them oh that's so cool that is so cool so what we find this out he must be on outside there yeah i'm excited to see his story here we go you ready this looks like it's about to go in let's go you see him spinning dante style oh okay okay all right oh oh hey i'm gonna watch it let's go [Music] that's so good this is insane though let's go let's go oh yeah okay yeah we got the banks now sir i'm ready you see just saying let's go is this what i was thinking about that build-up oh this might be okay hold up i'm okay here we go that wasn't bad though are we done we just dusted tank man on its own that was so good like there was so much more happening on screen and there's clearly some story going on with piko like i feel like we're getting more teasers about this thing afterwards showdown with pico i assume that he turns to the good side and there's gonna be some kind of thing that develops at the end of every single week that we might learn either way now comes the fun bit guys so we just took care of these ones we can see the songs ugh guns and stress let's see those scores respectable respectable gonna be real i do want to try stress again how about we round that one off to 140k let's see if we can get this stuff done let's go oh not bad not bad let's see that plan okay lots of triplets though let's [Music] not go not bad a couple of overheads though that was it okay okay okay let's go okay there you go oh okay okay no 139 we wanted 140. we muster a try this one feels good okay oh my gosh i messed up so much right there come on we can do this oh one for two how you like that tank man huh now the last one then is guns which i'm not sure if that one was actually more difficult than stress so this should be interesting give me those bars here we go oh i heard that record let's go yeah not bad not bad 98k i see that it's not like that upbeat good feel though even though on the battlefield like i don't know about this contrast sir i like it though here we go okay we missed that let's go whoa we got that though hey 120 so far one track for that one for you maybe that might be a bit optimistic let's see though i think this is the last of the bars oh my god this timing let's go come on perfect yeah 104 wow oh we're going in for these i've got to say that kind of curious what i can get on this i mean i have already played this song and for the modded version i did get that 100 but i'll come to the end to see what score we get [Music] here we go yeah 70k now if we hit this last part right we're set here we go okay not bad i don't see much call no check we've only got 80k though how did we just get 10k out of thin air seemingly on that one one last thing i want to check out before we finish off apparently the death screen is a lot different in this one so if we get that oh you gotta press the arrows kid don't slap your keyboard like your blind uncle what wait what the heck are you serious so you can see in this case here that the girlfriend is actually a demon by the looks of things completely encased in red so okay yeah that don't seem right if i do the same thing i want to see if he says something a little bit different so we die hang on a second let me listen you feel that that's called failure and you better get used to it wow sir are you aware the only reason i'm failing is literally because i'm doing it because i want to all right guys well that's pretty much it for this so far that was week seven and the three brand new songs i said before i gotta keep this video a bit shorter it's already late i'm about to go into editing frenzy mode just to make sure i can get this video out for you guys all right then guys well that was a look at friday night funking week 7 anyway i would highly recommend you check out and support the kickstarter if you can and are a fan of this game because they have a lot planned for this thing it literally feels like 10 to 15 of the entire game that they actually want to make all right guys i'm gonna clear out anyway though that was friday night funk in week seven it randomly dropped of course you know i was gonna cover that thing as soon as i possibly could and i hope you guys did enjoy this video if you did why not drop me that like create hey if you're new around here i want to subscribe for more videos just like this one right here so thanks so much for watching this video guys of course hope you did enjoy i will of course see you on the next one you
Channel: 8-BitRyan
Views: 3,360,865
Rating: 4.9534473 out of 5
Keywords: 8bitryan, friday night funkin, friday night funkin music, friday night funkin mods, friday night funkin', friday night funkin Week 7, Friday Night Funkin Tank man, FNF Week 7, rhythm game, friday night funkin update, friday night funkin death, friday night funkin lets play, friday night funkin' mod, fnf mods, fnf, fnf best mod, full combo, friday night funkin 100, FNF stress
Id: EDPSy9gzk3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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