Webinar Replay - HOW TO Use Creo - Easy Framework Design

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good morning everyone welcome to the Chrysler webinar today's topic is going to be on the advance payment extension as to how easy just to help you with the structural framework design before we start the webinar just a few information here about the webinar itself all of you are in listen-only mode you're all muted so towards the end we'll have a Q&A session or you can start typing your questions in the chat session before we take a look at the agenda and just some information about some offers that we have running to the end of this quarter on the ptc creo simulation and analysis solutions that's running through end of june and also on the ptc certified virtual training up to 60% off through the end of this month and also on the ptc map pet product there's a promotion on that running through the end of its water just a reminder about improv in doctor webinar where we're going to cover about you know that some techniques in the idd functionality within Korea for my trailer right now you have a chance to win you know tailor-made survivor so just if you haven't haven't registered for it sleep there was no website and register for the pain from an agenda standpoint I really wanted to cover today the afx functionalities do a quick overview on the process and the capability there's one of those extensions Baron you do have a light capability that's totally built-in to your creo parametric based license so I wanted to make sure that you know some of you that may not have used it or some of you may have used it and how do you customize the libraries or some of you who haven't seen it yet just wanted to show you a few techniques and just do an overview on a effect hmm now like I said earlier please feel free to start typing your question and the Q&A session the question or the chat area and the GoToWebinar window before we talk about the afx capabilities seen typically I've seen where in customers when they do design of any type of structural framework it could be a large assembly or to be small assembly but this matter it's typically slow and error-prone process where you may be using a combination of a 2d tools and traditional 3d CAD right based functionality and and a lot of the engineers time is wasted modeling standard cross-sections right creating connections defining for example the actually elements right like stairs railings etc right that you see on the picture there and also the hardware right assembling the hardware and the fastener that sits over the tedious process many times on such assembly so to you know so what you would ideally prefer is to automate these tedious tasks right these repetitive test attacks what you do when you work on such as do you want to do create a cross section extrude extrude and then start putting the assembly together or could you use a top-down methodology right how do you reuse company standard and also implement rapid configuration design changes right and also the same time you know if you want to make sure that right the beings must be defined as individual parts so we can generate an accurate bomb and assembly cuts and references right must be eliminated to optimize the system performance right regardless of the cat system you use so with rich creo parametric imagine doing such assemblies in the base functionality using the Creole based on shadow that you currently have and and and that's always a challenge in my experience where and you know that's when you talk about challenges right it could be that right you are probably using third-party design tools or just out of the box creo functionality maybe you're using another application for analysis that you would like to have once in the integrated tool right and and since our learning different applications and also you know if you think about the performance and you work in large assemblies no creo is a very good at that so we can take advantage of creo parametric and also the a effects functionality within career parametric so PTC has had this for a long time actually used to be called a expert framework extension currently it's called a FX or advanced primitive extension so it sits on top of your career based license right you do have a light capability that's included so so if you are running while 45.0 or three or two or three oh three you can already do a little bit of a effects functionality with a few limitations obviously so it's purpose-built you know for specific framework design tasks where and you can select from a list of profiles right the length gets automatically adjusted based on your curve or skeleton part you have a lot of options for joints like it seeing that picture you have equipment connections all those are like automated a lot of automation happens and it's not like real difficult ad modeling that you're used to doing on low and assembly at the same time there was also specific drawing functionality with respect to framework you can create obviously the develop material table maybe the cutlets table right for the total length so all those are specific to pay effects now as for the capabilities itself you know you would start off in an assembly mode and depending on are you on creo 2 or creo 3 creo treat is automatically enabled if you are on creo 2.0 there are as they come couple of config options that you have to enable I'll talk about it a little later and that will give you this frame of tab that you see there and to see how it has a comprehensive library of cross sections which can be customized right so the way the interface itself is it's very much process driven right you start off by creating a project profiles joins a DIN connector elements equipments what-have-you and even it can even create groups it's almost like creating simplified rest so that in the drawing you could have your Bill of material or views you know learn can fill and display this particular little group in my of my assembly right you create multi XI drawing for a child that would be a good practice you can do that that's fun Allah I'll show you when I demonstrate it