We Made Star Wars Stormtroopers Accurate

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so jordan i was watching uh this little indie film last night it's called star wars yeah i've heard of it yeah it's uh it's pretty cool one thing in the movie that's you know the storm troopers are you familiar with them yes yes yes that is ringing a bell these guys shoot their blasters a lot but they don't really land many hits we keep seeing the same cast of characters in a hail of gunfire over and over and over statistically that's not gonna happen statistically someone someone's gonna get shot yeah well you know like i was just thinking about like god got a new pair of glasses and clearly eyesight has to be an issue there you know those those lasers are probably really bright they're probably getting flash blindness imagine laser pointers just constantly it's not going to do good things for you yeah it kind of makes you wonder why was the empire sending these stormtroopers into battle almost legally blind yeah i've always suspected it's a lack of proper healthcare coverage it's funny because it's such a structural superpower and yet they're so deficient in so many areas it's like america oh he just got here too the storm troopers they don't have universal healthcare they don't i think you're right the stormtroopers don't i think it's all privatized on the death star then maybe that's the issue right that's why the empire failed they didn't you know invest in their people yeah han solo after he's thought out from the carpenter he's blind he cannot see but you know what the rebels they care about their troops han's eyesight came back oh my god he's a sharp shooter i truly believe that the rebels end up winning because they had a great healthcare program within their within their ranks and i think that's why the empire lost if you're a storm trooper you must be sitting there wondering like who who cares about me who cares well i care i care i care i care i care it's a pun i got lasik myself and the procedure was terrifying okay they cut my eyes open and i was awake but i'll tell you what i'm glad i did it because i can see well ish i would do that again in a heartbeat i'd say emperor palpatine pin me down and cut me open because i want to see what i'm shooting this war doesn't need to be as long as it is we don't need to lose as many soldiers as we do let's try and imagine a world where stormtroopers have great eyesight and the impact that would have what does that look like what is that what does that war look like that's a world i want to live in it's a world we can create together you want me to hold it i can hold it you know what jordan we should make a little video to right this wrong we can go through and we can almost take the trilogy compact it and just make it the shortest war of all time because end of the day if they're hitting their shots there's only like six people we have to take out to kind of end the war they hit luke they hit leia they hit han rebellion done death star totally fine the first one it's fine no need for a rebuild that's good i love the angle of you know darth vader he's been he's had some health issues himself he's missing a couple legs missing a couple arms severely burned being part of the empire you know it cost him an arm and a leg so that's comedy that's comedy darth's like the relatable boss he cares about the troops because he's been there he's been through it so vader will give the troopers the healthcare they need and then i'm thinking just death compilation and in houdini there's something that i've been wanting to build which is there's some new ragdoll tools in houdini 19 and this feels like the perfect opportunity to just take all the models of these star wars characters ragdoll the heck out of them and just start throwing bodies i think maybe we bring back luke skywalker we know what nico can do when he takes dean's perfect little mark hamill face and really looks it up great so we got a game plan we're gonna dive into the edit first find the scenes that we need to build this thing out uh start scouring the internet for some assets to actually make this thing possible and uh finally give these stormtroopers the healthcare they deserve so in our last video together fender taught me a little bit about nuke and it only feels right that i repay you by teaching you a little bit about houdini oh how to turn tables as the saying goes in this short we have a lot of different characters that we want to kill off but we have a very funny idea for lando and it's ironically the perfect opportunity for you to get your hands wet feet wet bloody for you to get your hands bloody on some of this simulation work so the idea here is that lando looks up and in the distance tie fighters are on their way and they're accurate shots so they hit you know they're gonna hit it we're gonna throw them off the top of this ship and uh i figure i'll give you the rundown of the houdini ragdoll system because arguably the most powerful thing inside of houdini is its ability to handle complex simulations there is a new pretty comprehensive set of tools in the new houdini 19 and you can do some really powerful and cool things we're going to ragdoll lando calrissian what we can do is isolate this geometry and clip the geometry so i can literally just cut his legs off oh the poor boy and the poor boy and then when i plug it into the deform here well guess what everything still works exactly as it should oh that's awesome so the full animation the full ragdoll is now legless he looks like lieutenant duhan and dan okay so now we have a pipeline to rag all these characters when they get hit by these newly accurate stormtroopers but you might be wondering where did you get all these high-res models of these star wars characters thanks to our bells in russia yeah thanks to our friends in russia all the models for the star wars universe from star wars battlefront 2 are online and available for download for free you just have to click on buttons that are in russian and you don't necessarily know what you're