Coder Jobs 2024?

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[Music] give me a second go [Music] live how you guys doing [Music] oh can you hear [Music] me all right all right all right all right hey guys how you doing let me know in the comments if you can hear me can you hear me check check check check check check type one for pandas thanks there we go cheers guys hope everything is well little uh little coffee it's very cold up here in Canada so let me know in the comments hey Bo how you doing so my first live stream from uh uh the third world country known as Canada cool how you doing I'm back home back home and uh there we go so I will get to the subject at hand and I'll get to the subject at hand coder jobs 2024 I was just looking around on the web and then I will uh we'll do the usual Q&A answer some questions and we'll take it from there so if you can give me some thumbs there we go if you can give me some thumbs I would appreciate it two camera two camera angle live action thumbs that would be good and uh yeah all right so let me just uh answer the question at hand about the job prospects for 2024 we see the gloomer are out there jobs no jobs you know me I uh I think that's all BS so let me just jump into it right here and then we'll take it all right so do a quick sh a quick search Developer jobs in 24 in 2024 projections so let's just get to it the overall demand for software developers are expected to grow by 133% in 2024 exceeding the average growth rate for all occupations uh this is driven by factors such as increasing adoption of cloud computing artificial intelligence Big Data Technologies and as a little side note as addendum uh is webdev still good in 2024 the web development process becoming more and more integrated with machine learning augmented reality internet of things I in addition to Bri providing people with fundamental Knowledge Learning web development in 2024 enables them to accept new technologies and adjust for changing market conditions all right so let's just jump back into that so what does this all mean let me translate this to non- nerd for you guys out there so this bit basically means that uh despite what the gloomer and the doomers was telling you about jobs prospects in 2024 and forward for developers it's still growing quite a bit right so it's growing faster than most other professions with regards to web development something I've been talking about for years web development is uh it's kind of like the main platform where everything else is launched from so learning the web you can't go wrong besides that another thing that they hinted that in that uh little uh blurb I read from something again I've been talking about for years uh when you learn the web Technologies um it's it will introduce you to all kinds of different types of development all kinds of different types of coding and programming whether it be backend detail programming visual development Etc and so forth it's all good you can't lose you can't lose so there you go uh that's it that's the story if you're if you were worried about your developer job your coding job if you were worried oh did I choose the right profession if you're thinking about it but you hear the doomers and the gloomer if you don't know me I'm Uncle Steph and I've been doing this stuff for decades as a professional developer but also as a tech entrepreneur and I've done other types of businesses as well so I'm not a one-trick pony here uh very important right when you're evaluating individuals you have to look at their overall track record if they're one hit wonders you know be a little bit more skeptical for example my one of my best mentors um an official Mentor but he was a mentor anyway he influenced me quite a bit so he had many successful businesses in many different Industries so he was successful in this in cabinets and he was successful in um building uh commercial buildings successful in the I don't know he had some restaurants so he had many successful businesses and that teaches you that this person is well-rounded as an entrepreneur so his uh thinking his mindset was very important to that uh was was was critical to his success whereas you have people who have one big hit company you know there's always luck in business but you learn over time um who's real and who's The Pretender over time with a consistent track record across a different business types anyway so I look at everything from the point of view of not only just a developer I also look at the business end of things as well so you got to look at it that way right so I started my first business when I was about I started working out when I was 17 and I didn't run into a ton of money I just you know started working on it at $200 to my name that was my net worth 200 bucks and I just built it up and I learned Tech to promote my first company it had nothing to do with technology uh it had it was uh rare fish and water purification resins and so forth anyhow so I look at when I look at technology Trends I look at the market we see today I look at at it from the point of view of not only as a developer of experience going back to the 90s but I also look at a point of view as an entrepreneur as a business owner have different types of businesses all right so I hope that is useful to you how many people are a small group well 79 if you will if you don't mind please give me the thumbs up if you like my content if you don't like my content give me two thumbs down to show me show me how much you hate me hold up oh coffee is ready so I like uh French press this the best so let me I may have not done a good job with this batch here we'll see what happens wish me luck wish me luck yeah not good not good we'll find out all right so if you have any questions I will be happy to answer cheers you like my uh mug Oh wrong camera like my mug here best teacher ever all right good stuff not bad all right cool what do you it a dual camera action by the way let me know what you think about this also how does this mic sound so we'll go on expresso greater American coffee yeah perhaps okay okay who we got on here we got okay we're going to go back in the comments here type one for pandas all right let's get this in shape give me this out of the way hold on a second guys I'm just doing a little cleanup here so uh type one for Banda a little bit too big a little bit too big there we go is that clear all right type one for B oh this one's down here too come on guys all right little bug in the software there okay we're good hello hey hey guys how are you cold long and profit my friends uh yeah there we go so uh Hey real songs how are you man we got some old uh faces so I'm back in Montreal if you don't know I've been traveling if you have