Webinar Redesigning Classroom Based Lessons for Online Learning

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[Music] my apologies for the delay in starting the broadcast we just had some minor technical difficulties but we're here now so maggot dung happened book saying Lahaie ramming selamat singing patello we have a very interesting topic this afternoon and I think it's very relevant especially in the Philippine setting so for all of you were able to join us in the webinar this afternoon within zoom thank you for coming thank you for your patience if you have friends or colleagues who I try to get in the room but are unable to please suggest them that they watch by a facebook life because the capacity of the webinar is limited so what I'll do is I'll post in the chat now so please share this link to all your friends would like to watch the webinar at least from facebook so just go to the app at Asia Facebook page and they will be able to see this stream live from there but for those of you who are lucky enough to enter the room welcome again and good afternoon so it's very important now that we try to adjust to the situation given the continued lockdown in the Philippines including especially the education sector it's quite important that we move forward somehow and it's good to hear from their pet and shed that they are open-minded about multiple modalities or different types of delivering online education education including online or blended online needs but there are a lot of questions is to remain behind nothing gagawin how do we actually do that so today we will give a overview of how we can possibly begin to redesign our classroom lessons for online learning and with that I'd like to introduce our guest speaker today he's actually a longtime practitioner and a visionary behind akinesia and he's been in the education industry for over 20 years and he has practiced in Singapore Polytechnic prior to that and practiced in town akathisia and he's here now to share with you more best practices on how to actually deliver online learning so without further ado I'd like to introduce the CEO and co-founder of akinesia mr. Nilesh Bhatia Nilesh hello everybody thanks Roy thanks everybody for joining us today this afternoon for spending time with us today to learn about how we actually redesign classroom based lessons for online learning so it will be my pleasure today to actually run you through the entire mechanism of how you can actually repurpose your existing lessons for any online platforms with that but having said that what I'm going to do now is I'm going to share my screen so that I can share the slides with you and then we can get started ok so here we are [Music] great I hope all of you can see the screen we are going to be talking about redesigning classroom based lessons for online learning so once again my name is Nilesh and basically I am the co-founder and the CEO of a cat Asia I've been involved in media technology and education for the last 30 years almost so that's my background I you know initially I used to be in the media business then I transitioned into technology and over the last almost 16 to 17 years I have been involved with in the education industry of these last ten years I have been involved with Singapore Polytechnic which is one of the biggest polytechnics in Singapore and I was their center director for their own certain ership center so that's primarily my background and of course when it comes to online learning my background really helps me in in looking at online education because I understand media I understand technology and I understand education I can bring all these three elements together to make sure that the students get the best experience as far as online education is concerned because of course online education involves media technology and education so having said that the agenda for today is going to be as follows so I am a big huge fan of food and I love Filipino food so one of my favorite Filipino desserts is leche flan I love leche flan so of course when you when you're preparing leche flan first you need to have ingredients you then need to prepare make sure that the kitchen and I with all the other utensils are prepared and then you start cooking and then of course you enjoy eating the leche flan so similarly today the agenda is going to be along those lines we will start with ingredients where I will talk about the key components of classroom versus online learning after that I will move into preparation where we will talk about lesson plans how do you actually look at lesson plans between classroom versus online learning and then we will look at some tools the differences between the tools that we use in classroom versus what we can use in online and then finally we will eat where I will show you a live demonstration of how I actually convert a real class into an online class so I will show you that in real time so I hope everybody is happy with the agenda and and I hope that all of you can sit back because it's going to be an hour-long session and we will cover quite a quite a bit of ground so sit back relax and I hope by the end of this session each and every one of you can go away with something new and something helpful so before moving ahead I'm gonna ask you two questions and at this point Roy can we have the poll please hi Neil because you're the host you actually have the poll with you also go to your bottom menu and you can click an activate okay so I'm just and so what we're going to do now is I'm just gonna run a poll I've got two questions here and I will appreciate it if all of you can actually answer these questions so I'll give you about a minute or two minutes to just go through these two questions the first question is before kovat 19 did you ever consider teaching online at any point and have you taught an online class before two very simple questions and let's just do a quick poll rate so I can see here as we move along that I think a lot of you have always considered to teach an online class before but a majority of you so far at least haven't really taught the class online okay so in fact that's that's great because this this particular webinar will address the exact question you know as to how to teach the class online so thank you very much for addressing these two answers I'm going to end the poll now and we will move back into the presentation thank you actually I can share the results so this is what the results we we got almost 63% have considered