Webinar - Getting Started With Trello

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all right I think we're going to get started now I hope everyone's having a great day my name is uh Brian Savino I'm the community manager at Trello and I'm joined today by our support superstar Michele Earhart so today's topic is getting started with Trello we'll be covering a lot of materials so if you ever want to go back and reference any of the points made in this webinar you can check out our getting started guide at Trello comm slash guide before we get started I just want to let you know everyone on the line is on mute if you have any questions concerns or comments please type them into the GoToWebinar question box and Michelle and I will be addressing them at the end of the webinar also I want to let you know that I'll be recording today's webinar and we'll e-mail copies of it to all attendees so during this webinar I'll cover Trello board basics creating a neutral a board collaboration essential Trello features and a few odd trilha tips and tricks along the way I'd like to get started by showing you a Trello board that has already been created which is a board I'm using to plan a trip to Hawaii with my friends as you can see this board is made up of lists and each list has cards added to them so cards can represent tasks and you can click on cards to open them up and get more detailed information about those tasks cards can also be moved across lists as tasks progressed from start to finish and lists can also act as repositories of information so for instance as you see on this board there are lists for places to eat and sites to see and my friends and I can add cards these lists and come up with a plan for our vacation and so the goal of this webinar really is to teach you how to create a Trello board with your friends family or colleagues to kind of organize projects for both you know in and out of work so I'm going to start by creating a new board so to create a new board I'll click the plus sign in the top right corner of Trello I name the board after the project that you're organizing since I love to throw dinner parties I'm going to name this board dinner party so a new Trello board is kind of like an empty canvas that can be you know really customized to your workflow I'm going to start by adding some lists to my board so to do list doing list done list - and these will kind of manage my task flow from start to finish and then a menu list to organize the food and drinks for the party and of course list can also always be you know reorganized by dragging and dropping them into place you know maybe if your workflow changes and of course you can always rename a list so next I'm going to add cards to my lists for tasks that I need to do before my party so if you've already started making a list in another app you can simply copy that list and paste it into a new Trello card so I could just if I've already started list here I can just copy this and what roller will do is give you the option to create a new card from each line separated item so this is kind of like a really handy time-saver I'm also going to just create some cards manually on my um dinner menu list and cards can always be rearranged as you see fit and your list by dragging and dropping them into order so I'm going to invite some my friends who volunteer to help out with this party - my board so this way I can assign them to tasks and keep track of what tasks are done and what still needs to be taken care of and so to add some to your Trello board click the add members button and you can either enter their name email address or username and select them from the list so I can I'm in front a me my friend Andre and also my friend Claire is not a not a member of trilha yet so I can invite Claire by email and send the invite and now when a Claire signs up for trial Trello a look okay now in Claire signs up for Trello she'll automatically be able to start collaborating on my project and so I just really want to take a quick moment to talk about board membership permissions so when you create a new Trello board on your by default the admin for the board and you can see by this kind of chevron logo right here that I'm pointing out this allows you to change the settings for the board close the board change the board's background etc and by default any new member yep the board will have normal permissions so as you can see Amyas normal permissions um you can give another board member admin permissions by clicking their avatar and then changing it to admin so we like to recommend always having a second board admin or more if you feel comfortable with that just in case the original admin you know drops off the project and administrative decisions need to be made so now this way if I'm unable to do something administratively on the board Amy will be able to step in and help out so my friends added to the board and I start delegating some tasks Institute to do so I can drag and drop avatars from the sidebar onto cards so I'm going to add a few people of cards I see I can even invite ad Claire to card team that she's not yet signed up for Trello but when she does sign up and she accesses his board she'll see what Tash she's been assigned one neat shortcut is you can quickly assign yourself to cards by hovering your mouse over a card and just tapping the spacebar the new tap spacebar again to remove yourself I can also open up a card by clicking on it and add members from the sidebar here sign a Dondre to this card so when someone is added to a card they will receive a notification within Trello and by email if you're added to a card you'll also receive notifications for updates to the card such as if the card is moved to a different list or for an approaching due date on the card and speaking of notifications you can also notify someone on a card by @mention them in a comment and so you know comedy on cards is a great way to provide feedback and you know get information from someone but at mentioning someone is really helpful for when you want to loop someone else into the progress of your card or ask for feedback or you know just say something nice so I'm going to mention you are great at making playlists that's why I signed him to the task so let me give you a little bit more of an in-depth tour the card