any questions about this subject or any other subjects related to coding or whatever I be happy to share your my experience and opinion great sound good good so I got this mic here which you don't see too often U and I also got this thing here I got a lot of the mics too I got too many mics so I'm not sure which one is best I think we'll switch off and we'll see how people think uh yes great sound cool cool loud and clear all right thanks Hi how are you great hope everything is well welcome to the stream good morning Richard how are you hi from Batumi Georgia oh very came here we have plus 21 plus 21 I guess it's uh warm there all right good cheers everybody little coffee in the what time is it now uh it's 11:59 so the morning is almost over for me let me know what you think about the camera switch you get is it too quick or is it too slow whatever all right how we doing all right the thumb game is pretty lousy right now we have 82 viewers and only 29 thumbs that's a pretty subpart we we got to get at least a 50% thumb game if you don't mind you know how it is with the Googles hand purple blue piece which jobs can't be replaced by AI well in the near future any jobs if you're trying if you're worried about the whole AI thing any jobs that require building of things are more protected from AI than jobs that are in the maintenance of things right so if you are looking at say I don't know Internet Security those type of jobs will be I think lessened before development jobs simply because of the complexity and the disperate nature of development is right so when you're building something you got to take a little bit here you got to figure out okay let's say you're just building this I like to use this example simple e-commerce application it's pretty simple stuff but I don't see AI replacing that anytime soon why because you go see a company walk in and he say okay can I have a coffee he gives you a coffee and then he says to you okay you say to him okay what do you need he said sell my coffee online okay so uh do you have a website I I not really I have an old website oh what's the domain okay all right um what type of Hosting do you have I don't know he says to you okay what what do you need for your coffee shop well I want to sell coffee uh online and I want to do deliveries oh okay so you want to do physical deliveries yeah okay what are your rules for the physical deliveries okay do you deliver on Sundays uh do you deliver uh just in your region is around the world do you need to charge different taxes in different parts of the world I what kind of payment processing you want to do he's like I don't know so can do you have a lot of margin on the product can you use like a stripe or PayPal for quick easy implementation or do we have to go with a proper credit card processor where there a lot more setup and so on so anyway I just giving you a quick taste of what it's like to sit down with a client to try and figure out what it is they're going to need to uh satisfy their product their needs for their job the AI is not going to be doing all that AI will help you in the process but it's not going to replace you you got to understand the distinction between a developer and a coder a coder just writes code a coder could be somebody who's writing python code to automate a server Farm you know again even that which is kind of trivial relative to fullblown development um even that AI can assist you but it will not replace you so to answer your job well I hope I hope that answerers your uh questions Mr Green Shaheen I like that uh Steph I bought your lizard wizard course I've already started seeing positive results in my life just after a week of purchasing hey infinite youth I'm glad you fantastic I'm glad thanks for the review so if you don't know besides being a coding ancient coding Uncle I'm also an uncle of your lizard brain I teach you how to manage your lizard brain which is your emotional self and it will have huge impact so if you want to learn about how your lizard brain works basically the two operating systems of your brain it's like uh if you watch the movie The Matrix it's kind of like it will be your Morpheus moment with the red pill uh yes so check that out so thanks it's you can see links below by the way all right we got a lot of questions how we doing here 91 all right thumb games a little bit better 39 thumbs versus 99 91 active users but if you a little bit more thumbs little bit more thumbs that would be appreciated all right speaking of lizard stuff so I got this uh little black case sent to me and it was sent to me from uh a strange part of the world in fact I'll show you that uh hold on where is it so I got this strange little box sent to me from kazakstan oh yeah the life of a YouTuber so it has to do with lizard wizard stuff is this is this right here kasan isn't that interesting right there we go uh right here anyway so um and what is in this little box it's something related to uh Focus it's something related to the lizard brain so I think you find this interesting it is a you know you got like the Apple watches you got the aura rings so this is a device that you attach to your brain your head like this you attach to your brain and it monitors your brain activity and it helps you to to identify when you're stressed when you're not stressed and it gives you exercises to control your lizard brain so I'm still reviewing it I'm still reviewing it but it could be an interesting tool for you guys okay hold on we have a problem here somebody gave me a thumbs down you're supposed to give me two thumbs down if you don't like my show I'm just joking give me all the thumbs down you like all right let me just go on here uh B okay we got that lizard wizard all right some people are not interested on learning program just because they think AI will get rid of devs uh and that's good for pros who will get more opportunities well you know I think there's two I think there's two things going on Iman I think that you're right less people would jump into it the more demand is going to increase for developers there's no question about that but I think a lot of people are just trying to they're just looking for an excuse to give up because when you're first starting to learn uh development it's there's there's a hurdle to get over right there's some uh some work to do anything that's worth something isn't easy you know if it's easy it's not going to be worth anything so I think a lot of people I don't know what the percentage is uh I think a lot of people are like ah forget about development I think they are having a hard time learning development or maybe they just don't enjoy it and in that case don't do it if you don't like something don't do it and I think they're