Getting Started With Trello (Webinar)

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hi let's get started so my name is Brian Savino I'm the product marketing manager at Trello and today I'm joined by our support specialist Katie Cogdell so today's topic is getting started with Trello we'll be covering a lot of materials so if you ever want to go back and reference any of the points made in this webinar you can check out our getting started guide at Trello comm slash guide so before we get started I just want to let you know that everyone on the line is on mute if you have any questions concerns or comments please type them into the GoToWebinar question box and Katie and I will be addressing them at the end of the webinar also I want to let you know that I'll be recording today's webinar and we'll e-mail copies of it to all attendees as well as links to a lot of the information mentioned so during this webinar I'll be covering creating a team in Trello creating a new Trello board Trello board basics collaboration in Trello essential trailer features and share some tips and tricks and really the goal of this webinar is to get you up and running with your company organization your colleagues friends and family in Trello so that you know you can harness the collaborative power that Trello has to offer after this webinar you'll be able to bring more perspective to all of your life's teens and stay in sync on all the projects and work that you have in your life no matter where you're located and really you know kind of bring an end to the endless email chains and status update meetings that tend to ruin our productivity so started by showing you a Trello board that has already been created for planning an event within my company and by the end of the webinar we will have created a board that is very much like this as you can see this board is made up of lists and each lists has cards added to them cards can represent tasks and you can click on cards to get more detailed information about those tasks so cards can be moved across lists as tasks progress from start to finish for instance um and lists can also act as repositories of information as well for instance on this board there is lists for resources and assets as well as tasks so that my team knows exactly you know where to find all the information images and links that there need for this event or for whatever project you're working on so to get started today first I'm going to start by creating a team teams are a great way to organize all of the boards and individuals that I'm going to be working with and you know with a team and all the boards and with it within a team and all the boards that the team members are working on having them associate with the team everyone knows where to go to get the information they need creating a high level of transparency and accessibility so you can create a team for your company an organization you volunteer for the School PTA family or anything and there's no limit to the number of boards or members you can have in a team so click the plus sign and when you're in Trello you click the plus sign on the top right corner next to your name and select the type of team you'd like to create personal teams are free teams and business teams are for teams that are looking for additional security features administrative controls member management and permission as well as unlimited integrations and this is through Trello business class so for now I'm going to create a free team but you can check out our business class webinar or Trello comm slash business class to learn more about what business class can do for your team so I'm gonna click personal team and then we name my team so I'm going to my team after my awesome business which is awesome Inc where we sell only awesomest goods and services and I'm going to create click create so next I'm going to invite my colleagues to the team from the members tab when adding people to your team think big you know inviting everyone from your company up front as opposed to inviting just the people for your first project it means that not only everyone will be creating boards under the same umbrella which makes it easier for an entire team to collaborate it also reduces future friction from the people that need to collaborate on team boards but hadn't been added to your team and it removes potential interruptions in your work day down the road so the easiest way to create a team is by clicking bulk add the bulk add members button and then you can either enter the email addresses or Trello usernames of the members that you'd like to invite if someone hasn't signed up for Trello then invite them by their their work email address or you can just if there are member trouble Trello you can invite them by their Trello username so I'm going to add some members to my team you can all I add members individually by name or email address and each team also comes with a special invite link that you can share via email or slack to let people join your team you can just click that and copy your link right down here please remember though that anyone with the link will be able to join your team so just make sure you send it to the right people also if we had created a business class team business class teams have the option to link their Google Apps domain to the business class team and add members in a single click so I'd highly recommend when you create a team to also add additional admins as a team creator I am the admin for the team however just in case something happens maybe someone needs to be removed from the team or you need more members can be added I'm the only one that can do this as an admin so what I'm going to do is I'm going to make another member of my team an