[BEST] Baby Shark's Hospital Play | +Compilation | Baby Shark Doctor | Baby Shark Official

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baby shark Brooklyn [Music] you're sick we'll make you strong again this is the baby shark Hospital huh oh please help us oh it's a policeman firefighter and a mechanic they look really hurt let's treat them quickly come this way foreign [Music] police officer please come in where are you hurting what brings you here I got hurt while catching a thief stop right there you have a cut on your forehead ouch ouch it stings it really hurts that naughty Thief I almost caught him please treat me quickly oh no the thief made you get hurt don't worry I'll take a quick look [Music] there are lots of germs in the wound let's catch the germs with disinfectant this will sting a little foreign all done now I'll apply ointment to help the wound heal friends let's squeeze some ointment on the wound great the wound has settled down lastly let's apply a Band-Aid [Music] which Band-Aid would you like the police car pattern please [Music] scarf movie [Music] [Music] huh the lights went out what's going on foreign [Music] how dare you steal things in front of a police officer stop right there friends let's find where the thief is hiding [Music] huh over there huh I got you how dare you steal the doctor's precious stethoscope here you go I found your bag and stethoscope thank you so much police officer you're the best all right next patient [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here I got hurt while putting out a fire you got a burn here on your leg it is burning please help me oh let's quickly treat the bird before it gets worse oh no the skin is swollen red because of the heat let's soothe the skin with cold water no ow your skin has calmed down a lot let's put ointment on the blister ah it stings so much I'll apply it gently so it doesn't hurt okay hell you did a really great job lastly I'll bandage you up [Music] which bandage would you like I'd like a cool water pattern that helps put out fires wow amazing [Music] treatment done [Music] thank you so much oh oh an earthquake let's go under the desk protect your head is everyone okay you can come out now Phil you helped me stay safe thank you so much if there's an earthquake go under the desk I'll remember that [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here heavy Hammer fell right on my arm oh wow it looks like you hurt your arm my arm really hurts please help me hmm I should have put the hammer in a safe place oh ah I think you may have broken a bone I need to take a look let's take an x-ray to check the bones condition okay here we go [Music] yup you broke a bone in your arm let's put the pieces of bone together oh hang in there are we complete you did so well I'll put a cast on you so your bones can stick together first let's put on a splint to prevent the arm from moving and now let's wrap the bandage all done you'll need to use a sling until you're all better which pattern would you like room room I'd like a car pattern please thank you [Music] from the hammer is treated Hulk the ambulance assignment sounds strange is it broken leave the broken cars to me I'll fix it right up finished well it would have been a problem without the ambulance thank you for fixing it I'm so glad you're all healthy again thank you so much for treating us friends thanks for your help today too promise to stay safe and healthy everyone promise see you next time bye hi friends welcome if you're sick we'll make you strong again this is the baby shark Hospital Let's help our sick friends today huh [Music] they're the kids that went on a picnic today I wonder what happened friends follow us inside the hospital [Music] okay first patient please come in [Music] oh [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here my Palms keep on prickling oh oh it hurts you have some glass on your palm it hurts so much owie ow ow oh oh no you must have been in so much pain we'll treat you quickly before looking at the wound let's wash all the sand off the hands [Music] now shall we take a closer look at the wound the shirt of glasses are pretty deep let's quickly pull it out with tongs ah doctor I'm so scared if you leave it like this it will keep hurting hang in there I'll pull it out so it doesn't hurt [Music] glass Shard removal done now let's put some medicine on the wound great lastly let's apply a Band-Aid so the wound doesn't get infected [Music] friends will you choose the shape of the Band-Aid heart-shaped Band-Aid that sounds great [Music] wow there are so many colorful hearts on my hand [Music] heart Band-Aids done die [Music] thank you for helping friends let's play with Sam together next time [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here [Music] it hurts inside [Music] there is a bug inside your ear tickle tickle tickle it really