Web Designing- Tables and Navigation

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i always tell the students that i'm recording so let me start today's module i am going to go through what we went through last week just for students to understand what we have already gone through we have understood the basics of html we looked at what are tags and i told you about opening and closing tags which we are now conversant with and then we looked at we designed a basic website last week and we learned how to save our website using html so this is how we saved our website and then we were able to add to enter text paragraphs using p and closing with p we're able to enter a line break which is b r aligned break forces the text to go to the next line we are able to do bolding we're able to do italian try to do underlining because these are the things that i want to see in your assignment we are able to change the font sizes and the font color and the most importantly we use a we use the font color that this is the font color that i asked you is most preferable so that if it is navy you can always change it to a particular this is white but you can always change this one and put a zero changing the the gradient or the color of the of the background so this color using numbers instead of like yellow and green enables you to be able to change your website appropriately and then we do we did a lists odd at least we did last week we did uh or at least wherever it is italy it's romance and then order at least and then we also did odd at least in terms of alphabet and then an ordered list which is just bullets and you can also use a list in terms of images last week we ended by inserting images on our website and we created the following website this is the website we created last week this is the website we created last week together so it was a basic website whereby we were able to do bold underlying italics changing color italian lists images and i inserted a table before we left and then if i if i if i want to open that website all i have to do is to notepad whenever you up you close your website you open a notepad i'll open the notepad here i say file open i'll go to my here's the website then i'm going to go here and say all files and then there is my website my first this is how the website look like we said is my first website background color was that the heading was adding one open and heading one closed we're designing for beginners paragraph we aligned right and then we closed our paragraph and then i put a line a horizontal this is alignment center so i gave you all these i shared with you last week this is font color here is font color and then i'm closing the font the color there font color font size all are closed using font on size two then i've closed it there these are ordered lists this is now the table let me create another table here so this table as you can see i just wanted to then i would start this table starts here table with border one this is a table row the and then this is the table data which is the column so this is column this is row so this one is one row and two columns and then i'm closing that row and then i open another row i put two columns and then i close that row there is a table i can copy this table here i can put it down there and then i can write here web designing mountain tops and then this time i i put an image as my table column but this time i can i can put any information which i can copy from here let me copy the information from here wow so copy there i'll put here overview i'll copy this information here i'll put it here okay then i'll come here and copy here this is another row these are two rows and then i'm going to say control s that is to save i'll come here and refresh so there is my my new table there's my new table can you see this my new table overview and mountaintops but what we normally do when you're creating your website because i would prefer if it is possible to make your whole website to be a table that's what i would prefer because that is the way you can be able to arrange your work from the beginning to the end so what we do you you go to your website here and then you make sure that you make sure that this border is one let me put the border zero control s i refresh the website you see now it has zero borders are we together so that's what i want us to do on our whole website our website to be a table from the beginning to the end and then we start putting information inside so that our information is in a certain order in a table and the table allows us now to arrange our work otherwise without a table you'll not be able you'll have your work looking like mine here moving from one corner to the other corner but once i insert tables look at the way the work will look beautiful because it is a table that will allow me to arrange my website so let me show you an example of the website that i created for which i've been how i used to have my own website but i've taken it down temporarily this is my website which i created from so my website if you can see this website this website i created using tables from the beginning to the end so that i'm able to put different things inside tables tables allows you to play around with a website let me see if i can see the website here i'll give you this so this is my html heading the title i just want to go through this and i'll give it to you okay i'm together can i continue hello yes yes continue if you if you have any questions for now let me just talk is that okay yes no okay thank you yes doctor but please be a bit slower okay okay so i'm just going to take you through this website of mine then i will give you html then you'll play around with it i'll send you this html so this is my html where it's it's opening head so this is similar to this this is similar to this so html head and then i'm closing the head so html opening there i will close the html here html must be closed at the end this is the body closing at the end if you don't close the