THE VENT INCIDENT | Among Us w/ The Derp Crew & Friends

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oh he's just leaving i he probably could have killed me at that point i'm kind of i mean i don't know maybe i should just stop maybe i should drop that mindset just because someone is in a room with me huh nope nope nope nope nope i'm sorry i started early yeah like right before you walked up shut up crewmate huh i haven't used skype in years i just happen to have it installed on my phone still okie dokie okey dokey okey dokey dope no one can kill me right now no one would possibly kill me actually let's just shut up let's just shut up let's just shut up why don't we just shut up no one can nope no one's gonna do it no one's wait i still have a task still have a task don't you do it junk why are you back good junk and toaster leaving all right no one did the thing ah okay there's junk i don't think junk would be hanging out down here as a killer what are you doing what are you doing junk what are you doing don't follow me stop following me okay he just went around me okay you know what i'm gonna go run to that right after this since oh someone already got it sweet anyone in electrical no one i haven't done this one today we got peeps in here it is mr miat oh there's one more task why do i feel like that's bad he's bad you know i gotta stop being paranoid oh there's chilled i'm gonna watch the two of them nope i'm gonna go back in there oh no chill didn't kill matt all right makes me a little trustworthy of chilled even though that could be a mistake all right they took care of it hello [Music] i thought you were gonna that was by me i thought you were gonna kill me [Music] i was watching the two of you i hung back you guys didn't kill each other where i mean i don't know if they were yeah tom you watched me do the number thing i watched you do the number thing and i just animation and shovel um i was like dean i was with them and you know what else i did the oxygen thing to fix it so we didn't die again junk was i was a loan of junk at one point he could have killed me near where marcos died they were literally in the hallway outside of it in the navigation room i was with z chilled and somebody else the only two people i didn't spend a significant amount of time with were gone and shovel although i didn't spend time with junk gum or shovel junk you didn't see me i was alone of junk and he didn't kill me you did that last because it doesn't matter he said they didn't do they didn't do that last time and they got you pretty good that's true that's something junk would do i feel like he had every opportunity oh well absolutely you saw the animation on that there was an animation you saw i watched mac do the the number objective in the reactor oh the number objective okay it doesn't okay no it doesn't clear me but i mean you could have seen the thing go up when i finished yeah yeah i'll skip over but i think we should we should group up then at least two or three of us have the same person let's not stand on top of each other don't be standing on top of each other [Music] because he hasn't spoken this whole time so you're just pointing out that just accusing people just want to make sure you're scared every time i talk you [ __ ] vote me didn't have to meet up right away uh uh fortune favored diana thanks for the uh thanks for the four month resub okay toast okay junk let's go finish my tasks let's go ah finish don't want to stand on top of that i'm gonna go next hopefully there's no takedown oh junk if you're bad you can do it right now don't stand on top okay i'm gonna go to the admin room shovel are you following me i gotta go finish my [ __ ] come on there we go all right where's everyone out there's gump i was just with gom and made in syria we were all in the communication room a second ago was chilled in the communication room i'm sorry my memory is fine no i was in the cafeteria room so i came down south from the security room up into the cafeteria room where did you find a shovel it was in the reactor the reactor okay uh no it wasn't there it probably because it makes things easier you know how i feel about voting him up [Laughter] if you were in if you were in comms then i don't know i kind of suspected trouble shovel reported the body i was near i was i was near two bodies right no i reported marcos behind you chill you were fixing the comms right no i was not in the comps i went down from the security room up into the cafeteria i was looking at everyone a second ago in the other room and where was the body again the body was in the reactor okay security is right by a reactor room no it's not yeah it is it is what is the room directly under the emergency room right here what the room i'm getting the rooms on the room is directly under the emergency room which emergency room admin i think it's admin it's admin then that was i'm sorry that's not the i thought that was the same way it's got the table i have already right table admin i think that's yeah i'm sorry i think i said i came up from that room things are getting too mixed up i would i voted for chilled i