Wednesday Addams Challenge! Emma and Kate Dress as Wednesday Addams and Enid

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Emma Kate are having their seventh birthday this summer and we wanted a picture of them and we're gonna make like a giant cardboard so when Emma's first she looks like my face look at her face all right Emma now what Emma is going to do the Wednesday dance Wednesday dance [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my God what's your name okay but what's her name on the show in it yeah Enos look she looks so much like it I love it all right there we go I love it [Music] hi guys [Music] summer we got some wishing paper I'm gonna write your wish onto the paper any wish you want okay no one has to know what they are I'll stay away far away so you can think and write your own way [Music] just like a birthday wish no one sees it besides you okay all right you guys done yeah okay next step it says to do is to get your little wishing paper and crinkle it up like this like super super crinkly super crinkly into a ball okay when you're ready got a ball okay mine turned into a ball sprinkle it up there you go then it says to unfold it yeah unfold it I guess it has to be crinkly to work now unfold it and make it flat again okay unless we know our wish there you go find it out okay there you go oh yeah I can't read this anymore do you remember what it is yeah once you find it out You're Gonna Roll it okay Daddy will help can you see my wrist no no I cannot see it roll it mine hold side there you go okay yep put it there all right Emma swish first slide it up [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's cool but maybe we should move away okay all right we're gonna put Kate on and we're gonna move away all right Emma Kate move away a little bit okay [Music] Fly Away oh all right Ryan good question [Music] [Music] that's fine but you have to be careful make sure adults are with you when you do this activity right yeah hey guys so no Daddy and Ryan are playing ping pong oh so what do I came I interrupted it interrupt the flow [Music] it's okay it's my fault huh whoa seven off [Music] go Ryan or team Ryan sorry Daddy oh wait oh so the game of ping pong goes up to 11 right okay [Music] laughs foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] it's cute I love it oh does your older sister have a name yes give me a high five [Music] oh really I really love it oh I love her little tooth right here is that her tooth here what is this that's a big tooth oh wow good job girls [Music] I love it what is going on [Music] you guys are all ready for breakfast yeah yeah so I ordered them some pancakes and waffles because today I'm packing because we are leaving to go skiing Sparkle Vera here's your pancake too all right guys enjoy your breakfast [Music] all right guys we have Wednesday in the house [Music] and here is a thing Emma Kate are having their seventh birthdays of Summer and uh we wanted a picture of them and we're gonna make like a giant cardboard so when Emma's first look at that whoa [Music] all right got a second picture of Emma for her giant cardboard statue there you go [Music] look at her face yeah all right Emma now Emma is going to do the Wednesday dance Wednesday Dance all right I'll sing for you ready I don't know how to think I'll try ready one two all dances with my hands and Emma's ready to try up the Wednesday dance [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] what's her name coming out guys what's your name okay but what's her name on the show Indian yeah Enos look she looks so much like it I love it hi all right so it's in its turn to take a picture oh you guys already look such good friends [Music] yeah baby girl yeah so we're getting these pictures [Music] all right there we go [Music] I love it all right guys so now we're gonna play this game called Throw the Hat into this odd looking shape chair okay first person's third and wins okay it's okay go Emma oh I love you okay [Applause] [Music] exactly okay let's see ready oh I'm sorry sorry I have to be behind the line sorry one two three [Music] [Applause] oh go Emma [Applause] [Music] oh it doesn't matter whatever any anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh so close Kate [Music] oh no [Applause] all right guys we're all packed ready the beginning of Summer all right guys we're gonna end today's video we're gonna go on the plane now it's actually really nine right so hopefully we can leave on the plane all right thank you for watching
Channel: Kaji Family
Views: 1,476,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kaji family, ryan's world, emma and kate, wednesday addams, wednesday vs enid, wednesday addams challenge, wednesday dance
Id: kMk1A3062Wk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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