We Went Camping! β›ΊοΈπŸ”¦ | Danny Go! Songs for Kids | FULL EPISODE | Yippee Kids TV

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Hey! I'm glad you're here! I'm getting ready to go on a huge trip with my friends Pap Pap and Bear Head. I'm just starting to pack my bags! Come on! Alright, here's my backpack. Now, I've already got a few things pulled together and ready to pack. See if you can guess where i'm going on my trip just by looking at what I'm packing! I'm bringing a flashlight! A tent! A first-aid kit! And marshmallows! Any ideas on where I'm going? That's right! i'm going camping! It's gonna be so much fun! Okay, what else do we need? I'm thinking a sleeping bag, water, and some bug spray! Alright! Hey, thanks so much for helping me get all packed up! I think we've got everything we nee-- What's that? Oh, you're right! We still need some food! I almost forgot! Yeah, don't want to get hungry out there in the woods! Alright, NOW I think we've got everything we need. All that's left to do is pull out my Far-Flying Fireflies and travel to the mountains... Let's go camping!!!!! We made it! We're here in a mountain forest It's so beautiful. So much greenery! I don't see Pap Pap and Bear Head around, so we should do some exploring! Let's go hiking! (Music begins) β™ͺ It's so exciting! I'm packed and i'm hiking through the woods β™ͺ β™ͺ So much stuff to see when you're surrounded by the trees β™ͺ Out in the forest! Like this right here! This is bark. [Dog barking] No, not that kind of bark! Tree bark! All these trees have it and it protects their trunk from injury and disease. Isn't that cool? Hey, look over there! It's a pine cone! Have you ever seen one of these things before? Look at all those scales. Oh, it's a little pokey! Did you know pine cones can actually close their scales to protect the seeds inside? Incredible! β™ͺ I can't believe it! I'm here and I'm seeing everything. β™ͺ β™ͺ Like all these rocks and plants. β™ͺ β™ͺ I'm just so glad that I get to camp! β™ͺ Well, I still don't see Pap Pap and Bear Head. I'm going to take a break. I've been getting pretty thirsty doing all this hiking. You need to make sure you drink lots of water if you ever go hiking. Ahhh, delicious! Alright, I'll have a snack, too. I love trail mix! Have you ever had trail mix? It's nuts and dried fruit...gives you lots of great energy for hiking! Also, I want to put on some bug spray. I want to keep those mosquitoes off. (Mosquitoes buzzing) [Mosquitoes] Oh yuck! Let's get out of here! You know, while we wait for Pap Pap and Bear Head... We should start looking for our campsite! (Adventure music) So, it's a good idea to try to find your campsite while the sun is out! You don't want to be looking around in the dark. What we're looking for is a nice, flat area so that the tent can sit level! β™ͺ It's so exciting! Let's keep on hiking through the woods. β™ͺ β™ͺ No one else around! I won't stop until I've found... β™ͺ The perfect campsite! What about this spot? Well, thinking about it, there's a couple things that make this NOT a very good place to camp. First of all, those rocks would not be very comfortable to sleep on! You want to have a flat, soft area. And secondly, look at this hill! That's really steep. If we tried to put a tent on there, I'm afraid it might roll down the hill! Not good! Let's keep looking. β™ͺ Let's keep on searching for a spot that works for camping β™ͺ β™ͺ A place to pitch the tent! β™ͺ β™ͺ A place my stuff will fit! β™ͺ β™ͺ I think that this is it! β™ͺ β™ͺ The perfect campsite! β™ͺ β™ͺ I'm out in the woods! β™ͺ β™ͺ Nature around me! β™ͺ β™ͺ Away from all the noise and cars, β™ͺ β™ͺ To spend a night under the stars! These are reasons I love camping! β™ͺ Alright! We finally found the perfect campsite. It's nice and flat for the tent. The ground is soft, so that'll be comfy to sleep on. And there's lots of space to move around! I still don't know where Pap Pap and Bear Head are, but I think I'm gonna go ahead and put together the tent! Alright, let's put this thing together. We got our stakes, some sticks and the tent part! (Sounds of a bear sneaking up) Oh, Bear Head! You scared me! Surprise, we're here! Hey Danny Go! Hey guys! I'm