NVIDIA CEO says Don't Learn to Code ... why?

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hey guys how you doing so in this video we're going to go over what uh the Nvidia CEO said about coding he basically said don't learn to code coding has no future so being an oldtime coder I scratched my head I said wait a second that's weird so let me just cut to the Chase and uh based on my three decades of experience in the field uh so first of all um know software development and coding is not going away it's just going to change and this has happened several times before I'm going to give you some examples where a new technology emerges and then people out there are going oh my God it's the end of the world that's it for the profession blah blah blah it's and it doesn't happen so I'm going to give you a bunch of examples that are fairly recent and I think that will help you in terms of uh if you have any fears about this so my final comment I'll just give you a final comment before I go into the details uh this is I've been saying for years concentrate on the fundamentals learn to build things so learn the foundations of code learn to and then learn to build things start building things as quickly as possible you don't want get stuck in tutorials you got to learn soft skills educational skills organizational skills V's are all super important especially in the age of AI and prompt engineering as they say but this has been hugely important in the past uh for sure so the elite developers of today and the past had this range of skills that I talked about just now so let me just jump into so the Nvidia CEO says coding has no future so why would they say this so first of all let's talk about coding versus development this video is sponsored by pork bun a domain named regar got a huge selections of Dooms food doit do Inc for you to choose from they are ranked number one on USA Today they got the top score on trust pilot with 4.8 Stars over 9,000 reviews the reason to use pork bun besides the fact you can trust them is that each domain comes with a free who has privacy 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that you have you have to have that those nerd eyes as I call them the ability to discern what's out there to be able to pick and choose what is best so I'll give you a very concrete example something very simple you're putting up a a web store for some local small business a coffee shop I like using coffee shops as my example so coffee shop so you got to decide okay you got to build The Branding site you got to pick the right photography you got to put the right copy in there you got to choose the right posting program do you go static website do you go WordPress do you go with jumla Drupal different CMS what kind of online processing you're going to do are you can just use stripe or PayPal or you use a third party uh are they shipping product or not or is it digital product is a coupon based all on so forth which type of what kind of database are you going to use for this project see these are all theis decisions that have to be worked out by the developer where do you deploy it you know why it has to go where do you host it what kind the security you have to put in place Etc I'm just scratching the surface of a very simple project just putting up a bloody e-commerce uh presence for a local business just when you're deal dealing with The Branding end of a website that requires good marketing knowledge uh domain knowledge they talk about that in AI some may have been talking about for years and years now so you got to figure out okay what this is the coffee store what kind of coffee are they selling what's the competitor what's their advantage in the marketplace how do we present that in the website itself how do we present that what type of images are we going to use what is the copy we're going to use AI can help with all this but it's nowhere near able to put all these different requirements together figure out what technologies to use notice all this work I'm talking about here which is the B of work no coding in that right okay there's a huge amount of work just developing WordPress based sites as a simple simple example so I wanted to start by differentiating Between the coder who just writes lines of code versus the developer there are coder jobs right you may be a python coder who writes Python scripts not apps but scripts to manage a server Farm uh that are rendering all kinds of videos so I know people work at big animation houses and that's what they do they hire python developers to they're managing all these Python scripts again there's a lot of decisions being made even in these seemingly simple situations where AI can help right clean up code you know write algorithms for you you know I could see if you're writing code for Hardware or you're writing in C or C++ to you know for a chip or something I can see where AI would be better variable more on that a little later so Nvidia they're known for their Hardware but they have this growing array this growing set of software Solutions and and in fact that's their main strategy now nvidia's main strategy as far as I understand is that they want to integrate their software Solutions with their Hardware Solutions they're smart because one of the reasons AI Intel one of the reasons Intel they make processors got in trouble is that they were just strictly hard uh for the most part as far as I I don't know what software they had but they were pretty much a hardware company whereas Nvidia learned from this I would imagine so they have a whole Suite of software tools part of it is for you guess it app development so it's in Nvidia CEO's best interest to say Hey you shouldn't learn to code coding is their competition you shouldn't learn the code you should use our platform and leverage Ai and be much much more productive so I think there is um I haven't talked to him but you know just a little bit of Common Sense tells you that he's speaking to his own book as they say he wants people to shift off of competing platforms to use their platform strangely enough