We Used Household Items As Makeup Primer • Beauty Roulette • Ladylike

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- Ready, a-setty, a-go! - There's nothing better than a foundation that, no. There's nothing better than a foundation that hugs your face. - And foundation's partner in crime is a high quality primer. - But what if you run out of your fave product? - Will household items do the trick? - [All] It's Lady Like, and we're playing Beauty Roulette: Primer Edition. (energetic yelling) - We get it, ouch. (laughs) - [Jennifer] All right, we can cut? - All right, Kristin, are you ready to play? - Yes. Also, first of all, before we do anything, we cannot do toothpaste. If you rub toothpaste on your face, it is gonna burn like crap. Not, no, bad idea. - The rules are as follows, you will spin the wheel. You will land on one of the five items, 'cause we (bleep) up with toothpaste. When you get your item, that is the item you have to use as a primer. You'll have two minutes to apply a nice full face of foundation. Afterwords, we will be judged by a celebrity judge, who you see all the time and sits next to us. - Kelly? - Maybe. - Mike? Oh, is it Chantel? - It's Chantel. - Oh, Chantel. - It's Chantel. - Okay, wow. - [Jennifer] All right, Devin, what do you think of these options? - They are options. (laughing) So I definitely want lube. We lub lube, lub it. - We lub lube. - Don't want butter, don't want it. Is it an olive oil based butter? - Yeah, flour is pretty bad, too. Especially if we're using liquid foundation, that could probably clump. - Maybe second place, I think Vaseline. I think your pores are going to be closed for business for the rest of your life, probably. - So, I don't really care. We're going to have fun with it. - There's no getting around this video, there's only through. Should I just spin the wheel? - [Jennifer] Yeah! - [Everyone] Spin that wheel! - Come on, lube! (screaming) - [Jennifer] You barely spun the wheel! (laughing) - Alright, give it a healthy spin. No, that is not a healthy spin! That's nuts! - Okay. Okay, okay, okay. - [Jennifer] Oh, (bleep). - [Devin] Ooh! (yelling) Yelling, I'm yelling! - [Jennifer] Freddie got lube! (upbeat music) - [Kristin] I hope lube doesn't work. Come on, lube, come on, lube! Come on, lube, come on, lube! Come on, lube, come on, lube! Come on, come on. Wait! Oh, no! - [Jennifer] Ah, Vaseline! - [Everyone] You got Vaseline. - No I didn't, it stopped! And then it moved. - [Jennifer] Nope. - [Fredricka] You got Vaseline! - [Devin] Come on, it's the 1950's cure for everything! - No, whatever, it's fine. - [Jennifer] 'Kay, bye Kristin! - 'Kay, fine, bye! - [Jennifer] Oh, wow. (screams) (laughs) - I don't want butter. - [Jennifer] Devin, the good thing is when it's done, that's your butter! (laughs) - Thanks, Jen! Well, (bleep). - [Kristin] Spin it, sister! - [Jennifer] Spin that wheel, spin that wheel! - [All] Flour! - Flour's fine, it's fine! - [Devin] You'll be nice and matte! - Actually, I do have oily skin. Beauty Roulette, baby. - [Devin] Wait, did you guys see Cardi B's video that she posted yesterday? - [Jennifer] Kristin, you have Vaseline! - I have Vaseline! Okay, I have a strategy here. I feel like if I just use a little bit of Vaseline, this might work a little bit like the primer I usually use. Eh? Eh? Eh? Does anyone believe me? - Gimme the butter. - [Jennifer] Alright Devin, so you're about to go, you got.. - You like that? Gotta gimme the butter. - [Jennifer] Your two minutes begins now! (bell rings) - Oh gosh, okay. Shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot, shoot. - [Jennifer] Lube it up, baby! - Oh god, oh god. I just need to... - [Kristin] Oh, no! - [Devin] Ew! (laughs) - I'm going to wet my face a little bit. Flour wasn't cutting it. - [Devin] That's real smart. (laughs) - A nice swath of butter. Oh god, why. - No, this is not working! (laughs) - First of all. - [Kristin] Don't breathe it! - It's getting my eyes. - [Kristin] You look like a guy's abs in a perfume commercial. - Good, that's what I wanted to look like. - I mean, I'm just going to throw it all on my eyes, 'cause then you won't see my little wrinkly-dinklies. - [Fredricka] Never say the word dinkly. - Dinkly. - Yeah, it feels refreshing on my face. It feels like a serum, if you will. - It feels pretty rough against your skin, surprisingly. It kind of feels exfoliating. But it does coat the skin. How much time do I have left? - [Kristin] You have a minute left. - Alright, I'm gonna like dry the lube a little bit. - I can't open (laughs) my foundation! Okay. I feel like a fried piece of chicken. - It's not working great, but it's not working poorly. - [Devin] Jen, if you and I get together, we can make some pancakes! - [Jennifer] Alright, 25 seconds left. - What? Okay, fudge! Okay, all right, all right, all right. And I'm beatin' and I'm beatin' and I'm beatin'. And I gotta, you know what, I gotta go faster. (yelling) - We're gonna beat it to hell. We're gonna beat it and pray. - [Kristin] You can't eat the flour. - Yeah, I can, shut up! - [Devin] 10 seconds left. Seven, six, five, (laughs) four. - No, no, no, no, no, no! - Three, two... - [Everyone] Time, that's time. - Oh! - [Kristin] You're not done? (laughs) - [Jennifer] No? - [Devin] Two minutes went by fast! Put that blender