hurts I need to take a look inside your ear friends can you help me [Music] first let's wipe the crumbs off of the ear [Music] great it's clean now my ear tickles again oh no let's quickly check where the bug is in the ear [Music] hello what a surprise the ant was here let's quickly remove it with tongue so it doesn't go deeper [Music] now let's catch the ant carefully [Music] oh stop right there [Applause] we got you now let's wipe the remaining traces of the ant with disinfectant [Music] all right the ear is clean now [Music] has been caught [Music] it's good to clean up snacks right after eating them okay [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here my tummy hurts I might throw up [Music] oh [Music] you must have eaten spoiled food my tummies [Music] oh no food spoils easily and hot weather I think you have a stomachache I'll take a look foreign let's check the patient's condition with a stethoscope I need to find my stethoscope is it the second one it was a monkey stethoscope ew I'm sorry I'll get the stethoscope quickly your heart is beating fast your stomach must have hurt a lot we need to treat it with medicine [Music] friends can you shake the medicine hard to finish preparing it liquid medicine ready I don't like the bitter taste I don't want it how can I help my friend stop crying let's choose something to soothe a cry friend [Music] how about candy [Music] if you eat the medicine you'll feel better soon and can eat this candy now ah let's see what's going on in your stomach friends let's help the nurse fight the germs [Music] we defeated the germs [Music] [Music] the candy is really yummy you did a great job during treatment friends promise to be careful of what you eat on a hot day [Laughter] I'm so glad you're all healthy again from now on be careful not to get hurt okay thank you for treating us [Music] thank you for your help friends let's treat Our Sick friends together again next time bye bye hi friends if you're sick we'll make you strong again this is the baby shark Hospital oh [Music] that scared me I see lots of friends with broken bones let's start treatment right away oh there's patient giraffe please come in oh where are you hurting what brings you here I was fighting and hurt my neck [Music] oh my neck it looks like you really hurt your neck owie ow I can't lift my neck oh Don't Force It Up I'll take a quick look friends are you ready to treat patients with me oh hmm I think you hurt your balls let's take an x-ray [Music] okay on the count of three one two three oh no the neck bones are broken and it's a mess let's put the neck bones back together check the size and color carefully and put it together [Music] great job [Music] oh no oh my nut oh my I'm sorry focus focus now the big one first cool okay it's the last ball woohoo the neck bones are back together you did so well now I'll bandage your neck so it heals [Music] which pattern would be nice okay a colorful rainbow bandage oh treatment colorful rainbow what a cool giraffe oh [Music] giraffes treatment done I really like the rainbow bandage thank you I'm glad you like it giraffe [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here I can't fly it hurts so much oh my wing it looks like you hurt your wing bone my wing is throbbing it hurts so much ah doctor will I be able to fly again don't worry I'll help you fly again I'll need to take an x-ray to check if your bone is broken [Music] one two three oh the bone in your wing is worn away I think you may need surgery will I be able to fly again after surgery of course I'll fix it for you I'm going to help you fall asleep so it doesn't hurt during surgery [Music] first let's shave the feathers so I can see the bones well okay friends let's find the wing bone that goes right here foreign [Music] let's try a smaller one this one's too small it was a snake [Music] woohoo this is it now let's Stitch it back up connect the same numbers from top to bottom wound stitching is complete lastly let's put in feathers so the wound doesn't show [Music] perfect shoulder surgery is a success [Music] [Music] wow I can fly again thank you all so much stay healthy for a long time [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here I was hunting and ran into a rock [Music] it looks like your leg is broken wobble wobble my legs are shaking Mr rhinoceros fell while hunting I'm so embarrassed ah it's okay everyone makes mistakes I'll treat you quickly I'm going to take an x-ray okay here I go sure enough your leg bone is broken let's put the broken bone pieces back together foreign does it hurt please hang in there all done in order for the bone to heal I'll fix your leg in place with a cast round and round wrap the bandage complete lastly I'll get you some crutches what color do you like blue I'd like a nice blue color like my pattern please blue suits me the best [Music] [Music] thank you