We Used CGi to Fake Military Robots

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The fact that they're still doing all their comp in AE is insane to me. AE seems like such a POS to me (except for motion graphics) ever since I learned Nuke.

Edit: At the part where they're having issues with precomps kinda drives my point home. Node-based ftw.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 29 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Trivvy ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 28 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Man, I live the corridor crew channel. Its what got me into vfx

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Medant57 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 29 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Nice vfx job, lots of motion capture (Xsens)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/rsikkema ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Oct 28 2019 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
[Wailing siren adlib] This is not good. This is not good guys, at all We're in like stage 5 full armed crisis mode right now Are you aware of what a "SNAFU" is? It's time to make "Boston D-" sorry "Bosstown Dynamics 2" We're gonna figure out how we're actually gonna make this Boston Dynamics is being funded by DARPA So it's no secret these aren't necessarily just innocent walking robots Like there is eventually this purpose here for these robots to be combatants in the military [Explosions and gun shots] What is the military testing version of Boston Dynamics look like? They're probably doing this. They're probably messing with this stuff... I mean how "What Boston Dynamics doesn't want you to know" Area 51! The biggest takeaway, I think, people got from the first one was the emotional connection to this robot that is getting beat. People just don't like seeing that. At the same time, it's kind of the big source of our comedy here. It's this ridiculous level of bullying. It definitely takes it up to the next level (yeah) in every way. So. Here we are. They release bees Wait I want bees [Swarm of bees buzzing] Ssss and it's just like pew pew There's so many great little things that we could do... Alright okay okay. Bees - perfect. Last time we shot Bosstown Dynamics it was in the studio in a controlled environment with good internet. Now for this next one it's gonna be on a private gun range. We won't have internet. We'll have to bring our own generators for power. So right now I'm tasked with creating a mobile field mocap setup. And we can't film this video unless I figure that out. The technology - it's working. Ok, the ultimate test: we're going outside! Wait, do we need this? No. Please don't drop that. That's about $15,000... *sigh* Watch out for the pee! Oh my god, you're right in it! You stepped right in the pee! [Wren laughing hysterically] Dean, get out of the cable! Yeah, it's on. Think it's loading... Any minute now Careful careful Looks like some kind of ritual now It's not working? Not yet... Why isn't this working man? If this isn't working we're not gonna be able to make this video. - I know... Oh guys! It's working! I have to calibrate! I have to calibrate it! Hold on, hold on... Are we live? - We're live. Here we go, here we go, here we go. Here we go. He do a little jig Yeah, it's working! Guys... Now we can film "Bosstown Dynamics 2". Everything a pocket full of shells Two or three times bucket one of those bucket So everyone's out at the boss town to shoot I'm just following along on social media to check in on their status. Looks like everything went smooth though I'm kind of jealous of their ride right now. Yeah, I'm glad it went well This is not good it's not good boys just not good can show you real quick to show you something. Yeah Tell me this We filmed Boston Dynamics - He's gonna full day out in the desert getting beat getting dirt kicked up my nose take a look at these files, right? These are the motion capture files 0 and 507 so there's this giant gap We just spent the last hour trying to figure out where that motion capture footage went And I think we have concluded that it is gone and missing but it's not like missing to be found. It's disappeared It's yeah, it's gone not coming back Basically how it works is that we roll on the camera the red camera are using and then we also roll on the motion capture So that later we could syncing up. That's the entire idea behind the shoot, but we think what was happening Is that every time they were saving the motion capture data? It was receiving over a previous file over and over and over again for four and a half hours Can we just redo the motion capture here in the studio? And the short answer is no again It's like the footage in the motion capture data have to go hand-in-hand So you're telling me all of this comes down to? Hitting save rather than save as it's the only thing that legitimately makes us our best theory as a hell of a puzzle They don't want to start pointing fingers, but I'm just gonna throw out a few suggestions There's some