guess i'm skipping i'm skipping vote then too i i just don't know i'm not skipping oh i didn't put the through in time but it's okay all right all right [Music] all right all right all right i was the only one really pointing a finger there normally people kind of go with the mob everyone else was together and then child was like the one person standing out you would think that would matter right you would think that would matter i i think i did see shovel around the reactor room though now [ __ ] me he's gonna kill me don't you do it why don't you do it come on buddy it's a shovel and chilled oh my god okay i'm going down here hopefully someone doesn't just snuff me out they're probably going to win this they're probably going to win it one more one more yeah i just know you know i knew that i mean it's chilled it's chilled right yeah right i just found this body chilled and i just saw it did it last round guys see but i have some suspicions about you as well what were you doing what are you doing in the uh the admin room there you should not have reported that you should not have spoiled that yeah did you just not see junk kill him matt please tell me you saw him kill him oh my god is [ __ ] chill no the body yes i think but you definitely killed that one no no no no no i think jungkook got that one because he was the only one right but you can fail you can vote matt please i trust you thank god he broke my neck yes so i think it's trouble am i correct no she no she killed me yeah oh it is trouble yeah yes chill yes i didn't know you felt so strongly about my neck and uh me not needing to have it anymore oh i do what i can do thanks for relieving me of that i i just honestly political belief zach let him know 2019. i [ __ ] up so much if tay's internet isn't back uh rachel wants to play by the way oh okay yeah if if you can't get her internet up again oh oh i almost figured i think it's i think it's i think it's uh it's shelby it's shovel i thought i was in my life right i'm alive yeah yeah [ __ ] you shovel that glitch just saved my life holy hell she just killed me and i'm still yeah uh yeah he's not dead on mine either so i am caught let's see what happens when the voting starts i'm gonna i'm gonna continue being dead i'm gonna continue being dead yeah i'll go back to dead that's odd right now you oh yeah he's gonna vote yeah he's dead pretend you're dead i think that that [ __ ] the game that [ __ ] the rules you got screwed up [Applause] but before that situation was anyone else suspicious of shovel who was alive for junk along with chilled right you thought it was me i'm giving you a win only one i knew for sure it wasn't and i was waiting to verify junk yeah i hate i can't believe you guys always think it's me because you're a bad guy junk you're a bad guy you're a bad guy i underestimate you man i think uh i can only stay for one more round one more all right i know you were saying rachel want to join as well rachel you can join then yeah you should rachel should be free to join um what are you doing right now actually yeah i'm afraid right shut up you're not i'm a good noodle i'm a good noodle let's go go do good noodle things i gotta stop being so peppy okay because that's how i die is when i'm peppy okay go grab a coffee or wait wait you don't need to wait what oh eta for no no i do need to wait i do need to wait oh god the lights are out uh someone else can go get that right i have tasks to do someone else will take care of that i'm gonna be a bystander use and then watch no one else take care of it no one will do it dunzo all right let's go to navigation oh man everybody shut up everybody showed up for a second okay so i know for a fact that chilled and junk okay he was in the navigation room and i know for a fact that children junk walked that way so chilled where the [ __ ] were you if you weren't they are killing junk i wasn't killing junk i literally just saw z leave the uh the asteroid shield i was right behind rachel going into died a thousand years ago at the beginning of the round by you oh no i don't know i was right behind rachel yeah as she was walking in the league was down doing the oxygen room then while you were doing the asteroids not the astro stuff you were doing your uh up on the electrical outlets i walked past you back to the cafeteria and then i followed you back down you i was doing the oxygen stuff that saw you couldn't have seen it unless you're not an imposter because the lights were off so how the [ __ ] did you see walk past cs i'm voting for you chill there's [Music] is like your very first movie i hear who do you think it is i don't know why rachel i literally walked down to the auction room did the oxygen went back up saw z working on the uh wherever in the asteroid shooting room he was working did you see him walk past he was probably in the menu i was doing like one of those upload download things like maybe he was in there but i didn't see him i was i wasn't doing the asteroid like thing were the lights on at that point what are you saying i don't believe it also i'd like to say that uh marco zee and matt all saw me get scanned