admin just in case for some reason I'm not available to help out so I can just click there's other permission and change it to admin and now we have let me actually gonna do three admins on just make sure we have a couple admins available you know these are managers or anyone making you know executive decisions very useful thing to have so with my team created and members added it's time to start creating Trello board for all the projects and things that the team is working on I think Trello is quite possibly the one app that every single department can utilize to get perspective on the work and done and kind of what still needs to get done and so for this webinar I'm going to create a board to plan a meet-up or event but this is just one of the millions of ways that Trello can be used by marketing engineering sales departments and more and the set up of board and features covered here can you know really be applied to any use case one thing I recommend is checking out our page trello calm / teams to see how your department can use Trello in so many different ways and I'm actually going to just put this in chat so you can take a look at that on your own time so without further ado we're going to create our board there's two options you can either go to the board's tab right here and from your team and click create board or from the plus sign in the header of Trello and click create board so I'm going to click create board and I'm going to be creating a board to organize you know an event or meetup for our users so I'm going to name this board big event and as you can see by default it's already going to be associated with the team that I just created so I click create and now we're on the new board and the new board is kind of like an empty canvas that can be customized to your workflow with the addition of lists so you can add as many lists as you need to your board to create steps in a workflow or pipeline so I'm going to start adding some lists to my board to do list doing list done lists and these are to manage my tasks workflow from start to finish and then I'm also going to add a resource list for any information about the event list can always be reorganized by dragging and dropping them into place and can always be you know renamed if your workflow changes and like I said this is a pretty simple workflow I could always add more steps perhaps I want to create a new list awaiting approval or QA you know maybe I would drag add cart you know cards would move here to this list for approval before they're done but for this example I'm going to just keep things simple so next I'm going to add cards to my list for tasks that I need to do to plan this event and if you've already started making a list in another app you can simply copy that list and paste it into a new Trello card so here's some tasks I jotted down that needed to do for this event I just pasted my new Trello card and trillo gives me the option to create a new card from each line separated item which is a really handy time-saver cards can also be added by clicking add a card and then typing out the card names so I'm going to create some additional cards for my resources list event assets and website location details and speak your information so the stage you know the cards on the board simply show us the work that needs to get done and it's really its simplest form however by clicking on a card you can open it and on the card back and add a lot more information like descriptions checklists due dates attachments labels and more which I'm going to get into so let me give you a more in-depth tour of the card back and demonstrate some of its features to add more detailed information about a task you can edit the cards description so for instance on the find a venue a card I can have more detailed information about what criteria we're looking for in a venue so venya needs 300 person capacity close to mass transit and have an in-house audio-visual system and I can save that so this way you know anyone that's looking this card just knows what we're looking for in a venue as you can see here Trello in card descriptions recognizes markdown formatting so you can format your cards a bit more to make it more visually appealing and more clear to read so since finding and securing a venue is going to take a few steps I'm going to make a checklist to track the process step by step and make sure that no important details fall through the cracks so let me add a checklist and I call this venue I need to use and then add a few items to my checklist so I'm going to research venues get quotes signed contract and I'm going to want to confirm with the venue before the event that everything is set to go as items get completed I can check them off and we could see the progress of this card all the tasks subtasks checklist items getting completed on this card so just like how you can create a set of Trello cards by copying and pasting a list into a new Trello card the same applies for checklist items so I can quickly copy and paste items for everything and I need to do to prepare my speakers on to a speaker prep card so for instance I created this list in my other up and I can just simply paste this in to see my speaker prep card of things I need to do to prepare my speakers for the event and trill is automatically going to make it individual checklist items by LAN separate items this is really handy for a lot of things sometimes even use it in my personal life when I'm making cards on my meal planning board for recipes I can just copy this ingredients or steps and paste them as a checklist and then just be able to check things off as I go along so since there are a lot of moving parts for planning this event and some things need to get done before