WEBINAR 357 - Shameless!

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what Leah was just singing is um really  that's the definition of what's going on   at least here and i think with most of you on  zoom it's an awakening and it really is it's   it's uh awakening and as you wake up number one if  when you wake up if you noticed um you never knew   you were asleep until you woke up and there are  multitudes who are waking up and realizing they've   been asleep and they haven't seen the truth of the  gospel and then as you wake up you wake up more   um first of all you're blinking in the light and  then put your feet on the floor and it's a process   of waking up and many are in that process and  i believe this morning it's going to happen for   sure but let me say this quickly this morning's  message is uh dedicated and given to our partners   we've mentioned this before we have partners  who support us all over the nation and um   they some of them have been partners for well the  last 50 years um they're almost as ancient as i am   and it's been very difficult in these  last months with the whole pandemic thing   to communicate and of course those of us on  zoom have overcome that somewhat but there   are people who haven't and there are partners many  of them and so we dedicate at least once a month   and we send it specifically to them on cd because  that's all they have and so um thank you partners   they're the most faithful bunch of people  i know and i mean that because with all the   lack of communication in the last year still  sometimes without knowing what's happening here   they've continued to support us every month  and that's fabulous thank you and i want to   share a phrase really and it was a phrase  that leaped out of me in the bible school   last um when did we have it last weekend and um it  and therefore if you were at the bible school this   will mean a little more to you because it will  shed light on what i said there but it stands   on its own two feet for everybody else and so  it's in hebrews chapter 2 and well it's verse 11   i won't take the time to read the whole chapter  but it says in verse 11 of chapter 2 of hebrews   for both he who sanctifies him which is a clumsy  word that's come down to us through the centuries   it simply means one who is set apart and jesus  said um you are in the world but you're not of it   and and if you've woken up you know that and  that's what sanctify means and so don't be   put off by that word both he who sanctifies and  those who are sanctified are all from one father   for which reason he jesus is not  ashamed to call them brethren   and that is the verse that took sleep from  my eyes he is not ashamed to call us brethren   and if that's all you hear this morning that's it  you heard it he is not ashamed of you and um that   sets people back with shock sometimes who live in  the eyes of a god they believe is ashamed of them   and no it says we're both of one father and he is  not ashamed then to call us brethren the context   if would have read the whole chapter you would  have seen it speaking of the destiny of mankind   we were created for a glory and an honor  that's almost too big for us to talk about   and you could say in two parts there is  the honor bestowed upon us in creation   that is uh the intention before there was time  and space the intention of father and son and holy   spirit to create us why would he do it and it says  he created us in order that we should actually   be his sons and daughters in christ which would  be participants in the love of the holy trinity   that's an enormous we we have no relationship  to the rest of creation it is there for us we   are the sons and daughters that that's our destiny  but then when we come to the second part when we   actually created and in genesis 1 and the first  thing that adam has is this conversation that's   recorded in verse 26 genesis 1 where he is told  this is what it means that you have authority   you are lords and ladies of all creation you are  the masters of the birds you are lords of the sea   you are over every land creature you are the  stewards of the earth you are the vice regions   of god upon earth and then it comes but but  we don't see that no there's been a fall and   man crashes that is actually part of the meaning  of that word to crash but i want you to carefully   hear what that means because many of you  have been raised to believe that somehow   in what we call the fall there was a thing called  original sin and it was sort of you turned into an   evil beast and actually you still have the  evil beast and and jesus at least has landed   and there's a sort of uh other side of you  and it's a fight going on well that is nowhere   to be found in the entire scripture i could  tell you where it comes from i won't bother   except to say it's just not in the scripture what  so listen what did happen at what we call the fall   what happened it's fascinating actually in  a sick kind of way to realize what happens   um in just let me preface it by saying in  whatever happened in the garden of eden   in a moment of time actually they lost all sense  every awareness of that destiny it was as if it's   it's gone they don't know who they are they don't  know why they are and at the same time they lost   all sense of the loving god father who created  them it's gone um why was that it was because   of an idea okay we're not talking about a violent  takeover satan didn't come with his demons and   take over it was the subtlest you have to say it  was the most magnificent lie that was ever told   if you can think a lie was told that would  shape the entire destiny of mankind thereafter   and it was a good lie by which i'm you  know if you're going to tell a good lie   there's got to have