thank you for me thank you that's really [ __ ] quick for me to do anything can we not take me out two seconds i don't i don't remember seeing gum get scanned either am i not remembering anything people you're not you're not defending yourself but i just don't know enough jill who is your mother that you're saying it is if you get i don't know i i don't know who it is oh my god that is nutty that is nutty that is nutty uh anyways i'm in a completely wrong area wrong area so i guess like uh two people claimed i saw people i but i was in a menu and i didn't actually see them with my eyeballs so that's all news to me okay that didn't come out of my didn't even come out of my mouth right hi chilled hi rachel i'm gonna do this once again in a menu i'm going to look at my peripherals just in case anyone walks in here see it's clearly okay so you guys saw you guys saw them like at the side of my screen but i just didn't see it see them with my eyeballs hi matt the shovel there's gone okay oh whoops okay hey marcos okay no kill there i'm going back to navigation now i'm doing the asteroid thing no way i just have to line this up never mind hello cheesy oh it's gonna be i'm done i'm dead aren't i am i dead am i dead no no maybe it's because cheesy was there i don't know oh my god okay whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa every time i [Music] marcos did it i was literally hanging out with rachel for half the time until she stopped following me then i was hanging out with cheesy cheesy and i watched both of you on the monitors i watched both of you on the monitors go from o2 up to the cafeteria so you saw me okay okay guys are you talking about when you're hanging out oh you know just oh my gosh thanks wait what's marco's defense here mine was there so it was running a reactor left chilled was behind me cheesy was behind me that's it zach what what did you see uh i was in the reactor with you sorry i was watching a facebook video i wasn't even reacting with you killed me while i was doing something but she just said you did you didn't say that he killed him but all right yeah chill you literally just said i watched marcos kill him said that yes and then he was like a facebook video no i didn't you literally just said that i said i was watching a facebook video and i was in the react room with matt and i thought shovel killed me i think after the events of last round and this round wait wait wait wait wait wait well did you see an animation of martial him marcos ran over his body and killed him look you vote him up [ __ ] guilt okay if it's not marcos it's chilled we killed him you saw him you're right because you were hanging out with him the whole time he's watching on the cameras like like like some kind of weird right i've accused me so hard and i've done nothing wrong i know if it's not if it's not marcos it's absolutely you who keeps who keeps smelling me though that's that's hopefully i don't become suspicious after that all right all right all right all right all right okay okay okay because i mean my perspective i just i just saw it chilled in cheesy so i'm like my natural guess was chill killed cheesy because they were just together i didn't see the whole marco spit okay that thing is done pick that i think that's my tasks right yeah i'm good i'm good i feel like we should just push the button [Music] so if it wasn't hello what i just pushed the button someone i don't know why you push the button on marcus's defense real hard no marker marcos was the killer yeah someone was on his defense real quick that's i just i just didn't want someone to die no one was going to die we're doing the objectives we're almost done with our tasks why do you i've i've finished my tasks so who came into defense of marcos here's mine i don't know i don't know who the other person was toast and z both loaded me up all out myself i voted because i genuinely i was alone in a room with him so i thought he would have killed me if he had a chance but he didn't but he ended up being a crossroads well then i'm curious why i'm [ __ ] you know only right about 50 50 and i'm telling you this time you're not right literally is over here in chaos he's just pressing the button to so chaos so that we can vote other people up maybe here's him i just i just pushed i just pushed the button i just pushed them no i didn't vote for anybody but because i mean there's one imposter with what's like this is the this is the sketchiest thing i've done i did nothing sketchy before this we're going to see if a non-imposter dies here right yeah but who's got the emergency button it's still 30 seconds i got one i have emergencies yeah i'm just doing my damn like let me just finish my test and everybody oh my god killer jesus christ just forget this game never happened all right i'm saying that who is saying that i'm the killer holy [ __ ] i'm alive whoa me well i feel like i'm getting canceled i feel like i'm being ghastly confirmed and i will uh okay so what actually happened there because i didn't feel like defending my actions because i just did it bad i had on my mind chilled chilled being bad and i'm like