you're the best thank you I'm glad everyone's treatments went well have a safe trip home thank you so much friends I'm so happy we treated patients together today see you again next time foreign welcome if you're sick we'll make you strong again this is the baby shark Hospital Let's help our sick friends today oh Oh Our Sick friends have arrived oh no some of our friends here today have pain in their eyes we should treat them quickly everyone follow us carefully into the hospital that one now first patient owls please come in [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here I can't see well in front of me looks like your vision has gotten worse it looks blurry everywhere oh no you'll bump into things like this friends let's help owls see better [Music] let's check how bad your eyes are [Music] Now cover one eye and look here okay what shape is this it's a square oh and what shape is this a circle here what about this shape I know it's an airplane through this exam I know how bad your eyes are oh no it looks like your eyes have gotten worse I think you need to wear glasses I need to find glasses which of the two should we choose is it the second one doctor everything is dark I can't see anything oh these aren't glasses they're sunglasses I'll switch it to glasses hmm which glasses should we choose for owl oh friends you said you liked these square glasses right long wow I can see well these square glasses look really good on you [Music] treatment done [Music] wow I can see your face is well now friends thank you for choosing these awesome glasses [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here my eyes have suddenly turned red [Music] ah it stings looks like you have an eye infection Brickle prickle sting sting it hurts so much don't worry too much we'll help you get better soon [Music] let's take a closer look at your eye to see what's wrong oh am I booger over here too oh your eyes are full of eye boogers were you uncomfortable let me clean them for you ow ow I booger cleaning done it must have been painful you did so well [Music] oh no bad germs are hurting the eyes Wow Let's Get rid of the germs with eye drops [Music] the nurse got rid of all the germs lastly let's apply ointment and you'll get better [Music] wow the eyes are clean again [Music] [Music] from now on be careful when you rub your eyes okay where are you hurting what brings you here eyes [Music] you have some skies on your eyes [Music] your eyes are swollen because you rub them with dirty hands friends let's treat the aliens eyes together first let's bring down the swelling and the puffy eyes we need to choose a towel for warm compresses but which of the two towels is it the first one the second one okay let's try the first tool B sweet beep beep beep beep beep beep oh it was a roll cake that looked like a towel sorry let me get you a warm towel [Music] alarm [Music] oh good the swelly has gone down let's apply ointment to help the eye heal faster [Music] great the eyes are getting better lastly let's prescribe some medicine to heal the stye friends please help me make green liquid medicine we need to mix yellow and blue liquid medicine liquid medicine is done oh you think the medicine is going to be bitter you should take the medicines so your eyes don't hurt just hang in there and swallow it quickly why you're all better anymore [Music] we're so glad you're all better yeah everyone did so well today getting their treatments doctor nurse and friends thank you so much friends let's treat Our Sick friends together again next time hi friends if you're sick we'll make you strong again this is the baby shark Hospital huh oh I think some sick friends have arrived please help us friends let's start treatment quickly foreign [Music] first patient Grandma shark please come in [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here I think I ate too many clown buns oh my tummy you have a tummy ache from eating too much tummy hurts [Music] don't worry I'm going to help you feel better friends are you ready let's hope Grandma shark feel better together oh my tummy hang in there Grandma shark we're going to treat you so you feel better let's take a look at her tummy where is my stethoscope [Music] see foreign is doing great oh no I hear thunder sounds in the belly this won't do nurse please prepare the shot [Music] oh my don't worry it won't hurt one bit oh it will be quick one two three oh dear I'm sorry don't worry finally I'll give you some medicine nurse please prepare the powder medicine shall we open the back carefully mix it in the water and wow medicine complete friends only medicine your doctor gives you and only eat the amount you're told promise now try it Grandma shark oh so bitter oh my tummy feels better grab my Shark now you're telling me feels better all digested ah I feel better now thank you so much I'm so relieved I'm so glad too