Reacting to questionable Friday Night Funkin' Memes. (RR)

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alright guys so i was just spending some time scrolling through my videos seeing the stuff i've been uploading and i came across this right here and do you see the problem immediately yeah you see that december 12th date that was the last time we did an 8-bit reddit episode it's been a whole year since we last did what oh man just roll the intro before people click up seriously so what is going on guys this is ryan here and welcome back finally to another episode of the 8-bit ryan reddick ryan reacts whatever the freak i even call this thing anymore i don't even know now over the last month the channels kind of had this boost in popularity so i'm gonna run down what the heck this thing even is i actually have my own subreddit we're currently 31.3 k members strong shout out to each and every one of you by the way but this is something i've been wanting to do more but every single time i go to do it i just kind of don't do it i like procrastinating i don't get why you know when you have homework built up you know you've got to get all this stuff done and even though you have like four days to do it you still wait until the very last moment and then think like why is this happening yeah same situation with this now it's been such a while since i've done this that i know there's going to be copious amounts that i've got to catch up with and that honestly excites me because we're going to see some great old memes here let's go ahead and get this started shall we uh yeatlords no source in hail oxygen let's uh examine hold up this has more story than i thought like this image and you will literally inhale oxygen fail to upvote please try again later what you mean in 60 seconds before i start bleeding out hang on a second so let's just talk about this for one second part three of making this happen support the cause okay so like the video ten thousand times and we'll do push-ups naked now first of all i just wanna pause on that i didn't know you guys were you know going that way second of all part three goes to show that this dude sheriff boy is pretty dedicated to the cause and i'm not sure if i should be happy about that like a bit weirded out because you know 100k likes and i actually make this official okay you've got you oh you know what take that vote and also yeah you go ahead take that vote the truth hurts hold up shut the free cup you're going full screen all right we got a minecraft meme so end the dragon building down oh my god so you need the pool open but to get the pool yeah you need those two iron vendors and that i got one no the poor the nether all right flooded steel how though it's working we're still going deeper let's go but what next we got to stop by more i can't we're at phase one here right oh my god if we still go [Music] you need money to beat my that game's pay to win isn't it that's a ripoff kudos honestly whoever made that meme like you got it dead on fnaf plus be like with the fnaf plus developer when he realizes that he accidentally gave bonnie a facial expression that has a ton of mean potential dude kind of looks like he's stepped on lego you're not always trying to imagine what the pain of that must feel like there was a few people who were saying things about the fnaf plus character saying that they don't fit the kind of style that was going for and things like that like people just aren't truly happy with their designs and honestly i don't really understand why you know the game is part of the frasberg initiative so it's being made by someone who initially made a fan game it's not trying to replicate the game perfectly and from the trailers that we've seen and like the crazy vhs stuff it seems like he's going a much more graphic and realistic way and it kind of gives it that uncanny valley feel i can see this being potentially more scary than f1 because of that so i'm honestly down for this and i can't wait to see what the developer does ryan you mad man these intros aren't creepy not funny they're cringey just stop no yeah what the heck is this why why is this here get out my shop do youtubers plate five nights at freddy's hang on i'm trying to understand what he means by that one five nights at freddy's oh that's kind of sweet i'm seeing that linkage here isn't that oddly beautiful also true also i do appreciate being the one with two katanas right there for nothing done man i'm telling you we're about to hit wave two of this thing once like the new stuff releases for the consoles and i'm so excited one mod and a change of dialogue and this is the result mode was yoshi fan ah a new fan maiden has come holy [ __ ] has anybody run okay hang on a minute now as of recording this video i haven't quite played friday night funking so maybe i've already posted this video but this mod right here was one i've had my eyes on for a long time and it's the next video i do which you may have already seen i literally recorded eight bit red it's two weeks in advance and just don't post them guys honestly i'm a terrible person for that it isn't that funny but i think it's funny so it is funny then [Music] i'm even going to read that out loud see you've got to delve deeper into memes like this and you've got to remember guys that at some point in time someone's imagination went to a point where they thought about this and then they had to contextualize it and therefore they did take that over i'm done i don't think i can stand this what is what is this i mix drying and baths together and look at the end result i don't know if i can get behind that i'm going to be real guys it's kind of weird seeing it it almost looks like someone's trying to cosplay me or something like that it's kind of strange take that before i think of my screen hold up someone went ahead and added music we must watch [Music] yeah you