to this day I'm sure Nvidia is probably hiring a ton of developers right keep that in mind so I think that's one of the reasons why my guess I don't have insid or knowledge my guess why he's talking about H it's a de of code come we use our stuff you know as a general rule AI I still see it as and it will be for the foreseeable future and as an assistive tool it was something that will speed up the process for you and I encourage people to use it in fact in my mentoring program at uncle.com Shameless self-promotion uh we're adding more and more AI to it and it doesn't change it doesn't change the Core Curriculum that I provide and don't give me wrong I'm not married to any technology I'm will to drop a technology drop um whatever uh from the curriculum if I felt that it didn't serve uh people in the program but I still have my foundational training courses in there uh because it's still super important when you look at AI you have to just look at it as an assistive tool it's going to shift things over it's not going to decimate the industry as some people are saying typically people say this or nubes so let me give you a couple examples about how we've seen hype Cycles before and AI is definitely in hype cycle we've seen hype Cycles before which just didn't pan out so if you recall years ago when Tesla started promo promoting their self-driving capabilities in the car Elon Musk was saying as part of his promotion that hey the Tesla self-driving capability is going to be so good very soon that the Tesla will be able to drive you everywhere and in fact it will drive you to work and then you could send out your Tesla to go pick do Uber rides for you so in fact the Tesla will make you money or not cost you anything that was the story for a while sounded great and I I I kind of got caught up in that hype a little bit as well but it's many years later it's not even close to that people were talking about on the news how oh my God truckers they're dead the self-driving trucks it's over all all those truckers going to be out of business ah didn't happen many years later what is it seven years later whatever it is now it's not even close to that it's not even close don't get me wrong self-driving is great my self-driving vehicle it's not as good as Tesla it's the Genesis so it's uh the high-end Hundai you know I I decid to get rid of my German cars because I didn't want to go to the shop every two minutes anyway self-driving car I've driven it from uh my hometown in Montreal a all the way down to Florida on the highway it takes care of 99% of the driving it's fantastic but I still have to pay attention I still have to drive and off the highway there's no way I'm going to use it there's no way it can be used so self-driving is coming out but man it's not even it's not even 10% of what they said it was going to be uh when the whole hype cycle was in full uh full operation right so that's just one example of you know you got to take any anything you hear with a grain of salt you know humans tend to uh overe exaggerate things whether the good or the bad it's just normal so as I said I've seen several times where we've seen new technologies emerge where the people out there were either the Doomer and gloomer were like oh my God it's the end of this the end of that or the people behind the new technology are saying oh it's the end of this the end of that you should do our stuff instead so let me give you a few recent examples so example number one WordPress the content management system WordPress everybody loves little sarcasm there but so many sites use it like huge numbers um anyway WordPress versus static branding websites when WordPress and other content Management Systems came out a lot of nurs were going oh my God that's it's over web design is done the web design industry is over because once you put up the WordPress site and then they the user the company could just click you know use it like a word processor and add the own articles so they won't need us anymore ah well yes or no um it just shifted the work web designers had to still have to build the sites and make them look good uh they had to set up the WordPress now which you know most people who don't have the technical capabilities will be able to do that and then they had to make them SEO friendly they had to make sure everything is updated they got the proper plugins in place blah blah blah so all it did yeah the static only sites faded quite a bit and they were replaced things by things like WordPress and Drupal and jumla and other content Management systems but the the workload just exploded and in fact the complexity of deploying a WordPress or jumla Drupal uh the complexity of those systems are far greater than uh traditional static websites so yeah it did change things but it just created a huge amount of more work now for some people out there saying yeah well jumla and Drupal work and WordPress work is low it's low pay work well only the low pay WordPress work is low pay work I know people personally who do WordPress and make very very good money because they know what they're doing in terms of freelancing and so forth and contract negotiation so that's just one simple example WordPress was going to be the Doom of web design that's it for HTML and CSS it's gone well nothing could be further from the truth right another example was um page based web app development versus old school code Centric so this is in 1996 uh prior to that everybody was building web apps uh with they were simple web apps Pearl CGI base ccgi and then Java servlets I won't get into all the details basically uh the view code the code used to build the pages what you saw was actually embedded within the programming language code and then Microsoft came out with active server Pages ASP they call it ASP classic now it was the it's the precursor to asp.net anyway so they came out as a whole different paradigm shift and ASP um this page Centric web app development Paradigm totally changed the game I personally did my first major project in uh ASP classic moving taking an old CGI based app and