just looking for anything to say oh this is terrible so gives them a way out you know hey SW how are you how are you how are you for me programming is easy business is really hard yeah business is um business is tricky business is a is a set of skills it's also a talent and there's tactic and strategies in business uh one of the things I talk about entrepreneurship is very different from working for a corporation corporations people work for corporations are they actual opposite of entrepreneurs entrepreneurs are Risk Takers they're open to um variability in income streams they're freeth thinkers where if you go work for a corporation you're more of a an ant in a hive you nothing wrong with that if you're a good ant or a B that's fantastic it's good for you but you got to you you got to be able to conform in a corporation in a large organization where an entrepreneur by nature is a non-conformist an entrepreneur by nature is a is a contrarian so if you're a contrarian by Nature if you're willing to think think freely to break away from the uh scaffoldings of society then you could be a good entrepreneur that's where lizard wizard there we go that's where lizard wizard comes in my course on how your brain works is going to teach you to think more freely and to not be uh controlled and manipulated so easily by I outside influences I have an internship about PHP native internship I'm not sure what you mean by that you mean you got a job uh handp boom boo all right this guy really hates my stuff that's fantastic appreciate it uh espresso is greater than American coffee quite possibly h I'm uh I got my Trader Joe coffee here from the states that uh humble cup that I have infinite youth having coffee good good coffee is good for your brain in a short period what are your thoughts on cotlin cotlin cotlin if you don't know is a programming language uh light and Nimble programming language put out by the fine developers uh jet brains the jet brains people I'm aware of them cuz because they made some really really good idees into creative development environments they first were famous with their Java development environment and then they have they have great ones for python for PHP PHP storm Etc py charm for Python and so they created a cotland language which is a lightweight Nimble language that uh sits on top of the Java virtual machine which is the the engine that runs Java and it is very powerful so the the problem with Java and I love Java I wrote lots of java professionally in my days if I if I had to pick a programming language that made me the most money as a developer it's probably Java anyhow so Java is a great language but it's very verbose meaning you have to write a lot of code to get anything done relative to lighter Nimble languages like cotland Swift JavaScript PHP python uh so cotlin allows you to interact the power of java uh without having to deal with all the maintenance that you have to do with writing the Java code so cotland is good if you're going to be writing native Android apps write cotland for sure in fact Google which controls Android has suggested more than suggested a couple years ago maybe three years ago when you get to be my age a year is feels like a month you know so they could have said it five years ago I forget anyway so Google said years ago if you're going to write Android apps do it in cotlin not in Java cotlin is to Java as Swift is to IOS development so it's good uh production value all right good good good all right only the best only the best I know I have an internship in PHP native I have a lot of time and I want to learn something along the way so that so what is I think about constraint more in Peach then mve to Wordpress okay I understand so he's he's got internship he's writing the PHP so what should he concentrate on well if you want to freelance PHP WordPress is huge for freelancing it's just so many small businesses use those Technologies if you want to just get better at PHP once you understand your foundations you understand oop objectoriented programming in PHP you understand SQL and database Basics then get into Lara Val which is a p HP framework there are other Frameworks out there there's a guy who used to watch me what is his name David connly tell I shouted him out David connly has a framework as well you may want to check out and I hear good things from it how do you see the trajectory of coding for the next five years pretty much the same except you're going to have to as a modern developer you're going to have to integrate uh AI into uh your workflows so use look at co-pilot uh look at chat GPT and any similar tools that can uh assist you in your development processes yeah so it's just going to it's going to truck along as I just read earlier on in the Stream they're expecting a 133% increase in demand for developers worldwide so you know it is what it is it's good stuff all right what do we got here hi from Scotland dund hey how are you hope everything is good is learning is mobile app development W here we go is mobile app development worth learning 2024 yeah I think so I think you know my Top Choice is the web because you can do mobile you can do uh this traditional desktop apps Etc and so on and so forth but Mobile's cool um here's a good thing about learning development guys if you learn mobile and then you find you can't find jobs there once you understand programming development for you to Pivot from mobile to iot development to web development it's not going to be hard so it's not a big deal you can't you can't learn a wrong technology en coding and development except for Ruby you don't want to learn Ruby forget about that actually I'm just joking Ruby's okay let's see are all right good what oh hold on I try to get there what would be the best field in Tech if just getting into development ml cyber security development also would a field like Finance be better with AI invance advancements AI is going to enhance workflows there are very few jobs that will be replaced entirely developers won't be replaced with AI as an example they will just change what will happen is what will what you will do as a developer will change a little bit as a result of AI I can't say about Finance you know Finance is uh it's a bit of a Dark Horse industry in my opinion you know my opinion with regards to investment just buy indexes dollar cost average and you'll beat 90% of professional develop Traders so you know there you go so yeah um you know ml is good cyber security again I I'm I'm I'm not a huge cyber security guy I and also I see cyber security as more maintenance than building things although you're implementing a bunch of tech so I see it's probably just going to shift as well so you you can't go wrong with any things