read that right you know just doing my thing that's actually a sick edit you know that took me a very long time to do as well guys like i should have set up the green screen for this but i remember like cutting myself out frame by frame it took a very long time to do that but i think i remember this intro most specifically it took the longest time out of all of the dead of night ones i did i think for this small snippet here it took about an hour to get that effect right and i'm not even kidding take that over good work pass ryan hey thanks man what the heck new minecraft update looking kind of sick we got the minecraft spaghetti of deity look at this dude man the mama mia just keeps on growing hey guys if we get back into minecraft how about that full spaghetti house you know what i'm saying oh just seen two people stand on the ocean oh that ca oh yeah yeah i don't like that because that's probably how big the rip leviathan would be maybe that's a bit over scaled saying that though i'm not sure if you guys ever read the law behind like what happened on 4546b but i will explain this because it's very interesting supposedly like the area where the aurora actually crashed was on top of a crater or something like that within the world so when you think about it was really lucky that we crashed there where there were shallows and things like that supposedly the planet gets like super deep and like gigantic beasts live down there like what we see is like a smaller version uh capable of roaming the lands up there and such but where it's like ten thousand plus meters deep you would see reaper leviathans literally like this bit take that over i ain't thinking about that anymore use drying clips to recreate the beginning of meet the spy let's see yeah guys i'm also including like green screen stuff this is great [Music] it's time it was time okay okay all right all right that was beautiful yeah i want to react to more of the green screen stuff within these videos so i can continually do this thing so i'm going to always be seeing those new submissions coming through take that upvote man if you are feeling down here's a lemonade to cheer you up that is quite literally a lemonade the more i think i'm trying to think of a witty way to rephrase that but i think they literally have got the peak of where you could go with that sort of meme so i respect that they tend to post an original 8-bit memes until ryan notices trying to sleep with your head against the window on a school bus oh i get it oh man i remember the days when i used to take a bus to like college or something you rest your head on the window like seriously you're seeing about three worlds at the same time it's relatable taking up though oh i recently started modeling nightmare animatronics okay before i continue that was an o of like dang that's impressive so i made a nightmare eight bit ryan okay but like can we get this in a fan game like can we actually get this within its own game that i can play through why do i seriously have the biggest mouth in the world though that's kind of interesting five nights at ryan's i'm down honestly hold up let's read this guy's law should be in his house you have to wander around looking for certain items but keep running off your back kind of like a dead of night in front of f4 each night ryan becomes more and more aggressive and gets extra abilities take that vote by the way this is still family friendly right when you're taking a poo okay so you've you've maintained poo posture when you have diarrhea but isn't the diarrhea usually the thing that comes out easier maybe okay i'm gonna no i'm taking up votes let's stop talking getting money from mr beast like i don't need 25k right now but however getting into my video that's a value only you can figure out current mood wow you exist thanks very much for that bowling i mean i'm glad i do too so thank you man thank you up vote bye cartoon ryan doesn't exist he can't hurt you i'm literally looking like a pixar character in that top frame what the heck that's so weird it's like the old school disney you know everything was hand drawn i don't know what that one would be from i like my eyelashes though you see that as for this one right here i'm not quite sure what's happening but um okay this is not mine but i got tears from this literally so long guys so long partner yeah that hurts me too flash was such a big part of so many people growing up like it was even a part of my childhood to an extent so to see flash kind of diminish and just disappear was kind of a sad moment and i'm hoping that there's going to be something to help bridge the gap for all of the original stuff like i'm sure there already is i haven't really kept up to speed with what's happened since flash deactivated but it was definitely sad to see it all go what gives people feelings of power money status getting their meme into ryan's video take that up vote warren sapp is a hungry man [Music] i don't see no problem i just see a man using his brain good boy oh he's so cute what are you making huh oh they look good to me what is happening towards the end of that i just lost all train of thought on what was happening but that seemed like a good situation good day involved the necromancer hey above the necromancer unboxing what is it [Music] is this where we're going we're human that's some great originality though like you've got to be on a different wavelengths when you're thinking of memes like that and first of all i don't know how you got there but you know i'm glad you did so i got to witness that one okay take that up though oh homie snake's still going on with the finaf drawings like he's worked his way far down when you look at all this this looks awesome too dude seriously he's 38 out of 50 of the drawn characters this was 13 days ago so like he may have made more progress he may have slowed down a bit you know it's got