Wednesday Night w/ Guest Speaker Mike Bickle

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this guy has had a mega influence on my life just helping to pull me out of a ditch you know I've shared a story with you guys so many times that the Lord just really used him to reignite fire in my heart and I am so grateful to God for what he is doing and the 20 years they have had night and day prayer that to me is the biggest miracle in the history of man I just die just doesn't work I mean it does math doesn't work it doesn't work that the number of volunteers and people that that are there and part of that and I I just I feel like this weekend is just going to be special for us I really feel like you know one of your gifts is an invitation and you're gonna you're going to encourage us and build our faith I've been looking forward to it a long time I mean we have to brother I just thank you thank you thank you let me pray for you Lord just give us what we are needing to take the next steps give us just your wisdom and revelation through Mike tonight Lord use and speak through him give us your words in Jesus name Amen amen amen thank you Ron like Ron said we've been friends for 40-plus years good friends and I've watched the Lord do so many things in his life and through him over the years and he's been a cheerleader for me and I have been for him and so this is a this is a special weekend for me just at the love level at the relational friendship level and then at the kingdom of God level about what I believe the Lord is doing and going to do in this city that's going to bring Fame to his son's name across the nations of the earth I really believe that I love st. Louis I have I was here for seven years pastoring and that in the 70s in the early 80s and I have a tremendous emotion about this city and a tremendous passion about this city well I'm going to just tell some stories and in telling the stories my desire is that you would locate some of your story when you're carrying some of mine that's my point in telling them so you can say oh that's what's happening to me and it will encourage and strengthen and some of you it will clarify and define and my desire is that you were strengthened in your personal story but I'm also concerned and passionate about you being strengthened in the story for this city those are the two things that are upon my heart so I'll take maybe a few minutes to give my a little bit three four minutes my personal background before the ministry starts and then some of the things that I learned in Sawle in st. Louis because one of the key principles and the kingdom of God is whatever the Lord did in the past it is an indication of what he's going to do in the future what I mean by that is that whatever the Lord did yesterday in this city it's evidence of the grace of God that was sovereignly released in the city and that will give you hints and evidence of the grace of God that's going to emerge yet again and in a far greater measure so we actually look in the rearview mirror in some ways to look at our future and I want to just tell you a little bit about that from my personal observations about this city what happened some of the things that happened in my heart and even related to this church and related to run even in specifically and though I love Ron dearly and I have tremendous affection for him and respect my goal isn't to build him up that's I'm not here in a Ron affirmation moment that's not what I'm here about he doesn't want that and I'm not interested in doing that but I'm going to do a little bit of that because I think it speaks about the city and that's the city that I'm interested in giving a few little insights about what I think is going to be happening in the city here then I'll go for a little while 45 minutes or so telling this story a bunch of little stories in the story then we'll take about a 5 or 7 minute break and you and slip out to the restroom or get a drink or make a phone call or whatever we'll come back we'll have a lie a group of people over here a microphone and one over there and so we'll just kind of somebody asked here then somebody asked here and then whoever texts Wes he'll ask a question and you can ask any kind of question you want I mean you're going to say hey well how does this work what about that how do you know this and that doesn't sound right you can ask challenging questions you can ask strange ones I just like kind of a big open home group type setting where we're just kind of just talking openly like a big family sitting in a living room together so you don't have to be politically correct and you don't have to ask only sweet questions you get ask anything you want to ask because I kind of like it that way it makes it more fun anyway well let's go back in my early days as I mentioned I'm 62 years old now and I was raised in a completely unbelieving home my father was a champion boxer he was a web video Olympics he was an amateur and then he was a professional boxer as well he was an international champion as an amateur traveled around the world and so I was raised in a boxer home and my dad wanted me to go to the Olympics as a boxer so he trained me and I was trained in that for for a number of years and me and my dad one of the great gifts of my life we were best buddies but that's a strange thing emotionally that was very affirming but he went to bars every Friday and Saturday and Sunday and I went to the bars with him when I was 5 6 8 10 12 years old it was very common for me to be the only kid in a bar talking to these 30 and 40 year old guys who are half drunk and that's a culture I grew up in so my first theology was barroom theology I understood the Bible and Christianity through those guys and it's a very different view than what some of you are accustomed to then at age 14 because I had this tremendous friendship with my dad and said hey Dad I want to become religious think of what like oh I want to to religion because that's cool because there's nothing wrong with that and he says uh okay and he goes why well the real reason because I would sleep in my backyard at night I just I love to sleep outside at night and Oh back in those days not everybody had air-conditioning we did have air-conditioner also in the summer it was a little bit cooler outside the breeze I'd always look at the Stars I said who who's up there and I would ask my dad is well God or nobody really knows