some truth in it to make it  believable but also a good lie makes you think   that you thought of it and so then you make  choices and i just stand back and say well you   chose you say and that's how it was this idea  was presented to man it was an injection of an   idea into the mind of mankind and eve accepted it  and moves immediately to making it her idea and so   satan said the lie so subtly just a suggestion you  understand i'm not just a suggestion that if you   waited this tree it won't be as god said it would  you won't die but rather you would become his god   it's a jolly good idea don't you think and so so  she now looks at the tree and she decides it is a   marvelous idea this is a wonderful tree and it was  her idea and it was her idea to such an extent she   then drags adam into it who like a fool listened  to her and took all the wild satan stands back   and he's the author he's the one pulling the  strings but they believe they've made the choice   and in that moment something happened that the lie  was diffused through their whole being so their   mind now can only think within the boundaries  of the lie their emotions can only react   to happy or unhappy in terms of the lie and in  fact the lie invaded even the cells of their body   and death set in now what do i mean by the lie  it was a sentence that satan said that if you   eat at that tree which meant be independent of  god don't listen to his voice listen to mine   that's behind it he didn't exactly say that but  that's what it was um and that sentence got inside   that sentence changed everything once it  was believed so could i put it like this   that when i say the lie when we talk about  sin i'm really talking about something like a   have you ever thought of that have you  ever seen a parasite under a microscope   have you noticed they all look like snakes and  they've got that kind of face to them that's   just a thought but um it is that um it's a virus  it's not only a parasite concept it's a virus   which you you have the virus and then it affects  you in all the way through your body it's uh   i tell you what it is it's like black mold  and it's a spore that comes and begins to rot   and corrupt your whole person i don't know if  you ever thought of sin like that but that's   that's what it did and wherever it went you  are making choices to go with it because this   virus has gotten into your choice making it is  coming to become yours so they accepted the lie   idea and okay i tell you another one what happened  this is maybe much closer than all the others you   actually have spiritual dementia it's very  sad dementia is probably one of the saddest   diseases on the planet but the fact is the first  dimension that we read of in scripture happened   to the human race and happened at this very deep  level because you see with the virus he became   blind on the inside and as i have said before it's  not a blindness like physical blindness because i   know many blind people physically who actually can  see more than i can their senses are on alert they   know there's another experience out here whereas  this blindness that came with the virus of sin lie   is virus i'm so blinded i cannot feel think or  imagine the real world out there i am locked in   to a darkness of blindness i'm but  more than that i've lost my memory   of what used to be i've lost my memory of playing  with god in the sandbox of the garden of eden   it's gone i don't remember it i don't  remember it i don't remember my own father   i don't remember that my father is god creator  lover who created me solely that we would   love together for all eternity i i can't imagine  my origin in god the father who refused to be god   without me it's forgotten and now instead of  delighting in him as they did this morning now   they're peering nervously through the  branches of a tree hoping he won't see them   they're terrified of him they believe that  god was someone else a god they'd created in   their virus fevered imagination does that make  sense you so along with dementia comes amnesia   is here as to his own identity mankind forgot  who he is and this seems so easy to sit here and   say it but to realize this is what genesis  3 is about you have forgotten who you are   and anyone with any no i was going to say with  any sense that doesn't work because the virus   got into the logic and and can't think  logically it's it's part of the disaster   he can't remember his identity at all but it's not  not remembering that i know i'm not remembering   here i'm just suddenly i don't know who  i am it's a terrible deep spirit amnesia   and with it came a shame i'm ashamed this is  ridiculous when you think of it but it's true   universally ashamed of being human now isn't that  weird i'm ashamed of being who i am and i back   off from who i am in fact i'm so ashamed i don't  want you to see so i'm gonna try to hide myself   and we become experts in masks saying this is who  i am because i think it will please you i i don't   know if you really knew me you could even like me  so i'll find out what you like and i'll be that   we are bent people who are bent over looking  in the faces of our fellow bent human beings   saying just love me just like me just smile  at me tell me i'm doing a good job please   because i'm ashamed of me maybe if you  talk nice to me i'll feel better about me   it's terrible um so he he invents a god that  fits his own craziness because now he feels he's   wrong there's something fundamentally wrong and so  he's got to invent a god that will agree with him   he's got an event to god who will say he's guilty  and he's got to invent a god that will punish him   and you're looking a little strange  at me but in actual fact that's true   uh people are searching for some sense