Cashing in Coins
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Channel: Sunrase
Views: 4,085,657
Rating: 4.7274799 out of 5
Keywords: Coin (Collection Category), Coin Collecting (Collection Activity), bank, coin machine, money, quarters, pennies, penny, dime, nickels, nickel, dimes, alot, a lot, Madness, bills
Id: PjvMhrx0FQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Sun May 10 2015
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
This must not sound impressive to British Redditors.
"And how would you like that sir?" "Rolls of quarters please."
$3764.56 in the end. A little over $18.82 a pound.
I have a water jug just like this guy, I've been saving it since 7th grade. I'm 24 now and I'd say it's about 80 percent full. I certainly have a lot more pennies, but damn does this video excite me.
Lift that 200 pounds of coins into your car with your back, take your legs totally out of the equation.
I'm sure this is exactly what the teller wanted to do on December 30.
Julian would be proud.
God damnit. I used to buy rolls of quarters with my dad when I was younger and look for the silver ones (pre 1964). It pains me how much money he REALLY could have had in actual old money. But still, $3,764-10% for 40 minutes of work (and years of saving) ain't bad I guess
I was cashing in about $400 in coin one day and I got stuck waiting behind 2 people like these guys in the video.
They owned a coin op buisiness and they had buckets and buckets of coins. somewhere around 10K worth. Needless to say i went to another bank after seeing how long i would be waiting.