so I grew up with no religion but I asked him at age 14 I said dad I want to join a religion he said okay either be Jewish or be Catholic that's okay I said why he goes well the Jews are richer but the Catholics are bigger they're more powerful said okay hmm I said I think I'll be Jewish he said that's a great choice go to the encyclopedia give me a report on Judaism so I did I studied it out not very in-depth but a little bit gave him a written report he said now here's what you do go down to the synagogue walk right in look the guy because you know my dad being a champion boxer look him right in the eye put your hand out don't be shy say my name is Mike Bickle I'm 14 years old I want to be a Jew just look him go back out there okay I walked into synagogue everybody had little hats on and stuff I was trying to figure out where to get a hat and I went to one of the guys who I thought was a leader and I said my name is Mike Bickle I'm 14 years old I want to be a Jew he looked at me and well I'm not going to go into details that didn't work so the next week I said okay I may be Catholic I don't care I just won't be a religion so I went to the Catholic Church and again sit at the back and everybody did what they did and they gave them the you know the crackers in the juice or whatever at the front you know I get you know I thought they were giving like a little desserts is something at the end of the sir I've never been to a Catholic Church and so that's cool so I walked up and you know they had the railing there those of you they've been Catholic Church where you kneel down to for communion I didn't know that you're not supposed to walk past the railing but I went past early I go sir whoa whoa sir sir and the path the priest was leaving because I didn't know you was supposed to do that he goes yes and all the people are uh but I didn't know it was against the rules so I was okay at least in my heart at that time and I looked at the Catholic priest I said my name is Mike Bickle I'm 14 years old I want to be a Catholic and this guy he hugged me and he said I'd love to do that so he met with me every Saturday afternoon for about nine months and I became a Catholic I was so excited so I got baptized I would go to the bar with my dad 9:15 it's a year later they'd say hey Bill Tom my boys a Catholic not so yeah I'm Catholic now you know and they go wow that there's nothing wrong with that they always kept saying there's nothing wrong with that that's what's kind of the big thing that always I said how come that's to what everyone tells me well little time goes by and I I go to high school now and I'm I'm excited I go to the for five years I go to Catholic Church every week I'm excited bringing my friends they didn't understand it I didn't either but I didn't care I just wanted them to become religious and so I had friends coming with me and we'd sit in the back and mostly goof off but but we came and saw my high school football coach he sent me to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes to a sports camp in Estes Park Colorado and there was this guy this Super Bowl champion quarterback named Roger Stahl back anybody ever heard of Roger Staubach some of you he's the with the famous guy back then he was giving his testimony and Roger stalled back with a Catholic and he got up and I'm a Catholic man and I have a relationship with Jesus and I was really blown away by that and he told he talked about how you could have a relationship with Jesus he's talking to a couple thousand kids high school kids so June 9th 1971 I remember after that night meeting I went out out and festus park out the field and I said Jesus if this is real I want to give my heart to you and as I like how John Wesley says that my heart was strangely warmed and it seemed real and I came home born again matter of fact when I went to the cap my dad on the way there in the bus a bunch of high school kids on the bus he came to me and said son I read the literature of this sports camp it's religious I said I don't care he goes so he gave me a six-pack of beer on the bus so I was the kid that you would let your kids hang around with so I went to the church camp with beer from my dad so that's how we started but I came back born again and my leaders taught me that hell was real in one week I'm talking about Heaven and Hell so I went to the bar with my dad and talked to them about repenting or going to hell and that really bombed out that did not work at all well I spent too much time on that I didn't want to take that much time on that part of the story but I am now on fire for the Lord I get involved in a Presbyterian Church but a Presbyterian Church that's really involved in missions they're real connected to Campus Crusade for Christ we read a lot of biographies of missionaries and my favorite was Hudson Taylor the the the doctor from England in 1850s who went to China and gave his life you know gave four decades to leading people to Christ in China and I love this so much and I went to BJ Hudson Taylor that well anyway this Presbyterian Church they got us all reading biographies and everybody was soul winners because all the biographies that we read were people who led people to Christ and we were involved with Campus Crusade and everybody let's the bye to Christ so that's all I knew about was lead people to Christ and if you did that everything else would take care of itself well a few years go by and I'll skip a whole bunch of steps I end up in st. Louis at the st. Louis area in the rural area around Washington Missouri I'm pastoring a little church a little rule Farm Church just outside about 90 minutes from here I'm only 20 years old they had heard me at a college Bible study the parents came to here with her son was listening to and I went to University of Missouri and they invited me to come and teach a little Bible study and then they asked me to come and be the pastor of this church now what they did not know is that in my Presbyterian Church and in my Campus Crusade life I was radically anti anti charismatic not mildly radically anti charismatic matter of fact I had one of my favorite things to talk about was wide tons was not of God and I had all the Bible verses and I would go tell everybody this that was one of my major points well this little country church is leaving the Lutheran Church and they're all charismatic but I don't know they are and I give a message a Anti