well and eat slowly from now on thank you now next patient [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here are we are we ouch ouch my throat stings you have some thorns in your throat are we oh it stings it really hurts [Music] oh let's pull out the Thorns quickly let's find the Thorns with a flashlight and pull them out with tweezers I'm ready grandpa shark say ah please let's quickly pull out the Thorns that are bothering grandpa shark [Music] I found one slowly I got it there's another one one two three I found one more phew we removed all the thorns [Music] oh no look there are lots of wounds let's put on some ointment slowly [Music] and carefully all done woohoo treatment done [Music] Grandpa sharks are removed it doesn't hurt anymore it's a good thing you came to the hospital quickly there could have been a problem if you left the Thorns for too long thank you so much oh third patient hammerhead shark please come in [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here ouch ouch I bumped my head on a rock it's a clamp wow you've got a big lump on your head owie it really aches [Music] my face oh no it's okay friends let's get rid of hammerhead shark's lump first let's apply a cold ice pack I'll prepare the ice pack for you huh there are two ice packs which one do you think we should use let's use the red ice pack with a pretty shape on it here that it's hot oops this is a hot pack I'm so sorry I'll change it to a cold ice pack it's going to be cold it's cold hang in there a little bit the lump is getting smaller all right let's put the ointment on now let's squeeze a lot of ointment on a cotton swab and now carefully put the ointment on where the lump is you are so brave I'll put a Band-Aid on it now [Music] friends sheep should we use a twinkling star shape okay [Music] here how do you feel huh I think I feel better [Music] hammerhead sharks on [Music] doctor nurse thank you for the pain-free treatment get home safely everyone and stay healthy oh thank you so much friends let's give treatments together next time okay bye hi friends welcome if you're sick we'll make you strong again this is the baby shark Hospital oh oh it hurts oh no let's try and Annette these days there are too many patients who are getting hurt from Ocean trash let's treat them quickly everyone over here please oh first patient Turtle please come in where are you hurting what brings you here this straw suddenly flew towards me [Music] whoa there is a straw stuck in your nose I can't breathe and my nose really hurts it hurts a lot don't worry I'll take it right out for you friends a straw that was thrown into the ocean is stuck in turtle's nose let's quickly help turtle breathe comfortably again [Music] hang in there let's pull the straw out with some tongs foreign [Music] Turtle you did so well now I'm going to treat the wound inside your nose in order to look into your dark nostrils that's right twinkle twinkle flashlight nurse William are you ready into the nose we go whoosh ah what awful laughter I think there are germs that came from the dirty strong let's find the germs with the flashlight I found one germ let's spray the disinfectant there's another one here it's a really big germ uh it's too strong I'll gather some straight fans woohoo we got all the germs lastly I'll apply ointment so you don't get a scar I'll dab it on the wound and apply it carefully nice that looks great [Music] dirty straws foreign I can breathe well again thank you so much I'm worried because people keep dumping garbage into the ocean this needs to stop happening [Music] okay next patient please [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here I got hurt by a fishing hook oh it looks like you hurt your fin I can't move and it really hurts it used to Sparkle so beautifully oh oh no please don't move I'll take a look for you [Music] patient will I'll pull it out painlessly with some pliers careful slowly yay the fishing hook came out hmm the wound is Big so I'll have to stitch the area that was torn this hurts a bit no you did so well banded you up now which bandage would you like me to use twinkle twinkle the sparkly star please wow it's so cool [Music] is treated [Music] thank you all so much I'm so glad the treatment went well no friends if you throw pointy items like the fishing hook into the ocean your animal friends can get hurt that's right it hurts so much in order to keep the ocean safe and clean let's promise not to throw trash in it promise next patient seal please come in [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here I can't breathe because of this bed looks like you got caught in the net I can't breathe please help me an emergency patient quickly it's an emergency let's cut this net with scissors so seal can breathe phew we did it patience seal wake up can you hear my voice we have a problem the heart isn't beating nurse