oh wait that's right yes chilled helped marcos get killed so why would it be chills i was just like ah right so i did just push the button for no reason well let's just see what happens that is my honest thought process right there it's getting late chat it's getting late i it's it's not chilled it can't be chilled unless he just completely threw marcos under the bus i don't think it's chilled oh yeah go to security because uh because i have finished all of my tasks rachel imagine if rachel just shanks me right now are these the only i guess these are the only screens i can look up let's see okay they're all right there hello just let me finish the test if i finish the test we win the game i have one more to do one more i just saw shovel rachel matt and myself walk to find gum's body yes and i will i will win the game honestly what get the vote i will i will go i don't believe you at all i don't believe you go in the game you [ __ ] traitor i think it's toaster z wow i was looking at the security i was looking at the security screen i don't think it's the i can i can confirm zebra's insecurity all right listen everybody follow me to the task let me do it in the game we'll deal with that i was looking at the security screen chilled is the one who did the murder chill [ __ ] you then oh [ __ ] i'm building it literally out of marcos and saw him kill uh kill him cheesy i skipped i'm skipping i'm voting up z on that one i'm voting i was right from the beginning if it's you chilled i will feel so loud [Music] i wasn't sure how i felt about just saying that because i legitimately just did not notice it with my eyeballs on the uh security camera but i ended up dying i did i personally i didn't notice it you still went i knew it oh thank you so much for defending my honor right at the beginning of the game even though nobody freaking listened to you marcus i'm sorry you you literally killed the one person i needed alive and you killed him right next to me you would have been fine but you listened to zach i was hanging out with him and rachel and you killed him right next to me i'm like okay i was gonna wait i should not see you killing your fellow imposter like that i was like that's nice i can't believe he did that we needed more time we needed more time i was going to vet for chilled i was so what so i what i learned from this is i should just go with my gut well yeah yeah i mean i should just listen to me or something yeah at the first round first of all i haven't killed anyone in the first one yes he did he killed junk and i watched him i watched him yeah but i don't i don't know what she's saying i thought you both walk all right we're a good noodle all right i'm gonna try and pay closer attention chat it's getting to be uh sad gamer hours by sad gamer hours bad gamer hours all right although it's been a freaking fun and great session we've had so many good rounds hope you forgive me for my bad rounds because i could be air-headed sometimes actually all the time all the time all right let's go to electrical yeah this is true yeah you got one thing right z you can definitely be airheaded use all right all ready am i dead no that's gone he's i walked in there the only person coming from that direction was matt but i didn't see where was it like where he was in the what's that i think it's communications room south of navigation like the very bottom right yeah very bottom line yes i was in electrical sorry marcos was with me in the nav groom and rachel uh was in the oxygen room which is also the bottom right so maybe she snuffed them where was the dead body again i was in navigation just now with me during that now rachel was came from the controversy matt was in the area he was the only one that was running from that area when i went there communication i didn't even go to communication yeah you were just coming from that area so wait uh yeah okay yeah i could walk out of there where was he uh in communications room okay so it's either matt or it's marco's self-reporting i mean it could be but it could be wait you were suggesting it was rachel i don't know who it was i i went down i saw him mad at me i saw marcos and rachel in the oxygen room uh well marcos was in the ocean he went right to the navigation room and rachel was left in the oxygen room but they were both on the right with me yeah i finished my task and then i saw your head and stuff i mean just tell us who killed you yeah [Music] does [Music] then you see it that's cool i'm just skipping i'm not sure yes yeah i just wanted to i'm just going to keep an eye on orange and black coast how do you feel your gut things are happening i'm going to vote you hunger for pizza okay all right busting out the ouija board let's do it no one was ejected everyone's muting up like so much earlier i usually mute up after that text okay makes me feel weird let's go to communications let's go do the thing i'm once again being a little bit of a bystander someone's gonna take care of that right right someone's gonna do it right a bunch of good noodles you guys okay maybe i should go do it all right oh someone did it sweet i have to go to the