charismatic message on the Holy Spirit but they're so new they think that I'm really into the Holy Spirit so they were excited I said everything anti charismatic but they didn't get it because they were so new and they said hey would you be our pastor and my answer was no I'm 20 years old of course not I went to my Presbyterian elders back in Kansas City I was on the youth staff of the church there I said they want me to be their pastor that's the most ridiculous thing in the world I mean isn't that illegal I mean if you're a dentist don't you have to get a license or a doctor don't you have to have something they said well it's better but you don't have to they said why don't you go for one year one here and then go back to school and then go to seminary and be a normal pastor okay they said it'll be great experience it will help you and your seminary training and all that stuff so I go there and again I don't know that they're charismatic it was only a few months later because we never brought it up I just would give sermons and we would be happy and then we you know everybody in my church was old they were like 30s and 40s I was 20 I was like the youngest guy in the church so was an older church and so I meet somebody it's right about that time I'm not giving the precision of all the dates here and they tell me about this guy in st. Louis named Ron Tucker and so Ron is meeting in a church called New Covenant Fellowship how many of you know anything about New Covenant autoships some of the old-timers all I love this okay said that some of the old gang there and they said this lady she said this guy is the most anointed and mate we didn't use the word anointed that was not a word we ever used anointed amazing guy said okay so I went to his youth meeting now some of you may not know this but Ron had a youth meeting on Saturday night this is 1976 1977 1978 he had 2000 young people coming on Saturday night there was nothing like it anywhere in the Midwest I mean it was talked about all over the Midwest and so I would drive up to these meetings and I would sit at the very back 2000 people and I had sent the back I didn't know anybody in the room literally nobody and Ron again I don't know how much you know about Ron but Ron was one of the best worship leaders I think on the earth at that time I mean he was a world-class worship leader in bringing the presence of the Lord he was the first worship leader I'd ever encountered where I would cry in the worship songs and I would be deeply touched so I would go to his meetings as a young pastor a 20 year old pastor you know down the road an hour and a half down the road I would sit at the back and he would sing in the spirit they would sing in the spirit at the church service 30 minutes at a time not 3 minutes 30 minutes can Henry how many of you know kid Henry can't Henry rewrite those guys would be going for it and Ron would be leading and I said I used to call it I said I don't know what they're doing when they do that drifting thing I called it drifting I said they do the drifting thing but I know this I feel God but I said I'm really confused because what they're doing I know it's got to do with tongues so I know it can't be gone but it feels like it's God but I don't really know how to make sense of this thing so then somebody said well if you really want to know what these guys are up to they have a prayer meeting before the service for an hour go to that I was really hungry for got it so I went to the the prayer meeting in the room the back room in the room over there you know with 50 people that this was at the building it was a building about a mile from here and 50 young people all about 20 years old they would sing in tongues for 60 minutes straight Ron leading I mean and they were all going for it I would sit at the back I go I don't like this but I really like it but I don't like it it's non biblical but I liked it I kept going to it then they didn't ask me you want us to pray for you I don't know I don't want that woman what are you coming to the meeting I don't know I like the feeling of the meeting so then the person that introduced me to Ron told Ron about me said here's this young guy come to your meetings and he's just you know he loves God he loves you he's a little confused about some stuff would you meet with him and so this lady introduces us and he goes yeah I mean we knew I mean he had so many people in the area wanting to meet with him it was he was kind of like us you know whatever like an icon type figure everybody wanted to meet with him but he was very humble about it and he said y'all meet with it so I met with him a number of times and I said well where do you find this in the Bible where do you playing that in the Bible are you finding this to the Bible and what butwe such good chemistry I said you know I got this crazy thing I really like this guy but I can't connect with his theology but I can connect with his experience because I want his experience well what some of you again may not know is that Ron I mean out of this church down the road and then here it's only a mile away the Hosanna worship music which changed the worship music around the Western world the Hosanna music you know first there was the Maranatha with Calvary Chapel then the next big wave was the Hosanna music it was really coming out of this church there was an anointing and the singers the songs and even Ron was the featured worship leader over the first number of albums and then Ken Henry the several of them and the whole body of Christ on the world was paying attention to what was coming out of Hosanna music but it was really coming out of this church now I remember that now I moved from the city from the country I was only there about a year I'm in the city in the st. Louis area for about five or six years totally about seven years and in that context of time I'm pastoring a little church out in the south part of town the Lord speaks to me about being an intercessor the Lord says it's one of the first times I really received anything directly from the Lord and I didn't like it either he says you're an intercessor but it was so clear but I didn't know anybody that was an intercessor and I didn't know what an intercessor was actually I thought a prayer warrior was an evangelist who went astray I really did when somebody said I'm really called to prayer I went right so you don't want to do evangelism you want to sit