agreeing to but it's worth it the models already look amazing we just basically have to bring them into blender and basically rebuilding out the textures and shading we got to find some creative ways to kill off these characters they can't just all get shot in the head you know that only lasts for so long before it gets boring so you get a character that's covered in hair like chewbacca gotta light that son of a gun up y'all y'all have been to burning man there's a whole there's a whole other step up burning vodka have you seen him with hit without hair though for all of you who have been curious about what chewbacca looks like under the fur we have an answer and it may upset you look at this beast burn it look at this thing are those teeth chewy come on have you ever seen a face that that has been asking to be burned more than this one so we'll be running the fire simulation for this shot of chewie in a program called embryogen you guys actually might remember the first time that we ever used emojin at corridor was for ren's first satisfying some say unsatisfying render of his smoky head on his front lawn it's incredible a borderline real-time fire simulator there's a ton of presets right out the gate it's very very intuitive to use and fenner shot me in fbx just basically an animation of the chewbacca model flailing and falling to the ground and i was able to import that into emerging and just light that puppy up just immediately and it looks really good you know after playing with some shading settings i bounced him out some different passes the fire you know the smoke different lighting passes and you know being the wizard that he is he's able to composite it really quickly into the scene and it looks great so far okay so fenner i have something to show you as well this is this is kind of one of our hero deaths right this is one that we really build up to and so it needs to be satisfying in its own uniquely horrific way basically there's a line and a new hope where han is sitting there talking to greedo and he says over my dead body and you know what i think he's just kind of asking for it so yeah comedy dictates that's when he has to die and of course there's a lot of debate over who shot first right but we want to introduce a third party into this the stormtroopers right they're going to settle the debate no one shoots first they shoot them both let's rap this out all right they're accurate now we finish this war's over so essentially what we need to do is we need to explode han's head peter has done some head explosions here before that are definitely the inspiration for this so i'm going to pay homage in my own way and so what we have to do is we have to build a layered head from the ground up basically and i'm no doctor but i know three things there's skin on a head there's a brain in a head most times and there's a skull inside of houdini we've layered these things right we have the head of han solo and inside of the head i went ahead and designed this chunky bloody skull inside the skull we've got the brain harrison ford's actual brain it was it was his actual brain so big there's also of course el house in heads which is spanish for eyes we've got the main eyeball we've got the cover for the eye and we've got the stem the eye stem and this is this is bad this is bad science or bad biology because i don't think the eyes built like this at all but uh it's all we need really to hang on because i want the eyeball to pop out and dangle this is something that peter's done in the past and i love it i've always wanted to do it so after i simulate the eyeball i'll pre-fracture the brain and the skull and tie those pieces together with what are called constraints these constraints are just basically polygon lines that connect from one piece to another and inform them that they are bound to that object unless a certain force breaks their bond and that's the way that this rigid body simulation stuff works and so i'm introducing a big force on the inside of the head to break all those constraints and explode the head outwards and after that simulated i'll layer on yet another simulation for the goofy blood explosion so it should be like pretty horrific that's certainly the goal and again you know i'm really excited to see what fenner can do with these elements in comp to make it even worse for all of you because that's what we do we're trying to make it as nasty as possible hey welcome to kashyyyk chris and i are actually stormtroopers but ever since we got accurate there's not really much to do daddy vader up there sent us down to hunt some wookies now darth vader's a bit forgetful but luckily today's sponsor bespoke post has us covered they've supplied us with everything we need for a successful hunting trip bespoke post is a monthly membership club which delivers awesome boxes of top shelf goods from under the radar brands so every month they introduce cool new boxes that have new products of outdoor gear home and kitchen goods clothing and more each box has like 70 dollars worth of goods inside but only cost you a fraction of that because we got the bean here which is a super sick headlamp which i'm about to pull out every month you get something cool i have this watch that's from bespoke too so christian has us covered on lighting but what are we gonna do when we actually catch a wookie we're gonna have to chop up the meats somehow chop them up luckily one of the boxes that bespoke sent us was this terra box and it comes with this sweet japanese inspired survival knife once i use my knife to skin them and get the meat then we have to smoke them that's where this next bespoke box comes really in handy everything you need to smoke and fuse your cocktails your meats your cheeses and sausage way nicer than anything on the death star so what's really cool is every month you get to preview the box that they assign you based on your preferences and you can one keep it to swap it for another box or three you can skip the month entirely for no charge you only pay for what you want and it's really cool because