please bring the defibrillator push the heart hard while the electricity is charging one two three four one two three four okay stand back everyone clear one more time clear feel patience seal is awake what a relief now I'll apply ointment to the wound that was caused by the men foreign [Music] I almost died thank you for saving me that net almost created a huge problem I'm so glad you're in good health again everyone I'm so glad you're all well thank you so so much today we had many friends who were injured by garbage dumped into the ocean in order to prevent our friends from becoming injured again remember to put trash into the trash can okay [Music] hi friends if you're sick we'll make you strong again this is the baby shark Hospital oh doctor please help us hello it's scary Halloween monsters they're terrified but let's be brave and treat them together there's tasty vampire please come in [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here something hard broke my teeth [Music] it looks like your things are broken I can't do it hurts so much please heal me so I can drink blood again but the blood I'll treat you right away I'll take an x-ray to see how much your fangs are broken here I go oh no your fangs are completely broken leaving them like this is dangerous friends let's pull out the broken things oh oh all done finally I'll put in some new things I'm a terrifying vampire so please make them pointy wow your new things look really great [Music] doctor nurse would you like to drink a hot cup of blood with me we're okay where are you hurting what brings you here I was dancing way too much oh that's weird creep creep your bones are getting weak I really want to dance please help me oh no we have an emergency let's get to the treatment room now one at a time let's put the bones back in place this one looks like a bird cage that's right it's the rib cage this round one looks like the hip bone all right yay the head too great job let's match the foot now [Music] are you doing it correctly doctor oh you scared me this isn't the foot it's the hand I made a mistake the hand goes at the end of the arm [Music] if I put this on the foot all done [Music] the bones are moving again [Music] wow now you can have fun dancing again thank you next patient oh [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here I bumped my head onto a sharp Branch oh that hurts oh it looks like you have a wound on your head it stings a lot can you please help me please calm down it must hurt a lot let's treat him quickly hmm we need to clear the cobwebs first [Music] you must have been in lots of pain I'll clean your wound so it doesn't get worse this will sting a little oh all done hmm I think you need four stitches hang in there this will be over quickly one two [Music] three four who the stitches were done nicely I'll put on a Band-Aid now [Music] if you put a Band-Aid on the wound treatment done you did great Mr werewolf [Music] [Music] thank you so much oh yeah you're welcome [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here magic potion splashed on my face you have a pimple on your face prickle prickle it really hurts ow that stings hang in there a little bit I'll take a quick look friends let's pop the pimple oh first take the sharp point and poke oh done now let's squeeze off the bag potion that's in the pimple one two [Music] all done now let's apply ointment so it doesn't leave a scar huh [Music] wow your face is clean again [Music] oh thank you so so much I'll give you a present yeah it's my precious bat eyeball oh thank you I'll be on my way now everyone please get home safely thank you so very much today was a rewarding day all things to you friends let's help our friends again next time [Laughter] foreign if you're sick we'll make you strong again this is the baby shark Hospital oh hello doctor the monkeys are jumping on the bed oh no jumping on the bed is dangerous three little monkeys jumping on the bed they fell off and landed oh it really hurts oh no Little Monkeys come to the hospital quickly there's little monkey please come in [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here I fell off while jumping on the bed [Music] you hit your head [Music] I'm so dizzy oh no you might fall again it's dangerous so let's treat you right away friends let's treat the little monkey well oh first I need to see what's wrong inside his head okay I'm going to take a picture [Music] we'll treat you so you don't get dizzy great should we check to see if it's better [Music] yeah thankfully there aren't any big problems but you need lots of rest you should get an IV and sleep here for a while [Music] huh which one is the IV is it the first one whoa I'm dizzy oh it was a balloon not an IV sorry I'll hurry and give you the IV [Music] little monkey how are you feeling well I still feel woozy and my head hurts huh I think you'll