Wednesday - By Faith, Enoch

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[Music] good morning class hi I'm Keith Moore and welcome to faith school faith school is the place where our spirit is fed our faith grows stronger and we learn how to be overcomers we are getting our spirit fed so that we can grow up in the fullness and likeness of Christ we're told that if we will be nourished up in words of faith and hold to him that we'll grow up in the fullness of the stature of Christ and so we've saved you a seat right on the front row get your Bible get something to take notes on and come right on in and let the presence of the Holy Spirit manifest around you as your teacher today let's pray and believe God for exactly what should come out now Lord we agree the faith school class all over the world we agree together as touching this asking you for the anointing asking you for uh pterence eyes and ears and hearts that can see and hear and discern and understand and receive just precisely and fully what you would say to us and minister to us now basket in Jesus name and with purpose to be doers and walk in it in Jesus name Amen if you would go in textbook with us again today to Hebrews the tenth chapter if you're just joining us for the first time today we've already covered a lot of ground on this subject and it would benefit you to go back to last week's messages and catch up through this week on this subject called by faith our text begins in verse 38 of Hebrews chapter 10 it says now the just shall live by faith but if any man draw back or anyone draw back or pull back straight back my soul shall have no pleasure in him I won't be pleased with him but we are not of them who draw back unto perdition but of them that believe to the saving of the soul now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good report as we read in previous times other translations bring out that by faith the ancients were commended by faith our fathers had God's approval he said in verse 4 that you know God testified about Abel's gifts that he gave by faith and verse 39 said all of these obtained a good report through faith so all of the verses in between this this entire chapter of example after example of faith are all examples that God Himself is holding up to us saying that their faith you know Abel Abraham II Noah all of these Sara their faith pleased God and he has had this recorded he wants us to know what they did and how they did it because he wants us to follow in their footsteps and have faith like they did and please him like they please Tim one of the things that pleases him is when the hindrances and interference is removed the doubt the unbelief the fear the wavering the vacillation is removed so that he can manifest what he wants manifested in our life for salvation and forgiveness and cleansing and healing and filled with the spirit and needs met victory after victory that pleases your father any good good father any good parent is pleased when their child is doing good when their child is doing well being successful and God the Father wants all of us his children to be successful he has ordained that we be victorious ones more than conquerors overcomers hallelujah by himself by his spirit the greater one inside keep reading it said by faith the elders obtained a good report through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the Word of God this is an amazing verse this is an amazing word this describes what Genesis tells how all of the material universe came into being it came into being by God who functions by faith conceiving the vision of it within himself and then speaking it into existence with his faith filled words what's that has to have to do with us we're made in his likeness and image we are also speaking spirits like our Creator and we also have been given a measure of the god kind of faith in our being with the ability to choose whatever words we want to speak you know the animals don't have this ability we can choose any words we want to choose and we can take faith you could also take fear and put in words and release them you could put hate in words and release it and it causes all kinds of problems but you can put love in words you can put life in words you can put faith in words and when you feel your words with faith creative power is released God filled his words with faith that off the scale faith and he when he released his faith God leveled faith creative power was released to the extent the universe was created stars are created planets are created gravity and everything that goes with this and it says through faith we understand it happened by faith and we understood we were to accept it and understand it by faith so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear those who study physics might say you've got energy and you've got matter which is this a different form of energy but material things like this desk like the floor we're standing is sitting on it it's solid it appears solid but those those who study these kind of things know that it's comprised of atoms and moving parts and that if you were able to adjust your matter you could put your hand right through it there's so much space here but it feels solid because of energy and God God's Word released the energy that keeps the atoms moving and keeps everything cohesive the Bible said all you know that that's one thing that puzzles people that that study these things what's keeping it together just like you look at the the galaxy you look at our solar system and the galaxy what's keeping gravity going you know what prevents you know everything just getting flung apart well the same things happening in your body the atoms that your body consists of they're there's rotation of parts what keeps them from just flying apart the Bible said the Word of God and it's not what this is saying right here it was all framed shaped created formed and we could say continues to be held together by the Word of God oh somebody say the Word of God the Word of God oh the Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear didn't say he created it