so glad you guys are finally here! I'm really excited about our camping trip. I was just starting to put together our tent! Oh, that's a good idea. Would you like some help? You know, I think i can do this myself, Pap Pap. Are you sure? I've put alot of tents together before. I'm really good at it and we'd be done in no time. No, that's okay Pap Pap. I can do this by myself. Why don't you and Bear Head go and look for some firewood? Okay. Let me know if you change your mind! (Sounds of Danny struggling with tent) Alright Bear Head. Why don't you go that way and look for firewood? I'll go this way, and we'll meet back up here in a bit. Firewood! Yes! Oh, another one! Yes! Oh man! JACKPOT! Look! Oh Bear Head, you didn't find any? Why don't you help me carry some of these. Alright, let's go! I just don't know how to do this... Hey Danny Go! how's it going over there? Well, actually... I realized i don't really know how to put together this tent after all. Would you still be willing to help me? Sure, Danny Go. I'd love to help. Alright, stretch the tent. And put that there! I'll put this here! Now run the sticks through this way... Okay, good! On the count of 3, let's lift it up...1...2...3! (Bear Head has an idea) Hey Bear Head! Check out this tent we just built! Wow. look how big it is inside there! You can sleep right there... Huh? It looks like someone tried to build a fire over there. No no no...this isn't right. I'm going to rebuild this. I know! Isn't that cool? (Bear Head grunts with dismay) What is it, Bear Head? Oh, you spent a long time building this fire so it would be perfect? Oh, but Bear Head! Building fires requires proper knowledge and safe practice. And besides, I'm a scientist! I know what I'm doing. Whoa guys! What's going on? (Pap Pap and Bearhead argue their point to Danny Go) Whoa whoa whoa! One at a time, guys. Pap Pap? Well. I came over. I saw a fire built. I knew I could build a better one. So, I built it the right way. (Bearhead grunts and growls) Well, Bearhead's saying that he's been building fires safely for years, and that his way is the right way to do it. You know, sometimes there's just more than one way to do something. I think you guys should combine your ideas and make an incredible fire! I think that's a great idea Danny Go. What do you think Bearhead? (Bearhead grunts agreeably) Let's do it! (bird chirping) (lots of birds making a racket) Guys, look! Wow! What a giant mountain! I've got an idea, guys. Let's climb it! [Pap Pap]: Yeah! Let's do it! [Danny Go]: Let's Go! [Pap Pap]: Phew... This is a long hike! (heavy breathing) Hey guys! Hold on just a second. I'm getting a little tired. (labored breathing continues) I don't think I'm gonna make it. Oh, Pap Pap. β™ͺ Let's keep on hiking to make our way to the top of the mountain. β™ͺ β™ͺ I know it's hard to climb, but I know it's worth our time β™ͺ to see the top. Pap Pap, we're so close to the top of this mountain. I know we can make it. Don't give up yet. Come on! Let's do it together! All right, let's go. β™ͺ So, keep on climbing (I'll keep on climbing) β™ͺ β™ͺ We can't stop now (No! We're close!) β™ͺ β™ͺ To a place to sing our song, where bears can sing along β™ͺ (Bearhead sings solo) β™ͺ We've almost made it β™ͺ β™ͺ We've finally made it β™ͺ β™ͺ I'm up at the top! I climbed up with my best friends β™ͺ β™ͺ I'm touching the sky on top of the mountains β™ͺ β™ͺ There's so much here to notice, when the world is down below us β™ͺ (triumphant music plays) β™ͺ There's so much here to notice, when the world is down below us β™ͺ β™ͺ Now, you know why I love camping β™ͺ (fire crackling) Wow. I had such a great time on that hike with you guys today. Man, being up in those mountains, seeing all the colors and shapes.. It was making my imagination run wild! Yeah me too! And thank you so much for encouraging me to get to the top. You did such a great job. Hey, guess what! I've got marshmallows!! Who wants one? Bearhead? (Bearhead grunts) Pap Pap? Ah man, thank you. Bearhead, this fire turned out awesome. It's the perfect size, and it's putting out the right amount of heat. I really shouldn't have argued with you about it earlier. I'm really sorry. I guess I really need