reactor room anyways hello marcos hello hello hello hello one two three four five six seven eight nine ten task completed well hi rachel right below electrical room and the last person i saw walk in that direction was matt what what are you talking about i'm over here in admin right now so you so you're saying you passed from where did you go close to electrical i guess that's true in the hallway i'm here down after the reactor and then i went up i saw i saw i didn't i never made it to electrical i saw marcos and rachel together in a reactor i saw you in there chilled was hanging out in security and then i went down to check and see if there was a body and there was a body in the hallway right in the uh hallway below electrical and this is the second time that matt has been sussed that's that's fair i mean if you really want to kill me so but i also like didn't see like toast and i didn't see junk oh who would you i was afk getting my wiener i'm scared no we don't necessarily need to because it just makes it easier on the imposters if we keep killing good guys that's true all right but the odds we killed here are much higher now that's true yeah okay so who are you voting what are we doing i voted for rachel okay i voted for matt i'm voting for bat it's the second time he missed us you know what that's fair i'm just skipping okay and skipping taste toast i don't trust the fact that you're going to make me toast okay sorry i'm being sucked everyone is suss at this point people just do things to create chaos sometimes you accidentally create chaos like i'm doing at the tail end of this session or however long we're gonna go for i don't know maybe it could be a couple hours probably know we'll see we'll see okay well marcos didn't kill me uh all right let's go over here reactor meltdown i'm gonna be the man for the job let's do it no one else is gonna do it i'll do it oh okay they went and did it sweet awesome all right i gotta go oh hi toast why the what the [ __ ] was toast doing toast just kind of hanging was there a task right there i don't know if there's a task right there maybe it was just doing that it's weird how he was just kind of crouching in the corner is that a test spot all right again again high junk i feel like i haven't seen junk at all let's jump through what are you okay okay okay let's go finish this last task i mean i don't know we could have just been heading the same direction all right finish this i bet one or two people have already died oh hi toast toasting mat and junk actually that was toast for a second [Music] [Music] i think there might be too many like one too many tasks for nine people no no no no no i can't everyone dude i don't find it too much of an issue yeah in the previous game you guys were able to get them all done before the kills didn't we have 10 or no i think that was nine yeah well tay was still going yeah i think he's not putting back in all right crewmate good noodle again good noodle again all right all right all right let's let's try to do this in record time record time let's see all right me and chilled in here oh they can't kill yet so what does this moment matter between the two of us the three of us i mean three of us the imposter again no i'm a good guy i'm a good guy he's doing my good guy things hoping i won't get killed on my way to work doing my underpaid job task completed use oh hello who's joining me on this uh fine journey mr cheesy blue nips what's up oh he's just leaving i he probably could have killed me at that point i'm kind of i mean i don't know maybe i should just stop maybe i should drop that mindset just because someone is in a room with me huh no no no no no oh god he's gonna kill me he's gonna try and kill me he's gonna try and [ __ ] kill me marcus is gonna try to [ __ ] kill me i just i just saw marcos use a vent marcos just used the van and he was chasing me around the cafeteria this is not okay in the cafeteria the other map has it so you're like using one camera at a time marcos we had to stare down i was like huh and then i just booked it to the button [Laughter] [Music] marcos voted for toast though all right all right well that's a conversation for uh next time maybe you should just hit the button honestly yeah yeah we're both thinking rip off on the same wave like yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wouldn't it be a real shame if you just took a knife and stabbed me right now while we're waiting for the button what kind of anime betrayal would that be i'm gonna trust to chill that you're not to do it we have to have this conversation yeah all right conversation let's have the conversation chilled is putting some suspicion you're putting that unjust behavior on me why why are you accusing me all of a sudden i was just saying that toast is the least suspicious marcos voted for toast on that last round and marcos was the imposter so do you remember what i did remember i threw under the bus and murdered him it's believable maybe he learns from me i don't know fair maybe but i don't think that uh toast has that level of uh toast you have the floor please talk i'm playing with a puppy