back and demonstrate some of its features so to add a more detailed information about a task you can edit the cards description so I don't want take up too much time right now I'm just going to show you how to add a quick description into a card so since I'm just gonna make a little note to the present in future me about cleaning the house of course you can add as much as you want and you can also use a formatting marked down formatting to add more stylized text such as um bullet bullet bullet lists etc and once again you can see that information in the formatting help if you want to add more formatting so since my cleaning my house is going to require multiple steps I'm going to create a checklist to keep track of what's been done and you know what still needs cleaning so you can rename this I'm gonna call this choice and I can just add on adding items here sweep dust garbage recycling and so as items get completed I can you know I can check them off my checklist or if I need to redo something and uncheck it honestly that's pretty cool is that just as how you can create a set of Trello cards by copying and pasting a list into a new Trello card the same applies for checklist items so I'm going to go over to my jr. my hot new card real quick and I kind of made a list of what I want to serve at this dinner party my barbecue so I can quickly just copy and paste this right in your checklist there we go and Trello is going to automatically create checklist items based on line break items so since I need to make sure my house is clean before my party I'm going to assign a due date to the card and so look at to do is just click due date and let's see my party is on March 19th so I'm going to set the due date for this to make sure my house is clean for March 18 you can change the time and everything say that now I can see right here when that when that's due I could click to change that if I want and basically by assigning a due date to a card Trello will send me a notification any members of the card or anyone who is subscribed to the card will get a notification 24 hours before this card is due um as a reminder if you want to add due dates to cards really quickly you can mouse over a card and press the D key so we need the barbecue supplies by the time party I check the propane grill a little bit before the party music playlist uh I won't have that for my st. Patrick's Day party as well the guest list need that done ASAP and so I quickly add due dates to cards so I know a lot of my friends have really busy lives and so it's really important that I finalize my gets less ASAP so I'm going to move this card over to doing list and this way everyone on the board knows that I am Andre and I are working on this task everyone can quickly now see in one single glance what's being worked on and by whom and also by moving this card over Andre gets a notification that I moved it over to doing and that we should start working on it so since I already started making a guest list in my Notes app I'm going to attach that to the card Trello let's see you attach files from a computer or from popular cloud storage options so I'm just going to show you attach it from my computer real quick now I can attach that to be honest a better option could even be attaching if I created a Google Drive doc I could then attach that to this card and uh Andre and I could work on it together so for instance of my party to do's like a now a new column I mention Andre and now both of us can collaborate together jump right into this document and you know add guest list we're going to menu etc if we if we choose to do it that way we could also make a checklist of friends we want to invite you know whatever workflow works best for you so one neat trick though is that you can drag files onto a trailer card to upload and attach them so I could also just simply drag and drop this and as you see now it's there's two copies of course if I want to remove one I could just delete it that will permanently delete it from the card and what's really cool is um if I drag and drop an image onto a card it can be displayed as a card cover which kind of adds some more visual appeal to your board I'm all about making my work and tasks fun and so I like to add you know fun stuff like pictures etc come back to this card labels are really useful and can be created and applied to cards and these are a great way to not only provide additional visual data to cards but they can act as tags for filtering cards on a board which I'll demonstrate in a moment as you can create and apply label by opening your card and clicking the label button labels can also be named for easier reference so I'm going to create a couple labels right now so I'm going to create one for household and of course you could select the color you want and then create one for shopping so I can quick I can apply a label just by simply clicking on it so since this is a household chore cleaning the house I'm going to apply the green household label of course you can apply as many labels as you want to cards and one really neat thing is that you can actually go through and quickly apply labels to cards by using every label has a Associated hotkey numbers 1 through 9 and 0 and so I can go through and just mouse over cards and quickly apply labels to cards now which is great because now everyone can see you know what what is a householder or a shopping chore so now that we got some of the card basics down I want to go in depth a little more into some essential kind of Trello features many of these features are located in the boards sidebar including general board and permission settings such as associating your board with a team enabling hardcovers commenting permissions imitation permissions etc maybe I only want admins to build invite people to boards rather you know having all members and you know depending on who I want to allow to comment on cards can all be set here so as I mentioned earlier filtering cards on a board is a handy way to get a more granular perspective on cards and so I can easily filter for my household labels to quickly see the status of those tasks or my shopping labels etc it's also possible to filter by currents assigned to board members and due dates so no cards due in the next week put a bunch of cards due in the next month I can also assign