teaching a class online at some point and 37 of percent of them have actually taught a class but 78% saying that they have never taught an online class before so yeah it's a little weird answer but at least we have something so let's let's move ahead but I'll share the screen again and we'll jump right back into the presentation okay so let's move into the ingredients first we will look at the components of classroom learning so when you will start looking at what is involved in classroom learning of course there are four things the first thing is you the teachers the teachers are very very important you all need to really know your craft and most classroom teachers are fairly experienced you know you're most likely you have been trained on how to teach a class you know for students within a classroom the second thing is students now as far as students are concerned they are another important component of a classroom right so without the students you can't really have a class then of course the third component is space you need an actual physical space a classroom you need you know playgrounds and so on and so forth and finally you have the tools that you need to deliver that lesson to the class now in a classroom your typical tools will be a blackboard or a whiteboard or chalk or markers or it could be a projection screen or a laptop or so on and so forth right so these are some of the tools that you have in classroom based learning so what happens in online learning let's look at that so components of the online learning actually do not change drastically we still need trained teachers we need teachers who have been trained in the craft of delivering online lessons for their students because the way you deliver a lesson online is very different from the way you deliver a lesson in a class the engagement is quite different secondly you need students of course again the students need to at least have some digital device so that they can interact with the teacher and with the lesson the space in this case for online learning is now your digital device so it could be a computer it could be a laptop it could be a iPad or it could be a phone right so you could you could have all these kind of digital devices which are the tools used for online learning and and as far as the tools are concerned apart from the apart from the devices apart from the space the tools are all the software that you use so it could be a learning management system it could be zoom if you're doing live classrooms and so on and so forth so these are all the tools let's move on to preparation when you prepare a class for for actually in class delivery you need to prepare a lesson plan now before preparing the lesson plan there are a couple of things that I'm sure you all ask yourself the first one is you obviously want to know who are you teaching - how old are you kids who are your students right what is the background of these students what is the the prerequisite knowledge which they come with in your class so you definitely want to know the persona of your students the second thing is you want to know what am i teaching so what are your learning objectives what are your learning outcomes at the end of the day and then step three will be how will I teach so once you know who you are teaching to and what you are going to teach the third thing is of course how are you going to how are you going to deliver your lesson so typically you might decide okay I might do a lecture it could be a 30 40 minute lecture with PowerPoint slides or maybe I will you know write with the blackboard and I will explain some theory in concepts or it could be that I will get my students to read something before they come to the class so that when they come to the class we can apply or it could be that let you know I will play a game with my students in the classroom and through that game the students will learn right so there are different ways for us to teach and finally you will ask yourself how will I assess my students now in a classroom you could assess them through a an assessment - or Falls mcq you could give them a a pop quiz or it could be through a project you could or you can ask them to come in you know and in the front of the class and do a presentation to explain what they have learned so there are many different ways to assess students in a classroom so let's compare that with online learning so in online learning there are five steps the first one doesn't change you still need to know who you are teaching - who are your students how old are they do do do they do they have the capability to use a digital device this is something that you need to you know know about your students the second thing is still the same what am i teaching what am i learning outcome outcomes going to be for the students what are the learning objectives so all of that still doesn't change however step 3 changes step 3 for online classes is how will my students assess access sorry access what I mean is how will your students access your lessons will it be through a laptop will it be through a mobile phone will it be through a desktop computer or perhaps they don't even have all of those things so maybe you need to probably provide them with a with a textbook so that they can access through a textbook right so how will how are you how are your students going to access the lesson is something that you really need to know when you go to online learning step four is going to be how will I teach so now that you know how your students are going to access you can then decide what is the best way to reach out to these students and engage them could it be through a video could it be through a lecture could it be through text could it be through a game online game so there are many ways to engage and of course I will show you this a bit later during the presentation and finally you will also ask yourself how will I assess now on online platform again you have various means to assess students you could do MCQs you can get them to present on zoom' you can ask them to do a project so on and so forth so once you have decided all of that only then do you migrate your lesson to online learning so let's cook so what are the different tools that we use to cook a lesson for classroom the first one is of course the books we need textbooks notebooks then the students can write notes on we also need a black and a white board in the classroom you know this is something we all teachers will always use a black blackboard or whiteboard