that  somewhere justice will deal with me as i   i should be dealt with and we call  it guilt and shame and we cower   before a god we've invented because  that wasn't the god who created us   and as genesis unfolds it certainly wasn't the god  that created us um it's it's a lethal lethal idea   it's it brings death within it in death  is separation you're separated in death   and there's no way back and this lie brought death  that is you're still very much alive but you're   separated in your own mind in your own  thinking from the god you once knew   he's not separated from you but this virus  has created this hideous monstrous fantasy   and created a god who doesn't like you  a god who's angry a god who punishes   and you are in your identity totally ignorant of  your grander you are now a slave to the reptile   that spewed its lies at you when you were  made lord of the whole creation it's crazy   and so he turns inside okay put it like this we  were created to look out into the heart of god   and this virus of sin caused us to look inside of  us and that's only darkness there's nothing there   i only know myself in the eyes of god and when  i turn inward to see if i really am the god   that satan said i was then all i have is darkness  and shame ends what is this word ashamed mankind   ashamed um it's got specific meanings especially  in scripture but so let me give you a definition   ashamed means to withdraw is turn away that is if  you're ashamed of someone you turn away from them   you don't want anyone to know you're associated  with them you're so you're ashamed so it's a   turning away it means to hide your face from i  don't know that person i don't want to know them   um it means to be embarrassed by another you're  ashamed of them and now you're embarrassed by them   it can also mean you're totally disappointed  with someone i expected so much more of you   i'm ashamed of you and it's disappointment  and it can quickly be discussed of another   when we see a fellow human being we think they're  doing something that is totally other than our   standards of a human being we're disgusted with  them it's it's a shame all those words mix in and   essentially when we are ashamed of ourselves  it means we have turned in on oneself to turn   away from oneself i look at me and i don't want to  know me i i feel you huge humiliation of being me   i feel disgraced at being me and and i don't  even want to see me have you noticed that   there's two halves of us we're split there's one  half that talks to the other half and one half of   me is embarrassed by the other half you know and  the well they do they have nasty conversations if   if it wasn't me talking to me i would kick  the person out but i can't that's the way it   is um and so along with shame comes fear he's  suddenly afraid because he's ashamed before god   and he wants to turn away because he  believes god's turning away from him   he believes that god is disgusted with him  though he can't put anything to it because   he's in the darkness and that's the god he's come  to know total confusion and a feeling of guilt   god who's turning away from me doesn't want to  know me a god who's angry with me frowning at me   um i read it the other day one of our  leading evangelical put it exactly like this   he said before christ god the father looked at us  with disgust and a scowl of anger on his face but   now since jesus came he looks at us with a deep  frown oh i guess that's we we've got somewhere but how is god the father to you that's the question   did you feel that he looks at you with  excited delight and love or that do you   feel he turns away in disgust it's that's what  he's talking about here at adam felt rejection   exclusion uh feelings of being unwanted and  he's cringing in shame believing he's not   good something's wrong he's not enough of a person  he's not what he could be should be ought to be   and he's going to be judged for it and let me  insist that's because of the virus that's the rot   that is set in because the real god was not that  but this is the god he's made up in his own mind   and it says at that time that he realized he was  naked now that that's not sort of a uh garden of   eden nudist camp it's got nothing to do with  with that uh naked throughout the scripture   um speaks of much deeper than that and it would  mean that you become vulnerable with no protection   it means people are looking at you and they see  you in your raw humanity and as i said part of   this was being ashamed of being human i'm ashamed  of who i am for some reason i don't know but i am   and and so there is described as naked and  therefore they are ashamed and what did   they do and this is important they put on fig  leaves and that wasn't sort of all over them   they it says they made aprons um that's  an interesting word uh all through the old   testament this word is used this is the only time  that it is given the idea of an apron or a skirt   or something every other time is used in the old  testament it means armor a belt full of weapons   that you are ready to protect yourself that's  in so when it says they took fig leaves and made   skirts or an apron anywhere else in the  bible it says they put on their armor belt   that's interesting isn't it an  armor belt that means my nakedness   i'm vulnerable so don't come near me and if  you do i've got weapons to protect myself   to make myself appear better than i am  and if you get too close i will hurt you   and i'll expose your nakedness you get the sick  picture that's and of course that was before   the the presence of god made himself known in  the matter this is just between adam and eve   they've already started a war in their  marriage interesting and was afraid of eve   afraid of what would her reaction