their box lineup constantly changes each month you can get twenty percent off your first purchase if you click the link in the description and enter the code quarter crew 20 or go to bespokepost.com quarter crew 20. i swear to god they have really cool stuff go check it out so we've been making great progress on this video jordan's kicking out some amazing simulations from houdini i've been just trying to rip through as many shots as i can in nuke tons of comp shots some cg stormtroopers we've got some awesome darth vader stuff another thing i've been really trying to do is dial in the look of these cg renders to try to emulate the filmic look of the original trilogy we're now at a point where we need to start shooting our own practical elements our own plates to use so we're going to be shooting jordan doing our motion capture for darth vader which we'll be using deep motion for we will be revamping our stormtrooper benefits program what is this voice where did this voice come from and we're going to be shooting with sam and nico on our brand new green screen for our x-wing cockpit shots so as long as everything keeps going this smoothly i think we should be all good for the deadline here we got a serious problem here our main man jordan he's stuck in my homeland they won't let him out i think we gotta call him and find out what happened what are you doing up there bro okay so i've been on vacation in montreal it's been great had a great time and i was going to board my flight but before you board your flight you have to take a cover test lo and behold bro i i tested positive right as i was going through security so they literally escorted me via security out of the airport so i had a police escort out of the airport and then they just said just go just go somewhere and and hide in a hole for five days so i've been hiding in that whole recovery dang man and uh it's kind of freaky when you're not when you're in another country and you are not feeling good yeah it's kind of it's kind of freaky man especially when you're not allowed to see any doctors they straight up told me they're like we can't have you see the doctors you know medicare or something but i'm not allowed to enjoy the free healthcare so i have to stop right now this is a perfect parallel this is how the stormtroopers feel when they don't have eye care coverage it's not right so just cross your fingers for me that i can escape yeah man you escaped canada so do you have any any advice for me i mean what should i do i don't know man you got you need those like those uh cool bro border security guards that i ran into what awful timing too like we were feeling so comfortable and confident with that two weeks we had left yeah man it's too bad you're not here like we've got this um the deep fake shot coming up so it'd be awesome to get your help on that but we'll try to do it without you i think i think for this occasion i i think we're all just thankful that nico's not trapped in montreal as well yeah man i'm just trying to come home that's my mission man i just gotta get back so we can push really hard next week and just get it done we'll uh feel better and uh cross my fingers for you for friday dude thank you brother me too right on all right later jordan [Music] looks like we got to call in the big guns i'm ready so there's two scenes in this piece that we're gonna be using the deep fake luke for one is right after luke has been rescued and he's just waking up in the med bay and the other we're gonna put him in his actual x-wing cockpit we'll have his jumpsuit the helmet and everything so we sat dean down from the green screen we shot our med-base scene and next up was our x-wing scene so by removing the visor my face is perfectly exposed so now we can apply the deep fake right in this little region it's gonna look great so now that we've shot our green screen footage of dean we can take the amazing deep fake model that nico has trained up for that mandalorian video and apply it onto our footage that we've shot we're going to fire up this luke skywalker deep fake and get her running there it is nice that looks shockingly good already yeah it's really really nice deep vegas holy crap man this is insanely impressive hey look at that skin detail yeah seriously like the little moles and his little scar details man i forgot how good this looked i'm really happy with it we should we should do more luke skywalker cameos yeah man i forgot that we have a luke skywalker filter yeah i think you know compared to the most recent luke deep fake like the quality of this deep fake's not that far off so niko's walked me through the deep fake process here and everything's looking really good it kind of blows my mind that this isn't actually mark hamill that's just the deep fake that's actually dean it's bizarre so you can see there's some you know blend issues with the forehead and that sort of thing the color doesn't match exactly but that's where our comp work comes in [Music] so the next step after we had our deep fake applied is that i ran the original plate through keen tools program face tracker and face builder in nuke which basically gives us a cg model of dean's face and gives us the tracking of the actual head so the reason we did this face track is so that we have dean's head motion and face motion so that we're able to basically tie our cg visor and chin strap in and make it look like it's part of the helmet and mimicking the motion that dean is making in all the plates and what's really nice about this is we have all the different lighting reflections on the visor with all the little smudges and kind of surface imperfections on the visor that are there in the battlefront models which are again just shouting out the artists at dice they're incredible so using the alpha of the visor here we're able to kind of cast some of that orange kind of lighting onto our defects face to make it look like you know there's actually light being shown through the visor and that it's getting a little bit of that orange yellow lighting onto luke's face here so