body your website will not be visible here is a body so there are various things that must be in in our website html opening html closing this is the last thing you should see on our website head head body body title is within the head and the title is the one that you see on top here saying this is my first website this is the title this is my first website personal development that's my title so if i come to my website title personal development then i have met a name metadam is a description of the website for any person who is interested in knowing what the website is about you can write to us dance okay then i have meta names meta names are when you put your website on there like now my mind i was hosting on mweb i was paying 70 runs per month then i took a break because i want to work on their website again if you put these ones when you're searching on on a such engine they can use the keywords to share your website with somebody who is searching for something on empowerment somebody who is looking for information on dancing somebody who's looking something on motivation those are the keywords so you must go to your website and copy these put on your website and put for me the keywords that you think if you put your website up there somebody will search and they will get your website okay those are the most important then i close the head this one i can do this one another time anybody who will be interested in going to advanced level today i'm not going to go to that this is a style this is called style css call css if i go to my website here yes yes says that's what i'm calling style css style css enables css is a short form i create this this notepad i call it style c who is that with making noise for us yes style css is a short form yes style css is whereby i create a separate notepad and because i do not want to copy all this information onto my website here because it would be too much information to say heading 1 should look like this heading 2 should look like this so i create a website which i call style a notepad which i call style css then everything when i put heading 1 it will read here when i put heading 2 it will read here you see so when i put you see my my table i put a margin i put a wing so that i put a background color so every website that i create it will copy this website color style css enables me to have a summary and then i stop writing this work a hundred times on every website because you can see here i have so many web pages i don't want to keep repeating heading one heading 2 heading 3 should look like this i create a style css notepad i say or heading 4 will look like this every heading whenever i go to my work i type heading 4 the computer will read this color this size this part when i put heading one it will read area and that okay when i read heading one two four and so forth that is what style css is about then that is style css you can copy them from mine then i can go now to the body here i'm using this one just to be able to put like like like divisions of of text so that i can have a main text subject and so forth so for now i'm more interested in us understanding how to have a table within the work and then how we are going to insert our work here is a table here is another table so i have so many tables but i want to see the main table before we can start then we can copy our table and start so this is the main table so this is the main table there ending let me see where it's starting the table is starting here you can see the table is saying table 100 percent with no borders meaning that i am drawing a table on my computer on this website from here to there 100 and with no borders that is the table and then from there i cannot be able to be starting as many things as possible within that table that is that's the most interesting thing about the whole idea of web designing web designing is about having a table you can even have a table within a table that's what it's all about if you're not able to to put tables within a table that's where you can have a problem here let me table there's the first table another table with border one another table here they are at another table with two columns another table without with a border you can add a background color to a to a table as i've done on my work you can even put a bigger border as it is here you can change the background text the background color of the table or even of a specific column and then you can insert images as we did last week but most important you can put graphics on the table you can start putting borders and wind of the table so that you can see this border this one has a height of 40 and a window of 3 34 then the other one takes the rest so more tables so tables are the most important thing because it is within table that will be able to insert our information so what i'm going to do is that i'm going to send you this and then you're going to use it to create your own tables so i wanted just to introduce tables and then you tell me whether you can be able to try and look at this one together with what i will give you and improve your your website using tables how is that is that okay yes doctor it's okay okay so you i will send you that html together with the tutorial together with mine together with what we can attempt here because last time i was asking you if it is possible for you to share with me your own computer it will be easy because it will be easy for me to see whether you are understanding is there anybody who can share their computer with us let me copy this if i copy this i can come here and insert this table here let me set that table there then i'm going to put a border of one then i'm going to say file save then i'm going to refresh my website look at the look at the table that's what i want you to do and then you can add more columns because once we add more columns here we'll be able to we'll be able now to put to put links i want us to use that one to use to make links now right now that's what we are going to do but