on your couch the couch potato and use Bible verses to back it up no get off your couch get out in the harvest but then the Lord speaks to me and says you're an intercessor I go to the Christian bookstore there's a couple of them in st. Louis at that time there's not one book on intercession I go to the guy each of the stores hey I want to buy a books on intercession so I don't have any huh how am I going to do this I don't have any idea how to do this now I would come to the Tuesday night meetings the midweek service here was here it was Tuesday night for years and this place was packed I mean it was jam-packed I mean a couple thousand people we'd sit at the very back over there and Ron would teach on prayer so I couldn't find any information in the bookstores you know there was a couple books Leonard Ravenhill Andrew Murray that told you you needed to pray but they didn't tell you how to pray they just said you got to pray you got to pray you got to pray you got a parade I went got that got it got the point that I need to I just don't know how to do it I have no idea how to do this thing I went to Ron's book store and sold 20 messages on prayer Ron Tucker and I bought every one of them and I went back to my little church in the south part of town and I would transcribe the messages and I was I got so much insight and courage about prayer from Ron Tucker that's what's so bizarre about this right now he say Mike you've really inspired me in prayer Eagle run you're all mixed up but what after seven years about seven year period I moved to Kansas City area and I thought many many times about st. Louis at that time and one of the things that is clear to me is that there was a presence of God for worship in the 70s and early 80s in this city I'm not saying it's I don't know when it began or ended I'm not trying to define that that was unusual on a global level and over the years I have pondered and the Lord has made it clear to me that run didn't earn it he didn't deserve it this whole company does worshipping fanatical group of 2,000 young people filled with the spirit of worship growing and prayer all of these sayings it began to connect with me there was a grace of God upon this city for worship and intercession that God had actually evidenced it and though Ron was the central personality it's bigger than that it's very very clear to me it's very very clear to me that it was a calling of God it was a sovereign calling of the Lord on worship and prayer upon the city so now I'm in the going back I'm here for seven years a prophetic guy who's a good friend of Rick Shelton some of you know Rick Shelton he's been a pastor of the city for years Rick calls me on the phone says I got a prophetic guy and he's got a word from the Lord for you I remember I said Rick I don't want a guy who's got a word from God look at that to me meant some guy that says God told me that he's going to push me around and try to boss me around you know that was my view of the prophetic ministry and actually there's a lot of that that happens under the banner of the prophetic ministry just so you know so that wasn't an entirely wrong view but it wasn't a complete view this guy comes by our little church and he gives me a word in the essence of the word at the end of the day when it's all said and done and I meet him afterwards he says the Lord is going to move you to another city I don't like that at all I love st. Louis I mean I'm in st. Louis till the end and that's why I even be back here so excited to touches me because I have such a love for this city I have for these 40 plus years and he says and when you go to this other city that's Kansas City I have no desire to go to Kansas City he says when you get there four things are going to happen he said there's going to be thousands of young people that are going to gather he said there's going to be the full manifestation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Lord's timing that's not a pretty good because by this time I've switched over and I'm buying into the things of the Spirit I love John G Lake and I love the healing ministry I don't really go for the prophetic ministry but I love the healing there's the power ministry he says there's going to be thousands of young people gonna be a full manifestations against to the Holy Spirit he said but watch out when you get there at the beginning there's going to be a false prophet that's a weird prophecy whenever one I didn't believe anything this guy was telling me just so you know I was just listening to him politely and then he said and there's going to be a great controversy come against you and the Lord says don't answer it that I will answer it in my own way it in my own time but it goes to going to Kansas City those are four words well I can't I didn't even believe the guy I thought Rick thank you for your friend I appreciate it but no thanks but something else happened which I'm not going into details real clear in my life that made it clear we're to move to Kansas City and everyone said oh that prophetic guy go now that was that was kind of just a distraction actually it ends up the prophetic guy was right I just didn't know it when he said it I figured out later so I get to Kansas City I'm building a new young adult church we have about five hundred young people in the first year were in the wealthier part of Kansas City in the Overland Park Leawood area if any of you know Kensit area our church was at a subdivision I mean the subdivision around our church had million-dollar homes in a mile or two around it was a quite nice area things are going well and walks this very strange man named Bob Jones how many of you know the name Bob Jones okay most of you don't that's okay he's with the Lord now he went to be at the Lord a few years ago in his eighties he was born and raised in the hills of Arkansas he comes walking in my office I'm 27 years old he said the Lord wants me to tell you about where you've been and where you're going I thought oh brother again I'm not at all impressed and he goes the Lord told me he was going to send a young man from st. Louis to Kansas City because I had now stood to a number of churches I sensed that time that was back in 83 I went and asked around and a couple guys today I really did say that I go that's interesting because when I first met Bob Jones and I didn't appreciate him at all but he says let me tell you what the Lord has in store