I Tried Being A Pinterest Mom For A Week

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- Jackson, do you like bento lunches? - What's a bento lunch? - You're about to find out. (upbeat jingle) Pinterest moms. What are they and why am I talking about them today? Well let me tell you, a Pinterest mom is a rare breed of mother who is just like, the most extra. So she's that mom who makes the homemade birthday party favors at every party. She's that mom who home cooks every meal. She's the mom who's cleaning products in her home are all made from scratch. This is like the complete opposite of everything I'm used to and the way I am as a parent but I wanna give it a shot. I wanna try something new. So for one week, I'm going to be a Pinterest mom. I'm not going to be able to quit my job or like stop all my other responsibilities, but in all my free time, I'm going to act as if I was a Pinterest mom, and see how it goes. Okay, so I am trolling Pinterest and today is Sunday so I'm gonna take full advantage of that and the fact that I don't go to work, and do three activities. I'm gonna find a food, a DIY for my kids to play with, and a DIY to better my household. Jackson! Hi. - Hugging. - Thank you. This lunch took me about half an hour to make. Uh, I tried to do the puzzle piece sandwich which doesn't really work. So having kids of 2 different ages, uh, five and two, a lot of these Pinterest things that I spent a lot of time on were completely lost on Wyatt. He's like two years old, he doesn't care. Spent 30 minutes on this lunch and this is what's left. (sigh) But Jackson was another story. - They're puzzle pieces! - Oh, you saw they're puzzle pieces? - Yeah. - Oh my gosh. Worth it. But yeah, it was nice to see that he was interacting with a lot of the stuff that I was making. It was sweet. So now I'm going to make these popsicles I saw that look super easy on Pinterest. It says you just mix Sprite and gummi bears in a popsicle mold and it makes these really cute, clear popsicles with gummi bears in them. Okay, I'm on my third task and it is DIY garbage disposal pods. Because apparently you need these to keep your garbage disposals smelling fresh. These seem fairly easy. I actually found them from NIFTY on Facebook. Uh, and so if NIFTY can do it, I can do it. I don't understand how people find the hours of the day to do all of this. So this is my, uh garbage disposal pod mixture. It's like, kinda sticky. And then I'm just gonna pack it into this silicone ice cube mold, and I guess it takes 24 hours for these to like, dry. So I can't use 'em till tomorrow. The final Pinterest craft for today is making your own fun shaped crayons. - Yay! - I don't understand this one. But basically, you buy a pack of crayons, like regular crayons, and then break them up and combine the colors, and put them in a silicone baking mold. - And don't forget to take paper off. - Don't, do not forget to take the paper off. Speaking of my kids, any time I did one of these projects, I turn around and there'd be a giant, freakin' mess behind me, because my back was turned for so long, and I was distracted for so long, my kids would take every opportunity to like, do whatever they wanted. Okay, these are done. Uh, they look very questionable. I do not understand these. Like, just give your kid a pack of crayons. We spent six dollars on a silicone mold and 45 minutes making these. Okay, we're on day three and I tried using one of these uh, garbage disposal pods and they are completely crumbling and they don't work. So I did something wrong and also uh, I need to go to work, so I'm failing at making their bento lunches. Because it's either make that or get dressed for work, and I need to show up for work in clothes, I think that's important so, (laughs) fail today. So why didn't I just get up a little bit earlier to get all of this stuff done? Well, I already get up very early to go to work and I work pretty far away from where I live, so my commute is three hours, total. Uh, but it wasn't all bad. I'll say this, you know, if I didn't work full-time, I can totally understand how that could be really exciting to do and really fun to do. And you can take the time to incorporate your kids into a lot of these crafts and a lot of these projects. So I totally forgot about these popsicles I made with the gummi bears and Sprite, and first, they uh, completely exploded all over the freezer. I don't know if you can tell, but they're dripped all over. Oh, man. - Gummi bears all on the top. - It all got in the bottom. Aw, that doesn't look anything like the picture. - That looks awesome. - You like it? Taste it. How does it taste? That's, that's kind of a fail. - Mmm. Yeah, it's good. - Those popsicles were a giant fail and then I realized after, turns out that's a picture of soap. It's not even a freakin' popsicle. It's soap, it's a bar of soap. That's why it's so clear, 'cause it's glycerin. So, per usual, it's day four? Day four and I'm super, super late for work. I don't have time to make bento lunches, but I bought a NutriBullet, and I'm gonna make my kids a green smoothie this morning, so I hope that counts. By like, the fourth day, I really got the hang of the NutriBullet and that was really, really helpful. That was the one, like, useful thing that came out of this week. Thank goodness I found that, because it really was coming down to like, do I put on a shirt or do I slice this bread? Like, I need to decide right now. Okay, day six, I got it together. I made lunches. Um, I'm super, super, super late for work and I have a 9:30 am meeting, so I hope I'm not late for that. And that's all I got today, so far. Okay, so it is the final day. Oh my god, thank goodness. So tonight I'm gonna make panda-shaped macaroons. They seem to be like, the most complicated thing I found on Pinterest. Figured I'd end with a bang. Uh, this has been quite a journey and then I just realized, I don't know where my electric beaters are, so this is going to be really fun trying to whisk eggs by hand. (sigh) I beat those things with a whisk for 45 minutes. Ugh, I'm so tired. (laughs) But they worked! I like, piped 'em out of a Ziploc bag. I like, decorated them out of a Ziploc bag. I like, smacked the pan on the floor to like, try to get out the air bubbles, which is something I guess you're supposed to do. It was like, completely like, MacGyver'd. Everything was totally, not the way it's supposed to ... They're actually kinda cute. Look. I haven't actually fed them to my kids yet. I just like, ate them in the middle of the night and that was that. (laughs) But it was worth it. Treat yourself, am I right? So in conclusion, uh, I learned a lot this week, and I gained a lot of respect for Pinterest moms and moms in general. Uh before, when I would see Pinterest crafts or like think about the moms who did that sort of stuff, I'd just kinda do a giant eye roll, and like, disregard it as something stupid. But I learned, this week, that it really is worth it. It's fulfilling and it's fun, and I really wish I could be more like that. So definitely an overall learning experience. Not something I'm gonna be doing ever again in the near future, but it was fun for that week. Uh, and tune in to see what I do next. Until next time. Does it make you wanna eat it? - It's a batman. - [Hannah] It's a batman cheese? (laughs) Sure! - [Jackson] Oh, yeah! Yeah, it is. This one looks like, this one, it looks like batman.
Channel: BuzzFeedVideo
Views: 8,680,487
Rating: 4.9052625 out of 5
Keywords: 5-minute crafts, 7v8j, 8rQn, K_fe, buzzfeed, buzzfeedvideo, childhood, children, crafts, d1W8, diy, diy projects, do it yourself, family, hacks, handcraft, how to, kids, life hacks, mom life, mother, parenthood, parenting, parenting advice, parenting hacks, parenting skills, parenting tips, parents, pinterest diy, pinterest fails, pinterest inspired, pinterest mom, pinterest parent, pinterest parenting, wine mom
Id: cv05cLPSrfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 20sec (500 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2017
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