it will remember we might have to make the table 100 percent so that the table can move from one like this see this one is now using a style i'll try to see but if i if i copy this window whether the wind will work for us with zero spacing but for like let us just start for now i'll share with you whatever i will will have done by the end of the lecture so there is our table so here we can now start using this one to put links so that we have more than one website and then after that i will be able to remove this border if i want to i can add more table rows let me add another table so this is a column i want to add [Music] this one okay let's try and see whether we can use that and see if now we can be able to put some links there so we have our first website this one i was just putting about to talk these are links this is a link within the website so what i did i went to i went to the tutorial and i copied an image i copied an image i saved the image here i have a folder called images i saved this one i copied from that website i called it back to top and then i came to my website here and then i cop i i copied from that website and i put this i put these hashtag toe the website deserve has a problem with that tool okay this is what i copied but i think there was a problem with this hashtag top i put mine there's something that is missing so i put that top i put an image other one i called it top dot jpeg and then it is a reference within the website so that when when you are when when you scroll the website so much you are so the website is so long you click there it can take you back to talk so now let us click a second website what is that what is that who can tell us what is the most easiest way to create a second website for those who have already created a second website what is the most easiest i was not even sharing you are not telling me can you see this is what i'm recalling backwards top you tell me when i'm not sharing this one is going to take me to the top it's this so that if your website is so long you can always go back to talk can somebody tell me how do i create a second website quickly and much easier and faster anybody who has created a second website how did you how do you start you are faster and consistent than the c way no mom schlonger how did you create your second website who can tell us are you together i'm here doctor i'm i'm i'm still trying to to look at the the vita that we did last time the recording that we did last time okay so i have not uh created um a second one okay no no ma'am guys you've already done the second website so how did you do it see me sure a talking to sangaze shimizu i see you have two websites in fact you need to have three so let me do this please and when i'm not sharing you let me know i don't want to talk to myself the most easiest ways to do that is that i will go to my website this one is the website that i've already created the index i'll just go to my index i will say file savers i go to my then i'll go all files this time instead of calling it index i'll call it about us and not spacing about us dot html that's what i will do and then i'll say file save so i've automatically created a second website if i go there there is the second website but unfortunately the two website will have the same color what i can do to differentiate the two website i can go here and change the color check the color i'm going to come here and change my background color me make it i mean how many have should that be again one four these are four let me make them one two three four save and then i refresh you see now i have two websites i have two websites they look exactly the same but they are different colors this is my this is this one and then i have this one so they are both the same but they have different colors that will and help me to want to see the difference between the two websites and then what do i do i want to link them using here for now so that i can move from one website to another website so what do i do let me show you an example here am i sharing let me see what i'm sharing i want to open this website this is a these are a different one that i was attempting yesterday because i also try to prepare myself in advance file open i copy i did this yesterday i'll copy this and put on on what i already have now about us well let me go to our index let's go to our index i'll copy this here i'll share with you this don't worry even if i'm just a playing around with the whole thing i'll share with you so what am i doing here hrf is reference this is what we need to link one website for another so hrf i'm i'm i want to reference this one to index.html but this time i'm not even going to the website itself i'm going to a link which i'm going to call helpful links so what am i going to do i have to create another one which i'm going to call helpful links in in my index this is now i have two websites h index and and about us i want to somebody to click when they click on in my website called about us they'll be taken to index on helpful links which i can find on the tutorial they have links so they have links it takes you here's helpful links that's what i've put on i put on this one on about us helpful links and then i have to copy this on my index you see now i'm working on two websites about us and index i go here on index and put do so come here and i'll put it there you see so this is my index website that we are working with i put help links then i save and then i have here in my about us helpful links so i've linked there too then i'll comment refresh and then i refresh this one as well when i click here why did you take me it will take me to this website helpful links and then i can always go back i click there it takes me there then you can put some help valencia on food clothing shelter and so forth so i've already linked this to website but i've not haven't clicked linked them on top here but i've linked them through there so what i'm doing is that i'm just basically showing you how to link