well I appreciate that dox I give you a a code long and there we go uh what do you think about uh Devin cognition Labs a I heard about that list every now and then and every now and then a company comes up with a new technology and they tell you it's going to replace the world how many times have we heard that and a little exaggeration right I remember and I love Elon Musk he's a great innovator of our time and forget about the politics just in terms of his Innovation I don't want to get into the politics anyway in terms of but he said it's also a great marketer he said like what with his Tesla oh six seven what seven years ago whatever it was oh yeah you buy a Tesla and it will be able to drive itself for you and it will do Uber rides and it'll pay for itself and you make all kinds of money the full the full self-driving just driving a car is really good by the way I have a self-driving car and not a Tesla I have a a what's it called again anyway I have a high-end uh what the hell is it called Genesis there we go competes with the X3 and the Porsche Macon anyhow I drove across all the way down to Florida and B in like nothing I'm sitting in my car I got the massage seats got the Heat and the cooling seats and I'm having my coffee and the car is driving me down Ohio it's fantastic changes everything Teslas are much better but they're still not like you still have to be there somebody still has to be there to monitor the car right so there's a lot of times you hear companies will come out and say yeah then when you actually get into it it's not so good you know but just explore it explore Devon look into it remember my early example you even if Devon wrote a lot of the code you still have to go in there know what questions to ask to clients figure out what technologies they need to implement given their business needs so on and so forth camera switching is we go camera switching is smooth real cool okay cool all right so um let me give you my book recommendations people always ask so if you are an intermediate level coder developer uh this is the book this will level up your skills quite a bit we just get it refactoring you got a jav this is the Java version one of the few books I kept from the 90s and there's a JavaScript version in links below this is going to level up your skills so once you know your fundamentals of coding if you want to level up level up your game this is the book to get for sure or whether you even if you're coding python get the JavaScript version for example the rules are the same you know it's principles so that's for people who already know how to develop no code and they want to level up their game that's what you do if you're a total beginner and you want to just get your head wrapped around the whole coding things uh you got my book it's I wrote it years ago but it wrote it to be Evergreen and it's the basics of web design here and it's uh yeah if you want to understand the web and you like colorful pictures uh yeah yeah this is going to help you to understand the basics of cod and the web and so on so this you can get on Amazon they're cheap so yeah web design start here links below as as well there you go and my final book of the Day recommendation this is more lizard wizard oriented this is more psychology soft skills oriented this is a famous book highly recommend entertaining read 48 Laws of Power I would pick up this book uh if you're into improving oneself yeah let me just jump into that very quickly you see how do you get ahead in anything you start with yourself you improve yourself right you improve yourself with your skills you improve yourself with your emotions and your psychology your control you improve yourself physically healthwise eat natural food exercise daily stay relaxed stay calm meditate this is how you're going to get ahead the hack is make yourself super valuable and you make yourself super valuable by doing all those things and not drinking too much coffee so that's it you don't want to drink you don't want to be controlled by anything or any substance if you drink coffee and you find you're addicted to it you I got to have my coffee then you got to back off you know if you find you're addicted to food or whatever it is sex whatever if you're addicted to it you got to back off never let an outside influence control you uh I think you could work in audio video without any problem excellent sound near perfect visual says one who works in broadcast R operates oh baringer oh very good very good I appreciate that man p i uh I've been working on this for years right it's it was a hobby of mine I started doing YouTube because I just wanted to get better with the camera work and the audio work so I've I got all kinds of mics and cameras I should have hired you years ago see that's one of my mistakes I started doing the camera stuff and the mic stuff as a hobby and then um it just got then the YouTube channel started blowing up and everything you know and I tell you you know I would have saved myself years and thousands of dollars if I had just hired a guy like Petru here and say hey what do I do just to understand the Dynamics of mics and compression and different uh camera types and focal lengths and ISO and all this kind of stuff it would have been much better so yeah you know don't be afraid to uh invest in help to speed up the process cuz money can be made time is lost forever this moment of time it's gone you can never get it back so save your time I feel I received less LinkedIn requests since I promoted to lead engineer Tech Le three years ago when I was senior software developer any thoughts I could there could be 10,000 reasons for that Alex Dev just you know make sure that your LinkedIn is up to date make sure you're always uh mining for opportunities talking with people so people know you there's here's a little trick from the lizard wizard course AFF for mention Shameless self-promotion the trick is our brains are designed to naturally trust people that we've seen before especially many times so when you that's why advertisers will will pay huge athletes or or Stars lots of money to wear their logo because if you're used to seeing a particular star I don't know or whatever pick a star and they're wearing a product logo you see them wearing a certain jacket your brain will naturally not logically it it's through Association your brain will say hey I like that star and they uh drink coffee so I must coffee must be good and so if you are constantly reaching out to people and Linkedin and and and and and just being known when opportunities come up when a job opportunity comes up they you'll be in their Mind's Eye and they will naturally be more inclined to want to talk to you than somebody they've never seen