November 2020 Dalim Tips & Tricks Webinar: ES Project Templates

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[Music] hey good afternoon welcome to our monthly dream tips and tricks webinar my name is alex and today we'll be talking about es project templates if you're new to our go to webinar series uh i think this this has actually changed a little since we took the screenshot we got to update the slides but there is a zoom button somewhere on the top of the screen that you can use to adjust the scaling if my screen appears too large or too small there is also in the uh it's got a question saying no audio can can you guys hear me or uh i think that came in before you started okay i'll answer the questions if there's any other on that okay so to make sure before i talk too much but as far as go to webinar settings go we also do have a q a area in the main control panel so if you have any questions uh you can type them in there typically we wait until the end to go over questions if anything particularly pertinent pops up i may pause to address it in the moment so as i mentioned this is part of our monthly dream webinar series we typically do a webinar the third wednesday of each month as soon as we know what we're going to be doing we put our on our website at events i've also been publishing notices on our zendesk portal as long as we're as well as recordings of videos from prior sessions so be sure to keep an eye there as well they mentioned today we'll be talking about project templates sort of back to basics because there are some new features here in the es6 that made us think this was worth revisiting so i'm going to i'm going to assume that most of you have at least seen a project template or have a very basic familiarity what it is but we're going to go over creating and linking project templates to customers uh the different ways you can assign users to projects and some of the benefits to draw back to those uh the ways that you can link uh job ticket layouts to a specific template uh managing the folder structure if you have like a hierarchical job ticket where you have a project where you have a lot of different subfolders uh and an overview of some of the new es6 features that come into play here so first off what are project templates project templates are basically a way you can easily automate the tedious work involved in setting up new projects typically if you wanted to you could just go into here and just click plus and create a new project and go in and fill in your workflow and add in all your approvers but if you're going to be creating a lot of projects in es for a certain customer and you're going to be creating them in a fairly consistent way uh that's extra work you don't need to do every time now traditionally these were set up under the customer area here so you click on a specific customer and if you went over to the templates tab here it would give you a list of all the templates that they had assigned to them if you want to create a new one you can click the plus here and it would bring up this screen that shows you uh it's basically a facsimile of the job ticket and whatever settings you put in here the job when you create a new project that uses this project template it's going to copy these settings and use them as a starting point so there's just a quick overview a few things in here that you can control the main area down here we'll delve into a bit on how you would assign different users to projects you can use this to control by the default color space it is used for projects uh created using this if you want them to use a grackle or swap or some special setup for proofing i think mike did a webinar on that a few years ago that was pretty good that goes into a little more depth on that you can also set up obviously workflow if you're doing imposition versions and section setup is done in here as well which might get a little out of the scope of this webinar what we're going to be focusing on today is approval assignments uh layouts for job ticket layouts and folders so once you create a template in here it'll show up in your list i'll just make a fairly generic one here i'll put myself in as an approver i hope i could type here and then it'll show up in this list and you could click in here and select which is the default when you create a project through the es interface you have the ability to choose which template it uses but it's going to use the default generally unless you specify another one at creation time so for example here we have the default zero which is the template ships for the es the very bare bones template it just runs files through wiffle dialog which basically generates an approval and has generates a preview it has a one approval cycle in it so pretty basic stuff there but uh the one catch the one thing i think that tended to trip people up with the screen was uh if you wanted to edit a template you had to remember which customer it was linked to so if you're coming in here you've got one template that you want to look at and maybe i've got one under my the subfolders one here under my democrat customer if i don't remember what customer i had that link to i had i had to search for it first before i could go in here and edit it uh the second thing that was a little confusing about this old way of doing things is that there are buttons here for plus which is to add new templates there is link icon here which you can link a new template to this uh customer these can be linked to multiple customers and then there's this unlink button here and one of the things that i think people run into issues in the past is you hit this it doesn't delete the template it just unlinked it from the specific customer i think we had a few tickets over the years where people had uh project templates that were unlinked from all their customers but they never really got cleaned out of the system because there was no way to go eat them now in es6 we do have a new area in the user profile tab in the administration area where you can tweak these and uh this is still beta so i think they're still tweaking the ui in here because it looks a little different from what you just saw on the customer screen but it's basically showing the same stuff so you can go in here and edit your approvals out of your workflows you don't have to remember where you saved that project template you can also if you want to directly delete from here