We were waiting a long time for this one! 3 $5 Monoply and 2 $10 surprise add on tickets!

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all right ladies and gentlemen welcome back today we got some Monopoly $5 tickets ticket 51 50 49 put those in order um look for prizes symbols uh go symbol went 5x Monopoly went all five Monopoly man match symbols winning symbols the iron so we're going to look for that as our symbols Let's uh get this thing going hat car wheelbarrow race car dog thimble shoe or boot they call it the shoe penguin top hat another thimble duck cat penguin dog boot nothing next one looking for the cat wheel beel iron shoe Battleship wheelbarrow thimble race car Iron Dog Duck Race Car thimble dog boot shoe shoe not boot whatever Battleship no cat all right last one let's see if we can get something going here thimble Battleship wheelbarrow wheel barel iron cat penguin hat car all right come on Duck let's find a duck penguin shoe Top Hat Battleship dog and thimble boy well that was quick no winners on there you know what I went too fast let's go ahead and get I got a little surprise did those 15 one nothing bam $10 Mighty jumbo box ticket zero ticket one let's get into it start with let's see what the bonus boxes say bonus box coin for the first one dollars for the second one 10000 looking for a coin nothing for dollars nothing [Laughter] 26 24 39 19 and 20 29 sorry keep bumping the camera let's see here let's try to fix that 10 30 22 4 32 14 35 17 five three 38 20 28 21 [Music] 25 7 37 12 8 16 well on a bad run here guys and girls all right last one let's get something here pot nothing necklace nothing 33 25 26 27 and one all right let's get lucky six 17 12 15 8 18 three 35 21 34 29 34 no one off 14 10 22 two 25 there we go there's one 13 30 24 36 and 40 all right finally last ticket that I had 25 25 let's see if we got something decent those look like Little Numbers 10 bucks money back you know we'll take it that was uh 20 $35 in tickets $10 back better than nothing so I'm happy we'll uh go get some more and do some more next time remind everybody of what we did thanks guys thanks for watching remember like comment subscribe and we'll be back soon thanks for watching
Channel: Skratch Em Bret
Views: 25
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fXiPnPtsuX8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2024
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