you know by by putting these together so I could see my my cards which household ones do I have or you know do I have any shopping chores I have none and I give you this for other members of the board see which one's you know I have an amy has etc that's just really handy way to quickly quickly drum up information you know and see it at a glance information that's relevant to what you're assigned in what you're working on so power-ups are ways to add extra functionality and visualization to your board and so every Trello account comes with three power-ups the UM calendar powerup card aging powerup and the voting power up and card aging kind of gives cards as they go untouched a more faded outlook or a look that kinda actually makes it look like an old torn up pirates map that's really good you know if you want to see maybe what tasks might have slipped through the tracks cracks and maybe want to give someone a friendly reminder that they should be working on that or maybe just you know to learn about tasks that are kind of irrelevant and maybe you just want to not consider them to be a part of your process or your project anymore so the voting powerup allows users to build up vote cards so maybe you want to pull people for opinions you know maybe on my Hawaii planning board I want to see what everyone wants to do all my friends so I can ask them to vote on a card that for the activities they want to do most and then we can get a general consensus on what we want to do on our trip you know product-related if you have a board that you're sharing with your user community you could ask your user community to vote on features they'd like to see or even you know in office when planning office events you can get feedback from your team one really cool a powerup one of my favorites is the calendar powerup which ranges all of your cards with due dates into a calendar view so I'm going to Nabal this lets see I could click up here and now I can see where all my cards are laid out in a calendar view and I can view it by month or by week and I can also drag drag and drop cards on in the calendar to any date and the due date will automatically be updated on the back of the trailer on Trello card so if I want to have this due on the 9th now or let's say the 11th now my cards updated and I'll get a notification 24 hours before on the 10th just an easy convenient way to change due dates no more more visual way of doing it so also every board has a unique I calendar feed which we enabled and ported to any third-party calendar that accepts I calendar feeds like a Google Calendar Apple's calendar sunrise and many more Outlook etc and so you can just kind of copy this link and import it right into any third-party calendar and you could do that for all your boards if you want to see all your assigned or all your cards with due dates you know maybe in one convenient location with other tasks work late tasks or meetings etc so we're all a business class there's all you also get am a suite of additional power-ups that allow you to integrate your favorite apps right into your trail at work flow such as a Google Docs github slack Salesforce Zendesk etc so boards can be personalized with board backgrounds all accounts come with some basic colors as you can see here and if you have Trello gold or business class you can get more background options such as these or the ability to add your own custom backgrounds so I'm going to set my background to this cutting board looking one also wanna quickly mention that you can always get earn free Trello gold by going to Rolo comm / recommend and you know anytime you invite someone to Trello when they sign up a new user you'll get a free month of Trello gold which is pretty fun there's other some other cool features or other goals such as a every um every account comes with the basic sticker pack um but you can also get additional stickers and the ability upload your own and really stickers are kinda just a fun way to add visual data to your boards you know maybe just say good job you just take these and drag them right onto a card to add them to a card Trello gold also gives you 215 megabyte attachments as well as custom emoji and saved searches and those are also included in business class within all the business class features such as the power-ups and the team's pages so one helpful to stay on top of progress on a board is by subscribing to boards lists and cards so when you're added to or add yourself to a card you're automatically subscribed to that card and as I said you get notifications for card movements comments etc you can also just subscribe to a card that even you're not a member of by just clicking the subscribe button so if you'd like to get updates for all actions on the board then you can subscribe to the board which is in the boards menu and now any action that applies to card notifications will also you'll get that for any card on the board whether you're not your member or not the same also applies to lists sometimes I like to subscribe to the done list on an on a board just that I get an idea of when tasks are getting completed so for instance if one of my team members dragged it dragged a card over done it would give me a notification and I'll just be aware that that task was completed so if you have workflows or tasks that you tend to repeat often then the ability to copy cards lists and boards might be a pill appealing so it's really easy to a copy a card just open it up and click copy and you can choose if you want to change the title just for demos sake I'm going to put coffee in here you know if I want to keep the labels if there were attachments or comments I keep those and I can also pick the board I want to send it to so maybe I want to just move this card you know I want to copy this card and have a copy of that card on a different board maybe this is like a template that I'm working off of you're not going to sign that and move it to a different board you also pick the list in the position on the board you copy it to so I hit creat card as you can see it makes a copy of the card with my list and everything there you can also then copy copy lists copy all those cards as well I'm going to arrive this list so it's not distracting and you can copy boards one way that we use the copy board feature at Trello is for our