i'll use the ability to export project templates if you want to move these over to a new system and you also have the ability to duplicate them so if you need to if you have a customer that's using you have two customers that are using one project template and you want to split that off then uh it's rather than having to mimic all the settings uh and go through all that rigmarole you just hit duplicate in here create a copy and then work with that so nothing particularly groundbreaking here but this is an incredibly useful way to manage these so as far as the ui that's the new ui but uh i wanted to go over as far as what would you tweak in here with project templates and i think the most common or the foremost use of these uh is you you have to set them up if you want to control what workflow and what approvers a specific customer has uh so you might have uh set up here where here's a simple one i made that has a document workflow with two approval steps i'm using the template to assign my users to two separate approval steps in here and i'm also assigning them to the project overall as well so if i were to create a new project under democorp and i don't have that as my default now but if i switch to that here you can see that it pulls in it copies all the settings from that templates i can see it pulls in my approvers here and all my settings so i'm good there now the one thing you have to be aware of i guess in here though is depending on how likely these approvals are to change in the middle of the job or deviate from the template uh you to keep in mind it might be there's a few different ways you can put them in here i actually might bring up the second window here i'm moving back and forth a little so there was me one second here so let's come in here we'll make a new project that uses this template i'll call it to approval and i'll upload uh a few test files in here i can use so i'll push this file and you can see it pulled in my approve which is fine there are a few different ways you can assign approvers to an approval step in one of these templates or even in a job in general but it's one thing to keep in mind when you're setting these up in the overall template is let's say i go into my job and i decide that uh i want to add like another approver here so maybe i want to i'll choose the jff and the way this works is that the project copies from the these settings are sort of sticky i guess would be the best way to put it uh the project once created copies from the project template when pages are upload they copy then from the project job ticket but they don't stay in sync with it so for example i changed the approval here if i were to upload a second file in here and you'll see the new one picks up my new approver but this other one here doesn't have it because that didn't exist in my project setup at the time this file came in so one other way you could work around this is if you wanted this to be a little more flexible rather than direct assigning approvers you could also do role-based assignments or group-based assignments so i could have for example a group of maybe design approvers i the design approval group i want to approve this i could say that anyone in this group actually make this a little bigger here number of approvers i want at least one person from the group to approve this file that way if you if you uploaded a file and you had the uh project set up that way then uh it would still be sticky and that you the approval would stay stuck to that design approvers uh after the file been uploaded but you could change the members of that group if you need to add someone in to give them the right to handle that approval now one other option you have too is an and i should mention is inside you can always go in here and right-click properties and change the approvers manually but if you're dealing with a case where you need to make that tweak and you have a lot of files in a job that's more manual than you probably want to go so the one way as i mentioned is you could use approval groups the other option is you could use roles and i have a few roles assigned over here basically just a designer editorial approver legal approver marketing perimeter uh you could assign people those roles in a project i'll actually do it in the project over here i'll go in here and maybe i'll say that for this approval i want this to be uh i'll just use the design approver role i'll make that approver and then i'll go over here and uh i'll assign these users the uh design approver role i'll actually have myself in there too actually i'll leave myself out for now so i can show off in a minute so now if i were to upload a new file you'll see it came in and it has a design approvers here and i need one design approver to approve this is yellow to me right now i can't approve it because i'm not defined in there but if i if i were to go in here and change this and add myself in as i mentioned it wouldn't show up but if i change and make myself a design approver and i think i probably have to refresh the screen here yep now i can go ahead and approve that page so that's one thing you want to consider when setting up these project templates is how rigid or how flexible you want these approvals to be after the fact that is one area where we've seen people run into issues where maybe they set up a template they haven't changed it a few years and they realize all of a sudden that they need to add a new person in or make some kind of change and you can do that by editing the files and clicking on them but that's a little more tedious than we want to go if we're focusing on maximum automation here now one other way this can be useful with approvals and those assignments is uh by default a lot of the profiles that ship with es they allow your users to see pretty much all the projects in their level of hierarchy so if i log in as a one of my new orleans end users here and let's make a few projects under democorp here be careful with new orleans you might get hit the hurricane so let's see here i'm going to do uh we'll do one with the default setup in here so this is just the default project templates i'm going to make one with uh i think i have one in here with uh yeah my fancy templates uh by default a lot of the simplest to ship with es or user profiles that ship with the sme when you log in they show you everything every project at your level of a hierarchy or lower so these users are