for you he says but I want you to know he told me this at the very very beginning and it's a little bit while I'm tell you the story he said you came from st. Louis because the Lord wants you to know I don't know why he wants me to know I guess the Lord wants people to know some certain things for certain reasons I don't even know that Kansas City and st. Louis they have a parallel purpose not to do it together necessarily not organizationally won't look the same and be the same and all of those all everything will be distinct and different but he says there's a grace of worship and prayer and prophetic that's going to be manifest in Kansas City he said that grace God is cold on st. Louis as well and if you look back in your past you'll see it in the past in st. Louis you know I don't even know what he means by all that but he marks me with that word at the very very beginning and at the time it didn't mean much to me because I didn't pay attention to him at all but over the next 35 years I fought on it many many times and I began to see st. Louis through a new lens and I began to see the calling of worship in prayer that was in the 70s and 80s was only a down payment of something far greater coming to the city but it's more than that there's an unusual grace that's going to be released in the prophetic arena as well now the prophetic arena is a strange arena because there's so much fake stuff that happens in under the banner of prophetic so much hype so much fake but when it's real it's really powerful and it really sets your feet in a firm place of confidence as to what the Lord is doing well going back to Bob Joe it's March 1983 I've been in the city maybe six months something like that we had about 500 young people in our church in the rich part of town I'm Mitchell either which worked out for a reason he says uh number one it says you're from st. Louis and there's going to be a parallel purpose that doesn't mean anything to me I okay whatever he set up you're going to have 24 hours of worship and intercession 24 hour prayer with singers and musicians I thought not well I thought why do I want 24-hour prayer with worship and intercession the truth is I saw the value of prayer of the Bible but I didn't actually like praying so I did praying because I saw it was biblical but I didn't like it so I said one thing for sure I'm not going to do this for 24 hours that's for sure he goes number two he goes you're going to move from the rich part of Kansas City to the blue color part of Kansas City Grandia said I am about he's over two right now I said why why would I move our congregation to Grandview which is another part of Kansas City he goes because hairiest Truman lived there if it's so he goes when he was the president I go okay he goes you don't get it do you I go not at all because I'm telling you this story because it affects st. Louis as well I'm really telling the story about your story I'm just using my story along the line here he goes did you know that Harry Truman was the single man in a certain way that caused Israel to become a nation in terms of a political leader in a very unique way even Israel acknowledges that that Harry is Truman the president in 1948 went against his own cabinet and the United Nations and took a stand for Israel becoming a nation in 1948 and they recognized him as the man most responsible for them becoming a nation in the natural now some of you go so and that's what I did so he said well here's why this matters to you because God's going to send you thousands of singers and musicians from all around the world which I don't believe and you're going to be on hairiest Reubens property we're going to be on his property next whose property honors property there's been debate exactly how he said it he says it both ways okay he goes hey when that happens that's going to be a sign and a wonder to you that these this prayer movement is not only praying for revival which it is for the church it's not only praying for the harvest which it is the great harvest and the nation it's going to pray for the salvation of Israel and when you are on hairiest roubles property will be excited to wonder and you will know that the global worship and prayer movement has an Israel dimension to it I am at this time totally bored with this conversation he goes he sold smartphones back in nineteen like 80 he saw smartphones he called them unplugged TV sets he said I saw them all over the rice paddies in China and Asia with unplugged TV sets in their hands okay watching singers and musicians on hairiest Rubens property in Grandview now it's 1983 I'm picturing a 50-inch TV some guy I mean one of the I mean the rice paddy workers are you know low income wages tripping over the wire on the TV set walking out there nowhere to plug it in he's going to watch singers and musicians in Grandview good he said not only that he said that times going to come when you're there he said they're going to sell a pill over the counter and a woman could have an abortion I said sir I don't know him at all I go do you know an abortion is because of course I go you can't have an abortion with a pill he goes it will mark my word he goes at that time this is again 35 years ago whatever 1983 34 years ago he says the homosexuals will come out of the closets they will be parading in the streets and the governments around the world will be supporting them now any of you that are my age 60s that is inconceivable in the 70s and 80s for unplug TV sets an abortion pill and the whole shift in the whole global climate in society about the gay rights and the whole gay agenda that was all of those were absolutely impossible but guys not in my thinking he's leaving been talking to me for a while I thought it was it was entertaining but mostly a wasted time but it was entertaining so he walks out the door he goes oh by the way it's not the Lord told me to tell you four things he goes one two three four he goes the Lord says you like figs one two three four I go that's the first thing all day you've made sense of they said the Lord said when all this begins you're going to have thousands of young people the gift of the Holy Spirit are going to be fully manifest there's going to be a false prophet in your myths right at the beginning so keep your eyes open and there's going to be a great controversy come against you don't answer it the Lord says I'll answer the same four words that strange