to explain concepts you might use a computer sometimes to have a PowerPoint presentation perhaps and if you're if you are if you have a PowerPoint presentation to present then perhaps you might also have a projector in the classroom so these are some of the tools that you will use in a classroom to deliver your lesson now when we move to online all you need is basically one digital device with a learning platform on it so in this case a simple digital device with a learning platform can provide you with all the tools that you need to cook your lesson you could in this particular device you can actually have your ebooks or PDF files or powerpoints all of those things can be loaded preloaded in the learning management system you could communicate with the students so whether you want to communicate by a text or by a video chat all of that can be done on an online platform you can assess students in a variety of ways however if you are thinking of doing proctored examinations I wouldn't recommend it but at least your basic assessments you can due through any learning platform you can share videos through YouTube or many other channels or you can create your own videos and share them and finally you can also issue certifications directly through the system if that's what you intend to do for your students so all the tools that you need to cook an online lesson are all here in the computer or any other learning management platform so having understood the flow let's move to eating so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to get right down to creating a live class online right here right now in front of you and the platform that I'm using is free Jue which is a platform that we have made here in Singapore and I will show you how to actually convert your online lessons into a digital platform for online learning so let's move to this so I'm sure you can see freed you over here now what I'm basically showing you right now is the back end of freedom this is where the teachers create curriculum so think about it from a car so if you have a car you have a passenger who sits in the passenger side and then you have a driver right so you in this case you as a teacher are the driver but of course the car needs an engine so you need to put gas or oil in the engine right so this is where you put that gas or the oil right here so this is the back end of the system so over here you can see the teachers variety of teachers have created all kinds of platforms right so let us go and create our own program so I have already created something called fundamentals of digital photography so I'm going to go and click right into there so as you can see I already have an introduction session section here which is called course outline so if I was to go and view it this is how the students will actually view this particular this particular information right so if you see this is what I have written as a teacher and this is how the students review it now you might be wondering oh but how did you actually copy this over here now that's a great question so what I did was I have actually already created my lesson beforehand which is right here so I have all this information which I have created over here and what I did was I copied from here and I paste it into this okay and I will show you how I do that actually so let's so assuming that I've already created the first part the introduction is already ready I also have a second part which is called the module so let's get into module one and I will show you how I transfer this to an online platform so over here new section I'm going to create a new section and I'm going to say I want to call it module 1 and then I'm going to create a new subsection my new subsection is lesson 1 so I'm just going to copy that copy and I want to paste it right here lesson 1 done and then I'm going to create a new new unit so new unit my heading is going to be exposure triangle so I copy exposure triangle and I am going to paste it right here exposure triangle ok done now I need to copy this entire paragraph so I'm going to copy this and I'm going to go to text edit and I'm just gonna copy this right in here default font save now as you can see my this text every camera uses three main elements is or shutter speed and aperture has been copied here every camera uses three main elements I associate the speed and aperture but let's see how the students review this so I am going to go and show you how the students review this so let's go and view the live version and here it is every camera uses three main elements I associate on aperture this is how the students will view it right so it looks good now let's see what's next oh okay so I now need to input this photograph into the platform so how do I do that so I can just edit this here okay and I can go enter insert edit image next I'm going to call this exposure triangle and I'm gonna insert the image and it's right here but it's too big I don't want this image to be so big so let me edit this so I'm gonna edit this and I'm gonna say I wanna make the height only four 400 pixels and now it looks much better so I'm gonna save it and let's see how the students will view this so again I'm going to move into the live version and here it is simple right I just copied and I just pasted it now let's move ahead so what else does the lesson need so if you see here I have now said I want to insert this particular video in my lesson so I'm just gonna copy this video copy and I'm going to create a new unit I'm gonna call it video and select my video edit and default video url I'm just going to select it and replace it with my link and I say save and here's the video so let's see if it plays back hi guys so does so let's see if the students will be able to view this so our view live version again and here we are video hi guys so in our previous video I gave you a brief rundown on the settings at least the manuals so as you can see very very simple to actually just use something like this to deliver your lesson to your students but hang on we're still not done we have a long way to go still the lesson also includes some other elements so if you see over here my next thing is I want to do an activity so let's do an activity okay so I'm gonna create another unit and I want to call it activity one and let's see what this I'm gonna copy this entire thing and I'm gonna paste it into my HTML edit paste now if you see here I have asked them to do an activity now this particular lesson is about learning