under the new orleans organization so they can see uh all the projects in these customers but you might have cases where especially if you have a lot of projects in the system you only want users or certain users to only be able to see products that they have a role in uh either just for convenience or maybe for permission you want them to only be able to see like the projects where they need to approve if it's not one of their projects you don't want them to see it there's an option when you're setting up the user profiles for these users called only related projects and what this does is in order to see a project you have to be physically assigned to it in this user's assigned a project area and again this is something you can configure at the individual project level but this is something you probably want to consider at the project template level is adding those assignments in i made a second copy of this profile here customer limited it has that enabled and so now if i log out and i'll log in with that uh customer login with this profile this user can only see those projects that he's assigned to here in this area so this would be one thing you'd want to consider in a like a project template uh generally enough you could always tweak it in a project if a project needed specific changes from the templates but uh this is the main area where you'd probably want to set that as high a level as you could so you don't have to tweak that manually on projects if you don't need to now one other area in here that could be useful with approvals is maybe you've got a situation where you've got different workflows or different approvals within a particular project based on what type of file it is just as an arbitrary example maybe it's add files versus editorial files you're doing like a magazine and you need a different set of approvers for each page in uh for each page type in a project i went ahead and i made two workflows over here for uh my add pages and my edit pages and it workflows fairly simple i just have a design approval and then i have an editorial approval my ad workflow has a design approval rather than editorial approval i then have a marketing approval and a legal approval and you could have when we see cases like this in production usually there's more differences like they may want to do trapping only on the ad pages or they might want to do different preflight specs for ad versus editor for different file types uh and these workflows can get quite different uh the question then is what do you do in the project if uh maybe you're creating a project and a project just hold this applies the project templates too but uh maybe you're in a case where you say i have more editorial pages and ads so i'll make uh let's actually make it actually i'm not gonna make a new project here i have a rule behind the scenes that will break the demo i was going to do but you could say i'm going to make the edit workflow the main workflow here but actually actually this won't work let me make a new project so i can show you here so i'll just do it with the default template in here without doing fancy setup and we'll say that we're going to make edit pages are default in here because we have more edit pages than ads and i'm going to add myself in as an admin and i'm going to add a there's an approver for both of these steps now just to keep it simple and i've got some pages here i have an input rule behind the scenes that tells this if the file name has ed in the middle then uh it's an editorial page so i'll upload a few of these and they'll upload uh maybe one add page as well and our files came in they picked up from the input rule we have behind the scenes the correct workflows i believe yep you can see they're running through ad workflow and edit workflow but the problem over here is we see that the the edit pages look fine they've got their design and edit approvals assignments but if you look here we have the design approvals assigned because that's common to both of these two workflows but the marketing and illegal approval doesn't get set and if we were to tweak the uh setup here to use the ad workflow instead we'd have the opposite problem so what do you do in a case like this uh typically what you want to do like in a case like this and this is something you do at the project template level again is make what we call like a placeholder workflow or it's basically a stand-in workflow that uh this isn't really meant to be run in fact in this example i put a digital delivery where it would maybe transmit the file and then the document step to physically delete it out of es or maybe redirect it to the correct workflow but basically this deletes the document we don't want to things actually run through this but it has the milestones in here and the approval steps for both those workflows then when we create the template for that job or the new job itself we tell it to use the placeholder workflow as the default workflow the files in this particular case are using their workflows being chosen based off the input role so they shouldn't be hitting this in the first place if you're concerned about it you could build in your own catch-all by either transmitted to another location or send out a warning email or something that something hit a workflow it shouldn't have but this allows you to see all the approval steps in here for both those workflows and do the assignments and if i make a new project with this template in here actually go under uh and i have my template send to another guy and i'll choose the overloading approvals in here you'll see that it pulls that placeholder workflow and now if i just upload a few of these pages again let's push a whole bunch in when we start crunching through we should see that there is an ad here that has all its approvals assigned and we've got an editorial page up here that has all its approvals assigned so that's one way you can work around and get approval assignments handled from a project that uses multiple workflows now one other way you could do this is uh and we see this at customers where uh they might have different departments that uh want to uh look at pages and they want to keep like an archive of those pages uh they want to work in their own little space within a project before the files are finalized and they want to preserve their individual work or maybe you want to do this same ad versus edit split but you don't want to