We Watched The FNAF Movie For The LORE

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This video is going to be five days long, 'cause we're watching Five Farts At Farty's. With more than five people in one call. Thomas, have you seen this? I don't even know what this is about, let alone seen it. -Ok, Lauren, have you seen this? -I've been saving it for today. I haven't watched it. I was scared that I would be the only one that just knows nothing about the movie. Me and Bren have seen it! I watched it Friday night. Well, I watched it Thursday, so... [blows raspberry] [gasping] You could say I'm a bigger FNAF fan than you. I'm in 4th grade, so I'm better than you. Oh my god, it's P. U... N... I, V... Oh, I can't see it anymore! At that velocity, I think the Universal logo would slingshot around the Earth and fire into deep space. Maybe it has jet propulsion. [dark music] [sarcastic] I'm so scared right now. This is the scariest thing in this entire movie. Yeah, <i>Jude</i>! I don't. I didn't even know there was a bear in the movie. Freddy Fazbear, Thomas!? As I said, no, I didn't know that. This is not very poggers, FazGang. -[man] Abs... Come on, I know you're in there, let's go. Oh, the toe! -The freaking toe! -[groaning] Josh Hutcherson's feet, I love this movie even more now! WikiFeet Josh Hutcherson, and it's that one pixel of his toe. -[man] He walks through memory as if experiencing it for the first time anew-- I've never seen an American shopping mall this happy. It's 'cause you've only ever been to malls in, like, the Tri-state area. -[Thomas] Look at the balloons. -The Tri-state area! What is your deal, Mike? -[Bren] Oh my god, it's Shaggy. -I love Matthew Lillard. Is he gonna pull the mask off of Freddy and go [gasping]? What are you, some kind of-- Suicide Squad! [laughter] Yes! It’s a security gig. Full disclosure: it’s not great. -How's the pay? -Not great. Kroger be like. Yeah, imma be honest, if someone said that in a job interview, like... This just sounds like my Kroger interview. Excuse me? I can't do nights. -What about five of them? -You ever heard of FNAF? This is a lot like <i>Five Nights At Freddy's</i> from the movie-- Foreshadowing, he's gonna have a change of heart, and then he's gonna spend five nights with Freddy, in Freddy's, at Freddy's. -Crayon. -What a bad haircut. Why is this kid drawing? These are all terrible. 'Cause she's a kid! I don't care, these are bad. My friend says you’re an idiot. That's a good line. -At least I'm real. -[screaming] [birds chirping] [peaceful music] Is that a Freddy Fazbear Frisbee? Actually, it's a Fazbee. A frazbee-- fraz-- frizbear. -I like frizbear. -Rizz-bear. Is this a Heinz commercial? Oh, is somebody gonna die? I hope somebody dies here. Go watch your brother, okay? -[Jude] This has that energy. It's gonna be the kid! Please die. It's gonna hit him in the head and decapitate- aw. It's made out of saw-blades! No! [ambient music] Who were those pe-- okay. His family. Oh my gosh, why do we have to explain everything to you, Jude? [unintelligible] Like, that didn't look like him. 'Cause he was a child! Sorry! Oh, that was him as a kid, cool, I don't know. It's not even ten o’clock, and he- he can barely keep his eyes open. -[Bren] Jude, this guy in the middle is gonna be your favorite character. He looks like the mayor from frickin' <i>Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs</i>. -Before we learn to speak, -[yawning] -images are the most important tool-- -[yawning] Didn't know we were like, a documentary. Yeah this m- this movie starts off really slow. Her shirt looks like the first stage of <i>Spore</i>. [wheezing] It does! [lights clinking, buzzing] -[Bren stuttering] -[Josiah] Freddy Fazbear's? Re- be- be-is- bears- bears, there we go. Did you notice that, when the lights were flickering on, they started making the ♪ Har, har, har-har, har-har-har-har, har har-- ♪ I did, yeah. ♪ Oor, oor-oor-oor-- ♪ I didn't notice that. This is the rest of the movie now, it's just him watching screens. Yeah, it's just him staring at the monitors. That'd be an awesome movie. He just doesn't speak whatsoever. [ominous music] Haha, yeah, it flips between those three frames nonstop. That's what I'm gonna do for the rest of the edit, that's just it. Great movie, guys! -[Steve] <i>I will catch you on the flip side.