before so one of your task as a pro is to just make yourself available be out there you know talk to people this is going to be very useful to you I hope that helps all right NOA greetings from Afghanistan ah very good how much how much challeng do you see as freelancer from country like Afghanistan possible very possible just keep working on your English and assuming that you want to Target the English world so for example if you're from Afghanistan and you want to do freelance work in the United States become more and more fluent with um American English uh American culture um so that people from the United States will be comfortable dealing with you so that's all that's all hey you know I got um I got uh I got a mail from your uh one of your neighbor countries Kazakhstan so that's unusual for us in the west but the world is changing by the way right guys you know I'm I'm from Canada and I'm telling you man the world is changing there is seismic shifts where uh southeast Asia the global South as they call it Africa South America America southeast Asia you know the the stands and the the that that whole part of the world is rising new infrastructure uh it's great stuff all right uh what should I learn after C++ I am a college student I would get into the web dev learn HTML CSS JavaScript why it's going to open up a lot of job opportunities and it's a different type of development you're going to learn about layered development if you will I would get into that that's my suggestion Cameron Dean what was the best way to approach local taker if it doesn't have a website even if they think they don't need one well don't waste your time you know you approach they say Hey you want a website I'm I'm learning I don't know if you're looking to do this for learning or you're looking to get contracts I assume I'll assume you just just want to develop some um some skills so just say listen I'm will to build it for free or very cheap get a it and you got to sell it to them and say listen you know you got a website you know when you go for look for a restaurant as an example what do you do you go to Google and you say okay how many reviews what are reviews so if you don't have a reviews on Google my business you don't have a website you're going to get a lot less clients and if they're not into that Cameron then forget them move on to the next you know kette stand near me good place ah I've never been I got to go down to that part of the world at some point cool good evening Steph that's Uncle Steph in Africans um Steph ah thank you uh of course unfortunately I don't know what uh thank you I don't know how to say thank you in Africans you can tell me Andre hey Steph thank you for all your wisdom I want to ask you what is the most effective way to land more clients I'm stuck doing a lot of cold Outreach and seeing minimal result well build up a really nice looking website uh that's step one uh make sure that looks good start reaching out to different people um you don't want to do cold you know if you can avoid it like one of the things I don't know what part of the world you live in but what I would recommend is like you know go to coffee shops in your area where you you know where they don't have a they don't have a website and start talking to people you know you just got to do a little groundwork once you get your first couple clients then it starts to really roll in I won't get into all the details here you can find other videos on my YouTube channel where I go into details but you can check that out don't give up it's normal when you're first starting out but it's a little slow because you got to kind of learn your market so how to balance family time as a developer yeah you got to be strict like if you are a developer or an entrepreneur what one of the mistakes I made is I started my first company like I started working on when 17 got into an 18 or so last job I had working for some but I was a bouncer in the nightclub I was doing security so it's been a long time um you have to I became a workaholic and you don't want that to happen because you become a workaholic everything else you come like Tunnel Vision on your business so developments like that as well because it's highly it's highly brain intensive work so you got to you got to discipline yourself to take breaks I said every hour or two get up walk around do 10 push-ups go for a walk for 15 minutes make time for the family cuz uh that's you know life is not about work you know uh what's the name of that brain reader um I will be releasing a review Once I can give it a thumbs up I don't want to name it yet because I want to make sure it's it and but I let you know it's coming out soon it's off topic but I want to ask what is the best mouse for a Macbook well so far for me this has been my best choice there we go is this going to focus focus there we go it's a little dirty this is um the MX MX Master 3 this is Logitech MX Master 3 I've had this for four or five years now it's really good I should wash it it's a little grungy it's very good that's the one I use thank you thank you I like to know as well help control my amig amigdala yeah I will get you that soon um what you want to do is look at lizard wizard start with that because lizard wizard will work perfectly with this thing 100% 100% so yeah it's coming out um uh Hey unle step what do you think a freelancer has taking a hit as much as full-time job do you think freelancing has taken a hit I think they're both equivalent you know I don't know if if if if full-time jobs has taken a huge hit excuse me I have to clear my throat but just business don't worry about the ABS and flows it's normal for business to do this not a big deal how we doing here 40 minutes all right not bad hey guys I'm Uncle Steph if you're new to the stream um I'm wearing a hat cuz I'm cold so it is 136 viewers 74 thumbs if you can raise the thumbs up Belo I appreciate the thumbs you you don't get a boka thumb up request like this anywhere else so I appreciate that if you would good for the Google algorithms you know I was looking at most popular programming language since year 2000 and Java dominated the market for 20 years why was Java so popular I was there when Java first came out I was like one of the first Java coders in the world in ' 95 and JavaScript coders too um because Java was was ahead of the game by many years it was ahead of the game I had a lot of capabilities that other Technologies other languages didn't have um that's why by the way that's why Microsoft came out with C after years of fighting with uh Sun Microsystems Le uh legally um what you call it uh Microsoft decided to come out with C which was their version of java essentially uh with some improvements here here and there