be to his guilt  and his shame so he protects himself with armor   from his wife so the fig leaves were armored  to protect each other against the other and   you could say the the fig leaves  are the guardians of the mind   that is in my mind i've got this lie that i'm  a god everything about me says but you're not   so i'll put on armor and you're never going to  see that that i'm not enough you're never going   to see that i'm not what i'm supposed to be  i'll keep you at distance because i'm ashamed i say dementia when god comes to  visit they don't know who he is   you gotta he's your dad he's your creative  father and you don't know who he is   worse they think he's somebody else and  you're you're nodding you know dementia   and this is real that that demented people live  in their own world a hideous world where they   forget who you are and think you're somebody  else and this is they're hiding from god now   hiding from god their life their lover who  calls them beloved children they're hiding   from god and hiding from themselves and pretending  they're not who they are ashamed of being human and then the presence of god shows up i love  the questions of god you know where are you adam   could preach a sermon on that what have you done then adam says well  i was afraid you say i was i was afraid   that's a new word that word's never been in  human vocabulary before he he invented that   word to describe this feeling you're afraid  why would you be afraid because i'm naked   i love the answer another question  god said who told you you were naked who told you you would who told  you that something's wrong with you   hear me hear me god doesn't come as a  flaming dragon to punish them that's   only in religions theology it's not in  the bible god says who told you that   who on earth told you that there's something wrong  with you as a human being you're beautiful you're   good i created you who planted this idea in  you so that you're ashamed of who you are   who is this god that you're hiding from who is  this god that you think is disgusted with you i said again they didn't know their father i say  it again because i'm trying to get over it and   realize that the amnesia is bad enough but this  dementia because it carries with it such an inward   world of confusion they're drawing back from him  thinking he's that one that now is condemning them   because they're naked he said i created you naked  who told you there's something wrong with you you   were made to be known transparent to love each  other as human beings now you're confused and you   think there is a god who is hiding away turning  away saying i don't want to look at you you know   that that thing they're always talking about in in  pulpits these days you know the god is too holy to   look on sin what an absolute forget it but yeah  that that's what's that's exactly what's going on   here they portrayed a god that was hiding and  turning his face and said i'm disgusted with you   you're naked instead god says oh my dear  little kids what's what's the matter with you   who who told you you were naked i made  you naked there's nothing wrong with you they don't know they have the amnesia they  they have forgotten their origin that they   were meant to be the peak of creation just  a tad lower than god and through christ   be in the holy trinity they've forgotten  it they're a slave of a reptile   then when when satan took on some form he chose  a reptile that fully exp exegeted who he is   and now these who were lords of the universe are  slaves of a reptile no i don't know where you're   coming from in your religious past but get this  straight god never turned away from the human race   never he was never ashamed of us he was never  disgusted but he acted in grace now of course   that's another one isn't it we we have  our definition of grace from an old hymn   amazing grace how sweet the sound the saved a  wretch like me well yeah that's true but there's   a lot more to grace grace is essentially grace is  not to do with wretches like you nothing that that   is true but it's not the truth do you  realize god's grace started before creation   why would he ever create us give me a reason  the only the only reason he created us was   the gift of himself the concept of you  being a human being is a gift from god   you are in every trillion cells of your  human body you are a gift from god to you   that's grace grace only sin only comes in  at this point but great the the creation the   trees the grass birds they're all god's gift  grace grace grace see grace is not demeaning   grace is not some sort of put down where father  son and holy spirit throws you a dollar because   you look homeless you know and that's grace no no  grace's god love delighting to pour his love gifts   the gift of his very self pour it upon you  before we were even born to do good or evil   that's why it's grace you didn't earn it and you  you don't have to introduce deserve it because   then you start adding up behaviors because how  could you deserve it it was before you were born   it was just god giving himself to you um but  let me put it this way um every parent showers   grace upon the newborn well actually you've  only got to find out this pregnancy and then the   entire extended family starts gracing that is they  start pouring out upon this yet to be seen child   all manner of gifts and love and when the child  is born the royal court is in attendance to   give to this child anything and everything  that one blink of the eyelid will suggest   that's grace do you realize it isn't it  isn't that the kid did something wrong   and now you're not going to spank it  no the fact of its existence is grace and as the child emerges from that  beginning stage it's borne in now that   this is my