</i> The only way that scene could have been better is if he put the phone down, one like this. [laughter] I want the modern version, where he just DoorDashes, but then the DoorDash guy dies. Yeah, his like UberEats driver comes up and just gets attacked by an animatronic. [ominous music continues] God, we need more establishing shots of him shining a flashlight around. I love the Pizza Hut, like, stained glass 2000 effect. I wanna get the red Pizza Hut cups for my house. You should. I want the Pizza Hut roof on my next house. Yeah, that way no-one will ever be able to know where you live. The water will run off effectively. [object thuds, clatters] Uh, hello? Hello, hello? Not gonna lie, my first instinct would be like, "Hey, it's a rat," because this is the oldest, ugliest, crustiest building ever. It's a rat! No, it's beautiful, I don't know what you're talking about. Oh, I miss when flashlights had that dark spot directly in the middle, so that way, when you point it right at what you wanna look at, it's hard to see right there. So, out of the five of us, which animatronic are we? -What's that? -[laughing] -Bren, you're Freddy... Heck yeah. Josiah is Bonnie, Thomas... is... Foxy. Jude is the Balloon Boy. -I'll take it. -Hello! -I don't know what that is. -Hi! He's kind of in this movie, I'll point him out. Spoilers! Even though I have no idea who that is. Are you the cupcake, Lauren? No, n-n, I'm actually Glamrock Chica. [static] [imitating airplane] I'm sure we've seen this scene before somewhere. Oh, okay, so it's a flashback to like his brother getting killed or whatever. Garrett? [Mike and Jude] Garrett? Oh, but this time, it's different! It's all the dead children. Shut up, Lauren! I picked up on that when I saw the Bonnie ears, I'm not gonna lie to you. -They don't know that yet! -I-I figured it out. [scary music] And... die. Rock! -[Bren] Oh, it's 6 a.m.! -[imitating doorbell] -Oh my god! Oh! -Yay! -I did it! He made it through his first night at Freddy's. I mean, night one is usually pretty easy. So? How'd it go? I love the aesthetic of this house, I know exactly what it smells like. So who's she? Is she his girlfriend or something? No, she's the babysitter for, um, Abby. I thought that was his girlfriend 'cause earlier, she was like, "I wish I had a ring." I wish I had the Ring security system. [truck approaching and honking] -[imitating truck horn] -[truck horn honking] Yeah, there it is! I was waiting on the second part of-- 'Cause it's always the same sound effect in every single movie! I've never heard a truck do that, but it's awesome. Guys, you gotta look at this. -We are not eating. -Well that's no fun! You do realize that lunch is the most important meal of the day? [sighing] -Wow, it's mattress pat-tress. -Wait, shut up! Some people say that, but, you know, <i>it’s just a theory</i>. Hah! [cheering] [screaming] Hah! Hah! Hah! I didn't even know who that was. MatPat. I was freaking out. Listen, the entire theater applauded when they saw him. I love the part in the FNAF movie where MatPat says, "It's just a theory." That is really funny. This in the theater was the best! So glad I didn't do it. Well, he’s a security guard, right? His job is to make sure nobody gets in. So, we get in, and we mess up the place good. -That guy's about to have a heart attack! -Oh my god! My favorite person in the <i>entire</i> movie. -As a matter of fact, I shouldn’t be here at all. -Sit down, Doug. Doug. Is Doug just there? Or is he a lawyer? She's trying to get custody of- of the little girl. Think- I think her Doug's dug a hole for himself. [sarcastic squealing] It sounded better in my head. If you would have just said, "He Doug a hole for himself," And you like, really slipped it past uh-everybody, that would have been a little bit-- Oh, sorry, I'll take notes next time, Josiah, it's alright. Who took Garrett!? [loud impact] Bye. [menacing music] [screaming] He cries motor oil. This is horror makeup 101, it's just this. Oh, what's scary? Like, a Spirit Halloween poster or whatever, it just looks like this. I didn't think that was real makeup, I thought they like CGI'd that over. It's not following that correctly at all, I think that is literally just added in. I’m a certified EMT, so if your heart ever goes out, I’m the one you want to call. She's a certified freak, you know what I'm saying? I'm a certified EMP, I can take out the electronics in the area. [laughing] Certified EMP! She knows more than she's letting on! One of her siblings-daughters-friends-cousins died and became of this-the things, like. It's a lot more connected than that, but you are