out of nothing he made it out of things but it's not things you can see it's things that are not saying just because something's not seen doesn't mean it's not real you're a spirit that's not physical that's not material but it doesn't mean it's imaginary and so he goes on to say in verse 4 by faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain by which he obtained witness he was righteous God testifying of his gifts and by it he being dead yet speaks again tests God testifying about his people's faith by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because God had translated him for before his translation as the third time he's used that word he had this testimony there's that word again that he pleased God for without faith but without faith it's impossible to please him for he that comes to God must believe he is and in other words then you must believe also he's a rewarder of those that seek Him now go with me back to the book of Genesis and let's read more about what happened with Enoch because this is quite amazing I'd like to know more about translation how about you yeah we read as we mentioned on yesterday's class we read in the New Testament where Philip was translated now here's the thing about this we're a part of the same New Testament church Philip is and we're preaching the same gospel he was preaching same Holy Spirit same church being built so if he needed on occasion to be translated it's possible that modern day believers in the same church with the same message but might need to be translated would you volunteer for that of course you've never done it either so unlikely that you have but it is possible and God created all matter and all energy and obviously it's no problem for him to change one into the other and Philip was preaching in this one place and as soon as he got done with what he was well he was excuse me he was yeah he was preaching and and then all at once he was found in another town miles away and here comes a guy who was a representative of another country in another Kingdom and he just happened to be exactly in the right place the right time where he intercepted this individual from Ethiopia and the man happened to be reading the book Isaiah and came across a patch that he didn't understand and Philip was just conveniently standing right there for him to say who's he talking about in this passage now can you see this wasn't just Philip getting a thrill ride but this is kingdom business this man goes back to his car and no doubt shares his encounter with Philip with his Queen and with the royal household who knows what kind of influence that had on that entire country and region after that well does God have Kingdom business to do today yeah and he is well able to do even miraculous things to accomplishment to accomplish it in genesis if you'd look there please in the fifth chapter and the 22nd verse now we're not given a lot of detail about what happened with Enoch and yet every word of God is so full of light and revelation Genesis 5:22 it says Enoch walked with God after he began mass Azula three hundred years and begat sons and daughters verse 23 says in all the days of Enoch were 365 years now there's no coincidence that that's the exact same number as the number of days it takes for one cycle of our planet and our star these ages of the ancients and patriarchs like Methuselah lived to be 969 years all of these numbers are significant they portray something they typify something the Word of God is just amazing in this regard but Enoch did not live on the earth of what 1/3 as long as his contemporaries because what Adam Lee if what was it 930 or so and we just got through mention and Methuselah 969 I believe it was well 365 is not very long compared to 900 some right and there are those that will scoff and mock and say oh there's no way they live that long how do you know you weren't there know the Bible said they did in fact it tells us when it changed after the flood change some things changed excuse me and the Lord told Moses and in giving the law he said my spirit will not always strive with man and this was during Noah's time his his days will be said a hundred and twenty years so that sounds like a long time to us 120 years but to them they'd go what to a nine hundred year old someone's going to die at a hundred plus that's like telling a 90 year old you're gonna die at ten can you see this and that was a drastic cut for them but the issue had become men most men were evil and God was just fed up with seeing them practice evil for 900 years and so he said no I'm not I'm not going to tolerate that the days of man will be a hundred and twenty years so the approximate maximum lifespan of human beings now is 120 years now you people say well you know the average lifespan well you don't want to go by statistics there are people I've read reports of people that have lived over 120 in modern times bad about an individual that 100 2324 a number of individuals 110 113 hundred and twelve it's not a big population but it's happening and with the with God's sustaining you you can make it that long now some people say well I mean I don't want to make it that long I'm already my body's seem like it's falling apart well that's why healing is good you can be healed by the power of God and if you're sustained I read the other day about a woman who's working at this place she's worked there for 40 years she's 94 years old she still goes to work every day works all day long she's healthy she's able well that's okay right and that's happening and that can happen for us but Enoch didn't see the age of his contemporaries this nine hundred this nine century lifespan what happened with him why why 365 the scripture says that uh all the days of Enoch were 365 years and Enoch walked with God and he was not for God took him hallelujah now we know from Hebrews 11 that it wasn't just all God's choice and initiation the Bible said because of Enochs faith he was translated so there's a reason why God took him or received him or took him out of this realm out of the earth and they looked for him because you