one website to another website so if that is what i have done can somebody tell me what i need to do to link these two websites because you've seen what i've linked them internally but now i want to link them here anybody tell me what do i need to link the two websites just guess normal who cook and guess see me shop and this evening and you see where yes doctor yes i'm here like the two websites because i've shown you an example you you can't even guess look at the way i linked them internally how did i link them internally i came to index just look at this i came to index i put this can you see that somebody see where yeah yes i can see the index yeah and then what did i do on about us i came and put this look at that look at the way they are talking you see so what am i going to do now to link the two website because that's a link already if you like uh copy and paste the link for the second one on the first one yes yeah i think yes i think you can do that yes i'm not sure exactly exactly so all i need to do is to copy this and copy this provided they're both talking can you see that what i do here i do there and then they'll be able to so let me copy this let me copy this and go here about us let me let me paste it here let me paste that one there like this i'm going to remove helpful links because now i don't need help for links okay i don't need help links anymore i don't need this okay and then what am i going to do here tell me i'm going to call that one home page because index is home page that okay i'm going to call it home page let's try because this is the reference this is going to take me to index.html ctrl s and then i go here and refresh i refresh here you see it's taking me to the home page i've already now linked i've linked about us now about us is linked to the index you see that about us is linked to the index okay now tell me i want to link index to about us tell me i've linked look here have linked about us see i've linked i've linked about us index to about us now tell me what am i supposed to do here to link index to the other one please tell me what am i supposed to do here anybody anyone have you followed what i've done the first one this website is called about us can you you can you can see what i've done i put index.html on about us notepad is that okay can i hear yes yes yes okay so i want to put now index to take me to about us what am i supposed to do i copy i can copy this isn't it yes i put it here which name will i call this one instead of index i'll call it this name you must call it exactly the way this one looks like i'll call it that you see that so now i'm i'm i'm i'm going to move from index windows will take me to about us file save refresh no okay this is not supposed to be the home page is supposed to read about us you see so now it's going to take me to about us why is it not taking me maybe i did not copy the right name yes i copied the wrong one i'm supposed to copy this you see the difference yes if you make a mistake in terms of what you have copied it won't work i'm on index who can tell me what is the problem here can you see this can you see that this is not the same yeah it's not the same as the other one isn't it i must come here and copy exactly i'm happy we can see that as it is because it is there because i copied the wrong one then i say ctrl s then i come here and then i refresh you see now it's working now it's working because i have used then if it has taken me then i can go back about us home page about us home page you see that yes so now let us now together create that website please i want you to take me through tell me what i need to do i want to be able to be taught by you for a change i want us to create another website we are going to call more information let us i need to ask to create a website which we are going to call a news dance i want us to create dance.html together please take me through the process please anybody what do i do i'm waiting i'm waiting please let's do it together so when we grew together it becomes easier for you to do alone there's nothing as good as doing by yourself i like the struggle if you wanna if you don't struggle together with us you struggle alone so you you better expose your fears rather than we worry we will expose our talent and we vary our fears together so let me start normal norma help me to create that website yes thank you okay where do i start i'm listening to you talk yeah so you're gonna start by by then by opening the brackets and write html and close them which is i want a shortcut already i have two websites i only have two websites i want a shortcut to create that website quickly so you must copy and paste yes i can copy and paste all i can file save isn't it i call it dance it's much quicker if i copy here i call it dance.html and then i save it is much faster and then i can come and change the color here i can change the background color here and put an f let me just put an f here just to see whatever color it will look like in uh doctor yes i have a question so if we are creating a second website and a third website it would uh like for example a second website would consist of the information from the first website uh but with some edit info then the third one would be consist of the first and the second but with added information you know what you know yeah okay i i like that question you know what i'm well i'm i'm start faster starting by copying and pasting i want to first copy and paste link the three websites i know they are communicating and then i start changing the information it's much easier that's what web designers they do it's much easier because you want to to be able to be consistent so once i create a free website i know they are working the tables are working the information is working now i start changing yes oh okay yes well they're not going to be there the same but i just want first of all to see that they are talking i have a basic working free website now i change the content the content is not going to be the