mother my father and grace grace grace so grace it's the celebration grace is the sheer  delight over one that's unconditionally loved   and actually to the point of  stupidity you're gonna spend nights up   that's grace you're gonna give yourself away  you're gonna go without what you want for this kid   that's grace can you think like that  about god and forget the wretched bit god acted toward this demented couple  which is the human race incidentally   and he acted toward them as they really  were not as they thought they were in the   same way that you would act with someone with  dementia you don't go along with their fantasy   you treat them as the person you know they are and he treats them as those that are as  close to him in christ by the holy spirit   and in anticipation celebrates rejoices  over us so zephaniah you know that 317   the lord your god in the mystery  rejoices over you with singing   and it's a the image of a lullaby  that taking you and he sings over you that's god or luke 15 god is the one  who says rejoice with me rejoice with me   which means have a party i  found my sheep i found my coin   no when when the prodigal son starts into the  whole shame thing and says i'm no longer worthy   to be called your son and the father shuts him  up and says let's have a party you are my son actually you know it says in romans and you  get the drift there it says where sin abounded   grace did much more about great do you  hear that grace had been there before   that says creation the mind of god was grace  but now sin enters what's going to happen now   oh grace will abound even more to cover this  one too and as i've said uh we are accused   of preaching hyper grace you might have  heard that as if it's some terrible thing um   but we've been accused of hyper grace well  can i give you a quick lesson on greek   that this verse i just quoted where sin  abounded grace did much more in greek is hyper   so it says where sin abounded grace hypered  so i think i'm in good company so it says in   the text we're trying to get to the heart of it  says that he is not ashamed to call us brethren   and where it says not there  that's really good enough i mean   uh that is what the word means except in the  uh greek language they can put an emphasis   that we can't in english we only have to sound it  out but it really means there he is absolutely not   ashamed it means there's not the possibility  he cannot be ashamed of you you cannot   he's absolutely not ashamed and therefore  um it's it's the reverse of that is   that he sees us his sons he's not ashamed of us  we in this crazy thing going on inside of our   heads which completely controls us and we believe  that it's right because we chose it father's not   participating don't you understand humankind  invited the darkness god said i'm not playing so many people don't get that they think god  plays the same insanity as we do as the demented   person assumes that you're part of their world in  a very negative way but you're not you're standing   outside of their world weeping over them because  of their condition god's not playing the game   you say that god separated from me god can't look  at me i'm guilty god just smiles and says you are   my son like you did to the prodigal you are my son  you're my beloved you are my joy and you've lost   your mind no we are the bride of christ jesus  the holy groom his wife to be has lost her mind well that that does change how jesus  came to find one that he dearly loved   and was not going to let it go and of course  someone one has said well in hebrews 2   it's speaking of jesus that he's not ashamed  of us but in their understanding but the father   have you ever heard that jesus loves  you but i'm not sure about the father   well of course can we establish  then they're not christians   they're beloved of god like  everybody but they're not christians   because you don't believe in the trinity you  see the trinity means there can be no separation   it isn't that we got three gods standing  next to each other with three opinions   it means that the father is god in all the  fullness of love that god is love but it says   jesus god the son is not standing beside him it  says he's out of him it's a specific word in greek   it means out from so it means that all that  the father everything the father is jesus is   he's out from and so whatever the father's  mind is jesus is the word and the revealer   but so jesus is everything the father is except  he's not the father and the father is everything   jesus is except he's not the son and both apply to  the holy spirit when you meet the holy spirit he's   not some sort of uh crazy uncle that lives  in the basement and you're ashamed of him   no the holy spirit is everything the father  is is everything the son is but it's trinity   but people people say well see jesus isn't ashamed  as where the father is he's about to damn us in   hell jesus came in jesus saved us from the father  i've heard that preached um no that as i say   is not then you're not a christian i don't know  what you are moralist i guess or something but um   jesus is the face of the father he said  if you've seen me you've seen the father   this gets down into my guts i tell you  the father is not turning away from you   the father isn't scowling he's not frowning he's  got a smile as big as the universe he loves you and i say again when they accepted a new center  which was not there because a lie is not it's   it's unreality but they chose that as their  center and this whole thing crashed into them   god did not join in the game nor nor did he  reject them he doesn't agree with them but he   doesn't reject them he doesn't turn away from them  all he did is to show us his love is more than   we could ever imagine because