guy in st. Louis gave me I look at it I don't go WOW I said he talked to the st. Louis guy this is a big con job I really did but I'm you know the old saying be open-minded well one preacher said don't be so open-minded your brains fall out I thought whatever he talked to the st. Louis guy so he goes do you are you a singer I don't know because are you a musician I go no huh I would have thought you would be he goes up do you pray for Israel I go never he goes are you connected to Asia I don't know Alex amigo so you don't know anything I'm talking about I got nothing he said the Lord told me you'd be dull I didn't think you'd be this dull he meant it he goes this is going to be hard work I said I don't know you're talking about if this is going to be work well look 25 years later 25 years later a Jewish couple comes to IHOP knocked on the door I'm talking to a friend in the back room they interrupt me one of our main leaders say hey my guy got interrupted we got a strange thing going on here as a Jewish family here gave us their Dane they have a hundred and twenty five acres on the highway it was hairiest true they bought it from Harry Truman his family they want to sell it to you it's 25 years after Bob Jones told me that he said but that property may be today I don't really know is probably worth twenty thirty million dollars like that right on an interstate right get the city 125 acres completely undeveloped on an interstate they said we'll give it to you for 1 million dollars and they say gave the reason they said we're not religious but our parents lived and grabbed you and they've been dead for many years we live in another city they bought it from Harry Truman and we walked around your little place here and all these young people and we just want young families that look happy to be on our property we don't care about your religion at all so we'll give it to you for $1,000,000 so that's pretty cool I don't have a million dollars I mean I hop you know we're like every month zero at the end of the month that's great it's great deal but the man next to me says this is odd he was investor he goes I'm in the middle of a transaction in between that transaction I get a million dollars in the bank for three days because I always take my money and invest it immediately I don't even waste a day because I don't want to lose the interest he goes this is odd for three days I got a billion dollars sitting there I'll give it to you really I tell our businessman he's standing there waiting to go tell the Jews hell I go I'm for real he goes I'll gift you two today tomorrow by tomorrow yes I go okay I guess we were the lid on this story with this that make one or two more points that we'll take a break they we closed on the property On January the dates important 27th 2008 it's exactly 50 years to the day that hairiest Truman sold it to them he sold it January 27th 1958 and word January 27th 2008 50 years to the day and the man that gave the million dollars he says the Lord told me it was a jubilee property and most of you know in the Old Testament a Jubilee property two things plus more but to all mention the property is debt-free and the property reverts back to its rightful and the man told me I forgot to mention Bob Jones told me 25 years earlier he goes you're going to be on hairiest Reubens property because harry s truman was a political intercessor for israel though i don't think he knew it and you will be spiritual intercessors for israel but you have to understand it so 25 years later 50 years to the day but jubilee property the man says it's going to revert back to its rightful owner the intercession for Israel movement he goes so I'm paying that debt for you then I don't want to give names but it would be pretty easy to figure out one of the top three largest technology companies in the earth the CEO and founder came to AIA and this woman said the Lord appeared on my heart too wet because we do the web stream we have our prayer room on live video most of you a lot of you know that it's streams and we resource prayer rooms all around the world she goes the Lord's put it on my heart to see the web stream of this prayer room would be all over China and I have the ability to do that and a few months ago we got a picture of the people of the rice paddies with cell phones watching the singers and musicians next to arias Truman's property in Grand View singing well I Bob's about 80 at this time he lives in Calvin Coast now he's with the Lord down I called it Bob I go Bob twenty-five years ago you told me we would have singers and musicians we do REO 24/7 I didn't believe it you told me we would be on Harriet's Truman's property as a sign in a wonder on the Jubilee we are there on the property you told me they'd be watching it on unplugged TV sets all over Asia in the rice paddies and the whole technology set up if there's a great story there I will go to that but it's happening in a remarkable way the increase of that is taking place the abortion pill has happened and certainly it's obvious to all the whole climate in the whole arena of the gay agenda is completely different like he described like gave me about ten more other words I won't go into that a whole bunch of things that were lined up at that time though Bob made many mistakes I want to say that real clearly and said a number of things that to this day don't make any sense to me at all and I told him that many times but because he said some things that were right I don't conclude that everything he says is right I think that's a big error then if somebody has accurate prophetic words you assume that everything is right from that on that mindset will get you the big trouble you need to test and weigh and challenge everything and measure it according to the Word of God well the Lord spoke to me I've got to audible voice of the Lord directives in 40 years of ministry two of them that's a lot I mean two is one is amazing two is I am so grateful but if I tell that story some young people say wow I want to hear the audible voice they go well maybe you do maybe don't because if an angel appears to you and gives you a message or you hear the audible voice of the Lord it's you know it's a similar reality that means the assignment you're receiving is going to be so challenging you needed an angel to appear so for five minutes the angel appears for 50 years you have to persevere so you want an angel to appear