real quick on what kind of library tasks and how you can customize it so there's a huge out of the box itself PCC has done a pretty good job of having a huge variety of different profiles and plates and gussets would have you right and you can also customize them if required it uses the calm down design process so if I have to just do a quick overview of the afx process methodology or what are the stages or steps in which you would create something like what you see the example you start from a skeleton right so it says we're pretty straightforward simple and you start off by creating a structural skeleton it may not be an actual skeleton part it could even be a bunch of curves that you have defined in assembly right and and can also be imported from any other third-party tag system those curves could be imported right like and I just stepped file etc and once the curva structure is defined right the user selects the defied being profile from the library right that you see there and step number two and then quickly place beam select curves or points right did you find a placement right there are different options to place them when watching what you would see is and when you place those the beam length automatically will adjust to the span to do the ring to span the length of the curve right if you think about it right as long as you're so you're really that's why I said to calm down design process and after that the next step is to specify how you would like these beams to fit together like defining beam joints right so do you want to have a miter key what type of you know do you want to have an older lab those types of joints are also predefined so you just have to sew the trimming it Silver's automatic is my point here in addition to the join you can also define connector elements so for that for example support place gussets any other connector geometry you can again again all this can be customized on top of the existing library that you get so really all these simplifies and speeds of the creation right of these type of framework assemblies including stairs rails you get to the ladders beams and in plates right and then you know in order to place fasteners you know you do have the intelligent faster extension that's actually used to be part of they effects and now it's part of their base career package that allows you to quickly create whole automatically and also select from the list of standards so you're it's a smart way of assembling fasteners quickly and the final step is obviously to the doctor documentation for manufacturing where you start creating your 2d drawing with your bill of material table balloons etc and even that is automated you can choose to either manually create the drawings for each part detailed part of the entire assembly or you can automate that creo 3.0 you have the ability to say I want to automatically generate drawings for all the detailed parts that I used that I created using a effect now so stage one can see an example if you're right ahead couple of uh skeleton parts here or maybe an assembly that has just curves right that you can define in your creo sketch mode or import and then the next step is obviously select from a style or a profile and you can add to these right so for example right now this out-of-the-box list that you get from PTC but you could create new folders right you can add new content to it or new profiles if required right so that skeleton ultimate goal is to convert this or the process is to get get right that's my final total there right it can be simple it could be complex right just I don't think it's really for huge frameworks could even need for this assembly right here where how long is it gonna take for you to do it and the standard creo parametric environment where you start extruding these one by one and putting these together how are you gonna control these these joints in here right how do you want to have the hot end hardware things like that so all those can be automated using this process we can select a joint style he did see that to get there like you want out of my career my troupe with a gap or an offset right up to one surface or up to the other profile including the option to have a profile cut out with offset or without offset and then can add in plates you can select the it'll ask you for placement for references it'll automatically comes back including coping right and then you can add brazing like a like a geometry like this really quickly and it automatically generates the holes to when you place those and like I said you how you do have some equipment you can control the pitch the tread size etc for many places of up stairs and rails right all those are automated you're not really modeling something and then creating a family table or something and then redoing it every time or adding an instant it is true and automated the most I can automate an app that walks you through these right and then you know this is an intelligent faster extension you might have seen it in one of our previous webinars not please check it out in our resource center will recover the automatic faster or intelligent answer extension that is nearly creo 3.0 in fact it used to be part of the expert framework extension or advanced framework extension and currently it's available even if you don't own an AF x license but that allows you to quickly generate you know holes in the parts using data points access or simple models basic spray and then also it allows you to select from our library and this can also be customized the last state is obviously creating a 2d drawing with the views and the Bill of material table of balloons right now one thing while we are in the drawing is one thing that's quite important is creating the stop length table the cutlass table right so it's all these are again I'm not going to create a repeat region and I don't even have to do that it's automated you could see that in the drawing mode you do have quite a lot of options to automatically create component in views also dimensioning how to create a you can just click on that and for the assembly it will give you the stock one table