new employee onboarding board so every new employee gets their own copy of this board which is all the resources that they need to get up and running at Trello and you know get to know the rest of the team and so I can do it to fight in a new hire I go in copy this board you hire onboarding and I'm going to name it for Tom our new hire like I pick the team tacos team I can also set whether or not the board will be private team visible or public since it's just for Tom and the people working on it with him I'm going to I'm going to make it a private board and now I could create that board since there's a lot of cards on the board is going to take a moment to copy but as you can see now it's a Tom's onboarding board and I can add our new hire Tom and any managers right to this board and this way it kind of makes the first day a little easier so that's one cool way that we like to use the copy board function here at Trello so just a bit on notifications Trello if you get a notification Trello will send you notifications both in the app by email and if you have our mobile if you have mobile apps downloaded and installed on your iOS or Android devices then you'd get push notifications in your mobile app if that's enabled you can change your notification email preferences on your account settings page so I'm just going to open link tab open a new tab here so I don't get lose the board change the notification email frequent see you know if I don't want receive any notification emails or if I want to get them periodically or instantly and this also you can allow desktop notifications if you'd like to receive desktop notifications so when you receive a notification in the app the notification icon in the top right corner of Trello will turn red and if you are notified about a specific card a red notification badge would appear on the card itself on that board so you'll always receive notifications for if you're mentioned in a comment added to a card a board or a team if you're mentioned in a checklist item if a board you're a member of is closed and when someone makes you an admin of a border team sizing see here is a bunch of notifications I received for a bunch of cards coming due if you're subscribed to a card you'll also receive notification you know in the same way as mentioned earlier as well as if the card is move it archived and as I mentioned earlier you'd get notifications like this via the red notification badge for any subscribed lists or boards and if anyone creates a new card on a list or subscribe to or a board you're subscribed to you would get a notification as well so those are kind of like really some of the I'd say the core Trello features as far as getting your board up and running there's also I guess quickly want to mention um you know you can move cards to any board you know so if you don't wanna copy a card you just want to move it you can do it from from there and also it's real easy to archive cards archiving a card just kind of removes it from the board that doesn't delete it so it can always be accessed again later so if I our carve this card I go to the sports archive and I can always view this card as you can see it's archived and maybe this is a task that I want to bring back to the board maybe we thought we weren't going to do this but now we're like oh you know we're gonna we're gonna actually implement this task so I'm going to send this back to the board real easy - same applies to list that list I archived earlier I can always send it back to the board and then if I want to react of it simply we archive it but it's always still accessible and it's always still there so one really cool thing I know I showed you some shortcuts we actually have a lot of great keyboard shortcuts in Trello that'll really help you boost your productivity and so you can just hit the question mark key on a board and you get a menu of all different keyboard shortcuts that exist I'm not gonna go through all these now because you're taking a bit of time but you can really perform a lot of actions just by using keyboard shortcuts so each board also has a unique email address that can be used to create new Trello cards via email so not only would this be great for keeping track of my RSVPs on my board when guests respond to my invite but this could be really helpful for sales teams looking for a way to track leads or for HR teams to final candidate leads into a hiring process and so what I can do is I could um copy this email address my unique email address and maybe set up a default forwarding you know for anytime someone fills out a form or you know maybe responds to an email with a certain label and I can assign what list I want that card created via email to to appear on and where I wanted to appear on the list uh one other thing is if you're maybe doing bug tracking you have them you know customer support cases that are coming in maybe you'd want to you know have it have customer support cases forward to this email address which would then create maybe a bug list or an incoming bug list on your Trello board there's a lot of different ways that it could be used um you know get creative and if you ever want to view all of your assigned cards from all your boards in one place I check out the my cards page which can be accessed from the Trello menu as well so you can sort your cards either by board as you can see different boards and I'm on or by due date and then I click on a card to go right to that board so as I mentioned earlier Trello has apps available on iOS and Android so you can organize and collaborate you know with your team from anywhere finally I want to share some places where you can connect with us online if you're ever looking for a little Trello board inspiration check out Trello comm slash inspiration where we have created examples of different Trello workflows for both business and life from the Trello community and really from our own very own internal Trello boards as it's really cool there's on blog links blog articles associated you can link out to them and really could just go right into a board and if you like the template you can just you can copy that board and you know build your own board based on on some of these templates we also have a blog located at a blog Trello comm which features updates tips and articles about productivity