have the key off file name one other option you have when you're setting up these project templates is you have the ability to add folders in here you can always create a folder in an es project by just right clicking and saying uh new folder but again this is something you're not going to generally want to do every individual project because you need to set permissions for who can see it so you can also do this in the project template you have the ability to control which folders are automatically created when the project uh starts there's two types in here there's folders and uh i don't think i've ever actually used that i think that was an older version of the file system folder option in here but the general idea of the subfolders it's a folder within a project and you can tell it to create these automatically when the project is created and in this case maybe our default workflow is edit edit so anything that comes into the project as a whole is going to go through the edit workflow you can have i do have uh edit workflow folder here just uses the default properties if i select the add folder here you'll see i have this custom properties box checked what this means is i can set up my own custom job settings for anything that comes into this particular folder i can also set up my own permissions to control if only certain groups or users are allowed to see this but i can have my own custom settings with different users assigned to it a different workflow this is using the add workflow instead of the edit workflow and then i can set up different approvers we do see cases where folks use different workflows for these subfolders there are also some cases where they tend to use the same workflow but they might have different approvers or different roles in a subfolder because it might be a special file type that not everyone needs to work with so what i can do here is uh i see we get a question coming i'm still no folder color option uh there should be a option here it looks like for a color space viewing condition if you want to set those at the subfolder level i would have to check if there was a specific ticket or specific issue with this let me know and i can check with whatever tech worked on it to see if that's behaving for you now actual folder color oh the folder color like the actual like color coding i don't think there's a way to do that unfortunately at the moment um yeah the only way to do stuff like that um there was a desktop or uh um yeah i guess would be desktops that you could assign specific uh colors and specific icons to folders depending on their name and things like that i'd have to go back to that that was a couple years ago but uh we'll see if we can find that webinar and forward that to you so we have two folders here the add and edit the ones using a different workflow so you'll see that if for example i go over here i'll create a new project that uses this template and you'll see as soon as this is created you'll see that we have our two folders in here and if i upload files whatever they are to uh the ad folder they're going to use the ad workflow so those have all our ad approvals i have to upload them to the edit folder and those are going to use the edit workflow not because they assign one specifically to this folder but because that's the default for the overall project because these were set to just inherit from whatever the overall project was using which i think it's time for actually a good note of caution in here is uh if you if you don't want to do specific settings for a folder uh like if you're not running with the ad workflow separately here or a separate approval group then it is generally best to have these sent to inherit from parent i think we have had a few tickets over the years where it's easy to actually click this radio box and then you run into an issue where maybe you change approvers in the overall template or job and they're not getting picked up on the subfolder then that's one thing to check is to make sure you have that inherit from parent selected if you don't need the custom properties uh that is also in the check if uh if you do see something that's not behaving the way you expect in the subfolder double check because it may have custom properties or might have its own separate working group in there so it's always one thing to look out for now one thing in here to move on is that i think might be a little forgotten there's a they're called project templates so we tend to think of them in terms of projects but project templates do also have utility on the file system so when you go to create a new file system in es for that i o volumes here you have the ability to set up the smart view and also the project template that's used to handle all the work that runs through that file system by default most people having set that to zero or one of the stock ones so it just generates a preview but you can use something a little more complex there so for example i built a project template here that does some it just has my approval workflow with my users i also did add in here i actually took the liberty of adding in a job ticket layout uh if you link job ticket layouts in a project template like this then it's a way of getting none non-global job ticket layouts to show somewhere in this case i built a job ticket layout called asset details and this is in i think mike showed it in a few the previews we've done with es6 recently this is something new that they have in essex called a collapsible job ticket specifically so this is a job ticket that well this is a page job ticket that will show up in the right hand sidebar that you see on the side of the project so now if i go to my file system here you'll see that this is using uh i go over here to uh this tab you'll see that my files in the file system are running through the full workflow so obviously file systems don't have to be just a straight dump where you have a bunch of files and previews you can have full approval cycles in here you can have you can have a complex workflow normalization and e-twist basically anything you want in a project here and you can see here that i also have my asset details tab which uh did i mess something up here let me check to make sure i didn't do anything horrible to this price or the webinar that all looks normal let me actually log out and log back in but that was kind of cool let me show it off so it works if not i may have