photography now typically photography is taught in a classroom and it is normally believed that it is very difficult to teach photography on an online platform so that is exactly why I chose this particular subject to show you how we can actually teach photography on an online platform so what I have done is I have actually created an activity for them which in a in a in a classroom environment the students might actually use the school cameras to to actually do this particular activity so but of course it at home they may not have access to a proper camera so how can they then practice so what I have done is I have given them a link to a particular tool which is exposure tool calm okay which will allow them to play around with the camera settings and figure out how this particular camera can be used how the settings on the camera can be used to take photos so let's see how that works so if I was to go to live version okay now this is the exposure tool so I click here and if I was a student when I click here the exposure tool will automatically open up because this is the other cool thing about the free Jew learning platform is that we can actually integrate any other system right into the platform so this way now you can actually see that the the interactive exposure tool is loading up and very soon we all will be able to see how to use a camera tool an online camera tool to teach photography for example right so let's just wait for this to load up and then I can show you how this is used so again think of me for a second I'm a student and I'm going to be doing this activity right so here it is you're almost done and that's it let's start so as you can see I have shutter speed aperture and ISO all of the settings that normally are found in a camera so let's look at the the the requirements of the activity the student as a student I can see that play around with the three settings to see what happens when you change certain elements okay so let's play around with it so if I move this what happens okay it becomes dark okay if I move this okay so this is what happens great now what so in the manual mode change the shutter speed to 1/4 aperture to 5.6 and ISO to 100 I've given them very clear instructions there so let's see if they can do this in the manual mode so let's look at this manual more yes I am in the manual mode then shutter speed or one fourth one fourth okay let's see one fourth okay aperture 25.6 aperture is 5.6 ok great and then oops and then we have ISO is 100 right so ISO is 100 and here we are 100 so as you can see this picture is quite dark so if they go to the the tool they can actually see the you know this particular activity once to compare different settings so you can actually run these kind of activities which it provides very experiential learning to the students online so let's move forward okay let's move forward we still have another thing to do so over here I have now said assessment I want to check whether Nick Nick they have understood the exposure triangles so there's a question that I've asked I'm gonna copy that and it's just a true or false so I'm just going to add in a new unit and I'm gonna say assessment one problem Nia Neal pardon me they cannot see your screen okay can you see now I can see it now I hope the audience can now okay great sorry about that so I'm going to move into assessment actually let me let me do this again so that it's for the benefit of everybody I'm gonna go back I'm going to delete this assessment and I'm gonna create a new one so I can show you how I did it so to create an assessment I just create a new unit I call it assessment one and then I want to create a problem in free jus you can create multiple kinds of assessments you can create checkboxes dropdowns and seek use numerical inputs so on and so forth all the way to advanced stuff like circuit schematic builders you can do drag-and-drop python evaluated inputs image map inputs math expressions and even open response assessments but for in this particular example I'm going to show you our drop-down just to make it very simple right so let's see what my question is my question here is an exposure triangle comprises of two elements true or false so I'm going to copy it and I'm going to paste this into the system oops right here I'm going to paste this right into this particular thing which is this paste and I'm going to delete all this nonsense from the top an incorrect answer is true in this case but the correct answer is false and then this I don't there's no other third option so I'm just gonna delete save so as you can see true or false and hide from learners publish and similarly I can review a live version and here it is so false okay so very very simple now the other thing about this is communication how do you actually communicate with your students for the various projects so if you see here I even want them to do a project so let's do a project with them okay so I'm gonna create a new unit and I'm gonna say project one now in project one I want them to take two photos and do something with it and then upload this onto the system so I add it okay create the default font save and then publish and let's just check it yep it's here so over here if you see I have said how do how should they deliver this particular project I have said convert the word document into a PDF file and upload the same into the project one channel of slack this is what I've asked him to do right to create a particular project convert it into PDF file and upload it onto slack so what is slack so before that I'm going to go back into my introduction section and I will share with you on how this works so of course like any other lesson over here too we have the course outline we have the course objectives we have topics that we will cover more of instruction and mode of communication so in the mode of communication as you can see I have mentioned here real-time text communication is why a slack and real-time video chat is by jitsi okay you see is a video communication tool just like zoom that we are using currently and I'm going to demonstrate all of this to you live as to how it works and then we have also said please ensure that you have a digital camera with manual mode in addition to this please ensure you have downloaded slack so to download slack like I mentioned earlier in free do we can actually integrate any platform right into the player into into free to itself so slack disk is connected right here I can just click slack and this opens