know he's just a young guy just 365 right he shouldn't be dead yet you know with his contemporaries living eight nine hundred years and so Enoch didn't come home and so they went to look for him and they couldn't find him and they searched high and low nobody could find him they couldn't find a trace of him they couldn't find anything about him and the Bible tells us because you're not going to find him because God took him with him he and in its listener is an amazing exception in that he didn't die first he didn't he didn't see death he didn't die and leave his body his spirit and his body too we're just translated out of the earth to be with God somebody see Wow listen to a couple of other translations the English version and the good news translation both say it like this verse 22 Enoch lived in fellowship with God one translation said in close fellowship now it uses that term instead of saying walking with God and that's what that means he's not the only one the Bible said Noah walked with God the Bible described that Abraham walked with God others walked with God what does that mean to walk with God well it's a picture you know like before the fall in sin Adam and Eve would walk along in the garden and commune with God it's a picture of fellowship it's a picture of communion and of being close to somebody and sharing with them communing in that they talk to you and you listen and and you talk to them and they listen and and communion has to do with sharing in common you're you're thinking both of you are thinking on the same things and talking about the same subject and Enoch no doubt had heard about his grandparents Adam and Eve you know they're centuries removed but yet some of the people you know for instance Adam and Eve lived for hundreds of years so they were able to tell successive generations about what actually happened their personal experience in the garden so no doubt Enoch had either firsthand or close you know it was passed down real close what happened in the garden and you know that the greater the highlight of their existence Adam and Eve was the communing with the actual presence of the Almighty before the fall and so veía they would tell their kids and their grandkids and their great great great great grandkids yeah you know we'd hear the wind blowing and we knew it was the Lord and so we'd go out to the place where we always met and sure enough there the glory presence would be and of course prior to sin they had no fear they had no hesitation they just come rata oh it's the Lord it's the Lord they'd come right out and then talk to him now this is not a picture of animal like Apes grunting in a cave with no clothes these are god-like beings communing with the Creator on a level his level a level of his that they could understand and they would sit there and they'd walk along and the cool of the day and and the breeze and Adam might say God that father that's what a sunset how do you do that and he'd tell them and they'd understand and it was amazing amazing amazing well Enoch hears that as a little boy and he grows into a man hundred years two hundred years and eventually he says well why can't I walk with God do I want to walk with God I mean just because grandpa and granny messed up why can't I want to walk with God I want I want to sense the presence of God in the cool of the day I want to commune with him I want to walk with him and one day he stopped saying I want to and I need to and by faith he said Lord I just believe I mean you're everywhere you see me you know me you hear me I believe you can hear when I'm talking to you I'm gonna talk to you by faith I'm gonna believe you're here I know you're here I'm gonna believe you hear me and so he just started doing that and he kept doing it day after day and month after month and here's the thing about faith what starts by faith with no feeling results in amazing feeling it because the the power God manifested the psalmist said I would have fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living it's not seeing is believing that's the the world's got it all twisted around it's believed and then you'll see it's not let me feel it and then I'll believe it not thought how it works you believe it and you act like it's true and real then you're gonna experience it so one day he's talking to God just talking away next thing you know it was real clear to him that God spoke back whoo oh yeah this is working and so the next day he goes out earlier walks along in the forest with God he's talking into and over the days and weeks and years God gets so real to him as real as any human people that he knows and his communion with God and God's answering him and talking to him gets so real to him until one day the father says I don't need you going back home you just come on to my house he said yeah yeah let's do that next thing you know he's out of here he his body and his spirit are gone called away he didn't cease to exist God just translated him he took him from here to here took him from down here to up here Oh somebody say glory to God now here's a big question why would the Lord tell us all this just so we could long fart and go man lucky guy looky guy Wow what no no it's so we would be inspired and even told us it wasn't just because God just randomly chosen it was because of Enochs faith somebody said out loud I can fellowship with God by my faith I can draw near to him by my faith and friend if you'll do that God's presence will become more real to you than ever before in your life and it'll just get more and more powerful and real how do you well that's it for the class today what do we do we live by faith we walk by faith we overcome the world by faith we're strong in faith giving glory to God praise God that's it we'll see you next time in faith school [Music]
Channel: Faith Life Church - Keith Moore
Views: 4,736
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: DkPqgu5gc54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 4sec (1684 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 30 2019
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