others I'm going to add due dates to cards so that everyone involved on the project knows when their tasks need to be completed by trilha will send a notification 24 hours before a card is due as a reminder to any member that is added to the card or subscribe to the card and I'll get more into members and subscriptions in just a few minutes so all I have to do is from the card back and click the due date button and then select when the card will be due I can also pick the time as well and click Save also when a card is when it's completed you can check it off and so that way we know the card is come the it's complete by that due date so I can go through these cards and one handy shortcut is while masking over a card I can hit the D key to quickly add due dates to cards and then go through and just add add my due dates to these cards really quickly put a save time I'm not going to go through all the cards right now so next I want to talk about attachments since I already generated an invitee list from our CRM for this event I'm going to attach it to the invite guests card so Trello lets you attach files from your computer or from popular cloud storage options like Google Drive Dropbox and box files attached via the cloud storage options will retain the file permission set in the host app so I'm going to pick my invite to guest list that I have already prepared and this way when I'm ready to send out my invites or whoever is going to send out the invites to the guests will have this this document ready to import into MailChimp so when you trick though is that you can drag files onto a Trello card to upload it and attach them so simply drag and drop them so for instance I have this image for our event website that I can just drag onto a card and it's automatically going to be attached to the card what's also nice is that images attached to cards can be displayed as card covers and this kind of can add a bit more visual appeal to your board so labels can also be created and applied to cards and these are a great way to not only provide additional visual data to your cards but they can act as tags for filtering cards on a board which I'll demonstrate in a moment labels can be used as a way to group cards by type indicate priority assign levels of difficulty or simply categorize like I said as tags you can create and apply a label by opening a card and clicking the label button so labels can also be named for easier reference so I'm going to create a couple labels right now and create one for events so that my events team for events team related cards and I great one for marketing for the marketing team related cards and then to apply a label to a card I can simply click that and now it's added to my card as you see now I have this green label a quick shortcut is that labels have associated hotkeys numbers 1 through 9 and 0 which represent the different colors and labels and I can use these to quickly apply labels to cards so I can go through here and quickly add labels to cards so now that you know got a set up in a real-world situation out go through and maybe a check lissa descriptions two more of these cards but now I'm going to add some my colleagues who are working on this event with me to this board and this way I can assign them to TAS and you know that everyone can keep track of what tasks are done what still need to be taken care of um as you can see here I kind of like to have my boards set up a bit before adding more adding members to it just because it provides a jumping-off point for everyone else to work off you know whether that means you know adding more cards or providing feedback or getting started with their tasks it just allows them to have more perspective when they join a board and see how certain tasks relate to other cards on the board so it's kind of helpful I think for me when I'm creating a board to have some structure set up in place before I go and add people so to add a someone to your board you're going to click the add members button and then you can either enter their name email address or username or you can select them from the list from your team you can also easily add all your team members to a board by clicking the add all team members if someone if if a person is not yet on Trello you can invite them by submitting their email address and as soon as they sign up for Trello they will automatically be able to collaborate on your board and so I'm going to add some of my teammates that I had my team from before to this board maybe not all of them are involved in this event so I don't need to add all of them right now to this board but what's great is that because this board is a part of my team everyone anyone else in the team that's not a part of this board can easily join the board or and view the board and see exactly what's going on and see the status of all the tasks for planning this event or get any information they need about the event so I'm going to add also someone who's not a part of my team and only working a freelancer that's only working on this object to this board who is going to be handling the a/v and photography so I can add it so I'm going to add this member and as you can see they're invited and when they sign up for Trello they will then be able to access this board and begin collaborating so I want to take a quick moment to mention board membership permissions when you create a new Trello board you are deef by default the admin for the board um as you can see by this icon right here this allows you to change the settings for the board close the board change the board's background etc also by default any new member you add to the board will have normal permissions but you can give another board member admin permissions by clicking