I'm assuming if that happens he's going to give you a directive that's going to be so challenging and so tempting to quit that you needed the appearance of the Lord or the angel or the audible voice to stay steady why have two of those they're very simple and I think both of them have to do with st. Louis as well I told you the Israel story because I think the Lord is going to raise up a worship and prayer movement here that's going to be unusual like it was in the 70s and 80s though many of you are not even aware of that it was it impacted the worship movement in the body price literally from our own Ron Tucker it's real not making this Ron Tucker night it's real Ron gave me more understanding of prayer of anybody in terms of teaching from tapes or from a book from any a person in my early years there's all kinds of prophetic stories some good some bad some ugly I don't want to go into that but I believe there's going to be a prayer and worship movement that's going to break out of the city not just assert God's calling isn't for a man or a church only those are indicators of his zeal for an area we want to see a culture of prayer I'm picking in my own City now Kent City all over Kansas City we don't want everybody coming to our prayer room that's at the point we want a thousand churches with a cultural prayer I tell our interns the House of Prayer of Kansas City is not a ha where a prayer room the House of Prayer of Kansas City is the whole body of Christ in Kansas City the church is the house of prayer though focused prayer ministries are catalytic in a servant spirit are helpful my God wants a prayer culture in the whole city I believe something happened here where the worship in prayer that we're going to see a full recovery and a multiplying of it I think you're going to see God seal for Israel when Bob told me that 25 years ago I guess that was 34 years ago 1983 I said I don't have a clue what you're talking about I don't pray about Israel I don't care about Israel to be honest hey goes well it's in the word you just don't have any understanding of it I said that's true and the truth is I'm not even interested to be honest I am now because I see it all through the word I never saw it before two big subject and it really matters but that's for another day but I think that grace is going to be on this city and I think this city is going to be strong in the grace of prophetic revelation that's going to build up lives in marriages and children Malachi 4:6 they could turn the hearts of the father's to the children and the children's back to the father's which is going to be the gods solution to the spirit of rebellion and the fractured relationships at homes in society when that comes by the prophetic anointing the spirit of Elijah Malachi chapter 4:1 anyway two words to audible voice directives in 40 years very simple the first one was some months later after Bob Jones told me we'd have 24/7 for I didn't believe him I didn't care what he told me even when he told me those four words thousands of young people false prophet in your midst I said well maybe you're the fall from it anyway I wasn't really moved by that but at some months later the Lord spoke audibly I won't tell the story and said to 24-hour prayer with singers and musicians I remembered what had happened actually because our IHOP has been going 18 years with 24 hours of worship people got all that must have been amazing I go frankly I was not at all impressed the fact the Lord said it so dramatically I know I was bound to it but I didn't go Wow I went I really did 2005 when where how why ah that I felt that's a big story I don't want to tell right now but he convinced me and I don't think he convinced someone like me he could give it something like him and him and him and him and her and her and her he could convince people this is on his heart it's not for everybody for sure by this city it's kind of C prayer and worship multiplied in the city in a way that will get the attention of the earth you wait to see this city is going to have a manifestation of the prophetic spirit that will look different than anything you'll probably imagine it's going to turn the hearts of fathers of children to children back to fathers you're going to see it in this city now in some ways we have seen everywhere but I believe you're going to have an unusual grace of this in the city the second audible voice word the Lord gave me was five years later 1983 was the 24/7 prayer with singers and musicians uh again that's a great poster but it's a really weird lifestyle I mean people visit us saying I want to do this I know you don't trust me you don't want to do this when leaders visit they're mostly surprised did I try to talk them out of it I go no don't do 24/7 prayer in your church do with a hundred ministries in your city together do together may go well we thought Mike Bickle a caucus into it you're trying to talk us out of it I go down if you try this and it doesn't work five years later you'll be so burned by it you will give up on it for the rest your life do it together with other folks there's a way I don't have the wisdom of how to do that but at least have that is your heart and the Lord will make a way the second audible voice for the Lord told me to emphasize I'm saying it not exactly how he said it but I'm summarizing it because I want to be done in two or three minutes here he told me to emphasize the subject of the Bride of Christ and the first commandment and the beauty of God or intimacy with God I'm really saying the same thing four different ways let me say it again he said emphasize the subject of the Bride of Christ the first commandment the beauty of God and intimacy with God again I'm saying the same thing four ways it's 1988 I remember July 1988 if the Lord spoke audibly Bride of Christ I am zero interested in the Bride of Christ I said Lord I'm already swallowing this pill of 24/7 prayer we don't do it for 16 years the 24/7 prayer will you just put a sign on the wall I didn't have a clue how to do it we have the site on the wall for almost for about 15 years something like that no we waited 16 and people would say what's 24-hour prayer with singers or musicians like I have no idea lies look at that sign so I mean we got the word 83 we didn't start 299 16 years later now he gives me a second word do it through the lens of the Bride of Christ Song of Solomon I read the Song of Solomon I really