tech and more so you can bring your favorite apps into your Trello workflow and customize your boards with our integrations page so here we have a whole selection of third-party integrations and our own power-ups that can be added to your trailer workflow such as browser extensions add-ons chrome extensions etc and you could search for them so if you want time tracking we can see the various time tracking plugins that can be added to your workflow if you're using Trello with a within a company or team I'd recommend checking out trilha business class for additional Trello features integrations and Adam in administrative controls as I mentioned we have a whole power-ups platform and the ability to even build your own power-ups into Trello as well as a whole bunch of other great features come back to my slides really quick course you can follow us on Twitter Facebook Pinterest and other social networks for updates on tips updates of product updates and you know shared content from the Trello community and so that kind of wraps up my basic presentation here I want to get the Q&A session going in just a moment so if you have any questions um you can enter those into the GoToWebinar box and Michelle and I are going to address as many as possible with the remaining time I also want to lean know if um if you have to leave the webinar now and have questions or if your other ask for questions in private feel free to email us at support at Trello calm and we'll be glad to answer them for you and of course as I mentioned earlier I've been recording this presentation and I will be mailing emailing out a copy to everyone within the next day you'll get a copy of this webinar you can also always go to Trello comm slash webinars for upcoming Trello webinars and we also have all of them available on demand for instance if you're more curious about Trello um business class or to see some of the power ups in action you can just watch on one of these on-demand webinars at any time anyway I'm going to go back to this board that we created and get the Q&A session going and Michelle if you wanna hop on the line hi hey Michelle Michelle spry I've been answering a bunch of your questions in the background while I've been presenting so let's see let's hop right in uh first question here is how do I add images to card I think cover that but let me just read it once again so first of all your board settings by default card covers are enabled but I can I can add I can attach something for my computer let's go with this image again well let's change it up hug with the Trello logo which would be a very interesting snack and as you can see I can attach it like that and it just plays as a card cover and once again I'll suggest drag and drop an image right on if you want to get kind of fun um if you you can attach animated gifts to cards and as long as it's leave less than 300 pixels wide it'll actually display as an animated gif on your card which is always really cool um let's see oh this is a great question about power-ups someone asks does each member need to enable the calendar powerup nope um with with power-ups um when a powerup is enabled it's enabled across the entire board so anyone that is on the board will be able to see the powerup that actually goes actually more specific that goes for all these power-ups if you have a troll of business class and you have team members on your board they will be able to see all of the business class power-ups in action and see all the data pulled in however if you have members of your board who are not a part of your business class team they wouldn't be able to interact with the power-ups in the same way also the data would not be displayed for them would you say um that covers that Michelle alright and then the same applies for backgrounds backgrounds are anyone who's on this board will see the background um you know kind of keeps it uniform sometimes people like to use backgrounds to maybe help categorize boards you know maybe all my marketing team boards might have green backgrounds or you know so so we keep it consistent across the across to all the members of the board let's see talk more about links such as inviting third party people so that um trying to see exactly um so if you want input I'm guessing this is about inviting someone to a board um you can I guess it would say I'm not sure but I yeah I think invitation links oh yeah just how to invite doesn't have a trouble account yeah so one thing that's actually really neat is um you know aside from typing in someone's email address here or you know their username if someone is not a member of trill yet or even if they are a member we actually recently added invite links to boards and this is kind of beta right now but this is unique link that I can give to anybody of course since I'm the member of this board this won't work but I can give this um let me see if I can actually pull in a tab from let's not incognito okay so as you see I can send this to anybody that I want to invite to my to my board and they can click join and now there's two of me on the board but it's an easy way to do I add people board one really cool thing is I'm going to maybe use like slack or something you can just droplet you could just drop this link right in a slack channel maybe you have a new project they are creating a board for and you could just drop it right into your slack Channel and tell everyone that you're working with up on your team you know hey I created the board join the board and everyone can just simply click right through saves you a ton of time you know to go in inviting everyone individually or anything if your board is a member of a team you can also quickly invite team members to boards which I could demonstrate really quickly so I'm going to make this part of talk with team and I can make the board team visible and now any of my team members can easily be added I can also easily add in all team members in one click so there's just a couple extra ways to add people to boards going a little deeper someone asks if you can move cards from one board to another yep I just showed you that well let me demo it again just in case you missed that out I miss out on that you can open a card and click move and pick the board that you want to move it to um let's see so I can just pick any board here