to ask you to use your imagination yep there we go so you can see here that we have our job ticket that we brought in a custom job ticket here for this so maybe for finals in the damn we want to be able to add a tagline or like a sku number for something uh or like the subject of uh what's in here that's being pulled into this uh file system based off of the the job ticket layout that we attached to our project template which we attached to this file system yeah to mention you can do that on multiple files as well which is really nice it'll edit metadata on multiple files at one time yeah i think but i think you are missing the okay button to actually save those changes i'm still learning here this is a new feature so i just noticed that myself but uh let's see here so i think that's the basics of this i'm trying to look through my notes uh to see if there were a few gotchas i wanted to warn people about i think i already mentioned a few of them uh while i was doing the actual presentation the first was the curse of subfolders which was to make sure that if you're using so if you're making changes in a project or project template and you don't see them applying in a subfolder double check the subfolder to make sure it's not using a custom [Music] custom settings if it doesn't need to and even if it does need to that may be the reason your changes aren't showing up the second thing i think i mentioned as a gotchu was uh if you make changes to a template those aren't going to affect an existing project because it only really copies from the template when you create the project if you make changes to the template after the fact it's not going to pick those up until the new project theoretically if you wanted to i believe you could uh go in here and let's actually test now i'm pretty sure if you uh change like this is just using the stock template i'm pretty sure if you change this it'll restart everything yep so i know it doesn't look like i picked up my approvers there but uh it did change the workflow so you can toggle you can toggle back and forth i think between like another template and then go back to the one to try and pull uh changes but usually that's a little too cumbersome though it's a little too cumbersome if you're doing that in the middle of a live job so that's one thing to keep in mind is that those won't apply until you create a next job the third thing is deleting project templates generally if you you can't delete a project template from the system until you've removed or reassigned all projects that use it uh one area to watch out for this in particular is file systems because i think we we had a customer that was uh cleaning up some old stuff from one of their systems recently they were asking about this i would be wary in particular file systems uh if you uh need to delete a template that a file system is using or you want to change a template with the file system i think from the conversations i have the delete you might have concerns about that reprocessing all the work on that file system so if you had a case like that where you wanted to delete or change the template on a file system rather than just editing the template to use different settings by all means open up a support ticket with us and we can discuss it before making the change just uh safe is better than sorry there so now i think there's two more questions here and then i'll start wrapping up i do see a few questions for me and i'll get to the questions and then we'll go over the questions yep if i'm just trying to make sure nothing's coming up related to what i'm talking about but uh there's two main questions left i think with these the first is how many templates should i have generally i think this depends on what sort of production you do on your systems because if you're a i think if you're a uh like a like a publisher or something you if you've got internal staff or you're using the system yes internally mostly uh then you can probably get away with using project templates for multiple different jobs or multiple different customers because you might have shared of common approvers even in separate customers or separate brands in es whereas if you have third-party users that generally if you've got third-party users that are doing their own work on the system by nature then i think you're going to wind up having more project templates just based on needing those separate approvers broken out into separate templates but one thing that i will mention there is uh you may be able to reduce the number of project templates you have depending on where you store information because i think this ties into a bit of a bigger question of where do these things fit into the big picture of uh yes and it's where all the different places you can store settings in es that's what i think a lot of the recent webinars we've been doing come down to is that when you have settings you need to store you can put them in a ja in a project job ticket you can put them in a customer job ticket you can put them in a process parameter you can put them in an input rule a workflow or now a project template so it's how do these fit the big picture where do i put my settings and i think i think what it boils down to is first off for the main categories process parameters which we covered last month would be for anything any broadly applicable setting you're using across multiple customers across just a large chunk of the system but it's a setting that you use very widely and you once stored in one place so you don't have a lot of redundancy process parameters would be a place for that if you've got a customer specific setting that is the same for all jobs and a customer regardless of what template they're using and something that doesn't change a lot or need to be edited by the end user then i would say that customer jobs tickets are the best place for that anything at the job ticket level the individual job level that's for job specific settings uh customer job level job ticket layouts come into play and then the input rule and uh workflow individual like workflow interventions that gets down to the specific file level and file and job tickets of course i would say in this case uh you're going to be dealing job ticket layouts or project templates are going to be dealing at this job level but depending on what the information you have in your job ticket is you might be able to move some of that to another level