and because it was such a a good model for modern-day application development that's why and then you know so first to Market first when you when you're one of the first persons or the first person to take a new product category or new product type if you will to a Marketplace if you do your job right you can Dominate and it's very hard to displace you you know that's why I'm still learning how to code do you think a Macbook M1 16 gig 5 52 GB SD would be enough for 3 to four years or more oh yeah for sure that's a great computer look at me hold I got uh this thing here this is a uh a MacBook Air 2020 M1 16 gig I got okay I got a terabyte but whatever you don't need a terabyte just do it for the video but I I have no desire to upgrade this thing and because it's fantastic for my travel I had this for several months when I was traveling yeah yeah good good good computer no plans to upgrade because I really like this and what's the point I don't need to excuse me you're welcome thank you what is your opinion regarding cyber security cloud computing or AI Masters which is going to give the best career opportunity in the sector I would say cloud or AI rather than cyber security cloud or AI over cyber security that's just me future backend you havea devs lot of future there there's so much Legacy in um there's so much Legacy in Java world that there's plenty of jobs for long for Long Haul I love coffee but coffee raise my bad cholesterol really coffee raise your cholesterol anyway okay dpip coffee pren fresh is awesome it is hey how are you Andrew Andrew excuse me I found a full stack development diploma course in London by code Institute for a crazy £7,000 for 40 something W to oop for a 40 something w to find their first job as a full stack Dev is there any value in this well in full transparency I have my own mentoring program which competes with them so I'm biased I would suggest you take a look at my program because for a fraction of that cost you'll get interactive training live group coaching sessions with me by- weekly and uh you do it for a seventh of the price learn at your own pace and you can check that out you know I wouldn't before spending £7,000 maybe look at spending a thousand bucks us and uh train with Uncle Stef check that out um here's a general rule I have uh before you do anything that's drastic see if the alternative less drastic solution can uh solve your problem for you so for example many eons ago decades ago uh I got a deadly blood disease and um so I was in the hospital as an outpatient like I was in twice a week for like a year and a half and they were just keeping me alive with heavy duty drugs cuz my platelet accounts were were collapsing it was an autoimmune disease anyhow so they wanted to do all kinds of uh well all kinds they wanted to do splenectomy standard procedure oh you got this they pump you up with this dinol and prenol and do this that and the other thing that doesn't work they pull out your spleen and then you do all kinds of other stuff so then uh fortunately I was a martial artist and I had a Chinese friend as well and I had a believe this decades 30 years ago more than that now 35 years ago um so anyway long story short I saw a Chinese traditional doctor from Beijing Dr youu who's also metwest medical doctor and he said he could cure me of my chronic blood disorder but it would take 9 months and so all the Western doctors said I was nuts I was crazy but between the irreversible surgery of the splenectomy versus the mo uh non-consequential diet change herb changes all this kind of stuff with the Chinese medicine I opted for that because a it wasn't life altering like removing a major organ and I could always go to a more drastic approach later on anyway I went that route and decades later I still got my spleen and the Chinese medicine did the job so try something less drastic first if you can before you do the DraStic stuff right I hope that makes sense in principle I'm 43 thinking of getting into Tech from the content creation journalism background I really keep I really keep feeling deep down to learn quoting but I am scared but I won't be able because of age and maths math okay P I understand why you think math is an issue because there's a lot of BS in the coding world for 99% of Development I've been at this for 30 years for 99% of development math has nothing to do with it like nothing and I I'm getting a little animated here because it's such BS math only comes into it rarely super rarely and being good at math will not make you a better developer will not make you a better developer you know playing Dungeons and Dragons and being the dungeon master is going to make you a better developer than learning math I'm not kidding so for most development now if you were developing if you're in advanced a I research yes math comes in but that's such a small specialized Niche development if you're developing the next gaming engine that's hyp specialized math comes important but other than that forget about math math is not important the only requirement for Math and development is if you're trying to get into a BS University program where they make you do math it's just fillter courses trust me I've been doing this for three decades I written software for publicly traded compies a few of them I've have my own SAS products I've been in education for a long time math is not important for development let me say that again for most times most development all you need to do is add and subtract if there's any advanced math that needs to be done there is probably a library for it where you just input the V you input the well you you you give it the input and it gives you the output so don't worry about math so don't be scared about that um yeah age eh 40 from my perspective 43 is quite young um you got a background so you can marry your domain name in your domain knowledge in content creation journalism with your coding knowledge and you could become a very valuable developer of sorts I hope that makes sense how we doing here okay 150 see when I used to do the live shows on a regular basis I get like 350 concurrent but I've been out of the game for a while I got long covid which is actually just a neurolog ological disorder and I was able to resolve that but it effed up my game so being consistent is key guys thanks for joining the stream I don't if you don't mind give me a thumbs up if uh you like the stream oh here we go oh there we go give me a thumbs up if you like the stream if you don't like my stream don't like the Hat give me two thumbs down if you think Ma math is important give me two thumbs down not one give me two uh there you go uh can learning machine learning good uh if you're interested in working in the advanced advancement