reproducing in uh in ASB classic and I was able to do it in like on Tenth the amount of time so people would be going oh my God it's the end of the world they're able to do the work at one tenth of time no more work in in web app development nothing could be further from the truth it just shifted what we did and it improved the quality of the final output that's all another big example is the web itself I remember um in '94 93 most of the development was uh thick client development so you would wrot you would write an application for Windows or Mac OS or maybe Linux I don't know if Linux was out them but we'll say windows Mac OS and you would write the you write your application you create an exe and then you put it on a CD ROM or a DVD or you put up for download people download installed on a computer that was the way people built apps that was that was by far and away VB five and six developers were huge tons of work in that tons of working that and um Along Came the web and it took many years trans to transition but web development started pushing away a thick client development and you still see thick client development you know certain apps have to be done uh Native decline but it pushed it away and web pushed a lot of that away and now you have web development did all those VB6 developers became asp.net developers and the skill set transferred over although they had to learn new things again it wasn't a replacing of coders or developers it was a shifting of the skill sets hey let's go even deeper in terms of a big change in software development so prior to thick clients right which I just discussed you had a Mainframe green screen uh type of development so we're talking Cobalt programmers and stuff so you know when PC started coming out in the 1980s that was shift that shifted away right in the old days they would have these massive computers called mainframes and everybody would have these terminals with green screens and the terminals would communicate with the main frame so all the processing was done on the server on the main frame and then uh and the green screen screen was just there to typ in commands and that's how it was for many many many years and then Along Came personal computers uh I you know IBM PCS and so on then Windows and Mac and so on so that changed the Paradigm again it went to thick client development so right off the top of my head you know I gave you WordPress versus static page-based web app development versus Cod Centric uh web Thin Client development versus thick client development Mainframe versus uh PC you know these are huge changes in the market where was a big shift in how things were done and the development jobs did not disappear in fact it just got bigger and bigger and bigger and I think that's what is going to happen in the AI space so you have the Nvidia CEO saying hey you don't need to learn to code uh you should learn other things domain name skill domain knowledge he talks about I've been talking about this for many years now if you watch my videos domain knowledge I'll get into that in a second that's very important just being able to communicate well but you need good organizational skills you basically need development skills whether you're using AI to generate some of the code or a lot of code or you're writing your code by hand or using a code editor that is assisted by an AI like co-pilot um you still need development skills so yeah the Nvidia CE don't learn to code you know perhaps you should look at our platform instead on the other hand you have the uh founder of chat gbt open AI he's saying on stage just recently no no coding is going to be around for years and years and years it's just going to shift and remember don't forget the hype cycle were in this hype cycle self-driving cars were going to drive Ubers for you and replace truck drivers that was 70 years ago you didn't happen so let's uh pull out here outside of the coding itself let's just look at some reality about what's going on in the marketplace today in 2024 there are many huge many many many many many huge and small companies and organizations that still use very old software so you have lots and lots of banks that are still on mainframes this is 1960 1970s technology you'd be surprised you'd be surprised how many companies still run off of excel right uh they run so much of their operations on Excel you'd be surprised how many companies still use WordPress and dumo these are old Technologies relatively speaking I can tell you because of the nature of all these technologies that are being used today for AI to go in there and disrupt those and replace them it's that's not going to happen it will slowly change AI will be slowly integrated into these things but it's it's much less about the coding it's like coding is this part of it this much of it versus all the other things we talk about in development remember anybody who tells you that coding is writing a code is the big is the bulk of coding it's not really when people talk about coding what they're really talking about most of the time is development and development when it comes to development coding is part of it part of it you have to understand the code and even in the AI space in the AI world you're gonna have to understand code you have to understand the infrastructure what you're working with you have to understand the solution so for example you know let's say you go and see a client and they got a bunch of data that is going to be stored it's got to be exposed on the web what kind of database do you go with a relational database do you go with a flat file based system do you go with an object based database what are reasons to use one or the other you have to look at the data you have to look at the company's infrastructure what do they have what skills what are they using now right this all has to be worked out you know AI can help because you can look at it and so on and type in ask GPT what you think it is what you think it that but you still need to know what you're doing to be able to do all this as I mentioned early the AI people