people that have dealt with this data So let's look at he dealt with the data Sam Gorski was responsible for overseeing the data transfer He started it and left and didn't stick around to verify whether or not it got done until the next day Yes, I see your point. Peter friends lovely guy. You've seen it. You've all seen him also Problem with data peter was responsible for capturing the motion capture that was his job for the day. It's happened in the past He lost an entire day of footage now. I'm not saying it was Colonel Mustard in the billiards room with the candlestick That's probably it this bad man And we will need to go and reshoot four giant sequences of events That require us to film and then to mocap and it's going to take another full day Anytime we hit like these crazy heart roadblocks I just I find myself having to come up here to the roof to just kind of like think About our patrons who support us on patreon come Just saying their names gives me the willpower to continue because without them we wouldn't be able to make the stuff that we do Bailey Wilson Dave crooks Harris read sip ajik Oscar bunting Philip Oxford Ellen and Almanza Nota canned dad Ian's spy college cube Skin key snack, who is that? Brian and toesik as well as all of our other patrons Thank you You know what? I think that works. I feel much better. Now. Let's I'm ready to tackle this. Let's go We got back out there we reshot day two It was like half the shots in the whole short footage looks really nice. So that's good. But now we're behind schedule We're really behind and before we can hop in the post I got to get this robot up and running the boss town one. You know, you got your standard bot. It's not that special There's really not that special a lot has changed since boss town 1 our boss town boy. Grew up drew some armor Welcome to the new and improved Boston Dynamics robot this is a military robot for testing weapons out in the desert This guy is souped up and ready for battle different color scheme, you know We're going military armor plating if you look closely. There's a little hole in its chest there Like it got hit with like a crowbar maybe a bullet. We have a codpiece Look at this thing one completely different leg pieces here. We got our logo back here corridor digital logo. Oh, yeah I got like Kenda straps around the back of the robot to hold it in place. But BAM look at these Pitman hands This is actually taken from the Boston Dynamics robot called pet man and they actually designed it to Wear military clothing and go out into areas to test the clothing and then he has this sensor piece right here That actually swivels around. I think it looks awesome. I'm very excited to see this thing in motion This little guy this is a 3d model of the real spot dog, this is an actual real thing Boston Dynamics Actually is gonna be selling this thing they just dropped a spot release trailer and that's great for me because I'm gonna watch that over and over and over and Animate this dog to match the actual movement of the real spot in that release trailer. He comes in at the end Hopefully you guys watch to the end. Hope you guys watch the video go watch the video. It's it's great It should be up right now. It might be a lie. I don't know it should be out So I've got the dog. I've got the military boss town robot connected to the mocap data. So now I'm going to show the guys So there's a dog under there like a robot dog and they they want me to shoot it You can't ever shoot a dog man I mean the minute I ever see a movie where somebody shoots a dog or hurts a dog. That's it Whoever shot the dog has got to die. No normal human being out there would ever want to see a dog Mistreated ever I personally think the relationship between man and dog is like a real tight one and a real old one They're gonna love you. No matter what you go down you go hit the mail you walk back up You just saw him 30 seconds to go Around they want to be you know, they want to go do something with you It's like their whole job is they want to please you and get fed? While he's like aiming his gun at it in deciding what he's gonna do I can do two things I can either have the the robot dog be like kind of injured and like sad and crying or It's happy and it's so excited to see his robot friend and he's like licking the gun and he's like thinks it's playing If I came up to my dog, and I had a gun and I was pointing the gun at it My dog would still be happy because it wouldn't believe that I was about ready to kill her. It's even more sad It's like the end of mice and men They're gonna be going off on a new adventure. He has saved the dog He's not willing to have her going into hiding you do a third one Yeah where he's in this cabin and he's like scavenging for nuts and bolts and oil and Like he's trying to like feed his dog and he doesn't have enough food for himself and you have all these Scientists coming out like looking for the robot So the robots been rendered out and it's looking really really nice so basically now we're in the process We need to make sure it is blended in and it looks