on their avatar and change the permissions to admin and just like with a team you know we like to recommend always having a second board admin or more if you're comfortable just in case the original admin drops off a project and administrative decisions need to be made like switching the team the board is associated with or closing the board or removing members from a board associate I made Amy a member of this board so with my colleagues added to the board I'm going to start delegating tasks so to do so I can drag and drop avatars from the sidebar here right onto a card so I'm going to add a couple people to some cards what's also really neat a shortcut is you can add yourself quickly to a card by just hovering your mouse over card and pressing spacebar so I quickly add myself to a couple cards another option is to click a card to open it and select the members button and then pick a member that you're going to add to that card and you can also add multiple numbers to a cards if multiple people are going to be working on that that card so when someone is added to a card they will receive a notification within Trello and by email that they've been added and anyone added to a card will also receive notifications for updates to the cards such as if the card is moved to a different list any comments on the card or for any approaching due date on the card speaking of notifications you can notify someone specifically on a card by app mentioning that made a comment and so this is helpful for when you want to get an update on the progress of a card to ask for feedback or just to say something nice so I'm going to add mention Priscilla say let me know if I can help out at all and now Priscilla will receive notification that I left a comment on the card so she knows to go and check out this card for the activity and see what comment I've left and you know we can collaborate on this card you can also use at card or app board to notify everyone on a card or an entire board respectively but I recommend using these sparingly as they can create a lot of noise so with a basic structure of the board created and members added it's time to get to work so I'm going to drag the find a venue card over to doing list so that everyone on my team knows that I've begun working on this card as everyone begins working on their cards they will also progress to the doing list as well and they will team members that are responsible for these cards can move the cards over to you know the what's in progress and then when when I've done everything and I've got my venue all set up I'm don't I can move this to the done list and so what's great is that you know everyone in my team can look at this board and know the status of every task leading up to the event without a single or email or chat message sent really we see what's done what's in progress and what still needs to be worked on from here on you know I can go to my next task and start working on that as well you might also have a couple tasks you know cards that you're working on at the same time so that's a really basic setup and workflow for a Trello board and now I want to go a little deeper into some essential Trello features and so many of these features are located in the board sidebar here sidebar here including a general board and permission settings such as what the team is and commenting permissions adding and moving members permissions allowing any team member to join a board without being invited permissions which is a handy thing to keep checked because this way anyone that needs to start working on a project can easily or a board can easily just join the board and get to work another thing that's really useful is um filtering cards on a board so as I mentioned earlier when we add a filtering cards on a board is a handy way to get more granular perspective on your cards and we applied labels to board to our cards and so I can filter my cards to just see all the event labels and or marketing labels and quickly see just the status of those tasks you know if I manager the marketing team I can just quickly filter for these cards and see the status of marketing related cards I can also filter by my member or I can surface any cards that aren't assigned yet and then I know maybe who to delegate tasks to finally I can also filter by you know due date as well so here's cars doing the next week doing the next month or you know if any cards were overdue I would be able to surface those cards and then quickly get that task delegated since it's already overdue it's also you can use multiple multiple filter filters at once so I can filter for my cards that are say due in the next week for instance so this comes in really handy for just being able to surface visualize specific and from cars or your you want to see without so much noise from all the rest of the cards on the board so power-ups are something that bring additional functionality to boards by integrating the apps you rely on directly into your workflow like github Salesforce Google Drive and many more and they also allow you to enable additional features on boards like a calendar view and custom fields then once again if you didn't see that to get to power-ups I clicked the power-ups button from the sidebar and so every Trello board can have one powerup enabled per bore for free and business-class members can enable an unlimited number of power-ups on their boards power-ups are completely adaptable to your workflow and your unique business needs and it really allows you to turn your boards into centralized platforms that have all the information and data you need from the apps and services you rely on all available in one place excuse me I'll take a sip water so in this board for planning an event you