same you have to change i'm just giving an example just a shortcut okay because instead of starting from the scratch again doing html and the website might be almost the same they must share some things then then from there you start changing that's what i'm trying to do so let me try and see if i can give it a different color i'm trying to look just for a shortcut here i don't know where my colors are do you know where the colors are i wanted the colors called the the images i don't know where the colors are point let me say font let me copy this i just want to copy for a change yes we are not going to do the same thing but i just want to to have an idea [Music] easier something like that all i'm doing is that i'm just having the three websites which i'm going to change and then i'm going to go now to i want to link them that once we link them we'll be able to put content very quickly so this is the about us it has index and then what would be the next what will be the next link that i'm going to put here on on my website of about us i'm going to link it to dance isn't it i'm going to link it you see here about us now i want to link it to to dance so i copy this i can come here and then i i changed one to dance dot html and then i go to about us there's glasses [Music] why is homepage here we'll just do the second that one together let me just try this one it has gone there so this is homepage this is done class classes about us i've already now linked this website to to to these about us i've linked it to that to home page and dance i wanted to link it here but i'll try later so here i'm already linked so i want to link all the three what do i do i want first of all let me first of all link them properly i want this one to go here this is about us and do this i hope we are together let me put it here this is supposed to be dance.html let me first of all do that and see yes he's taking us dance about us okay home page about us dance okay then we go here we'll do the other one together let me just finish this one i want this okay you see dance about us so this website has this website or name about us is the one that is taking me to two places it's taking me to in index and it is taking me to dance classes let me change them then we'll do the other one together that's what i want us to do so you have an idea of what i'm doing i don't want to be to be alone this website on about us i have linked it to home page and dance glasses let me remove the other links so that we can have something clear that's what i have now let me move over let me let me leave that one temporarily index index and and dance we have already linked two website index and that's on two about us so now somebody tell me how am i going to do the same on the other website what should i do on the other website on dance what should i do to link the three i simply copy and paste copy and paste that's why i want to to tell you that if i go to my first website here the one that i've just done with the three this one i would prefer even to put even to put the website the website itself that the what the webpage the webpage itself here which is called about us to have a link so i'm what i'm going to do is that this is table table row table data table data there i want to i can take this i will delete that i want to simplify the one one two three so where there is the word links i'll come here and copy this word about us itself even though even though that page is the is the homepage itself it's this way is about us but i will copy and put it there it's much easier than i do like that now i have the three links about us of course it is the same page it can't do anything okay can you see we have now three webpages that are talking is that okay home page dance about us now i've linked the three so that i can be able to move from there and then i go back i go there i go back there it is within the same page so what do i do i'll simply copy this work which i have done here i can even copy from here table one there to that end of the table i copy this i got to dance i do the same i paste okay then i'll do the same on my index file open paste ctrl s then i'll refresh so that i'll be able to go there they're supposed to be linked let me see index you see this one is linking it's taking neither is taking me there he's taking me there but i think i still need to do the same on on dance okay you see now all of them now they can take me from one place to another to another to another to another okay that's how we link our web pages is that okay do you have an idea now yes english if i go here i open i'll keep on taking you to different things you'll you you'll look at the work later if i open my website here i'll see i'll share with i've already shared with you this website but i will share with you the notepad i go and open my index you can see here my website i've put them but mine i put them in in list yesterday we did lists i put my website but lists i've listed them an ordered list this one is the the css that i told you about i put my website in list now let me open the website and see how it looks like so this is the list so that each one of them can can can move into the next into the next list instead of a table i didn't put them in table i put them in at least one two three but horizontal list instead of at least that is going down but you can see hours here which i've created very well i put them in a table which is very good which is very good and all i need to do now once i'm on my table we are happy that we have done our one two and three i can easily go here and remove the border i can remove the border there if i remove the border i'll remove the water on the about us page then i will go to our about us page and you see there is no table anymore something like that something like that but i can also if i go to homepage i still have my my tables and then now i can even go to each one of the websites i change here and call it about us i'm changing the title i save i go to the other website dance