right. There's a lot of rotoscoping to be done here a ton of rotoscoping we have to like track in all of the actual gun plates that we film because we actually brought live firearms on set but The biggest most difficult part of this whole process is painting me out for every single one of these shots. Yeah. It's a painstaking process The creative team has overextended themselves Trying to do too much in a video It's October 22nd. We've been working on this video since the beginning of June Is this weird legend going on that we can't seem to explain basically the footage is cursed I've been working off of cursed footage for this whole thing Everything goes back in references the cursed book so usually when we work on a corridor video we try to keep it contained Three weeks four weeks maximum its first boss town dynamics This guy's spent like three or four weeks on it and it's kind of stressful what they got it done So here we are going on to week seven of boss town to you know from a time budget standpoint All these other things are happening in corridor that aren't this video put things in a tough spot This is the last week. It has to be done by the Saturday. It cannot go beyond this Saturday. This is definitely a problem In after-effects and in all editing programs really there's this idea called nesting or pre composing so you got your footage Thing this your footage you got your robot Bang and you got your rotoscoping Thing these are three different layers Put them together inside of a folder now This folder is considered a single file again so now I can take this and I can draw on it and it will affect all three of these layers within it's The same way the problem that we're facing is that we're seeing this really intense glitch I'm looking at a certain friend here. But anytime I go inside of this these frames have been shifted to the left By one frame, so it's like oh, why don't you just shift the frame forward? Well when you do that It has a ripple effect through all the other pre comps and now the Rodo layers are referencing the wrong frame that shouldn't happen these This seems like the simplest of problems and yet somehow we're not able to solve it. Yes this super bizarre Yes, we've done that now is the second thing we did what I Don't think it will fix it personally I Mean that seems to work why is to clean blade off now it was The last Boston Dynamics video we started with cool high tech beeps and Boop's first and then get fully kind of towards the end This time I'm taking a different approach. I'm starting with Foley from square one That way we have a nice rich pass of audio for this one. I'm using a battery operated drill for the legs I'm using an electric skateboard for the hips and general movement Hear that That stuff it's kind of deeper and bass here. And so it's good for the full body. I'm using RC car steering wheels for like hands and fine detail stuff Those tiny squeaks up top. This is what the gun sounds are like without any processing. Oh Wow Sam are you telling me that's what gun sounds are like Before you work your magic on them Yeah, now the magic happens your go magic I was like I took my my uh my tube and I took that this thin skinny piece of audio. I was like And blew up into this big rich sound Okay even though both Myself Clint Sam and Mika all four of us with our powers combined couldn't even individually troubleshoot what the problem was it wasn't afraid Right thing. It was an interpreter footage thing Whatever was we ended up having to brute force our way through it, which was just a lot of work But Clinton had to go through and render out every single layer as his own Individual piece of footage and re-import that into a brand new project file Looks like these boys are on track. I mean, do I dare say that and go too far? No matter what that video goes up tomorrow. Also, it's going to have to I finished Whatever. It is just calls on their net tomorrow Hey We did it we finally finished Boston Dynamics. Ooh, it's time to hit render. This is the last shot and we're done It's been a heavy week which is why we got a heavy beer. This is a keg of home brewed beer Multi dark malt right there Multi dark malt or is that a dark study dark if you're watching this? Just trust us. We're having a great time go over and watch the actual video. It's finished. It's on the quarter channel There's links everywhere. Go check it out. We'll be here when you come back. Don't worry Okay, all these we put so much work into this video. It's like months just take five minutes sit down put on some headphones Enjoy Sam sound design. Enjoy all of our hard VFX work You want to see a video on making beer subscribe this is really good it's like not too bitter or hobbies That's like Guinness without the wateriness
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 4,768,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VFX, Cgi, vfx artists, boston dynamics, robot, spot, new, fake, how to, behind the scenes, making of
Id: zOyDwBvxAyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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