up I should be able to sign in and you know get access to all the classroom information however I have already downloaded slack so I'm just going to go right into it and this is what slack looks like and this is where your majority of the communication with the students will happen so if you are a teacher what each who's teaching more than one class now in this example I have four classes right here I have class 1 class 2 class 3 and class 4 right I have 4 classes right here now what I can also do in is in each of these classes I can create separate groups so in this case for example you can see I have created one group which includes all my students it says all students in class so all students in class are here so let's see if anybody is online hi class good afternoon are you all here let's see who responds and I can already see somebody typing right at the bottom you should be able to see now the beauty of this is this works in real time so it's just like your viber or whatsapp it's real-time messaging and there you have it I have a student in Vietnam I've got Madhu Kerr who's from India and they are actually all our country managers supporting us today but they are all set in different countries right now and they can answer in live in real time so this is a class where I am basically talking to all my students but what if I now want to talk only to certain groups of students because as in sometimes in the class we might want to give students group projects we want to break them down into smaller groups and let them experiment and work together in smaller groups so how do you then communicate with those groups well you can create several groups here so over here I have a group of only the boys and then I have another group here of only the girls so let's say to say let's say hello to the girls hello girls are you there and again Quang is in that group so she just texted saying yes she's there so this is only for Doug girls in the group let's see if the boys are there boys and let's see if somebody responds so similarly if there was a boy online here they could have pretty much responded immediately as well now apart from that if you now want to communicate with an individual student okay individual student how do you actually do that well over here as you can see all my students are here and I can now communicate with them individually so let's say hello to Kong hi qualm how are you let's see if she responds so basically what you can do is you can communicate either with all your students or only a few students in a group or individual students like Quang just responded so I've now communicated with individual students so I'm gonna stop the conversation with her how how are things in Vietnam and then we can also say are you available are you available for a video chat now so what we can also do is we can actually chat with each person or the whole class using slack and jitsi so now she says yes she's available so I'm just gonna go to jitsi which is another video application that is built right in and we just click here and now when she clicks on this join I will be able to see her in jet sea so this is a gypsy which has opened up let's see if she joins in there she is hi qual are you there yes hi how are you okay thank you thank you very much so it gives you an example of how we can actually do this conversation the echo was there primarily because we are on zoom' right now and at the same time we opened up another video chat so that's why you heard an echo but in in regular conversations you might actually not now if you wanted to talk to the entire class you want to give an entire class a lesson so I can just go to my channel which all students in class and I can now post this link here and I can say ditsy and let's go back in let's see how many students log in let's see how efficient our students are so yes hello hey buddy Cole hi how are you I need a marker so as you can see I can actually do video chats or web-based chats live with my entire class or with my smaller groups which are right here or with individual students all of this is possible direct from the system itself okay so this kind of brings me to the end of how we can actually engage with students and create curriculum so let's move back onto the pitch deck now here the the example that I showed you about how to create a photography class was done on a platform called free Jiu which has been developed by us a CAD Asia and we are basically a singapore-based mission driven business and we and our aim is to democratize education for everybody we want to make sure that we provide free access to education for all students across Asia so that's our mission right and this is one of the case studies that I wanted to share with you so themes International which is a school in the Philippines which was founded in 1999 and was probably Philippines first international progressive college is one of our customers and after the announcement of the lockdown within seven days we actually helped them to migrate all of their lessons and trained all of their teachers to basically move online on the free jiu platform so at the moment Tim's international school is still open and all of their students are using free Jue to learn you know all the lessons just like a normal normal class if you want to see how Thames international migrated to online learning then you can register why are the bitly link which has been or which is on the screen at the moment and you can visit their virtual open house and you can talk to them about how they have migrated to online learning and what has their experience being now at this point I'm going to release another poll and let's move to the next poll and let's see how that works I have got two questions here okay and I'm going to go to polling pull two and there are two questions here and I'll appreciate it if you could please answer these the first one is do you think it's important for teachers to be trained before they teach online and the second one is would you like to be trained on how to teach online great we will leave this for another maybe 10 15 seconds great ok I'm going to end the poll and I will show you the results 100% all of you think it's important for teachers to be trained online and all of you would like to learn how to teach online this is fantastic why is this fantastic well let me get to that we actually have a teacher training program which we have created just for you it is called creating your first online course it is a two module