easy right I have a couple of I being 3i being from different standards the size total length etc right and all these are configurable right and the profiles of you that you're signed these screenshots so far right they were out of the box but let's say you want to add more it's just a matter of really you know creating some directories the selection lists text file a few gifts for the actual button graphics you know you select for example a left angle tube or a rectangular beam right you do have a graphics for that and then the Todd path file will have its the dimension table right and there's also the dot PRT which is kind of like your master part or your profile part and and if you see by default when you install the software right then you install Korea for example trio 3.0 it does have all these right these are out of the box and you can go add a new folder there and as long as you can have something like this right to the dock tab file the jiff file couple of gifts here right slick they know how to orient it and this for selection and then you have a dot PRT which has all those intelligence to automatically trim based on the size of the curve in which on which are going to place that particular profile so we'll right in here you see how it shows right the information here that's really from here right you could see I want three dimensions right and this is based on the table right oh and big in table so it see that something that you can really customize it required you can also customize the naming when you create these remember I told it's automatically creating these profiles right based on your selection what kind of naming convention should you be using should we be using Winchell auto numbering scheme should you have a year own specific naming convention and that can all be controlled right it's using an element named txt file right in that particular profile directory and you can control those now earlier I talked about a FX light where and it's included the based license so pretty much all of you that you are currently using creo parametric you should be able to access a FX light right now we just have some limitations like up to 20 profiles right up to 10 through connections etc right but you can in the full license you don't have these limitations obviously and this has been there since pronged in your life or 5.0 and well 10 right the maintenance state code 10 from which you could you are able to access a FX light and now this is an example of a part or an assembly I should say that's done using the old e FX light in the wildfire days used to call it the effects no they're calling it a FX so it does have some limitations but the way that you if you have not if you literally have not used it before you have not seen this framework tab in creo 2 or in while for five years nothing that remember to run the Installer again right in creo parametric and or in well for five and remember to turn on this advanced framework extension or expert friend of extension depending on the roomies that you use in creo freaks automatic checked but in the previous releases it may not be so just remember that when you install it you get to you can you pretty much can customize right in here as you can see can customize and then customize you get to select what features get installed right depending on the licenses you can select that but this one if you want the light functionality you want to make sure that's installed and then the config dot pro option here right AFD effects enabled or a FX enable right you want to send that to yes and then restart Creole which requires a restart once you turn on that can see option and then you'll get when you go into an assembly mode you have the option to start creating using a FX light you have additional information and read this first there's something in for a documentation around afx in the ptc knowledge base and it so-called page you can add a little access that but for those have not used it this is the way you know we can use it and if and when you upgrade or get a license on the full afx you can just remember to you know disappointed do your wife is configuration so you can access the a effects or the extension and then you got a restart creo so you can use the functionality or rather than the light functionality so with that let me quickly show you an example what I have is an assembly you know this could be a skeleton part but I do have as you can see my curves it's few copied curves a few patterns if we're ready to just have a bunch of curves and that's like it's kind of like the skeleton what my framework and in creo 3 as soon as no you open an assembly you should have access to this frame look tab I'm going to create a new project give it some name there name is going to be used in the park naming convention you can control all that right you could control the prefix or parson assemblies what parameters get embedded that for example so that all that can be control but let's say I want to start adding some profiles right at the state they do want right so you can see how the process itself I mean it's varnish trusses jewel and we start adding profiles joins connector elements and keep men's grade so the trembley's have required add the well groups of required and then start creating your component drawing so this is an automation tool I was talking Butler to select that and automatically generate sparks drawings of all parks sticks are in the dissembler really quickly and one should that for now I'm going to start with the profile and the profiles that I'm getting it comes out of the box as you can see is right beings interest metric sheet metal right bashed profiles right um you can see all these you know I have not customized this it's just out of the box that you should get you should see this right okay so the talking about where you can add additional folders and using those beautiful eyes that I mentioned you are able to customize that now let's say I want to go to field beans and maybe I want to select a rectangular tube right now when I select that I have I'm percentage with an just file that was talking about right