okay you're getting voted he's playing with the dog right now um toast get in here what's going on he's playing with a dog i'm skipping he can't kill a guy who has a dog [Music] give us some information toast what the hell's going on let's have this conversation again we don't need this conversation yes we do what a stupid game i need to do my tasks i need to do my tasks okay okay maybe i don't know what's the clip you guys are sharing is that the uh oh is that galm gollum looking in the security camera just like our different perspectives of hi okay oh my god that that's what's great about this game you have so many different perspectives [Music] oh my god [ __ ] we're having it we're having a conversation we are having this conversation we have the conversation we are having this conversation i want to know what toast saw when he saw matt's the deceased body on the floor i wanted the information i want to know why he put a junk i want to know why he skipped democracy i want to know what's going on in toast mine right now i'm playing with the plot i'm just kidding uh no i found matt's dead body and electrical i only found it because of chat uh wait what i walked in and i walked out they're like hey idiot you missed a body and i was like yeah you're right you're right and i walked back and sure [ __ ] there was matt and he was dead are we getting some narcs yeah there's some narcissism no like i walked in there and saw it no i was already on the screen why did you vote me the last one i don't understand that you were awfully quick to defend me and i wouldn't defend me i'm going to be honest that sounds believable i just said skip the boat i was a defender do you want me to vote for you because i'll vote for you there's nobody suspicious right now that's why i thought this covers wait don't you just voted for toast yeah because explain why not i'll kill toast and play with his [ __ ] puppy yeah let's go there you go i like that i'm trying to do objectives oh my god we had the conversation great conversation guys is the game over i hope it's not true i don't know maybe it's chilled maybe there's definitely a way to introduce chaos he's like jesus is going to go along with it i seriously wanted to have the conversation though who hasn't been talking a lot cheesy i should wait i need to go for it i need to go for the thing oh hi junk hey oh hi [Music] i don't know what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] freaking closing doors on me all right uh one more two more i don't think it's junk unless he just killed someone i don't freaking know you can happen is it gonna happen is there gonna be a death i'm just waiting to die this game is just waiting to die oh wait i have to huh huh huh am i about to get my neck snapped do you think i mean chill unless there's already a dead body chill would have taken the opportunity to kill me because we were just there very very very alone so i don't think it's chilled i don't think it's junk honestly i'm thinking cheesy hmm definitely thinking cheesy okay i have one more task oh wait hold on no i gotta do the thing i gotta do the thing react to normal okay cheese is gonna kill me no who the [ __ ] is it i'm just getting my [ __ ] done we're gonna win right here who was it [Music] you kept messing me up you were [ __ ] your sabotages were messed up i was beginning to think it was cheesy but we recruited him no i was hanging out with the button because i did all my tasks i kept trying to freaking i was trying and the sabotages kept screwing everything up i had a couple moments where i was just alone if you junk and you could have killed me i know did you i couldn't because i had a time because the saboteurs screwed it up wait did you already kill someone that round no i kill i killed chilled oh [Music] none of you oh my god wow junk you were coming around towards me i was like why is he magnetizing towards me right now because i was trying to i didn't have enough time my timer wasn't oh god i'm not getting any bad rounds right now come on come on i should demand a new lobby after this it's clear that it's bugged i'm gonna demand it new map this is an outrage i wanna be bad i wanna be bad okay i could also have [ __ ] rng all right i'm doing the thing eight two eight five eight hey save the day hi junk don't snap my neck please please don't do it not sure if he's still here he might have just walked away oh god oh god oh hi chilled oh hello rachel's who dead rachel that was an admin there were like two people in there right uh i saw z and junk by me i'm gonna kind of say they were gonna be two shoes a little bit we were all at oxygen yeah z we were at oxygen g was that sucks that you were by yourself because there's two dead people being uh in the bottom left that's not where the body was where was her body filmed i'm sorry uh so the body was found in admin as soon as i walked in there and saw the body gone was running out i just saw rachel really so you think it's gone then no i didn't see anyone i didn't see anyone else in admin and he was the only one that ran out and the body had just literally done the collapse animation now you're