you see this one is going to read about us the other one is going to read the dance and the other one is going to read our website for beginners there so i've changed the titles i'll change the titles so from there i'm now able to have three websites which now i can start playing around with and changing content adding more tables i can try let me see if i can be able to put another table and then i can put content but before i continue i want you to we do a q a and tell me whether you understand what we have so far been doing and whether you have any questions yes doctor some of the questions that i had have been answered so i'll i would try it and um and for i do my work i'll try and connect my laptop and forward my work to you okay can you see uh see where it's imitated you'll be able to create this three website from now on somebody so any other question that anything what is there any specific thing that you want me to look at that you want that you are interested in let me copy this table and see what will happen here can you please rephrase the question for me so she's having trouble with her mic yes foreign [Music] yes i i saw you have already two websites i want you to have at least three websites and the website should be able you should be able to move from one webpage to another web page that's what that is what uh today we are doing let me look here at some of the students what website let me open your website let me is [Music] is yes yes yes you'll be able to yes i want to see three web pages that i am [Music] website [Music] this is ambitious website and i want the images to be okay let me open the video's website it's ambiso's website okay smooth dancing this is supposed to take me somewhere that's what you are doing and you see what i mean i work is not taking me to another web page are we together who can tell me what the problem with this work what's the problem with this work this is this is supposed to be working i think if you click on links it's supposed to take you to that um maybe if you click on smooth tenses it's supposed to take you to smooth tenses but here if you click it stays on the same page you see and what is the problem with the email the email is supposed to take me to an email address isn't it yes it's not we are going to do it right now so that's what that's what that's what i want tambiso to do to make sure that her work is opening on another web page let me open another person's work because these are the feedback that we can share right now you see i don't see and this was to make her work not to have double x but only one single x but she didn't do the corrections i sent her an email it's not supposed to be double x yes however he's taking me but however i'm supposed to i don't want to use the back button i'm supposed to have this i've got devil's doctor are you talking about the exes that you are talking about his name on his website as indexed with double x oh okay okay if you put it on the internet the internet will not take that one as your as your index page oh okay remember the internet has brought a course so if you if you put it in your website on on index and then you host it you do not go through because in that other website in in must be index and you see now our work is supposed to take me it is not supposed to be static i don't want to use the back button i want to be able to to see that i can go back to her web page okay let me open another person's web page but that's a very good trial i can see students already doing very well yeah i can say no man this is your work yes i can see you see norma has done that yes i want to be able to see yes yes try and improve the website a little bit more the content add some more images this is too bold it's going to frighten people norma you make your work a little bit inviting this is too bold remove the bold there is something they say all your work is bold i don't want to use the back button you must all these links you copy them and and put them you remove these links these links they can come down here i want to see your own links on the top so that all your website is going to look like mine here whereby it will look like this dance home page about us you connect the three web pages here if you're going to have an external link the channel link must be outside let us do emails there is a hyperlink to the email hyperlink to the email you copy this i'm sharing okay and then i will say i'll create another small table here i want to put an email let me first of all copy table here and see whether it's going to work i'll keep doing this to you don't worry then i have to close the table i want to see how this table is going to look like let me refresh my index see this water this is what i have here okay then this is what i have created here i can create a i can put a let me try and put a let me try and even put a horizontal line the horizontal line then this is now below there and then i can copy there i'll copy here and say i'll copy my email first of all i can go here i'll go here and copy i'll copy this i'll copy this i want to put them here i'll copy this and put it there copy this and put it there okay then i put another one i'll copy this i'll put it there i'll share with you this don't worry even observing you'll also not grow observing this is more about trial and error remember nobody can say i'm the best in this we are all learning then i refresh you see so i have homepage dance and about us here then i can even now copy them as if they are they look much better i go here on top i want to change this without a border and put it there ctrl s refresh so home page dance about us then i would i'll do the same to the other web pages that's why that's why you i like the idea of doing all of them together i come here i paste i save i go to the other one okay so that now i'll be able to refresh all of them you see you see now they all have it the same kind of thing and then i'll go here let me show you what i'll do i'll go to index i'll go let me go here i