program which is conducted online through free jus over a period of seven days and what's more it's not just a training program but we actually include a free full full version lifetime access to free jus which will allow you to basically create five lessons for up to hundred students on your own once you have learnt you can actually create five lessons and you can teach up to hundred students online at any given point for more information about this program you can click on this link a cat a sure comm /c y f OC which is again a cat a sure comm /c by f OC and if you want to schedule a demo you can click on this link and of course if you want more information you can contact roy who is our country manager for Philippines I am right ready yes I just reach out to me so I'm here in Silla peens and of course we have a very very special offer for you our usual price for this particular program is a hundred US dollars which is about five thousand twelve pesos but if you sign up before 1st of June 2020 with your school or business email ID you can get this price $30 or 1500 pesos so you will get access to the creating your first online course which is basically a seven day program and you will get full free lifetime access to the add actual learning management system that you just saw you will get the access to that where you can where you can basically create five lessons for about a hundred students at any given point and it's only for $30.00 or 1,500 pesos valid only until the 1st of June now if you are interested you might want to take down this information you can pay by credit card at this link which is WWE Katya comm forward slash store you know can't you show your slides because I think they did not see the offer can you go back a little bit we were not seeing ok hang on I will just go back you should be able to see it now right can yes ok great so as you can see here the special offer is valid only until the 1st of June and it is for $30.00 or 1500 pesos but you you have to sign up with either your official school ID or a business email ID and you can get full access to the course but you can learn how to create your own online course and you get access to the full system that you just saw where you can create five lessons for about a hundred students if you are interested you can pay by credit card directly on our website and the link is right here a cat Asia comm forward slash store /cy FOC or you can pay by online bank transfer on BPI so you can scan this QR code right here and if you want to pay by other modes of payment by G cash or maybe by Metro Bank then you can please contact us by email at webinars attic at Asia comm but please do know that if you are making payments by bank transfer so if you make payments by this or by G cash or any of these other methods you will need to email us the proof of payment at this email address so that we can send you the license for you to download free jus and learn how to create your first online course thereafter also allowing you to create your first five classes for your students so at this point I will leave this particular slide here and we will open up the floor to any questions that you might have yeah so we can start the Q&A session now I'm sure there are several questions that you've asked and a good number of them were answered by our other country managers and finalists in the chat thank you very much finalists for answering those questions but maybe Neil I can share with you some of the common questions that are arising from the questions here so so for example there are some questions regarding pedagogy or regarding techniques so some questions like how do I make online learning effective as effective as classroom learning what gadgets or materials should I prepare for and those kinds of ideas so how can how can we actually start with doing our classroom lessons and then moving into online great so just like you currently create your classroom lessons the fundamentals don't change right so like I mentioned earlier the only thing that you need to be aware of is how are you going to engage using the online platform and that will also depend on how your students will access the the content that you that you upload but for you as a teacher the fundamentals still do not change we still need to have a lesson plan now in terms of how what kind of tools you need of course you need some kind of a digital device so it could be a laptop it could be a desktop computer or it could even be an iPad but the teacher will need to have at least one of these devices because when you start transferring material to an online platform there has to be some device which you can use to access free jewel so that basic device is definitely necessary and then once you go through the course you will also learn how you can actually connect with various other tools which allow you to engage with your students so like for example I showed you how to engage with students using slack or how to use the video chat so in the course we actually cover all of those elements so you can actually learn very easily step-by-step so think about it this way you are a teacher and your main aim is for your students to gain knowledge now if as a teacher you want your students to gain knowledge then the first thing for you to do is to you to gain knowledge yourself because this is the new norm whether we like it or whether we do not like this is the new norm right and the fact remains that the schools of today are not the schools that you and I went to the schools of today are different though the way students learn these days is different so it is very important for teachers to upskill themselves and learn new skills so that they can engage the current generation Z better but at a basic level yes you will need some internet connection or 3G 4G connection and you will definitely need some digital device at a very basic level okay thanks for that Neil another some other questions in there mentioning other platforms right so is free juice similar to Google classroom or Microsoft themes or canvas and how is freed you different from these other platforms okay that's a great question I think all the education platforms these days can pretty much do the same thing plus and minus you know five percent here and there now some of the the things that dimensions a GUI classroom from my understanding who the classroom is free it's a great platform however it has certain limitations where you can only enroll a certain number of students into a