know there's a bunch of power-ups that I think are really helpful for instance there's the calendar powerup and this will allow my team to see see all the cards with due dates on them in a calendar view and I can open a card and do it right from the calendar there's also a week view and if I move a card and drag it and drop it on another day on the calendar the due date will automatically update on the card great feature about the calendar powerup is that it includes a unique iCal fee that can be enabled and this is unique to you um and this can be imported into any third-party calendar that accepts iCal feeds like Google Calendar Apple's calendar outlook and more so in this way you can you know keep all your Trello cards with due dates on them you know bring them into the calendar that you're you're using for everything else in your life that is due dates whether that's meeting scheduled or if you have multiple Trello boards with the calendar powerup enabled you can bring in multiple iCal iCal feeds to your calendar app and see all of the cards that are due from all your boards you know in one calendar another one that's useful on this board I think is like the Google Drive power up the Google Drive power up allows my team to organize files folders and files directly in Trello and so I can see when a document was last edited by whom and create new Drive documents right from Trello cards so for instance let me open a card here maybe I'm going to I can click the Google Drive power up and I can attach a file attach a folder or create attached documents right from a Trello card so if I want to attach a folder authorize my account and now I can attach something let's see what can I attach so all the mock-up for our event website the wireframe any documents associated with it can all be attached right to a card and any one of my team can click right there and go right into drive and see this wireframe for this website and leave any comments or feedback right on my Trello card also with the Google Drive power up you can create and attach documents slides sheets folders and it will automatically be named as you can see on the Trello card when it was created when it was modified and by whom and I can hop right in Google Docs and start working on that so that's really neat power up the last power point they're covering now in this in this use case would be maybe the MailChimp powerup you know if you're my team's using that to send out an event invite I can see I can uh attach a template oh hang on one second I thought it was all logged into this and once my accounts uh been linked I can it's one second attach a template to my card for feedback or I can also attach a campaign and to a card and you know you see email send open rates click rates this is just a dummy campaign that was created for this so way power-ups are super useful customizable to whatever the workflow is that you're doing like I said a bunch of these are useful for event planning github it's really useful for developers and I'd love to go into more power-ups and different use cases unfortunately don't have time today but there's like you can check out Trello coms lash power-ups power - ups let me put that in the chat and there's links to lots of useful articles about different power-ups and you can also watch one of our on-demand webinars about power-ups that Trello comm slash webinars which I'm going to put in chat are getting back to some other features you know boards can be personalized with board backgrounds all accounts would come with these basic colors and if you have Trello gold or business class you get more background options as well as the ability to upload your own that looks really nice stickers are a fun way to add visual data to your boards or simply say good job and so all accounts come with a basic sticker pack these ones up here and if you have gold err business class to get additional sticker packs and the ability to upload your own so I can just drag and drop a sticker to a card and they're pretty fun ways to visually just represent information or say congrats one helpful way to stay on top of the progress on a board is by subscribing to boards lists and cards and so subscribing to cards is a great way to stay in the loop without adding yourself to the card because you will still get notifications for card movements comments etc as mentioned earlier but your avatar will not be added to the card and so this way it doesn't you know this is important distinction I think because it keeps it clear um who's assigned Oh card and it doesn't cloud up the perspective that shrila gives as to who is added to a card and working on what so you just click the subscribe button to subscribe to a card if you like to get updates for all the actions on a board then you can click more from the sidebar and subscribe to a board and now the same also applies to lists for instance maybe you want to subscribe to the done list on a board and this way every time a card gets moved over to done you'd get a notification or you know it's a great way to follow up and make sure that everything looks good when someone you know says they're done with their card so if you have workflows or tasks that you tend to repeat often then the ability to copy cards lists and boards might be appealing so I can do is um open a card and click copy and then I can copy this card I can pick keep the labels members if there were comments or attachments I could select if I want to keep those I can pick what board I want to copy it to what list and the position so I'm going to copy a card to the in progress list just for the sake of this demo at the top and click create card oh and there we go it's right up here at the top of the list as I said so copying cards