of brain computer interface technology neur that's a very good question I would say having not looked at i' say it probably will play a role right again van Hing besides killing vampires you could get into uh coding and development any language or any specialization development that you take will be uh useful yeah so I wouldn't yeah I think it' be good good day good day college degree or Tech certificate depends how much money you have depends on your part of the world you're in depends what your end goals are if you want to be a tech entrepreneur you want to freelance you're going to go small business then you know just learn to code but if you're looking to work for a larger organization government then a degree WordPress has framework with vugs worth it in 2024 um yeah like if you're going to freelance you're going to do WordPress you can't escape it whe love it or hate it you're going to be doing WordPress if you're freelancing hi from California hey how are you what part of California I have family in Altadena Pasadena beautiful state beautiful weather what about data science data analyst is it worth it anymore I'm sure his job there you know I'm sure there's jobs there um I'm not a data scientist right and I'm not a data analyst I think the mistake people make is that they think that being a data scientist or an analyst is being a coder no they data scientists or people in data science use coding languages to do their job but it's it's it's it's they're data scientists right of course Ruby is okay especially Ruby on rail I love your stream I appreciate it thanks thanks for joining the stream thanks thanks for the thumbs everybody I appreciate the thumbs up it's you know how important it is for the Google algorithms and uh okay so we got 150 148 viewers 100 thumbs we could do a bit better on the thumbs you know there we go DOD hex he knows what he's talking about uh thanks for keeping up with the Ruby jokes over the years well you got to be consistent in life yeah I have a a a long history of hating on Ruby it's my uh it's one of my um it's core one of my core values I got to hate Ruby going back to 2007 in fact I'm ancient I'm one of the original Ruby haters all right how we doing oh my God 52 bits not bad uh there's a lot of C jobs in my area should I learn Java to then learn C or just well learn C jump into to if there's a lot of C jobs learn C uh C is better than Java change my mind depends where you're working uh you know all the language and all the technologies have their pros and their cons and the choice of Technology the choice of language whether you choose C or ja really depends on the specifics of the job so I'm sure there are things about C that are better than Java I'm sure vice versa and then of course in a lot of in a lot of this stuff by the way when it comes to Tech a lot of the um a lot of the opinion about which language is better than the other or which framework react versus view versus angular C ref Java Etc a lot of it comes down to personal choice as well what do you like you know it's like Porsche versus Ferrari versus Lamborghini what do you like a good friend of mine he bought like a Lamborghini SUV and I was like oh my God to me he's got the Lamborghini SUV to me it's one of the ugliest SUVs I've ever seen personally he loves it and people love it um I much prefer the Porsche SUV terms of the Aesthetics or the uh even the the Genesis that's what I bought I bought a I bought a I I bought a non-european luxury car for the first time ever because I didn't want to be in the garage every two minutes so uh we'll see what happens with the uh the uh the Asian version here thanks sh answer love your streams going back going to check out your lizard wizard course just getting or struggling with some addiction I think I need to get control of my mind yeah man check it out follow the practices in there people have uh given me a lot of great feedback on it what I teach is I teach in my lizard wizard course I teach you about the two operating systems of your brain I didn't invent this stuff it's chiodini and uh Hamman kman they they came up with all this stuff but I also combined that with what I learned over decades in martial arts and Combat Sports what I learned in business and even West meditative practices it's all kind of combined in there and so it's not it's very practical it's a result oriented mind training and this could help you very much with addiction you're going to understand how the brain works what motivates you what causes feelings to happen how you can use that knowledge to help you reduce anxieties control addictions get rid of those impulses um like anything else you have to train it right I can teach you how to fight I can teach you but you got to practice the moves to get any good at it even you know so you got to practice it congrats getting over that addiction by the way uh you know everybody's got different addictions you know I have a good friend of mine he was like he can't control his drinking like he just he's he's an uncontrollable drunk strangely enough though he's tried heroin and Coke and crack and and that stuff doesn't do it for him you know he take some heroin n he not not it's bored of it for him it's alcohol whereas other people it's alcohol and a lot of other people it's just sugary food sugary food they're getting way overweight they're going to have heart problems and diabetes they can't help themselves they just keep drinking there's all these different types of addictions again it goes back to a concept I talked about earlier on in the Stream if you find a particular Behavior something that you're consuming something that you're doing is addictive to you meaning it it's becoming impulsive right and it could have a negative impact on your life and you got to you got to control that you got to nip that in the butt that's your lizard brain whacking out on you you know um even you know even OV exercising is not good for you you know you know but you got to also use your intellectual capacity say okay if I'm in really if I'm becoming compelled to exercise daily as long as it's not excessive uh then that's a good that's a good impulse right but any negative impulse too much coffee too much drink drugs too much sex uh whatever it is too much uh whatever it is if it has a potential negative impact on your overall life then you got to you got to stop that and better stop it earlier than later right you want to you can think of like a an addiction or something that compels you like a rut and the deeper that rut the deeper the the hole the harder to get back out so as soon as you start you're starting to dig that hole stop get out of it before it gets really difficult work AOL well I I did that with I was a