copy the this email let me copy that email i go to my index here right below there i want to put up an email put an email there i must copy this so that i can have another column then i copy this i have another column remember columns then i do like that and refresh and go to my home page you see email so let me change the email to myself i'll give you this don't worry i'm just showing you how i want your email address to look like i'll show you once i email you this you just change to yours okay then i say contact that's an example to put my name then you see i refresh refresh contact once i click there what is it supposed to do what i do expect to see when i click here what do you expect to see when i click there they contact me also the conduct yeah i take you to the details where you can conduct dr kacchi he's supposed to open my email look yes you see that's what he's supposed to do is can you see that yes so i have my home page dance class about us and contact dr kagashi immediately you click there it opens my email so let's so let's do let's do another one so i come here so what do i do it's much easier that's what i was telling you i like to do in one one and then i copied the others i got my index i copy this so that everything is consistent i go to about us at the end here i paste i go to and then i save and then i go to dance you know there consistency i save and then i refresh once i refresh you see can you see that yes that's what we want to do you see so that you have your homepage done class even below there and then you have it also at the top okay so what have we done we have put up a table put a table here and the table is 100 percent so what i can do for now i can tell you to copy this table even as it is that's how you you learn you copy this table i'll give it to you this work copy this table and listen to this video copy this table as it is from there okay copy then go to your website that you have already designed or you are designing or or you are going to start and then open your website here index and then say this is my html head heading this is my first website and then i can copy so many things i'll copy some of them for you this is the body color heading and then i can even decide from now on from now on i'm just giving you an example let me not work on the on the index let me not work on the index let me work on the on the dance but you can see how different they will be they will look like i'll come here and paste this work there once i face this work there i say file save then i will go to my dance you see it has copied this can you see that is this how you start you you learn by through trial and error then what will you do you enter this information there be to enter that information a bit and then enter that information and then you decide from now on i'm going to remove all this content and i'm going to put the content that it has nothing but a table so what can i do let me tell you what i will do you see this is the only information that i've copied together with the email you have copied this table together you look at this recording is what i've done so what am i going to do i'm going to delete this work and then i'm going to save and then i'm going to refresh that's what i'm going to do i updated too much i didn't want to delete that's what i have that's what i have so what do i have i have a template of about or is it dance it's dance i have a template on dance let me close the other side i am not get confused so why am i doing this to have a fresh page which is talking to the others but now i'm going to use it to do my own thing but this time because i've learned how to design a website i will do nothing but use tables only if in fact what you can do i can even put here for now i can even put here let me try no it's not showing but i wanted that to have a border but there is no border so far but at least you have a rough idea of what i'm doing i'm creating i want to get the whole website to be nothing but tables so the first line i leave it as it is then i can also put another horizontal line let me put another horizontal line so that you can see where each one of them is ending okay so i'll leave the first one as it is this one will be my end then i will work on the middle and chat and start changing and putting my content then i will go to my assignment that i have been given i'm just giving you now an example of what i will do i hope i'm sharing if i'm not you let me know many of you put the content i want the content for our website i'll open this i'll open this and then i can start changing i just want to show you what i will do i will share i'll share with you this i will go to my website i want to change my work to have as much i read i will leave the first one that one is okay i'll leave the last one that one is okay i want to now to start working on what is in between this one this is where which which will involve my content so i remove index here i put overview just as an example i go here i copy this information i don't want to have too much information but just as an example so it means overview i'll share with you this don't worry then i'll call this one dancing centers you see now i'm beginning to change my work then i will go here and say description so that when you put your work on a table it will be much easier for you to start working on it then i can come here and say this is the information i want to put under history so what do i do this is history this is table this is table data is one column so what do i do i can create now another column what will i do i can come here i'm just giving you an example of what i want you to play around with you can do like that you can do like that you can do like that just i'm playing around and then i refresh you see i didn't want them to be one too many rows they're supposed to be these are rows are they supposed to be columns you see that's what i want i want to have as many columns as possible and then what do i do let me just show you history i'll copy