particular class so that that could be a limitation so for example if your class is fairly large so say maybe if you have 40 50 or 60 students in a class then that might be a limitation because in a Google classroom class there is only a certain number of students that you can enroll at any given point on free jus there is no limit you can actually have a class of a hundred students if you want or even a thousand students so right now as you can see we have a class of 500 we have 500 participants on zoom' right now so and I don't know probably about you know we also have 10,000 plus participants on Facebook there you go so you know the thing is the sky's the limit as far as free Jew is concerned the other thing is this you also need to see how easy is the platform to use for us we are a teacher centric platform it is very very important for us that the teachers are comfortable with the platform on how they use it because we understand that a lot of teachers would have will be using the any kind of digital platform for the first time so we want to make it very very simple for the teachers to actually use that's why when I when I showed you the demo earlier all I was doing was copying pasting copying and pasting not much it's very very easy and even the UI and the user interface is very easy so you just click on the next button and you go to the next lesson there is nothing more to it it's as easy as that the third difference is this we have the ability on free do to issue certificates these two certificates so when we issue digital certificates the certificates are not issued on PDF or JPEG files like any other system so like Google classroom for example or course canvas or any other platform for example they all issue certificates on JPEG or PDF format the problem with that is that those certificates can easily be copied or tampered I mean a PDF certificate or a JPEG a certificate I can easily put into Photoshop and I can change the name and say that I certa forget it's quite easy to do that but on a on the on the free jus platform we issue certificates on something called blockchain now blockchain is a new technology and there isn't it is not possible for anybody to tamper of forge these certificates so once the certificate has been issued in a particular student's name it remains in that students name nobody can forge it because it's encrypted and prospective employers can actually log into the system to check the validity of that certificate whether this is real or a fake certificate so those are some of the advantages and one last thing is free jus works in different languages now I know for Philippines it might not be big big of an issue because I think almost all the Filipino speak English but if we did if we have a huge demand we can actually translate the entire platform into Tagalog and you know so it could be just like any other Filipino platform in that sense so it's very very easy very comfortable to use so those are some of the key differences between us and others yes okay thanks Neil another question here would be what if I I'm a preschool teacher and I only have 20 students can I use free jus as well and is its it applicable even to different types of levels I guess we're talking you create school high school college and preschool okay so to be honest when you are dealing with elementary level schools school students or primary school students in effect when it comes to online learning you're not you're not talking to the students you're talking to the students parents because the parents have to be involved because there is no way an elementary school student is going to start using internet on their own it is not safe for them to use internet on their own so it's very good it's advisable if the parent is around so in that case you might want to talk to the parents and then build the lessons in such a way that it is easy for the parents to deliver that lesson to their children using the online platform but yes feed you can be used for parents as well and if your if you only have 20 students for example then this particular offer you should grab it today because it's only $30 and you get access to the entire system where not just 20 students you can actually enroll up to 100 students if you want I think Neil some of the participants would like to see again the components of the course I think it's a slide before this we could show them sure right here okay so let me just check again the chat for it some other questions we have here yeah so they just want to understand also what the what the fee is for it's actually for the training I think nearly explain this so the fee is only for the training so it's a seven-day training program where we train you on how to create your first online course but but what we do is we include along with the training we include this full free lifetime access to free jus with one teacher license you can enroll up to hundred students and you can also create five lessons now typically if you if you are aware of learning management systems you will know that learning management systems do cost certain amount of money but of course over here this is all inclusive in thirty dollars yeah there is also a question sorry Neal I think some people are seeing still the billing slide I think they just want to see the training slide the components of the training I still see the billing slide actually this one there there we go so that this is what's included in the in the thirty dollar promo offer for your first creating your first online course and there's even one question about what if they have the school has more than 500 she about 500 teachers or more is there a question them there is a package available for you please contact us please contact joy his email address is there on the screen at the bottom left if you contact Roy then he can get in touch with you and he can he can work with you on onboarding about 500 teachers right away yes because thanks babe at me because right now what you're seeing is really for individual teachers if they would like to avail of this promo you can but let's say you're part of a bigger organization then we have packages for let's say more than ten teachers up to 500 teachers so just reach out to me by email I will definitely contact you after this just what is this offer is only valid until the 1st of June so if you would like to avail of this offer then please do not wait you might want to sign up as soon as possible yeah normally it's a hundred dollar value so we suggest