uh my household board you know pick the list and then uh I can move it over there and then let me see if I can demo it there's my household board and as you see the card was moved over here and we see that I transferred this card from the dinner party board just so that it's you know it's on the card back so you can always reference that later now someone let's see how to close boards yeah so as an admin of a board maybe a projects done and it's time to close the board you can just go to the board menu and click close board no one on the board now will be able to access it anymore and only admins can reopen a board so you can there's the link right here but if you close the tab on the board which you probably would overtime you can always see all your close boards by click by going into the boards menu clicking see close boards and then I could as the admin I can reopen it once again only admins of boards can close and reopen boards let's see so this can you explain the differences pros cons between subscribing to a board versus subscribing to individual lists Michelle you have some some ID some great ideas on board best practices do you want to jump in there yeah totally um so a lot of times when someone's subscribing to a board I mean you're just going to get a lot more noise because every time someone moves the card on the board every time someone joins the board or makes a comment or whatever you're going to get all of this information a lot of times if someone is particularly responsible for a board so say you're the project manager you're making sure stuff doesn't fall through the cracks or perhaps you're just a manager or you just want to keep an eye on what this team is doing or what changes happen you might subscribe to an entire board or subscribing to just one list means you're only going to get information on the cards on that list so say taking this dinner party board maybe maybe I'd only stay subscribe to to do so I can say oh yeah like no one's clean clean the house yet I just may keep an eye on that but once once someone claims that and moves it to doing I'll no longer get any notifications on the cards and so you know Solon says I'm gonna send out invites they're already taking care of it it's off of my plate I don't need to stay subscribed and in that particular case that's right that's a great point if you're subscribed to the to do list um and you're not you know a member of the card you'll get a notification when someone moves it to doing and so you'll be notified that someone's actually starting to work on that task which is it that's a really good point let's see um do power ups work only on one board or across multiple boards power ups are board specific so as you can see right I just move this over to my business class team now I have all the business class power ups which once again if you'd like to see those in action I recommend checking out one of our on-demand webinars but um but yeah these are going to be enabled um just for this board if I out and then want to enable them on different boards as well you know cuz depending on different needs of different boards you might not need every single powerup enabled for instance maybe on a developer board I might want the fog bugs power up for bug tracking but on an editorial calendar board I might want the Evernote power up enabled for keep you know for organizing my blog post articles so let's see someone else so cards are tasks and boards are like that's the question boards can only be anything you want me to fee no boards I would consider if cards or tasks maybe the board is like the project the board might be the bigger picture goal so if the idea here in this demo is that at the end you know by March 19th I want to throw a dinner party the board is all about making sure that that dinner party happens and these are tasks for steps that get me towards making sure that I have the most awesome dinner party ever replace that with maybe you're building a website or you know maybe you're making managing blog content or you're gonna launch any product you know so so really I consider the cards as steps along the way but of course like I said earlier you can also have cards that might just hold some data and information oh no you have anything to add to that Michelle um yeah I mean I guess I once again and if you head over to the inspiration pages I'll send that to everyone just you have the link yeah that Yuji you can just get a sense of a ton of different boards and you know some of them are like company handbook and it's just information some of them show processes like the dinner party just like there's a whole lot of options out there yeah let's see this we made a note here about creating a checklist Oh copy onions from another checklist yeah we've had a couple questions on that oh yeah that's actually a really great question so let's say um just for example cleaning part 2a over to the card um if you have a checklist on a board you can copy items from any other checklist on the board really quickly and easily this is great for you know any kind you anytime you have maybe a template card that you want to just you know have a repetitive process you know steps that you're going to take all the time you can simply just just copy you can set up a card this card could act as my template card with a maybe a step process maybe every time I'm sending out a newsletter I want to make sure I go through certain steps or every time I test something I want to go through certain steps so I could build a checklist on this card that acts as my template card and then every time I go to to put out the newsletter I go to my checklist and you know copy items from my you know which the checklist that that illustrates those steps so it's just one of those little handy time savers let's see where do sorry to laughs where do archived boards go that's it I feel like it's like a very philosophical question um it's a great question well they kind of just I mean we don't we don't delete them we don't erase them they're just kind of there we just want to take them out of you know your your visual you know like maybe you know if you're on your Trello boards page and you have a ton of boards you're not using anymore it might be distracting so maybe you want to close the board so we just you know it's just an easy