did I would perfume body parts perfume roses body parts no I'm not going to do it now I know the Lord is state champion wrestler plus um I mean he wins every wrestling match so will you tell the Lord no he always know it really is yes I go Lord I'm the son of a boxer my father was an international champion boxer I was raised as a boxers boy in bars I'm not doing the Bride of Christ give it to the women's ministry they will love it the beauty of God I go I'll teach the life of David the book of Romans and the book of Revelation I'll do Isaiah that be fine I'm the Isaiah not right of Christ not intimacy not beauty first commandment I'll do that yeah I like first commandment that sounds cool but to Lord he emphasized it and such a strong and dramatic way and it took it was hiccups and coughs and burps struggling 88-89 like I don't even want to make sense of this and the Lord let us know there's it all shared in one of the other sessions this weekend I was going to share tonight but I won't I want to end this time there is a dynamic biblical connection between the revelation of the Bride of Christ and the end time prayer worship movement in the Bible they are connected I never saw that and even the salvation of Israel those are all things I saw some years later so I just wanted to come here and just have an introductory session and tell little my story tell a little bit about why I'm excited about what's going on here stand with my friend Ron you know I watched Ron he had this 2,000 youth group the biggest one in the Midwest and some leaders fired him in a way that was really intense Ron was so quiet about it the injustice he didn't he wouldn't tell anybody when I would meet with Ron there was no hint of it we just thought Ron resigned and nobody knew why I remember I was teaching the life of David at that time in my little country church when that happened and I begin to call Ron a young David from that time called him that for 40 years I said this guy has got a heart like God like Dave for God like David not only the worship and prayer part the lost in the spirit that's the wrong I grew to know and love and I'm watching the wrong that I really do well that taught me and established me encouraged me in many of the things there are so dear to me today I'm watching this man get his wings and beginning to take off in a whole new way I don't know if he'll lead worship but I tell you he's one of the best worship leaders I've ever heard in my life but I know that he's a father of worship leaders and the Lord will use him to call for things with a heart like David when he was mistreated by these leaders Ron went to the side refused to cost any trouble and his state that was I'm simply going to let the Lord decide and do it his way I'm not going to take matters into my own hands nobody knew that this church would be born out of that a year or two later and all the many things that took place I remember one more little Ron's story after Ron's father died I knew his father it's been a number went on a trip to India with him once for a couple weeks I doing pretty well and I remember when Ron's father died I came in right after that spend some time with Ron and the problem with me and Ron when we would get together at 3 in the afternoon we would still be talking at 11:00 at night so we're always put all in trouble with our families you know like where did you go like I'd Drive back into Kansas it from Kansas City for my wife family for Thanksgiving and come at 3:00 in the afternoon so still at 4:30 ever 11 o'clock or so we're all in trouble but he was so interesting to me I was so attracted to his love for God in his love for Jesus and he said Mike I'm pondering something because Ron was known as the holy spirit man power everything here's I'm pondering making a transition I knew all about Bill Hybels some of you know that name and he said I have such a passion for Souls to win souls and there's so much goofiness going on in so many parts of the medic Church that I don't mind that in one way but it's getting in the way of leading people to Jesus that I do mind so I'm asking the Lord how I could have less not of the real stuff but of the silly stuff so I could go hard after souls I remember that we had a joke in Kansas I mean it st. Louis about Ron back in those days the seven years I was here pastors would get together again I would come to his Tuesday night meeting I came for you know a good part of a year every August midweek service nuts still all the stuff and go back and preach it he didn't care and Ron would give older calls I remember this so well hey this is even in the youth church with the 2000 he would talk on self-denial give an altar call and 50 people would get saved as we talked on deny yourself I mean people don't get saved will you talk on subjects like that he would talk on tithing and people 50 people we get saved we said there was a grace of evangelism on him in those years but I believe that grace that evangelist that it's linked to the worship intercession that went for the years before that I believe they're dynamically connected and we were pastors would all talk about they go Ron Tucker could read the Sunday newspaper and 50 people get saved no we all said it was true because it wasn't about how good his presentation was all those presentation was so always good there's a grace there's a sovereign calling but the evangelism is linked to the worship in intercession I got sold on the prayer movement when I understood the prayer movement would cause the great harvest to happen and I didn't care about the prayer movement because / was boring but when I saw the connection of prayer to evangelism I got excited prayers still boring sometimes sometimes I loved it sometimes I don't all I tell our interns and I off I go sometimes I'm really bored in our meetings I go and happy and I leave like bah they go no way I go yeah it happens it really does but not always sometimes I go in blind I get all happy well anyway I'll just end with that
Channel: Grace Church St. Louis
Views: 706
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Keywords: gracestl, gracechurchsaintlouis, gracechurch, stl, mikebickle, bickle, rontucker, gracechurchstl, grace, st, saint, st., louis
Id: H8B999qORuo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 23sec (3983 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2017
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