to learn to listen more to my friends. I love that you guys worked together to make this great fire. I mean, look how perfectly it's roasting my marshmallow! Yeah, and mine too! Huh??? (Danny Go and Pap Pap laugh) Oh, Bearhead! (Bearhead whistling while playing guitar) Whoa Bearhead. I had no idea you could play guitar like that. I'm learning so much about both of you on this trip. β™ͺ We're out in the woods, (I love camping) β™ͺ β™ͺ Here by the fire, (I love camping) β™ͺ β™ͺ Here with my friends, (I love camping) β™ͺ β™ͺ I'm learning to listen, (I love camping) β™ͺ β™ͺ So much to learn about your friends, when you listen close to them β™ͺ β™ͺ It's one more reason I love camping β™ͺ Guys look! Whoah. Look at all those stars! I've never seen so many stars. I guess being way up high on this mountain makes it a lot easier to see them. Whoa! Did you see that? It's a shooting star! It's just like a rocket going across the sky! [Pap Pap]: I just love seeing all the constellations. Constellations? What's a constellation? A constellation is a group of luminous spheroids made of plasma that form recognizable patterns. Oh. So it's.. like pictures in the stars? Exactly! Like that one over there. It looks like a large spoon. They call it the big dipper. Oh. Yeah, it does look like a big spoon. Hey! That one over there kind of looks like a smaller version of the big dipper. That's because that one's the little dipper! [Danny Go]: Really? [Pap Pap]: Yeah! Hey! I've got an idea. What if we use our imagination to imagine our own pictures in the stars? [Danny Go]: Hmm.. Hey! That looks like a dinosaur! [Pap Pap]: I see it too! Oh, and look over there! That one looks like a microscope! That's perfect for you, Pap Pap. (Bearhead growling excitedly) [Danny Go]: Ha ha! You're right Bearhead! Man, this is incredible. Thanks for teaching us about constellations, Pap Pap. It's just so nice to get out here away from all the lights and noise to be able to see this kind of stuff. It's so beautiful. Don't you think so, Bearhead? (snoring) Bearhead? (snoring continues) Ha ha! I think he fell asleep. You know, it's probably about time for us to get to bed too. Yeah, I'm getting pretty tired. Let's go. Let's go. [Danny Go]: Good night Pap Pap. [Pap Pap]: Good night Danny Go. (rooster crows) Ahhhhh.. "Dear Danny, Pap Pap and i got up early and hiked to the top of the mountain." "We'd like for you to join us. -Bearhead" Awesome! Let's go hike! Whoah.. Oh, hey Danny Go! Come join us! Hey guys. What a beautiful morning. Wow. Nothing like that fresh mountain air, huh? It's nice. This has been one of my favorite trips I've ever been on. Me too, Pap Pap. Bearhead? Ah! I better find out where he's off to. β™ͺ It's time to go home. I camped with my best friends β™ͺ β™ͺ I hiked through the woods, and climbed up the mountains β™ͺ β™ͺ I spent a night out with my friends, and that is where the story ends. β™ͺ β™ͺ Now you know why I love camping β™ͺ Whoah! We're home! What an incredible trip. We got to see so many amazing things out there in nature, and I got to spend so much great time with some of my favorite people. I will say it's pretty great to be home after a long trip like that, but I hope you get to go camping soon with your family or friends. Remember, if you do, make sure you spend some good time listening to them and just learning more about them. It's one of the best parts of camping. All right. I'll see you later! Bye!
Channel: Yippee Kids TV
Views: 393,877
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Keywords: yippee kids tv, yippee kids, kids songs, danny go, danny go!, danny go dance, danny go songs for kids, danny go songs, danny go songs compilation, danny go wiggle dance, danny go sharks in the water, danny go robot, danny go christmas, danny go brain break, danny go floor is lava, danny go kids songs, dance songs for kids, danny go dance party, christian kids videos, camping for kids, veggietales, yippee tv, christian kids songs, C2A2M6, N6O6E3L5, Y9I4P7P73E3E, Y9I4P7, P7E3E3
Id: zSCfLWNnv4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 31sec (1351 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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