way to remove from there or if you know you're just kind of done with that project just way to get rid of it um get it out of sight out of sight out of mind kind of thing I guess but yeah we don't delete ARCA we don't leak close boards because you know if you ever need that board in the future it's really important that you could access that information yeah I guess did you bring up the like how to open a closed four yep in the menu around yeah it's in the cellar yeah um so see when you archive cards where do they go can you create an archive board and move the done cards um that's an interesting question so our kind of cards are associated with the board and as I mentioned earlier if I archive some cards here they're all right here they're going to be in your cart the board's archived so these archive cards stay within the board this way you know since these cards are associated with the board you can always open them up and send them back to the board if you want of course you can always search for archived cards and the same applies to list so you could I guess technically create a card I mean create an entire board for cards that are completed if that's real look forward and move cards there when you're done maybe that's totally totally feasible um you know maybe you want to have a let's let's say I'm going to create a done board just to illustrate this example of the question here about can you create an archive board and move done cards there so let's say this card is done you know maybe I want to keep a weekly list let's say hypothetically so Feb 15th and have one location between all my projects where I can quickly see what's been completed across all the boards you could set up a system where people could move cards from done over to where's my done board here we go and you can pick the week you want and move it there and you can you can move it there real quickly the other thing is if you have a bunch of cards on a board anyone do real quick you can move all the cards in this list I oh sorry it only is it's not your different board my bad you have to do it individually Sofia but that's one way you can do that is some just selecting that and then moving to the dumb board I could see some I could see that'd be kind of neat you can easily see exactly everything that's been accomplished across all your boards that's the work fully one do the only thing that I would say about that I worry is that you're moving cards off this board and so they become detached from the project that you're working on and you might lose you know lose some perspective on how they were related to the original project if they're now on this board um anyway I hope that answers your question let me know if have any follow-ups there I just wanna make sure like that's what you're getting at let's say someone asks do you have a limit of boards or cards no so there's no limit to the amount of boards you can create with a free account and there's no real limit to the amount of cards you could have open on a board but we will say that if you have like a thousand cards on a board that are open you're probably going to notice some performance issues we definitely recommend archiving cards you know once you're getting into the hundreds and hundreds of cards once you say Michelle uh yeah definitely either just swing it into smaller boards or it is just gonna make everything run a lot smoother yeah yeah totally we've we've seen some really large boards that I've had like Melton's cards and it's yeah takes a long time to load hey guys let's see what's the decision criteria to have one board with a large number of cards versus multiple boards with a smaller number of cards per board for instance multiple projects that are happening concurrently with one another all projects within the same functional domain so that's really I guess up to you really up to you what how your team works best I'll tell you you know I work on the marketing team here at Trello and we like to create a new board for every project and then so it just kind of keeps it separated this way we don't get distracted by you know by by other tasks um you know I can go to a board and focus on on just those tasks for that project what we do have is we have one giant marketing board that has kind of everything we're working on and then the boards link to it we said good probably let me see if I can consider this yeah we noticed oh yeah you know having a lot of cards on one board once again can slow things down but you don't have too much going on and say you know maybe you're scheduling out blog posts but you're also scheduling tweets or you're scheduling a bunch of things and they're the same kind of project but maybe they're divided by the author or divided by topic if it's not too much stuff then what you might want to do is assign labels to those cards to keep them separate and then you can filter the same board to get sort of a bunch of different views of the same series of lists it's really it is kind of you have to play around with your workflow and figure out what works for you it's kind of confusing because it's the same background on both boards but still I got our unlike our board as you see we have this in progress list and these are kind of projects that we're going to write now one thing we're considering is maybe if we want to update the redesign the homepage that's going to be a big project so we have a separate board for that and we link to it on our main marketing board you know this way because that's going to be such a big project in itself we want to have that as a separate board but yes really you know it just depends on kind of what works best for you and and your team um what's your take on assigning one task to multiple users should it be done what's the best practice I I I like to do it because I think you know if you have multiple people working on something you can this way everyone's going to stay notified everyone's going to be up to date you know of any actions that occur on that task and also anyone that's that's looking at this board can quickly see all the people involved there's you know one thing I might recommend for breaking up a card is you know maybe Andre has certain tasks and I certain tasks so I always break up a checklist you know little things within within the task maybe Andre is going