down, girl. - [Kristin] Did you just eat flour off the paper towel? (laughs) - It doesn't taste terrible, actually. - [Kristin] You have flour all over your boobs! - Do I really? - [Kristin] Yes! - Hm, wouldn't be the first time! How does it feel? - Um, suffocating and slippery. - [Jennifer] Perfect! - Great! - Well, I feel clogged. It's like my face is constipated. Let's see what it actually looks like. Oh, it's not bad! I'm a little greasier than I think I would like, but, oh, I got some in my hair. (laughs) - The actual process of doing it wasn't necessarily gross or weird or sticky or anything like that. I don't know if it's necessarily efficient as a primer. - [Devin] Chantel is totally going to guess that you're flour. - No, I think it's going to be a surprise. - [Kristin] How are you still eating flour? - I don't hate it. Well, I did eat some foundation and I didn't hate that. - [Kristin] Okay, you're done. - I'm ready. It's time for us to be judged! - Give me my judging! - Come here, judge! - Oh, hello! - It's Chantel! - So judging just by how you look right now, Jen, and in your clothing and your body in general, I think I can see maybe what Jen might have used as her foundation. - Jelly! - Don't judge a book by it's cover. - So, I don't see that much makeup on anyone. Did you guys put makeup on? Yeah, so you look dewy. - [Fredricka] Okay. - I think you look pretty good. Yes, you look dewy in the good way. In about an hour, that's when we'll have some questions, I think. Because it's like when you start off dewy, you end up oily. - [Fredricka] What's my grade letter? - You get, you get an A. You get an A. - You get an A? - It's an A. - Next is baby Dev. - My face smells like a bagel. - Can I touch it? - Why not, at this point. - Oh, my finger doesn't move, my finger just stuck. I think your makeup is applied well, I don't see any lines. - [Devin] Ah, thank you! - I think that just, based on what your primer was puts you at a disadvantage. - Yeah, it sure does. I tried very hard. - I'll give you a B-. - All right, it's passing. - Wait, a B- is you being nice? (laughs) - You look pretty good, Jern. - Thank you. - Makeup application, again an A, no qualms. It's a pretty okay situation on your face right now. (laughs) You get the same as Fred! - It's really not bad. - No, it actually looks pretty good. - Yeah! - Thank you. - You look pretty good. - But? You look both matte and a little shiny at the same time. Let's give you a B+. - All right, I'll take it! - Yeah, you get a B+. I don't know what you had. So we need a little tie-breaker. - [Everyone] Tie-break time, tie-break time at lunch! - Yes! - It's happening. - So basically, per my judging, Jen and Freddie have tied. So I have required a tie-breaker for the first time in Beauty Roulette history. The only primer that wasn't used was shaving cream, and so the two of them will each be using the shaving cream. Two minutes on the timer, gonna turn this volume up so that no one can claim to not hear it when it ends. I'm looking at you! In three, two, one, go! Okay, so Jen is going for a heavy hand, here. - [Devin] Shave that face, girl! - Yeah. Fred is sort of blending it into the skin at first. - I am. - Okay, so we have two very different approaches. - How much time do we have left? - A minute thirty. Okay, so Freddie's already on to her foundation. Again, we're applying with the hand so as to have an equal playing field. Jen's going for a slap, Freddie's going for a rub. (laughs) - The ol' slap and rub? - Regretted it as soon as I said it. 36 seconds! - [Devin] Oh my god! This smells nice. - [Devin] Yeah, sure. - Feels a little sticky, but not too sticky. I honestly feel like I don't look as dewy as I thought I would. I honestly feel like I look a little matte. - 15 seconds! - [ Kristin] Wait, is Fred done with time to spare? - [Chantel] Ooh! - [Devin] Okay, Fred. - Baby Jern. Three, two, one, time! - [Chantel] Jern! (screams) - It was you this time! - There's still flour in my hair. - Everyone, designers, designers! Fred, you still look very nice. - Thank you. - Jern, I also prefer this to your flour. I think, perhaps, what's going to be the knock here, 'cause both your faces look nice, I think we're just gonna go with makeup application. And I'm thinking with the shaving cream, a rub was more advantageous in this case. - Wait, but what? - Freddie has number one, and Jen can be one point five! You're not two. We have one, one point five, and three, and four. (laughs) - What? (laughs) - We're not even two? (laughs) - I'm four? - Okay, no, listen. She deserves three, I deserve four. Mine was with straight up butter. (bell rings) - She won. (cheering) - And one point five, one point five! - [Everyone] Beauty Roulette: Primer Edition. - Lady tested. - Lady lubed. - Oh! Yes, she is. (upbeat music)
Channel: As/Is
Views: 3,092,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BuzzFeed LadyLike, K_fe, LadyLike, PLtz4a8ya8FPHpGjshkLABjhcbUz6J6jPe, beauty, beauty roulette, buzzfeed, buzzfeed devin, buzzfeed freddie, buzzfeed jen, buzzfeed jen ruggirello, cosmetics, devin lytle, evaT, foundation, household items, jen ruggirello, makeup, makeup primer, makeup tutorial, primer, women, women try
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 27 2019
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