close. Is it? Prepare to have your mind blown. ♪ <i>When you close your eyes</i> ♪ ♪ <i>And you go to sleep</i> ♪ [echoing] Not at all! I want a movie about the Creation Museum's dinosaurs coming to life at night, and killing people. The night guard freaking like, Adam and Eve's animatronics like try to kill him every night. That one, like, velociraptor robot. They're like, "We added dinosaurs," and they're like, [screaming] They're in the trees. I see a way in. -What, the door? -It's open. Maximum damage, minimum time. [laughing] That is so cool. This guy's like, "Huh." [Lauren laughing] -The side-eye? -I love Chica. Oh, she's just like me, for real. [ominous music] So, in the game, when you look at the TV, are they supposed to like, go away or something? I don't understand. When it hits 6 a.m., do they just, revert to last save? How does this work? We're asking the people that know the lore, we don't know! I didn't hear your question, I'm really enthralled right now, sorry. So they have, like, a daytime mode and a nighttime mode. At night, they'll just roam around. It's like a free-roam mode. Do they have a Spanish mode like Buzz Lightyear? That would be sick. ♪ Oor, oor-oor, oor, oor, oor-oor-oor oor-oor. ♪ Oh my god, Thomas is Freddy guys. Yeah, it's me. You guys gotta watch this part though, it's insane. Is he gonna come to life? -Shhhhh... -[Jude laughing] [screaming] Yummy! What!? She-she just gets sliced in half! That was some <i>Happy Wheels</i> gore. That was really dumb. That was the bite of 2000. Vanessa. Mike. Vanessa. Abby. Vanessa. Abby. So I used to have a brother. His name is Garrett. His name was Garrett. [groaning] Every <i>five</i> minutes! I wonder if he had a brother named Garrett. [growling] You know what’s crazy is, uh, when… when Garrett and I were kids-- -I had a brother. -Crazy. Garrett! It's almost like this movie revolves around that plot. Literally, we know though. Like, this is the fifth... thing. She doesn't know! Vanessa doesn't know! Right, what I'm saying is, we didn't need the 16 other flashbacks to establish this. It's been at least three now. I mean, there is a reason that the flashback keeps happening, it's because it's a recurring dream. Every time, it's a little bit different, and he-he's like trying to find answers. Y-yeah. Come on, Max. Come on. [sad music] Guess what, she's not answering the phone, because she's frickin' dead! I thought he was calling Vanessa. No, Max! That's Max! Come on Jude, keep up! Yeah, you got- you gotta understand, for Jude, every woman is the same. -It's true. -He's caught in the Manosphere. This is not a vacation, okay? You’re not here to have fun. Okay. She's gonna do everything wrong. She really is though. Don't spoil the movie for us! I can't wait for her to try to open a door by herself slowly, when she's not supposed to, because she hears a noise. They're going here while it's an active crime scene? Yeah. They kind of just gloss over it. They just gloss over the fact that like, four people died. They don't know about the bodies yet. But the police were- Vanessa was literally there! Yeah, how did she know if it was broken into, if they didn't find the bodies and stuff, what? Well, you can tell it's broken into by just looking at it, but she didn't find the bodies, or anything. Police investigate places when they're broken into, they don't just like go, "Huh, that's broken into," and then leave. This is also like a shut-down, abandoned place that no-one cares about, it was already kind of a mess, so they probably just didn't care, and threw it under the rug. [dark music] He's literally cleaning a crime scene. Yeah, he's getting rid of the evidence! Where did the bodies go then? Eaten. Dang, he did a quick job! That was like ten hours of work that he-- No, he like actually did that in like, 15 seconds. We're having another flashback scene. They're in the woods. He's looking more like Rick Grimes every time. I love Rick Grimes. I need your help. -I had a brother. -His name was Garrett. What will you give us? -Bitcoin. -0.1 Ethereum. View my NFT's. Dude. Abby, what is this? Come on. I want you to meet the others! [burp] I wish her vocal cords would stop working, 'cause I don't like hearing her speak. -[Jude] Plot twist, they're all good. They're the good guys, they're trying to defend their home turf. We really Spring'd that Trap. Oh my god, stop. So are they good now, or what? You'll- you'll see. Thomas, I'm gonna - I'm gonna say it again, you sound