to read the copy and work on images for something and I'm going to create a hashtag for Twitter for a campaign you know this way we can each keep track of our own separate subtasks you know on this card with our own checklist but if someone wants you know to get feedback or something or see quickly who's working on unsaid tasks you know they can see that both of us are there so that's one way that um you know you can you can easily kind of break up a card a little bit I definitely personally think that you know anyone that's working on a task should probably be at the card the other option I guess is you could have someone kind of managed a task you know but then I feel like you lose perspective by seeing at a glance you know everyone that's involved with the task I know what do you think Michelle oh that sounds about right yeah I guess you kind of have to ensure that people have if someone's the lead on a task they know but I think it's really helpful because then you know say I have a question I'm finalizing guest lists like probably anyone working on that can answer my question and then I can just leave a comment on that card and one of them will get back to me yeah that's a great point so let's say someone asks how do you start and add members to a team so you can add members to a team by a start a team by clicking this plus sign if you want it so you know a team as says here it's a great way to just kind of group boards together whether it's you know company team family etc you know and people that are going to be working on these boards so you can your create a personal team or if you want to sign up for business class you can create a business team I'm just going to create a personal team right now so with that I can name the team team webinar you want put a description in you agree you can add it there and then I can create boards within my team so I can add members by then clicking the members tab and I can add members you can also invite people to your team by using a quick link if you want to just quickly add a bunch of people to your team you can give them the link and they can they'll add it by clicking it or I can just you know enter if I know someone's signed up for Trello I can add them and of course I can team member at company comm I can add them via email as well so those are kind of three ways you can add someone to a team let's see is there any way to permanently delete the activity history for example it'd be a good idea for the new hire board and so I what I was thinking around this one is something like a new hire board well short answer no not it's not possible to do the activity history but if you have something like a new hire board and and yeah you don't want everyone to see like all the stuff that's happened on it each time um we definitely suggest like copying that board each time so you can kind of use a board as a template you have your entire board or you know a new project template and then you can copy it each time and that gives you sort of a fresh start with the new board and yeah I don't know that that lets you have multiple instances based on the people of access yes so if this original board that maybe has a bunch of activity the copied board is only going to have you know it'll start here Brian copied this board from new Hyrum boarding and then it'll build its own activity history so that's probably the best way if you want to clear the activities of course there's comes issues with um you know by copying a board you're going to lose out on any comments or any people that were on the board etc but you know but when you do copy aboard yeah all the activity history is removed let's see looks like last question which is good because we're basically out of time oh can you please go into more detail on how Dropbox or Evernote is integrated with Trello for example if I have a Dropbox document attached to a card and make a change outside of trail to that document just Trello no the document change I yeah quick answer is yes um let me see if I can quickly jump into something here um sorry about that we're rid of Dropbox okay I hope that I'm still its box there you go so this is actually something I attached via Dropbox and as you can see it shows when it was less modified this is a using the business class power up the drop on the business class Dropbox power up now if I open I can go view it in Dropbox if you just attach something via Dropbox without business class it's not going to show when the document is last added in modified the same goes for Evernote if you have business class if you have business class you enable the business class power up as you can see you can see when a when a note was created in Evernote and when it was last modified and once again if you want to see some more information about these powerups we go over a lot of them extensively in the business class 101 webinar and the Power Platform webinar and on our blog we also have a lot of information about the power ups with examples and you can also go to troll comm / - power ups and you can learn more about all the business class power ups and how they work so anyway it looks like we're about out of time thanks so much everyone for joining us today if you have any additional questions you know anything you think of you can always email support at Trello calm and we'll answer any of those questions and like I said be sending out a recording of this webinar probably sometime in the next 24 hours uh and yeah and also feel free you know if you have any feedback on the webinar or if there's any content you'd like to see in future webinars you know we're going to be expanding our webinar series and you know want to add a lot of content and would love to know kind of what would help you out a work wouldn't roll oh the best so you can always email us support at Trello comm with any ideas and uh thank you again everyone and thank you so much Michelle for joining me today yeah thanks Fran thanks everyone for coming and I hope everyone has a great day take care you
Channel: Trello
Views: 146,236
Rating: 4.8985076 out of 5
Keywords: trello, webinar, productivity, collaboration, project management
Id: OUwhjnooyF8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 23sec (3623 seconds)
Published: Mon May 16 2016
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