workaholic like I couldn't I just get working working working working and I had to train myself and say listen dude you can work all you you could work hard for 10 years do speed and and and be up and sleep only three hours a night for 10 years and guess what you're still going to have plenty of work to do so you got to pace yourself what's going on here all right all right hey Steph from the Philippines what do you know about nodejs typescript backend framework such as next NEX I think it's next yes is it marketable next two to three years what tech or PR Lang I can proof my backend Dev Journey um yeah I would um any technology out there is going to have opportunities for you you you know it's very rare that a technology just disappears um so look at the local job market figure out what you know see what people are looking for in your area and make your choice based on that it's hard to make it it's almost impossible to make a bad choice about tech because it's just so uh you know you can transfer right so let's say you learn next no. JS with typescript and then you find out ah you got to go learn I don't know you got to go learn C uh with uhet it won't be that difficult for you to transfer over hold on we're going to mix light here all right all right how we doing here the ghost tiger bought me a coffee I appreciate that thanks man cool I wonder if a self-driving car would know to avoid a tornado that's an important question people are asking that question around the world um I would say in time it will uh as a third grade as a third grade CS student from Finland and have been working parttime as an test automation trainee in an industrial comp company's R&D department for one year should I be worried about the future no just keep on working away here's something you'll learn in lizard wizard Mr Lou um our brains are designed via the process of evolution they're designed to amplify to magnify potential threats artificially think about all the times in your life where you were worried about this that or the other thing and nothing happened right that's our brain Playing Tricks on us saying hey this is dangerous this is a risk now this made sense in evolutionary times let's go back 20,000 years 30,000 years where you're walking through the woods walking through the jungle and you see the bushes rustle now it's probably nothing but those bushes rustling could be a predator a lion or a tiger going to jump and kill you so our ancestors who were chicken who were scared all the time and soon as they heard a bush rustle they took off they're the ones who survived more often because even if the bush rustling was just like I a rabbit or something rustling the bush or the wind there was an occasion it was an actual Predator so our ancestors who ran away they survived so our brains through Evolution has evolved to be basically all the chickens all the Scaredy Cats survived and so we're we're the descendants of the most scared uh chickens in uh Human Society so B bottom line is is that our brands are designed to overemphasize fears potential threats so understand that you'll be fine just keep working towards your goals no big deal uh unless you get hit by a car then it's over but you know that can happen to everybody uh well a lot of people say one day it's going to De thrown C in both popular and well if it does then you just pivot from C to something else that's it I have your web design book I read it I read I read it over from time to time to refresh my knowledge a very good I'm glad I'm glad it was useful I just finished my third cup see I drink cup cups of coffee damn there we go I put coffee over my mouse I drink cups of coffee until my hand is no longer stable when my hand starts doing this then I know it's time to stop uh how are we do oh an hour all right I have one oh here we go I have one year left in a masters in CS should I go ahead and finish yeah if you only have one year left then finish it off man uh yeah okay I'm going to finish off any any super chats that I missed so many questions so many questions all right guys we've been on over an hour fantastic I hope you enjoy the stream um AUST do you know anything about white eyebrow Kung Fu I've heard of it wide eyebrow kung fu yeah they I think they go for the eyes and the throat a lot it's kind of like a reminds me of wing Chong I haven't looked at seen that kind of stuff in like decades um I'll leave I'll leave you uh to this um when it comes to combat and I did it for decades and I it was a bouncer I've been in I don't know 30 odd 35 Plus street fights um what are the most important things what makes a great fighter uh number one uh mental conditioning number two physical conditioning if you don't have a strong mind and take pain and can control your fears or your your emotions you're going to be a lesser opponent number two you got to be physically in shape number three tactics number four timing uh yeah those are that's what makes number number five speed and number six power those are things that make you a good fighter not so much the techniques the technique in training you is the technique because if you got all those things in some combination if you can just throw a really good punch you dominate a guy who's got all kinds of techniques you know trust me I did all that stuff so yeah work on those things and you become a good fighter but I'm sure so as long as the the white eyebrow kung fu school and the teacher teach develops those aspects of yourself then you become a good fighter all right guys that's it for today thanks for joining the stream if you like the stream please give me a thumbs up appreciate it uh if you haven't done your push-ups today and drank water drink drink some water do some push-ups drink some water try to eat Natural Foods write a little code every day if you're learning to code and you do okay all right thanks for joining the stream uh leave a thumbs up leave any comments uh under this video if you have any questions you want to learn about how your brain works check out lizard wizard you want to be m entered by me check out or you just go hash Uncle Steph and I'll I'll appear in the Googles all right um that's it well cheers I'll leave you with my uh what you call I'll leave you with my uh my outro video which will relax your brain this is from uh Northern uh Northeast part of the US Cape Elizabeth [Music] Main [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] e [Music] for [Music] e
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 8,525
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 33w2i2-UBtc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 49sec (4249 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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