gonna be real sus if this is correct it's absolutely happy i you know what for the sake of toast and rachel i will stake my life on this holy [ __ ] we're voting for god marcos marcos if you're wrong about this you're getting thrown out well i mean if he's wrong about it because remember he could be in this as well just mistaken that would be two innocents dead plus two already dead we don't even know if toast is playing my water bottle is empty that's why i'm not hydrating i have to go downstairs any information i'm i'm sticking my life on it okay what are you voting i'm just saying i walked up to there and i didn't see anything like that i just got the admin yeah i mean like i mean rachel wasn't in there i feel it in my place evil matt that may throw a little bit of suspect on it and that's fair i just i'm saying i walked up and didn't see any of that i just got to the door of admin though so it could be something telling what your side of the story even if your witness account sucks good [ __ ] okay okay i missed the part about uh okay we were i thought we were about to off cheesy and suddenly uh that happened because you guys were telling me to hydrate and i paid attention to you guys oh hi chilled okay okay doki doki doki doki oh wait where the hell is my task oh is it this one always be ready to off cheesy right he just takes it so well it's just so believable and you know what they don't even feel that people don't even feel that bad when you're off cheesy that's really [ __ ] up to say oh wait am i in she i am i with cheesy alone in the cockpit oh hi cheesy he's chasing me i don't like that he's chasing me is he gonna try and cut me off there's my other task all right i'll go to electrical oh jesus christ junk all right no one else in here what are you doing junk get out of the way you better not still be here that taken care of i don't know why this thing keeps collapsing i need to have my test things up task thing up okay lower engine room whoops who the hell cut me off i got sealed into the engine room sure with no one well i'm almost done with my part oh [ __ ] me oh i just found chilled body in the admin room i think it was admin room yeah but the one with that big communication table thing matt you're a little bit sus z did you see anything uh regarding that junk last person i saw i saw junk and electrical but that was a little while ago we were good i was doing a little dance for z to make sure he knows marcos is good because i've seen marcos doing things it's either matt being suss as he was before or is he calling his own murderer no it's not look cheesy you can't kill everybody just because they didn't see the thing i like i said i just walked up to the admin and didn't see it that was all i was saying yeah i guess that's true but it's also like junk is vetting for z we all know marcos is good me and junk were together at the very end where were you man i was over there with you guys at the reactor room and then i went over to navigation that's where i'm at right now never never went to admin i know you discovered the body what are you feeling here man i'm thinking it's either you or matt that's what i'm feeling well where was the body found well that's [ __ ] if you say you're gonna play it i know it's not me me and junk i know we were we were at the end there together yeah so unfortunately i mean i i've spent a while with junk alone he never took the opportunity but history has shown that doesn't always seem to be the case yeah uh that he's good my idea is that it's either it's matt being sas and probably the one or it's z playing a long con can you explain why you think matt's bad again cheesy for me uh junk can vet for me i can vet for junk marcos is innocent and junk can bet for you uh matt cannot that for anybody and let's see otherwise it's cheesy you guys are going to regret that absolutely regret that have fun dying to someone else okay okay all right [Music] no it's it's okay it's it's just funny because literally i was telling the truth so i'm going to get that right and i just walked in yeah up there and then screwed you over man that's what i'm saying cheesy as long as he says it confidently it doesn't matter he could be telling him why i was a little old you're really taking you're just really taking charge in that meeting jesus that was kind of just making me a little suspicious threatened for each other you know actually can i just say when jungkook central thanks for the hundreds where the body was failed i faced paul so hard that still hurts [Music] so this is gonna be real bad for cheesy if he just
Channel: ZeRoyalViking
Views: 231,460
Rating: 4.9566159 out of 5
Keywords: zeroyalviking, among us, among us gameplay, zeroyalviking among us, the derp crew, among us the derp crew, the derp crew among us, among us impostor, impostor, chilled, chilledchaos, live, commentary, tips, tricks, funny moments, among us funny moments, among us stream, among us twitch
Id: bZbfvwlc9SU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 11sec (3371 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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