to feel sweet to see the end of this project too like i remember checking back and even seeing this thing develop it's really cool man [Music] is that seriously it took snorlax 18 years to go ahead and get from his back me to his foot me but he did it guys after 18 years of trial and error as it says at the bottom so be like snorlax don't ever give up okay always try and stand up i think it's such a stupid meme but it's so good at the same time [Music] it's perfect to be fair you don't want to be in the car with me guys this isn't a meme okay this is actually real let's go right now oh that's so cute oh he's watching he's uh oh okay okay i thought the cat might be sleeping by his side but to see him eyes fixed on the screen he's passionate about that storyline you know i'm glad that this guy only showed him reacting to you know when marvin and leon talk i would hate to see the scene when he realizes that marvin's uh you know not among the living let's say that taking up though pet your cat multiple times for me my brain when my crisp says yes [Music] that's it that's how your brain should respond to that representation of how close ryan was to be in sense yeah you know i've heard a lot about that apparently i was like mere milliseconds away from being him that's fine though man i knew i was gonna be failing at sans a lot and i think that's probably why it's not stressed me out too much because i know it's gonna be a case of trial and error trying to take him down and i am seriously prepared for that you know i feel like all you guys want me to actually say this okay because i could probably say that first try everywhere else in the world bottle of water in the uk bottle of water you see what i mean like i don't even have to plan for that it just comes off the tongue exactly as it should be this one is simply called when the elevator opens guys oh yeah hey ah you like it noise cancelling headphones okay ah the best you're not getting off on the floor sir you what are you doing why did he just stand in an elevator listening to music oh no he's back i'm pausing i have to see more now i don't know how many of you guys saw the green screen reacts but there was an incredible submission where someone from a simple scream voice line made a full song of me um they've went ahead and remixed it again i want to hear you this is so cool you're in trouble now i love the fear of the voice hey let's go this here can we get this as a friday night [ __ ] show i'm saying that that would be sick and i would play it let me see [Music] how though look at the edition as well dude hey i can't cut this is so good dude i want it there's got to be a drop in here somewhere right okay [Music] oh that's a sweet message also on the last one like to be able to remix stuff from such a simple thing or like get the ideas on how to build them it is an incredible talent and again i'm gonna give a shout out his name is cocolin67 he posted this two days ago and he is doing incredible stuff again i'm linking the original post down below so you guys can upvote that or check it out for yourselves but that's impressive work man i appreciate you submitting that and take that up though wow see the thing about that moon right there is that because i've played the game i can hear the beat the exact beat just gonna i'm just gonna upload that one and scroll a bit more you wanna die buddy he didn't bullcrap though did he he knew i drew around as the boyfriend that's sick dude all i need is my hat right now though but hey that's so cool man i appreciate that thank you so much okay what's the problem here though i see nothing wrong with this um why's your screen broken nobody you see those dead pixels across it it's beautiful everything was so right about that let me just take it back hold up you know what makes that even better though it's the fact that he had one shot at making that meme before his monitor was completely dead okay and he went ahead and he missed it like the meme is that you're meant to try and do it at the moment he's on my forehead and he was so delighted with it but he can't redo that she breaks another screen little backstory my green screen broke the top corner when it fell so i took it upon me to slap ryan's forehead even though it was off time i respect that so much jakester that's getting enough vote from me all right then guys well this is where we're gonna leave this episode of the eight bit reddit man you guys have been posting some good stuff all i can say is keep it coming and hopefully more of you hop on too for this one here though guys this is where we're gonna leave everything i really hope you did enjoy this episode and i said before i'll try and be back with another one real soon as long as i don't keep putting this crap off but for this one here though guys this is where we're gonna leave everything and i really hope you did enjoy and before you expect anything else okay the thing about the ryan reacts is we kind of bond a bit more so instead of me doing an outro and forcing you out i will let you go ahead and leave at your own leisurely pace so i'll just sit and wait why have you not okay i'll i'll stop i'll just wait some more uh just making this awkward now you
Channel: 8-BitRyan
Views: 1,170,730
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 8bitryan, 8-bitryan, reddit, Reddit stories, reddit pointless stories, Reddit reaction, reddit funny pictures, reddit try not to laugh, reddit you laugh you lose, you laugh you lose, reddit best, reddit top posts, best of reddit, best reddit posts, funny stories, reddit funny, The 8-bitreddit, Ryan Reacts, 8-bitryan reddit, 8 bitryan, friday night funkin memes, friday night funkin, friday night funkin funny
Id: ah4hdvBh3f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 24sec (1044 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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