you start now ok most of the questions are kinda similar I also posted the survey form so right now there are some questions regarding the certificate so we're about close to the end of the webinar so as it's mentioned if you were to fill up the exit survey which I have posted in the chat you can then actually receive the certificate automatically so ok there's some errors in the survey link let me post it again hang on one second but typically it should also open right after you you you end the session so I will try to post the link again okay here the exits very link sorry that might be a bit confusing I will post it again okay so we've come to the end of the webinar so that is really just a start and a taste but enough to at least get you guys thinking but I'm a puppet I own an appointment 11 nothing event but a Honda but as an online learning so even though some schools seen happen in lap wedding seen a beanie secretary Briana's wedding August but maybe some schools ok lamp or must madam open album Naomi panahon Pattaya we have to already upscale ourselves as teachers tell a man upon adding Allah Metallica and upon classing Perihan but Adam won an epic people at my highest online lessons can cope but it's most urgent in attend so regardless school condom grade there began and whatnot so this is really the first step I know so regardless the important item to the meeting you obviously and benefit Internet is a training is to use our platform but the principles especially that what we teach here can be applied actually to any platform so Mahalo got input in training but I'm Pisa now if you want a simple to use system then we highly recommend feature so please don't forget again no fat on my path awesome person having them talk to two rows I think Monza and param Agni are you on eleven nothing much up Skillman training cooling setting back to RO the type online Mannion weather nothing goin at much if re not a new learning objectives and I think mana dejected so when I think Philipp Lahm poem exit survey in Santa cipinang any webinar he did not even link so a toy before school it will be a [Music] survey and then after that you will get your certificate so there's also a limit to the certificate issuance again limitations this is a limitation of gmail which automatically releases the certificates we can only release 1500 per day a Kunta hoody to say webinar and then 500 Nanao asama who not is a Facebook ma but then in 1015 thousand so just give it 24 hours the survey will refresh you can answer the survey and then you should get your certificate automatically so every 24 hours for you and one five certificates per day and capability yet so please be patient but the liang liang we survey and then after that their certificates will be sent okay one last one last check here yes you may pay in passover dollar so it will really just depend on what you see okay some people have making a problem with the survey link itself okay maybe it's because a lot of people are accessing the survey but I'm sure that link is already correct but you may pay a peso our dollar it depends upon you as long as the value is around $30 or roughly 1500 pesos again if you pay using credit card that's great if you choose BPI or our other channels just let us know we need to confirm your payment by the hormone issue you force accessing you okay all right so I guess are there any last words or you know parting encouragement that meal you can share with our wonderful teachers who are really at the forefront of education amidst copied 19 sure well first of all again once again thank you very much for attending this particular web and I hope that all of you have gained something out of it and I would urge all of you to really think about upscaling yourselves and so that when something like this happens again when when I say buy something like this what I mean is you know where schools are shut down and everybody has to go online at least the teachers are ready and prepared with the knowledge and the tools needed to deliver lessons for their students immediately the the in hindsight when I look at it Singapore suffered quite badly in 2008 during the SARS pandemic and after that all the teachers were urged to upskill themselves which we all did so now when kovat 19 has has come about the schools in Singapore have migrated to online without any problems all teachers all students already know what to do and they are quite well prepared and I'm hoping that all of my friends out in Philippines as well will a you know upscale themselves so that they too can learn how to build great great curriculum for their students and engage their students on any platform whether it is in a classroom whether it is an online it should be absolutely seamless and like I said earlier as teachers we need to upscale the ourselves first so that we can provide the best education for our students so I'm really really hoping that that all of you who will will sign up for the training program so that we can all help you and also give you access to the platform so you can start delivering great content for your students and if you need any other assistance from a cat Asia please reach out to any of our sales agents in the Philippines or reach us via our social media platforms we will be more than happy to help you and assist you and having said that thank you very much and please everybody stays safe and I hope to see all the Philippines sometimes you okay thank you very much Neil ash maraming salamat PO say in English adds a bug samus I am indeed a webinars and Appleman at the Doudna bio again McCobb skill Pattaya let's try to improve ourselves but I must mother leave that a morality mana stage ante okay thank you very much again on behalf of a Khadija from all the country managers from our other neighbors in Vietnam and India and Singapore I'm Roy plethora I can't leave the country manager for Philippines thank you very much Mabuhay oh thank god goodbye [Music]
Channel: Akadasia
Views: 8,963
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akadasia, freejoo, educationisfreedom, elearning, online learning, lms, learning management system, education, learn, learn anywhere, learn anytime, teach, teacher, lecturer, educational, teacher training, professor, educate, college, high school, higher education, k 12, university
Id: MpLJbM3iw-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 40sec (4000 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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