need some medicine too we need to find a medicine with a swirl and another one with a lightning bolt can you do it foreign [Music] how do you feel better Little Monkeys wow I'm not dizzy anymore no more jumping on the bed from now on okay where are you hurting what brings you here I fell off while jumping on the bed [Music] it looks like you heard your long tail please hurry help me don't you worry we'll help you get better quickly first let's take an x-ray to see what's wrong with your tail I'm going to take a picture I'll count to three don't move one two ah doctor I'm scared oh you are scared this doesn't hurt just take a picture and you're done okay I'm going to take a picture one two three oh no your tailbone is broken it must have hurt a lot I'll put your bones back in place great job how about we take another x-ray to see if the bones are okay wow your bones are back to normal am I really okay of course let's hold your tail in place with a splint to let your bones heal [Music] hold done finally let's bandage the tail they're pretty hearts the nurse wants you to heal quickly little monkey die [Music] promise you'll be careful with your tail in the meantime [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here I fell on the floor with my butt it hurts you have a wound on your behind are we out it stinks it really hurts oh little monkey's bottom turned blue let's treat it quickly germs sanitize first [Music] next let's apply ointment now let's put on a Band-Aid so the wool doesn't get worse but your behind is still blue let's put an ice pack against it to help it turn back red there are two ice packs friends which one should we use okay let's go with the second one [Music] oh it wasn't an ice pack it was soap sorry I'll get you another ice pack right away here ice pack coming up it's cold [Music] it healed quickly right a monkey's bottom is red [Music] monkeys treatment done well even when I dance with my bottom it doesn't hurt anymore okay everyone do you remember what I said today no more jumping on the bed friends when you play have fun and be safe let's treat Our Sick friends together again next time foreign if you're sick we'll make you strong again this is the baby shark hospital I wonder who will come to the hospital today huh I think some sick friends have arrived oh no everyone looks so sick we should treat them quickly follow me everyone oh my God first patient mommy shark please come in oh [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here I burnt my hand under hot water how hot oh you got burned from hot water it hurts so much her fin is becoming more swollen nurse please get ready for treatment friends let's work together to help mommy shark feel better mommy shark are you hurting a lot we're going to treat you so you feel better first let's cool her off under some running water oh there are two shower heads which one should we use the first one the second one okay let's try the second one huh why isn't the water coming out [Music] oh my that scared me it was a terrifying snake I'm sorry Mommy shark I'll treat you again properly [Music] hell what a relief mommy shark's fin stopped swelling now let's put some ointment on the blister oh oh oh no does it hurt a lot hang in there wow the blister shrink [Music] lastly let's bandage up the wound so it doesn't get worse friends which color do you like [Music] orange okay [Music] all done mommy shark you are so brief it won't hurt anymore [Music] doctor nurse and friends thank you so much I'm so glad you're all better be careful with hot water so you don't get hurt again second patient pinkfong please come in [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here I tripped over some toys looks like you have a cut on your knee ouch ouch it stinks it hurts so much friends let's treat pinkfong quickly so the wound doesn't get worse hang in there people I'll help you feel better soon friends let's clean the dirt around the wound first oh it stings it's all white ah you did so well [Music] put some ointment on foreign [Music] lastly how about we put on a pretty Band-Aid pink Fox which Band-Aid would you like oh I want a dinosaur Band-Aid [Music] wow ping pong is all better time [Music] thank you friends now I can go have fun we're so happy the pinkfong is feeling better third patient daddy shark please come in [Music] where are you hurting what brings you here cough cough sniff sniff I have a runny nose I'm cold I think you have a really bad cold Chevrolet friends shall we start treatment so Daddy sure can feel better I guess let's use a thermometer to check his temperature first [Music] oh no you have a high fever let's quickly lower daddy shark's temperature [Music] uh should we get rid of the yellow snot now oh slimy small monsters let's get rid of these snot monsters quickly wow all the snot monsters are gone nurse you're the best ah daddy shark are