is very useful for you know more repetitive tasks you can also copy lists as well so I can copy this list name it a copy and now all the cards are copied on the list to a new list I'm just going to archive that so it's not distracting and this one I think it's also an event planning board like this is a great example where you might want to set up a template board if you're hosting regular events and then make a copy of a template board for each new event so imagine I had my basic card structure before all these cards were moved and for Evan was assigned I could go to copy board and I can name this board so what I would want to do is have you know maybe this would say event template and then this would be like December event copy the board and a copy the board is made so this way this is like my event template this is great for like retrospectives etc you know anything that you're doing regularly maybe if you're doing marketing campaigns regularly you want to have the template all set up and then just copy that board so you have a repeatable process so as mentioned earlier notifications when you have notifications if you're on a card or mentioned or if you're subscribed you see this little red bell icon up here and click that to view all your notifications you can also update your notification frequency if you want to instantly you know if you want them periodically or Never I like to get mine instantly just because I want to be roped in right away for anything and you can also allow desktop notifications I mentioned shortcuts earlier Trello but if you hit the question mark key on your keyboard there's a whole ton of keyboard shortcuts that you can find a lot very useful in your workflows and so I'm not going to go over these now but once again just hit the question mark key on a board and you'll be able to see all of Trello shortcuts there's um each board is unique email address and this is unique to you that can be used to create new trailer cards via email and not only this would be great for maybe keeping track of correspondence with my event speakers or the venue and then you know be able to add any action items from email that are generated in this email I can add action items as Trello cards and be able to reference that email on the trilha card by creating a card from that email I like using this address and forwarding that email will go right to this board but this can also be really helpful for you know sales teams looking for a way to track leads and demo requests or HR teams the final candidate leads into a hiring process or support teams receiving bug reports from users the last thing I want to show that might be useful is if you're managing you know if you're working on lots of boards and you want to see all of your sign cards from all your boards in one place then check out the my cards page a cards page which can be accessed from the Trello menu by clicking on your name and I probably have a lot of card signing me so it might take a lot okay didn't take too long to load you can here sort the cards by the board or by due date so you can see what's overdue what's due in the next seven days next month or any cards without a due date and you can also sort by board also a Trello has apps available on iOS and Android that I highly recommend downloading so that you can organize and collaborate with your team from anywhere and you know always keep them in sync so finally I just want to share some places where you can learn more online for webinars including upcoming webinars and on webinars please visit Trello comm slash webinars if you want to learn how your team can use Trello within each department check out Trello comm slash teams for boards best practices blog posts and more all split up by departments we also have a Trello comm slash inspiration for boards created by users like you that are shared with the entire trail of community you can keep up to date on new product features in-depth looks that Trello workflows case studies productivity tips and more with the Trello blog blog trial or calm and of course you can learn more about power-ups trata calm slash power-ups which I shared before and if you're curious about business class you can check out business class which I unfortunately now have time to get into all the business class features today you can always also find us on Twitter Facebook Instagram and more for you know updates tips and a shared content from the Trello community and so that wraps up my presentation thank you very much for attending today so looks like we about 15 minutes so I'm going to get the Q&A session going in just a moment please enter any questions you have in the GoToWebinar box and I'll try to make address as many as possible in the time remaining and if you have to leave the webinar now and have questions or if you'd rather ask your questions in private you can always feel free to email us at support at trailer comm and we'd be glad to answer them for you I also want to remind you that I'll be sending out a recording of this webinar and links to the resources mentioned before so that you can view the webinar again on your own time and share everything with your colleagues so if you have to hop now thanks again and let's get going with the questions which they don't seem to be too many which is great so someone just asked how do we mark a due date as done so what you can do say you have a due date on a card and you can mark it as done by just clicking this little box right here and it'll have a green badge on it which means it's done and then you can move it over if your card doesn't have a due date on it and you want to mark it as done there's a couple different ways you could go about that one thing you might want to consider is on the