are saying more and more and more you have to have good good domain knowledge so I'll give you an example let's say you want to get your software in the pharmaceutical industry I'll just use that as an example the best people to get new software Solutions whether it's AI based or not into pharmaceutical the best people to do that are people who know the pharmaceutical industry like the back of their hand they understand intimately where the gaps are where the wheels are squeaky where there's opportunity to leverage software whether it's a or traditional they understand how to fix that so for example with me educa with me and education I've been working with schools for well over a decade now so I have a very good understanding of how Education Works the uh the loopholes where curriculum how curriculum is better structured to get better results it's just because you know I've had well over a million students on my platform so it's like you know you learn through years so when it comes to somebody who might uh deploy software uh for Education I'm a pretty good judge of that simply because I have domain knowledge I know that industry well to recap development I'm reading my notes Here development is about structuring a bunch of technology and resources being able to structure all this AI can help but it won't be able to do it on its own AI will speed up the process of some of the detail work though that's for sure so where AI I can see it could do very well is modifying optimizing an algorithm or writing I don't know a complex SQL statement algorithm writing well I've been saying for years forget about learning about algorithms and data structures you just need the basics just the very Basics why because if you got complex algorithms there's probably a library that do it for you this is before AI now with AI you know so to test as coding skills development skills by testing somebody's algorithmic know is is waste of time it's been a waste of time for years in my opinion it's been silly the only time you needed that by the way is if you were writing like very Advanced code for processing processing huge data for say a Google or Facebook a big engine like that or big data mining or maybe you're writing uh Advanced algorithms for uh Collision detection or something in a G video game well even that they got all kinds of libraries for that so I've been anti- algorithm and data structure both BS for years now and now with AI I've been proven right even more so it's so obvious AI could take care of that why can the AI take care of that and not let's say big picture development because when you're writing an algorithm it's a very finite chunk of code it's it's it's very focused Central so it's AI it's easy to point an AI at that and say can you optimize this you gotta know what you're doing so you know that it's not putting on a bunch of BS you know AI Hallucination is a thing and even the AI experts will tell you about that that's why you need domain experts who can use the AI to get to a resol quicker but they can also catch the AI going off on some weird hallucination so yeah AI great for very fine grain code like writing SQL statements writing algorithms that kind of stuff that's great let's say you're not sure how to do something how do I how do I create a thread in Java I haven't done this in years that's where I would use an AI you know type it in threading in Java example I'm using this level Java there's the answer okay I know the basics of threading I've written it before but I forget so inste of me having to search through docs that's where AI will speed up things all right so my final comment again what I've been teaching for years is still 100% true learn your fundamentals so you understand how the whole coding thing works and development works I always teach the web stack because it offers the greatest opportunity different types of development I teach three programming languages so you have a deep understanding of the basic structures of the software and then uh you start building real projects real as quickly as possible implementing good project management capabilities and organizational skills problem solving skills how do you get good at problem solving you solve problems how do you get good at fighting you go and you fight how do you get good at dating you go on dates right it's the same thing with the development so one of the problems with the this explosion of online education is that there's there's unlimited tutorials out there unfortunately a lot of tutorials are built by people who never wrote software for real so I just want to start building things as quickly as possible so what I have people do in my mentoring program fundamentals learn the three programming languages then you learn on top of HTML5 css3 uh you learn SQL you learn how to manage small projects you learn how to track your time all this kind of stuff then you go out there you you go out there and you build projects for real companies that's the key there you go guys I wouldn't be too worried about the AI thing you got to be cognizant of it you got to start looking at it integrated into your workflows but it's not going to replace coders it's just going to do as I mentioned with those other Technologies and several others it's just going to shift what it is we do do that's all so I wouldn't be too concerned don't let the hype cycle freak you out I'm unco step and I Mentor people in the ways of development and coding and so much more you can check me out at uncle.com if you have any disagreements about this topic you're not sure if you agree with me whatever put comments below let me know if you like the video give me a thumbs up if you hate my video give me two thumbs down to show you how much you you hate my stuff and [Music] um oh
Channel: Stefan Mischook
Views: 156,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: developervlogs, developermentoring
Id: iv79_13sN2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 12sec (1632 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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