you okay friends let's treat Daddy sharks swollen neck yeah oh no some bad viruses let's defeat the bad viruses by spraying medicine wow the viruses are all gone [Music] lastly you'll need a shot and your treatment is done nurse please prepare the shot [Music] oh wait I think I feel better now don't worry Daddy shark our nurse will make sure the shot doesn't hurt it's just a little pulp little poke wow you're all done huh that didn't hurt at all [Laughter] [Music] treatment done [Music] I feel better now that my cold is gone I'm so glad everyone is all better oh thank you doctor and nurse friends thank you so much for treating patients with me today let's treat Our Sick friends together again next time bye hi friends if you're sick we'll make you strong again this is the baby shark Hospital let's work together today to help some sick friends feel better oh [Music] I wonder who came to the hospital today [Music] [Applause] it's Predator friends I'm scared but they all look like they need help everyone please come inside the hospital [Music] first patient lion please come in where are you hurting what brings you here I fought with tiger and now I'm hurt you have a big wound on your head are we are we from it hurts so much oh I'll make you better quickly friends will you help me and the nurse again today [Music] what my amazing face and Mane are a big mess you'll get better soon once we treat the wound let's wipe your face first okay your face is nice and clean yep such a good looking face shall we take a look at the wounds huh where is the magnifying glass and ointment is this it that's yummy oh it wasn't a magnifying glass it was a snack there are so many germs oh oh you did so well you're almost all better now we need to put on a Band-Aid to prevent germs from coming back in okay you won't be in pain anymore [Music] whoa thank you for treating me now I'm off to have some fun I'm so happy you're all better from now on don't fight with your friends you need to get along where are you hurting what brings you here I hurt my tail while I was fishing [Music] oh your tail was bitten by piranhas [Music] it really stings oh that looks really painful we'll help you get better [Music] do we need to get rid of the terrifying piranhas how should we do that [Music] oh that really hurts hang in there the nurse is going to take care of you soon two three done good job friends we got rid of all the piranhas let's put some medicine on the wall to get rid of the germs huh there are two medicines we can use which one should we choose okay let's choose the second tube what is this please treat me quickly oh no this wasn't medicine it was paint I'm sorry I'll apply some medicine quickly it stings huh it'll be over soon [Music] we just need to wrap the wound with bandages so it doesn't get worse what color bandage should we use okay let's try purple wow friends thanks to you Jaguar is all better Jaguars my wonderful tail is back doctor nurse and friends thank you all so much where are you hurting what brings you here alone under my foot hurts a lot [Music] you've got a splinter under your foot oh we owe it really is [Music] that must hurt a lot we'll treat you right away [Music] we have to remove the Splinter first friends let's pull it off slowly and carefully the Splinter is in really deep oh just a little bit more friends that's it that was great oh it hurts it's all removed that must have hurt so much but you did so well now let's put on some medicine we got rid of all the germs nurse you're amazing with the medicine your wound should heal in no time we're almost done we just need to put on some bandages your treatment is all done you're going to be okay what a relief bear is laughing again [Music] be careful when walking the street don't forget to check the streets everyone you need to stay healthy and strong thank you doctor and nurse [Applause] [Music] thanks to you we were able to treat Our Sick friends let's help them together again next time bye [Laughter] do you like our video don't forget to click subscribe okay search for baby shark Brooklyn on YouTube
Channel: Baby Shark Official
Views: 35,840,549
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pinkfong, family, kids, children, toddlers, babies, preschoolers, preschool, education, educational, videos, kids education, education for children, preschool learning, videos for kids, kids videos, kids animation, songs, songs for kids, songs for children, kids game, nursery rhymes, baby shark, baby shark dance, baby shark song, baby shark challenge, baby shark sing along, baby shark sing and dance, learn english, baby song, sing along, baby, colors, learn color, baby shark color, slides
Id: OXqZ28H9GLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 89min 22sec (5362 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 18 2023
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