he said in effect  immediately because it's genesis 3 15 he said it   so they didn't have to have a trinity council  meeting to see what we're going to do now   adam's fallen and he can't get up  dear lord what are we going to do   um we had such plans another blown in i i don't  know um hey i'm only echoing what some people say instead immediately the  god who is love who is good   immediately he he reveals his purpose and plan  that he is going to become one of his own creation   now do you know what incarnation means you  know baby in bethlehem yes but when you you   realize the eternal purposes of god everything  god had ever promised everything god really was   comes to a head in gynecology with the cry of  a baby newborn god god the son expressing the   complete mind of the father through the  upon of the holy spirit god became human can i just say that for the next half an hour  god became human not like us he became us so   much so he began with a speck in the womb of the  virgin mary and he was born through a birth canal   he's one of us and that's where this word brethren  comes in sounds a terribly religious word brethren   um we don't have really the same we can't say  the same in english so it comes out as brethren   um doesn't see that sounds like brothers  it's it means sister in two it's um   the meaning of this word is he's not ashamed  to call us those who came out of the same womb   that's what it means it means that you  are family to the point where you came   out of the same womb that's what it means god is  joining the race and he came out of a human womb   and he 101 joined us where we were god is saying look i'm not ashamed of you and  if you can't believe that take a look at this   i'm so not ashamed of you i have become one  of you to forever be identified with you   we're one out of the same womb i'm as human as  you are and standing in solidarity with you and   of course that carries on and we read the gospels  we've heard it so much we don't hear it anymore   but and and you've heard me talk about it you know  he wasn't embarrassed see in those days you and i   we would have been embarrassed by tax collectors  i i won't try to even liken it to anything today   but embarrassed that they wouldn't be  seen talking to a tax collector that   would have made that would have been the shame  of the town if you were caught talking to one   scream curse spit out one now  you're a hair hero in town but   and and eating was that was a making of a  covenant when you ate with someone it was some   sort of they called it table fellowship it was  you were binding yourself standing in solidarity   jesus sat publicly and ate with  tax collectors which said i'm i'm   their friend i stand in solidarity  with them i'm having fun with them that that you realize that's why the pharisees  the religion of the day was so enraged at jesus   because he wasn't ashamed of people he wasn't  ashamed of lepers he laid hands on them   you were supposed to stand 15 feet away  from them and that's only when the wind   was in the right direction jesus went up  and touched them he wasn't ashamed of them when when the fullness of god when everything  that god is became human he was not ashamed   of the worst human that the race could  produce at that time now think about that and of course um in in luke 15 which he spoke to  the tax collectors so the pharisees could hear   he identified the tax collector with the my  sheep and my coin and my son he was saying   they're not only not outcasts they are  incast they're included they're the my of god wasn't ashamed of peter uh stop and just  let it blow your mind that he cursed   blasphemed and said i don't know the man   and the first words that jesus said after he  rose again was tell my disciples and peter   because he will never think he's my  disciple anymore but i'm not ashamed of him not ashamed of saul of tarsus i mean  he's your assiment bin laden he's   the tormentor of the church then all he  said was so also my soul what are you doing   is that it you know i'm gonna crush him like  a roach no i'm gonna sit down and say now   get up off your feet we got some talking  to do i've got a big plans for you song you've heard me on that before the the father in the prodigal  son gave his son the best robe   was that because the father was embarrassed of him  no he'd already been hugging him and kissing him   in his filthy state he wasn't  embarrassed of his son then he gave the   best robe to the son so the son wouldn't  be embarrassed going into a party in rags i he called this hidden treasure he called  us pearls of great price he but now i don't   know if you've heard me i said he became one of us  which means he entered into the home of the insane you got oh no he he did more than  that he became one of the patients how is god ever going to change our  minds he's got to get inside our mind   and from the inside show us the truth because  you see if it's coming from the outside but it   doesn't stand a chance don't you remember you got  the fig leaf belt as soon as anything you your   fiddly belt is your armored guard against anybody  that's going to challenge what is truth to you   can't get inside when the prophets  came and they said thus and so   it was translated as something entirely  different to in the minds of the people   is it true i can speak the truth but a person  can hear it the very reverse of what i'm saying   because the fig leaf is the armored guard  to make sure you're not getting in here   so how does god get into us he became one  of us and i mean one of us he became one   with us as we were with the mind of adam he got  inside a mind that was dark in dementia amnesia   but you see he is god a hundred percent son of  god as well as being a hundred percent human so as   