here this is the first history i leave it as it is i come here and change this one you see now i'm beginning to change my work it's not looking so neat but as i play around with it you'll see what will happen i'm having a problem because of the i haven't specified the length but let me just play around and see i'm just playing around here and see this is what i want to do is this is an example of how now i'm designing my website but now i'm designing my website all the way using tables let me try and put an image now is i want to add this okay you see now what i did i my table is starting there i copy the the table rows overview overview i have so many overviews here it's supposed to be history or lessons okay overview lessons dancers and so forth then so this is the first table row then the second table row so i want to have another one what do i do let me try and copy this i copy this up to there that's what i normally do i copy this i paste it there you see now i have another one just an example but this time i want to put an image i'll copy this image here and here i put an image okay then here i'll put a different image and here i'll put a different image and here i'll put a different image okay i'm just playing around and then i continue and then i continue you see so i can even now copy i can even take this work again from here all the way to without a taking over you i can't even take the whole thing let me just take the whole thing from there just for right for fun because you can check this video i can take this if i copy it here what will happen i will have another row that looks similar like that you see now my website is looking like that so that now the website you are able to play around and have columns rows and as we get better we cannot be able even to remove so we don't they are not all the same one two three four these are four let's see if we can be able to make this one to be true okay are we together yes are we together students yes okay i continue yes are we together so so far i've just copied paste that copies later because remember in websites a website only works when it is in tables because tables is the one that will be able to manipulate columns rows current slow okay so what i want to do is that i want to to manipulate again so if i have something which is working i'll share with you this one so my contact about us whatever okay but now i want to i want to to play around and and reduce this one instead of four one two three four i see if i can be able to make them into two let me see but i have to know which one i am doing it means i'm going to play around from here to there it's a challenge because if you make a mistake the whole thing doesn't work i want to make this one instead of four instead of four what four what four are there four columns are they four columns or four rows four columns isn't it there are four columns so what do i will i reduce this is one two three four let me try and remove this one and see how it will work i'm trying to remove these ones and see whether it will give me two two instead of four you see it's giving me that and that is now where we have another challenge what we normally do is that's why we have this tutorial on tables because tables are very very challenging why tables because you know tables are probably one of the most important html because not only are they used it is where you put the information you cannot be able to control the layout of your website without tables and yet it's becoming very very complex so what is happening my table is refusing to move from one corner to another so what do i do i have to do something which is called to span uh doctor yes uh how much work i was still left with for today because um there's nothing i was only just playing around with that nothing more yeah i know okay because yes it's yeah time yeah i i have another meeting at 12 30 but i would be a bit late yeah my my intention was just to to keep just pushing you and informing you of what i can do and what we can do have we done so much today have we done a lot have you learned something yes i've learned something the others if i share with you this will you be able now to do something yes i would be sure like if i have yes yes i'm listening yes if i have this uh recording and the laptop next to me i think i can be able to try something okay norma they are not yes doctor have you learned something yes can you please say all the work yes i'm going to share all this work because i want students to improve this assignment that they have emailed me so that your assignment looks more better is that okay for all students so that i'll send an email to other students i ask them please check this video and improve the work is that okay yes and remember i'm only an email away from you send me an email then if you want us to meet next week because i want you to think about it you tell me we meet and do more right now i'm going to improve i'm going to improve this website before i share with you i will improve here to make it sure that it is spanning from here to there you see i wanted to move this one this work to move from there to the corner then you can be able to create your own website looking nice and and and and excellent any other question have you gained a lot have you gained something yes yes doctor okay thank you very much let me know whether you want us to meet next week i do more and you can share with me and ask me questions on email once this video finishes processing i will share with you then you can use it to do your work and i will share with you this website thank you very much for your participation and for your time i wish you all the best thank you thank you doctor thank you okay bye
Channel: Prophet Dr. Wanjiru Gachie
Views: 20
Rating: 0 out of 5
Keywords: Navigation, Hyperlinks, tables, HTML
Id: rJvxCjMrRYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 53sec (5573 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 17 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.