exactly like my grandma when we watch movies together. Good. [mocking Thomas] Are they- are they good now? Are- [sigh] [mocking Thomas] What- what's happening? I don't under-- Watch the MOVIE!! [baby voice] Thank you for playing with me! How to rizz up Freddy Fazbear! Step one: Give him a hug. [ominous music] The creepy pictures she was making are creepy! -Wait, why are they creepy? -He gets it now. She killed my brother, she took him. Oh my gosh, Abby, do you know my brother <i>carrot</i>? It's the kids that he's been seeing. It's them. -Yeah, I know. -So why has she been doing that then? Because she can see them, too. Imma mute you. Hey, Abs... You know we used to have a brother, right? Stop! I'm gonna put a counter on the screen, I really am. Garrett counter. Please just add a counter for how many times he says it. I don’t really talk about him very much. -Yes you do! You talk about him all the time! -[Jude] You... <i>never</i> shut up about Garrett. Garrett? I was Garrett once. Where his brother was. It's almost like we've seen this scene before or something. It's- it's almost like it's explaining the PLOT! Man, I hope they break it down for me again. I wanna assemble all the people that he has to explain this to in one room, so we can get it over with, instead of him having to go through this, with each and every new person he meets. Who's his brother again? Garrett. [kids’ laughter echoing] -Is that Garrett? -Garret's the yellow rabbit. Half the plot is just names. ♪ Connection is made… ♪ [baby voice] You did it! -[Bren laughing] -Touchdown! You okay? [music continues] Aww, that's so cute. This is so weird. So, the ghost kids are controlling the robots, their spirits are like in the suits. Right. You can't spoil the other part of it, though! It's okay, you can spoil it. They're becoming friends with Abby, so they're- they're nice for right now. I think that they... know who took my little brother. What's your little brother's name? -I can’t explain it, but when I’m here-- -Say it. I feel closer to Garrett. It's not quite as bad, because it's new information this time, at least. Just go home, Mike. Take care of your sister. Is that the fourth night at Fredrick's? [laughing] More like <i>Fortnite</i>! This feels like the <i>Morbius</i> video, where we just inserted Morbius into every joke. I can't wait to spend 14 days at Freddy's. FNAF stands for Friends Never Abandon Friends. [ominous music] It's about to get real, guys, it's about to get cereal. Pop them pills. It's about to get Cheerios in here. You want to save Garrett. That’s... why you’re really here. To change what happened. To go back? No, this is wrong. I love the kid that's supposed to be Bonnie, with the paper Bonnie ears. He looks so bored! The girl on the right who you can't even see her face at the moment, what? Why doesn't she have a face? Is it just blurred out? She's a ghost without a face, okay. She was the first. Okay. [slicing] Ketchup. Ketchup. Ketchup. -You want some burger with that ketchup? -Yeah! Oh, I want a burger now. -Lauren! -What? This dude getting slashed, and like, bleeding, and you're like, "I want a burger"! I want a burger so bad! ♪ Hamburger, Cheeseburger, Big Mac, Whopper. ♪ Abby? You can’t stay in there forever, you know. She that lady from <i>Hoarders</i> who like, pooped in buckets, and stored it in her house? -Yeah. -That's sick. -[audience laughter] -[dark music] [gasp] Wait- [laughing] How did Freddy get there? He like walked across town. I like to think that somebody like, saw him walking down a street, casually. Oh, Jude, you're gonna love the rest of the movie. It gets so much more fun. Does this go full slasher movie for no reason? Like, what? Where are we? Police supply outpost... You're badly hurt. No way. Bro was like, bleeding, and she's like, "You were hurt." You were... a <i>little</i> scratched up! Can't she just shoot them? She has a gun. You're in a police supply depot, where they have like, AR-15s, just take them. Called a grenade launcher. Actually, that's called Freddy Fazbear's, but good guess. <i>He knew that parents would cry, and the police would come looking.</i> <i>And he knew there’s one place they’d never think to check because…</i> [lights clanking] <i>…why would they?