there in it I get a button image here or an image here where again it has the dimensions called out and I could start selecting you know different values for example or I could go back select a total different one for example millimeters for example right and I want to select rectangular tube what standard do I want let's say you have a lot of international standards as well then 2395 for example and i can sort the spice so you're really not modeling it it's my point and say I want to get you okay that's what one of those sizes here and how do I place it right you have some placement options to occur point Bend curl etcetera but first I got to let my datum plane right as to where I'm going to how it's going to be oriented so once you select the plane I could select the point all right or the car I should say and I can select additional curves when you see how it starts to place it and it labels it with the 3d annotation there so like this I can start placing additional ones now each time I can control the orientations if you look at the orientation here right see how this is a plan I'm selecting of course if it's in the wrong orientation I have the option to rotate it and everything you know there's a lot of modification tools but right now I'm placing it let's say I want to place it and a different liking these curves right these two curves so in that case I'm going to use another datum plane for my section orientation alright so I'm going to select another damn plane and I start placing it on those curves right so it's quite easy to place these and then let's say I do want to play some additional ones but this time I might want to reassemble right so I want to reassemble this profile or this party to feed in my model tree it's starting to create lists my project name right it's starting to create with a project name it's using some generic names and you can customizer control all this naming conventions like I said earlier there are some options to do that but if that's a default behavior right it's using coordinate systems points the totes trimming all this now once I place B stack of Parts I can also reassemble them so I can reassemble them create a copy of it etc right so if I want to reassemble for example this is what I want to reassemble and I want to use this is my profile plane I'm going to sell when i reassemble a cure right similarly I could say I want to reassemble this guy right and I want to start reassembling it and this location for example right I want to reassemble it and this location so you could see the pot naming convention there right it's using the same part but you belong you see how it's using the same part name and reassembly now I just play some basic profiles here that's all I did now I could also use two points for example let's go and choose beam here and stuff a tube I want to go for a rectangular beam I'm going I'm going to select the standard and let's say I want to go with one of the sizes here and unlike before using intro fusing curves I could choose to use points to write I could just say the end of this point to the end at this point and there it goes right there's your rectangular beam right similar to that I could start adding even on a bent curve for example of the light I have a bent profile can I do that absolutely right I could go for example Excel and choose a different size this time though all right but times are being but then I want to say we've a smaller one here right I have the option to select a banker let it go right so you see how it labels it also alright so um I can also use pattern for example if I had a theme with sale and go to a some of those sites here maybe the larger one right I selected that but now I would like to stop placing it on this curve right now that's a new one right I want to make sure that I use my date of playing reference right and I want to start using this curve and there it goes but how do I start patterning it now if you see all these that started using that can using a few datum features to really adjust a limit right I'm going to group that and so I can go do a pattern because I know it's on a curve that has a pattern you can see that I already have a pattern curve when I'm doing the reference pattern on that right so so far I've been adding profiles but just like the adding profiles I also can add a joint for example I could start adding if you joined so I want to go to the joint and you see that you got a pretty good list of the different options you have so in this case you know I was obviously here negati I need to correct these things so I can add different types of joints for example a corner joint with gap the table gap with offset etc right so I want to add a column joint here where my selection which one I select first right the one - it's pretty straightforward you see tells you which one is going up to rich surface or which train is going to go or which profile is going to go up to which prime right similarly I could say maybe right here right so I can keep adding joints like these or maybe I could also add a miter for example I want to say this - this right so if I look at your shaded with edges you can see how right I'll just trim them automatically now I do have a problem here because remember we use a saying profiles here so it is mitered that too which makes sense that's no way to fix that right I could in my profiles I can quickly move right I think just do rotation of the profiles I could simply select this profiling said I want to do a 180 correct better that's great I could quickly do that and I can get back to my joint and I could say I want to add a minor bright again and I could say between this and that there it goes like so so very quickly I can do that similarly I could add a joint and say I want to do for example tea and I say this one goes to this right this guy goes to this one similarly for all these guys right better guess all right and it's you see how it is applied on all four of them just the same part so imagine you know would you be able to do these in the traditional methodology that you may have used right you could be an expert in regular creo