one thing that i think really helps kind of sell our deep fake in this is having a object in front of it that's something that deep fakes can't really emulate that well at this point they can sometimes do glasses but you need to really train it with the original footage of them wearing those exact glasses and it's still going to look kind of you know janky it's not going to have that 3d perspective that we're getting here so having this kind of the cg visor and the cg chin strap it actually sort of helps hide some of the imperfections that are in our deep fake i think it looks pretty good it's not going to ever be perfect but i think you would look at this and you'd be like oh hey that's luke which that's kind of what we're going for here i'm really happy with how this deep fake turned out i think it's a nice little kind of final act reveal for the video you know we're still down a man but we've been making really good progress on this and i'm really really hoping that we can just push through and get this video done in time for this weekend with star wars celebration because we want to you know really celebrate our stormtroopers and give them the healthcare that they deserve so the time is finally here we finished the video just in time for star wars celebration this weekend and our boy is finally back honey i'm home i literally had to hop on a bus to cross the border to be here in time to finish this video the entire time that i was in captivity in canada i was concerned that we weren't going to meet this deadline and ren graciously stepped in to help us carry that baton forward but here we are so just super pumped really happy with the final product and it's thanks to everyone here who all played a part in their own unique and beautiful way if it's anything like the last videos it's gonna be amazing wow bar said hi yeah let's just hit play man i'm i'm dying to see the final let's see how this looks [Music] what do you think this is all about i don't know he never tells us anything morning boys so a few of you have raised concerns over our lack of eye care coverage and trust me i get it when pelpi has assured me that we will be revamping our stormtrooper benefits program hell yeah brother you get 20 20 vision you will get 20 20 visions everybody gets 20 20 pigeons here we go i got them [Music] [Music] i thought you said gun i can't wait to tell boss we got luke and leia there's the old man take him out scallywags so uncivilized [Music] let me just leave this party [Music] [Music] are there instructions here [Music] hey bro check this out 360 no scope [Music] [Music] come on where are you stupid furball hey check it out there it is watch and learn rookie [Music] [Music] headshots bro i could spot that lip bookie from a mile away [Music] oh jeez how are we going to tell him that all of his friends are dead relax he is waking up well luke this is awkward but you are our only hope seriously they're all dead geez this rebellion's useless ah careful that's my lightsaber hand it's just you and our two left and those two rookie pilots over there these two rookies well i guess it's just us three against the empire is it cool our two rides on my x-wing okay this is red leader this is red komodo standing by red scarlet's standing by just stick with me and stay in formation we're gonna be fine quick question uh i heard there's a tiny guy inside of r2d2 any chance i'll be able to meet him [Music] oh watch out for those star them they're trek my six this is nothing like the simulations don't worry the forces on earth that's a good trick oh that's like it's just me and r2 and you too luke all right the trench is coming up you can count on me luke yeah be advised we have rebel fighters in the trenches these stormtroopers are ruining everything only one river left luke use the force shut up the old one you're dead i'm almost there i'm gonna launch my tormentor in three two oh yeah wow okay so we won uh honestly happened a lot faster than i expected so uh yeah set blasters to fun blue builds on me [Applause] was that your voice theme yeah that's your oh my god your one-liners are so good it's like ah that's my lightsaber hand it's like what dude it was so much it was it got it literally got better and better and better that is so good there's so many shots how many shots did you guys do for this i think it's over a hundred one-third the number of the effect shots that are in a new hope i mean the one shot that definitely stood out though the the firing range with like the paper yeah that was good i guess you're hot off that satisfying render with uh like all the like cloth sam now freaking han's head going away who did my one question who put the mustache on yeah okay that was like truly the best touch because it was completely unnecessary yeah yeah yeah that's actually henry cavill's mustache we cut it out and put it on han solo's face oh my god it's so many layers of course shout out to nick aka shrimp nick for uh for the awesome edit that he put together for this video special shout out to natalie for creating the awesome props we used in the x-wing shoot and if you guys want to learn more about that check out crewcuts on quarterdigital.com and uh huge shout out to casey and kevin who helped with all the score and the sound design for the video they absolutely killed it and if you guys want to see this as a standalone video just by itself hop over to youtube.com corridor it's living there for you we had a ton of fun making this video and we got quite a few more ideas for stuff we want to do in the future but if you guys have any ideas we read the comments so leave a comment below please inspire us may the force be with you
Channel: Corridor Crew
Views: 1,765,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Star Wars, Breakdown, Parody, Stormtroopers, Han Solo, Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, Deepfake, Princess Leia, VFX, CGi
Id: w4AlntZdkbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 5sec (1565 seconds)
Published: Sun May 29 2022
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