custom fields powerup which allows you to add custom fields to Trello cards so for instance you can add a I can add a checkbox you can I like text number fields checkbox dates drop-down lists with a custom fields powerup it's really really versatile and I can make a car call done I can make a checkbox called done show this on the front of the card and click Save now for instance say this card doesn't have a due date on it but I want to show that it's done I can click done save it says done yes here and on the front of the card we see that's done which I can then move to this list another option maybe would be to create a done label I'm going to just for the sake of time just make this orange label done and I can apply that to cards when they're completed and everyone can see that this means that the the card is done so those are three different ways that you could mark cards as done in Trello Oh someone ok let's see the next question someone has to please go through how to add labels clicking photocard the keyboard shortcuts that's right so as you can see with labels there are ten colored labels and then this gray label which doesn't have a color and it doesn't show up on the cards that might be better for if you're creating a tagging system that you want to filter cards by so each of label has a corresponding number one two three four five six seven eight nine and zero which I can use to apply labels to cards so one two three four five six seven eight oops let's actually create the label and now I can apply that label with the seven key so it's one two three four five six seven eight nine and zero alright the shortcuts to easily apply labels to cards let's see someone asks what do these small symbols on the card mean I'm not sure if you mean these these are what we call on the card front these are what we call a card badges so for instance um as you can see there's a checklist on this card so when items get checked off you can see this badge updates and this is just a handy way to get information about a card without actually I'm to open it if all four items were checked on the checklist then the card would have a green checklist badge you know I can see the due date I can see that there's MailChimp campaigns or templates attach this card or I can see like here attachments here I can see what's done so it's just a way to see this one needs that there's a description added to the card that symbol so it's a way to visually in a glance kind of get more information about a card potentially saving me some clicks by not having to click through to it let's see someone says how can you prioritize cards uh so there's definitely a couple different ways you can go about prioritizing cards as I mentioned before maybe in this event situation I was using due dates because you know I maybe have to find a venue I defined the venue that's top priority before I can invite people to the event because I need to share the location for the event with them so due dates are one ways to prioritize cards another thing is just simply dragging cards on a list you on a lot of the boards I'm working on I like to prioritize what I'm working on by dragging the cards the most important cards to the top you can use labels to prioritize cards so for instance I'm going to go in here and maybe do Red's probably a good one for important and then a pretty important and let's say you know not so important in this way like we can apply these you know an important label on this is Kawai to prioritize cards so that way and people on my team can go through and see by label what's the most important a card to get working on next as I mentioned earlier the custom fields powerup you could probably you could use this in a way to set priorities um I could create a field called priority and have a number click this button and so it represents on the front of the card as a card badge and now I go to a card click from Party is number one maybe this one is priority number two and as you can see on now I can see what is number one priority what's second priority the last thing is ultimate oh might be able to help you out it's a Chrome extension it's a third party Chrome extension I'm gonna put in chat this ultimate might be a good resource for wanting to prioritize cards at least I might ask about sleeting archiving cards lists and boards yes something I should have covered more in depth so say you um you have a bunch of cards and your done list you don't really need to see them anymore you can always archive a card by clicking archive and then in my boards archive as you see the archive card is right there it's a good way to you can use it oops you can use a Seahawk key to quickly archive cards and as you can see here's my archived items you could always open an archive card send it back to the board or you can always just delete an archive card deleting anything in Trello is permanent lists can be archived as well and you can go to a list view to see what less have been archived and you can send them back finally if you close the board if I close this board you have to me to admin to be able to do that and you guys reopen a board reason why I might want to close the board is like if you have a lot of Trello boards and maybe this events done and you don't really need to need it again you can close it if you want to you can permanently delete the board once it's been closed however once again it does permanently delete the board and everything's gone so be careful with that one I just like to close ports because it doesn't matter how many boards I have closed Trello doesn't limit the amount of boards you have let's see uh the master calendar how to sync to another calendar app Oh Katy recommends a Chrono Phi a share in chat and this is