human he can get inside of us but as  god he can stand against the darkness   and with a human mind to get it god had a human  mind and with a human mind can say that's a lie and consistently throughout his entire earthly  life from when he was a toddler age appropriate   he meets every lie and he meets not only  every lie but the lie with a thousand faces   and he meets it exactly as  adam and eve did in the garden   and he meets it exactly as every one of  us have heard it the voice within subtle   friendly who is twisting everything and instead of  trying to argue with the voice he said i only do   what i see my father doing i only hear what i hear  my father saying and the truth blasts away the lie   and he emerges as one that says he suffered  and that's his suffering he came as one of us   faced everything we've ever faced in the lie in  our dementia in our amnesia only refused to be   adam he chose he chose not just another idea he  chose the only reality that there is he chose it this is my beloved son in whom i'm well pleased   yes but just a minute he he's yes i i i know  he's god but do you realize when the father   said that he was speaking to the human jesus  who had just been baptized in the river jordan   what's happened since adam we've had  an entire race that believed the lie and now one of that race has  refused and for the first time in   all creation history you have a human being  being what a human being was supposed to be jesus didn't come to show off that he's god   he came to show you what a human  being was always meant to be to get into the insane asylum and  tell the inmates from the inside   that there's another world out there and  that's the world you were created for   not this we've taken it for granted  that this is as good as it gets   jesus said look at me not only will you see the  father but in looking at me you will see yourself   he he's our identity so that's what it's all  about and of course when he comes to the cross   it wasn't just him that he's now facing the lie  now from his victory of being the man the last   adam now he gets inside the mind of the human race  and that's the sufferings of jesus on the cross   came where we were and when i say came  where we were i don't mean standing beside can you accept this he became us which means he  took the dementia of our darkened mind and made it   his the words are too big for me to find  it says 2 corinthians 5 he became sin he never sinned but he entered into  solidarity with us to the point   where the mind of adam became his mind so when he overcame it this time he destroys  the mind of adam he strips the reptile   of its fake authority and he overcomes death can  can you comprehend death means separation well   how can it be separate when god himself has  stepped inside death and said hello i'm here   that's the end of all nonsense of separation he  couldn't get closer and in that death spoke love   in that darkness spoke light in that  darkness life that was bigger than death   and the father raised him from the dead and that  he's spoken of in psalm 2 it's a prophetic psalm   and you might remember it why do the heathen  rage and then he says but then and you have to   read it it becomes pretty obvious the father is  saying to the son and in the acts of the apostles   that verse is quoted as being the resurrection  and the father now listen to me so carefully   the father said you are my son this day have  i begotten you well i thought jesus was the   unbegun forever son yes he was is but he  has so become human that now embracing us he comes and the father says now  you as the son who has become human   and embraced human with you you are my son do  you understand that you you were there you see   he's your representative to the point of  actually becoming you so when he came out   and the father says you are my son this  day have i begotten birthed you that's you and when he spoke to mary in the garden  a few minutes after the resurrection do   you remember that do you remember he said  two things that had never been said before   i ascend to my father and your father but then he said go and tell my brethren  that's the first time that word is used   jesus said it's he always spoke of thy father now  he says my father and your father and go and tell   my brethren we've come out of the same womb so we  came out of the same womb because he's human as we   are but we came out of the same womb of the  resurrection we both rose from the dead together   and now he says he's your dad and my dad we  are brethren we came out of the same womb   he's not ashamed he said these are my  brethren we came out of the same womb together and from that time on you remember some of the  verses now they might make more sense what about   one peter two nine you are his own special people  called out of darkness into his marvelous light   does that make more sense now he went into our  amnesia darkness into our demented darkness   where we lived but he brought us out in the  resurrection um ephesians 5 8 says for once   we were darkness notice we weren't in the dark we  were darkness but now you are light in the lord   or speaking to us like leah sang and i  commented on ephesians 5 14 awake you who sleep   arise from the dead christ will give you light  that's what it's all about colossians 1 giving   thanks to the father he's qualified us to be  partakers of the inheritance of the saints in   light delivered us from the power of darkness and  conveyed us into the kingdom the son of his love   and when we do witnessing   what do we do acts 26 says go and open their  eyes in order to turn them from darkness to light the new real idea is the gospel and that  explodes the idea that doesn't exist   the lie the only place in all of scripture  that you will find