</i> [laughing] Thomas' face! We don't even need to cut away to commentary, just his random, disgusted faces. Their dead bodies are stuffed in those- in the animatronics, Yeah, it's pretty epic. And that's why their spirits are connected to them. There's like a whole thing with, like, remnants, and stuff like that. It's- it's a lot. The FNAF lore is a mess, I'm glad this movie is kind of just its own thing, separate from that. -[Bren] You see the airplane? [Lauren gasps] -[Bren] You see the airplane? -[Josiah] Yeah. You knew? Is, like, the Vanessa character kind of similar to the Vanessa in <i>Security Breach</i>? She's kind of, controlled by... Afton? Uh, kind of, yeah. He tries to influence her, like he does with the- with the spirits. ♪ Just a small town girl ♪ ♪ Livin' in a lonely world ♪ ♪♪ Freaking <i>Skyrim</i> animation there, where he just locked to him. <i>Can I help you?</i> [electricity crackling] That- why- how did they make that look bad? Didn't know you can electrocute ghosts. You can electrocute the... metal and circuitry. On god. [screaming] Abby?! [screaming] Evil duck. It's a CHICKEN! That's why it's Chica the chicken. [electricity crackling] She's so sassy. That was so easy. I love you, too, Mike. But we should probably go now. Hey, can we like, not talk about this right now? [electronic whirring] Dog. Dog. Dog. Weird looking dog, honestly. It's kind of my favorite character so far, the- the cupcake, I'd be honest. It's either the cupcake or the lawyer. [games beeping and chiming] Erm, someone trying to play the Addams Family pinball machine? [heavy mechanical footsteps] [cheering] Yeah, let's go! Oh, is this the big bad? [childish] I'm so scared. [childish] That's literally William Afton right there. [childish] He doesn't die to electricity. God, time your dodge rolls better. Skill issue, for real. Little ones tell me you have a sister. He looks like... [loud vine boom] Gary Busey. [stupidly] Let's talk about buttered sausage, [stupidly] where it comes from, how it's made, [stupidly] what it's doing. Jeez. We both know you’re not gonna use a-- [gunshot] [growling] The animatronics are about to switch. Like- like the Nintendo Switch? You're gonna hear the... [imitates click] ♪♪ Quickly, color the drawing before she's strangled to death, I mean... [childish] Is she gonna draw him dying, [childish] and then he's gonna die? [kids singing] [kids screaming] Now all the- all the spirits know they've been- being manipulated- did- did- did. You know, because they don't remember them... dying. They don't remember this... [buzzer] ...killing them? Like wha- No, they didn't, because he in- he influenced them. Erm, actually, he's not a... [buzzer] ...he just kills children. That's so much better! Oh no, you got the stuffing of my suit! [sharp mechanical clanking] Oh. Yeah, the springlock. I always come back. "I always come back," he said it! ♪ Arr, arr, arr-arr, arr, ♪ ♪ arr-arr-arr arr-arr... ♪ What do you want for dinner? Pizza or spaghetti? Human beings. -I want lasagna. -I want a burger. Did you tell her I said hi? I did. Well, that was a lie. Oh? Wow, they're leaving it open for a sequel? Who would have seen it coming? How is that leaving it open for a sequel? I don't understand. Because he's alive, and the ghosts are still alive. In the actual video game lore, he kind of becomes a zombie. [screams] ♪ <i>Five Nights at Freddy's...</i> ♪ ♪ <i>Five Nights at Freddy's...</i> ♪ -I cannot believe they used the Living Tombstone <i>Five Nights at Freddy's</i> song. It's so freaking epic! I'd give that Five Nights out of Freddy's, that's my rating for it. I love this movie! It's fun. It's a banger, it's a belter. Thomas is our resident person who's actually scared of horror movies, you gonna sleep well tonight? Yeah, I'm gonna sleep well, it was not scary at all. As someone whose never seen, nor ever, ever played a game of FNAF before, it wasn't for me. It's definitely made for people who already know, at least, a little bit about <i>Five Nights at Freddy's</i>. Epic people love this movie. I think it was... a movie that wasn't for me, but it's fine. I can tell, like, if you like it, it's- it's fine. Th- that's the general consensus among most people. I love FNAF. I love FNAF! Have a day.
Channel: Microwave Society
Views: 345,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Comedy, commentary, funny, reaction, MWS, Microwave Society, movie, review, FNAF, faf, feddy fazbear, Josh Hutcherson, Matthew Lillard, william afton, Vanessa, Mike, Scott Cawthon, mattpat, game theory, CoryxKenshin, Bonnie, chica, foxy, animatronics
Id: eDJhoeTQU6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2023
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