a and this is good you may want to sink because there is no master calendar in Trello as I mentioned before there's no calendar for all your boards so you might want to sync your master calendar that way let's let's see someone asks how do we set up weekly tasks without copying it every week there's actually a powerup that allows you to do that this called card repeater so you can enable card or Peter on your board which you see there we go I'm not sure why that was having a little glitch there for a second and with Carter Peter I can set up a repeating task so maybe it's maybe on in this instance it's I want to every day check a number of signups just to see how many signups are going to be attending our event and I just want to a reminder that you need to do this so I'm going to add myself to the card and then I can have it repeat either weekly monthly yearly if I want daily I can just select every day and have this go you know to this do list in top and click Save and now this card will repeat tomorrow at 12 p.m. reminding me that that's a task that I have to do today is check the number of signups for the event so there's definitely a lot of questions happening we only have a few minutes left uh just trying to get through some of these if we don't have time to answer your question today like I said just email support a Trello comm and we'd be more than glad to help you with those answer those questions for you real quick someone asked about reporting how do you report with Trello I'd recommend Krell oh is a great one we have a power for that Gantt which provides Gantt charts there's also a screen full power up screen pull provides dashboards for sprints and releases and then there's a couple of third-party tools let me just uh copy these links and share them in chat you have a reports let's see plus four Trello another one is a Gantt if I like I said there's a bunch of ways for different types of reporting these reporting tools another one is burned down for Trello for burn down charts there's a lot different ways to see you know get I'll see you the progress of your tests over time see what's getting done where bottlenecks are etc let's see oh some less a good question how do we add an avatar I think it's really great to recommend that everyone your team you know adds avatars I think it makes more fun you can see who is who so click your name and then click settings and then from there you can change your avatar so you can either upload a picture you can take it with a camera or you can upload a picture or you can just have your initials so that's how you can add an avatar let's see someone else how do you recommend getting colleagues started with Trello when working in a big organization um that's a great question I think when you're looking to on board a team you know it's really nice um maybe it's maybe in this example maybe your company was planning events with like spread sheets and email and maybe it's going to like take a project like that take a small project to start and kind of make a Trello board for it show everyone how much more useful like you know the perspective you get and the time saved not digging through email chains you get with Trello you know it's really easy in a glance I can see you know what I'm assigned what other people are assigned I can open it the board I'm a card I can see attachments I can see what the most recent attachment was you know I don't to dig through an email chain and be like oh is this the most updated attachment or which one is you know who's doing this thing or spreadsheets can be limiting and that you know they're they're not very dimensional in depth you don't you don't you aren't able to add as much information to you know a spreadsheet cell or column and so I think it's a great way to start like that is to pick a project to onboard your colleagues and be a leader you know make sure that you're like really driving the process you're there as you're there you know ready to answer questions be available to answer questions and help facilitate the process maybe that involves if you notice that you know some cards aren't moving on a board maybe you'd want to you know at mention the person like you know what's the status you know just them just to prompt people to continue to be using I think that once people really see how much clearer it is when you're using Trello as opposed to old tools like email and spreadsheets and Docs I think people like to start you know will get that and then spread it throughout the company um kind of going over time here uh may I have time to answer one more question oh here's a fun question to answer how do you remove a sticker from a card to remove a sticker from a card you click this little pencil icon then click the sticker you can remove it or you can remove it and then save and that's he remove a sticker from a card um once again sorry there is not time to get to everyone's questions today please just follow up with us email support at Trello calm we'd love to hear from you we'd love to help you out in every way possible as you get started using Trello I thank you so much for sharing your time with me today and as I said I'll be sending out a recording of this webinar to everyone that's attended or anyone that's signed up and you can share the links to that with your colleagues um so have a great day everyone and thanks again for your time
Channel: Trello
Views: 52,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: trello, webinar, how to, getting started, trello teams, power-ups, business class, trello board
Id: IzVm4ptYxzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 19sec (3619 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2016
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