parametric functionalities and prudent features or part modeling or assembly but is it you know this is really automating this right that's what I'm showing you here I can also add for example I wanna show you a profile cut out option that's also pretty powerful where let's say I want to add another profile for example I want to add a channel okay so I selected one of those standards are a profile of selected now I want to show you what happens how would you be able to do a profile cut out right so I'm not going to do that but I'm going to do is I'm going to select my curve and I do have a place if it's pretty straight forward but no maybe I want to start placing let's see here a square tube so for example if I want to start placing a squire - from let's select a certain size you and I might want to place it on this curve okay so how am I going to handle this situation like what type of joint would I give for such cases I would just add I want create a profile cutout right so when I do a profile cut I have the option to add an offset or not though so here when I go to profile cutout right it's uh I want to sort the profile the cut right and to what it should be reference and there it goes right so how to activate this part now you could see how it has done a profile cut out so so this one right when I kept mentioning that it's so it's an automated but most like an application that walks you through the entire process this is what I meant as to how quick and easy it is so I can go back my framework I can add some equipments or connector elements for example right I could sell an ad for example and nonce you know you can see the yeah you don't have a pike squash believe it or not right so you could select and plate right you could say I want to have for example an angle right and when I do that I could say okay my profile and one end is going to be this the other end is going to be this guy and I click OK and that it goes right so you could really add that or maybe you can go to equipments right you have the option to add plates if I go to demon plates right I could add an end plate for example so it's quite a lot of options available but my point is you know once you do something like this right if you open up the drawing so in this case you know I didn't have any format here you do have a few views at place but my table right so I go to my table nurse my profile and I like my below control table I can go to framework and say create a stock length table right so there there's my Stockland table or I could create a crustless table so and what about the other drawings right for the individual parts I can go back to my assembly right and I can create I've not set up any templates here but just want to show you the way it eases that you're able do you see what it's doing I'm not doing anything here right now I just click on the button create component drawings and it's behind the scenes it's using a default format applying views for each one of those parts that you have created this assembly so right I mean obviously that's something that he can customize based on some kind of standard templates but it's automated right so moving back to my presentation while it's doing that if you can start typing in hopefully you got a good overview on what is a advanced primer extension you could start typing in your questions let me see if you have any you can profile can be shown in the software extremely important in tailor design yeah that's right yeah yeah the profile types remember it's actually what it's doing is the way it's creating the profile cut out that I that use that you saw me doing the example is it's using kind of like a quilt a used quill to remove material right the solidify command actually to do that but yes it is it can be shown in the software at the center that it can be shown in on the profiler and I showed you an accurate are can you add rel symbols easily yes you can if you have I mean well groups that I mentioned was more for creating a simplified direct of a few component but if you want to add a wealth symbol you could you could do that by going to ideally you want to go to the pro welding module right you go to welding and then you can start actually showing it and so and thereby you have a representation of the world of the previous assembly as well as the 2d drawing what if I want to detail each individual member and the assembly drawing yeah in the assembly drawing if you want to detail out each component I mean just the traditional method of activating that particular part right you have to activate that part add it to the drawing and then you can start creating dimensions individually for that part yes you can or you can do it I know the automation tool that I showed you create separate drawings for separate part files but can also be done in one assembly drawing you you you all right looks like those were the questions so again before we wrap up here just a reminder we're in you know we have the offer for the PTC creo solution analysis tools right to the end of this month of June and also some pretty good offer on certified virtual PTC training and also on the mat ket product and please just reminder on if you have not registered yet for the import data adopter webinar coming up in August all right so let's see I think I have one more question there you how to want a session again yeah all these are going to be available made available in our resource center if you go to Tristar town and though the Resource Center you do have recordings of all the webinars that we have done they're archived so if you are one of your colleagues couldn't watch the actual live webinar we have it in our Resource Center all right with that thanks for your time we look forward to seeing you all soon in another webinar until then have a great rest of the week and have a nice weekend bye
Channel: Tristar, Inc.
Views: 11,797
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Id: yskfyejsd44
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Length: 37min 46sec (2266 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2016
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