higher up levels that you don't need to you don't have to create as many project templates uh the example that i'm thinking of here is maybe you've got a situation in your uh job ticket where you've got uh like a custom job at the project level where you're choosing the print location and they output pdf type if this is something that changes at the job level fairly frequently then this would be a good candidate for this job level project level job ticket and you could you can in fact set defaults for those in your project templates so i think i have my template here you do have if you have a job ticket layout uh which i think i'm looking in the wrong oh here it is yep so you can set those in the project temp level if this one is something where you have a general setting for most jobs use these settings but you wanted to be able to change it at the job level you could do that here if for example and this is if i bring this up in this context because this is something i don't think a lot of folks tend to consider because it hasn't been shown a lot in presentations but if for example these settings were fixed at the customer level and you know this customer always prints at one specific location you can always set that as a customer level job ticket so that for example when you come in to view the customer setup you get that job ticket here and you can set their print log their their print location and their output type here that way if the reason for doing that would be that if you had maybe three or four project templates that that customer used for different projects if their print location or their pdf output type changed you'd have to change that in those three or four templates then if you set that at the higher level of hierarchy then you could just set that once here change it if it needs to update change it in one place and that way maybe even be able to reduce the number of project templates you have depending on how your setup works but i think that's pretty much everything i wanted to cover so all right so the question thanks alex um one of they want to mention we did have one person that bothered to type in hallelujah and i'm sure a lot of us were actually thinking when uh i think this was specific to being able to manage the project templates and duplicate them and uh see them all in one spot so yeah that's a long time coming to be able to edit them here and the biggest thing is the duplication because we were talking about this internally the other week and that that's what mike was saying is before if you uh run into a case where uh you've maybe had two customers two pro customers that were using the same project template because they did like the same approvers but then something changed and you needed to duplicate one and that and split them into using two templates you previously would have had to go in and manually copy those settings into a new project template whereas here you could just duplicate this and say uh give it a new name and then very easily from in there unlink your one customer from this one and then easily link your customer to this one here so all right yeah obviously uh going back to the color question we can have someone contact you and go over that and see if there's a way to help you with that on the setting of color on folders um you have a question here is an es6 is there a way to use the api to do the conversion of a file system folder to a es project i'm not sure if you know that or not i don't i don't know offhand so i would have to check i'll get i'll get in touch with you yeah we'll get in touch with you on that um and then uh the inevitable uh es6 when will it be out uh daleem is saying that it should be official in december target is the worldwide technology meeting um all of you should have received an invitation to the worldwide technology meeting it is going to be an event you can attend if you would able if you were able to travel um in germany uh but they are doing it virtually this year because of the pandemic so it's a very good opportunity uh if you haven't gotten the invitation and all of you on the webinar should have received uh invitation to this if you're uh dialing customers um it's a great opportunity to be able to actually attend this event virtually uh usually you have to be able to travel to germany and attend it um but it's a fantastic event um especially not having had a duo this year a great chance to have a day and a half of conference itself but darlene will be going over es6 going over the future of es um uh as long as as well as trist and litho and all the products um then included with the attendance uh there's uh there's a fee for it um there's also two days of training um on es6 that will follow on the thursday and friday so the event itself starts december 1st a tuesday um goes on through wednesday and then the training will be thursday and friday of that week if i had that correct um so i would definitely encourage you if you can to sign up for that uh great opportunity i'm very curious to see how they do the virtual event uh i was speaking with graham and he was mentioning some software they found to do it and see how how good that comes out but uh you'll definitely hear a lot of uh i'm sorry he's a air meet is the name of the software that uh graham just texted me um so i encourage you if you haven't received an invitation to that please contact us at text or graham directly and we'll be happy to forge you that uh so again we are looking at them that release of es6 now uh should be official um they want to announce it at the worldwide technology meeting itself so i think that's all the questions uh let's see yep okay i think that was it so uh if you can attend the worldwide technology meeting the webinar on i believe it's going to be december 16th so the december um tips and trip webinar will be a wrap-up of the worldwide technology meeting any new information i can squeeze into uh roughly an hour of a four-day event but we try to get that out to you just so you know what's going on if you're not able to attend the event itself so talk to you all next month everybody have a great week and thanks again for attending
Channel: Blanchard Systems
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Id: 6lzEmdX3Rj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 16sec (2896 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 19 2020
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