disgust and shame   being given to anybody is from religion oh no  and satan um religion is satan's mouthpiece that's in revelation but i won't go there but um   religion and satan portray god as the despise of  the shamer and the one who's disgusted with us   well that means wow what does  it mean how can i say that   what does it mean a man in scotland said  it's better felt than tilt yeah it is because   i don't know how to say it because it is a lifting  of well darkness it's waking up and realizing an   entire world has been happening while you were  asleep and didn't even know it or if you follow   through much of the imagery of the new testament  you wake up in the middle of the dance floor   and realize a party's been going on all around  me and i was so asleep i didn't even know it   worse yet it was in your honor and you wake up  to the holy spirit saying have this dance with me   yeah it means we no longer are hiding and  i i know for some listening i i don't know you know he we're in christ and i've heard  this that father put us in christ to hide us   so he wouldn't have to look at us no you are in  christ so that you may be as close to the father   as christ that he may see you as he sees christ  means you are brethren you're one of the family   it means that in union you might be well gee it  says in one john as he is so are we same womb   he's not ashamed of you you're his number  one delight that's what it's saying you you live in a reality where there's  no possibility of rejection or expulsion if if you were to be rejected if you  could be excluded then we must reverse   the ascension but then i have to reverse  the resurrection and as for the crossword   just forget it because it meant nothing but  then i'd have to reverse the incarnation in fact i'd have to reverse creation and no one  will be here anyway so that's the end of that   do you hear what i'm saying this  isn't just an idea we're throwing out   this means you are not rejectable he's not  ashamed to call us his birth brothers and sisters   huh it says you know that we're the eyes of  him who knows all things well i'm trying to   think of the scripture in hebrews four he's  the word and the eyes that know all things   well in revelation eyes is flaming fire people  are terrified of that no it means he knows me he absolutely knows every thought every  move of desire and is not ashamed of me   that voice that sits beside you in the  car and tells you how rejectable you are   is not the voice of the holy spirit and you hear  some people say the spirit convicted me and i felt   like a worm and nothing that wasn't  the holy spirit no no you got mixed   up with reptiles there but that's not  no there's no frown there's no rejection it means i can walk vulnerable i  don't need fig leaf belt of armor   it's okay that he knows me we walk in the  light as he is in the light the blood of   jesus christ keeps on cleansing us from all  sin it was a once and for all shedding of blood and it means we're worthy of  his gifts and that causes pause   yes you're worthy see that's where  you get that wrong such a wretch as i   and so now we beg we plead we grovel before  this god of our imagination to have a gift there's something on i shouldn't bring this up but  why not um in the last number of months we have   had a plethora of prophets that are telling us the  future allegedly uh do you realize i'm gonna get   in trouble for this but that's old testament  the new testament prophet is not a foreteller   the new testament prophet only tells you  about jesus we've got no other message   old testament that was another world well  they needed prophets to outline and when you   needed to know the will of god you went to the  prophet and you said what what's the will of god   don't ever don't you dare do that in  the new testament what are you doing   you're negating the whole work of jesus he  said in that day every person will know me   you don't need a prophet anymore don't go to  profit to see the future go to a prophet to   hear an exposition of the beauty of jesus  we've got no other message left he's come because you're not ashamed so and so is coming  to town i'll go and have them pray for me   why as if god's ashamed of you but he's got  some in on god the charismatic is wrong there   are not special people who have special  gifts that god has given to his pet people we're all in this he's not ashamed to call you  brethren of the same womb i i don't i i sit   before god equal in christ same there it is and  of course it changes how you look at other people   because hard as it may be you are brethren too it  means i can't despise i can't exclude if i'm not   excluded you're if i'm forgiven you're forgiven  we're in this we are brethren of the same you came   out of the same room as god incarnate came out of  you came out of the same womb as the resurrection and your worst enemy did too shocks it  changes my whole attitude toward people well there it is i landed the plane  but um yeah we are people beloved   there is no shame and i find my identity  in the eyes of god he calls me son   in the same way as he calls his  son son mine because i'm in the son   and if you can sleep thinking about that tonight  you're a better man than i am let it deeply sink   in you are in christ and the father is no  more ashamed of you than he is of jesus amen father we give you thanks   that that is the way it is therein  is your final truth in christ jesus and we this day sit knowing our acceptance our inclusion could not be better than it is to that end we receive your blessing amen
Channel: MalcolmSmithWebinars
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Length: 71min 51sec (4311 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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