We Try the WORST Candy Cane Flavors We Could Find - Will It Candy Cane?

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today we're going to ask the age old question candy cane or Cy cane yeah age old I hear people ask that question all the time then try years well today we're trying all the wild flavors of candy canes and as you can see behind us as promised and in what we're wearing we may have done a few Amazon boxes and over those length of time collected some gnarly Christmas attire and not bad accoutrements what would you call these I like autrement that's a good one so here you are autal sounds morec this is a fancy christm then that's Spanish round one all right so we have 10 different flavors of candy canes Cy canes candy canes I'm going to give you this oh F that is so tall it's like a little made out of real tree whatever those little fatties thick those are fat little candy canes look at that that's one way to put it yeah do we want to start with the inevitably crap flavor the brown if you want get the crap out of the way Chaka what do you think it is things that are flavored chocolate without actual chocolate or poop smell it taste it write down the flavor that you think it is I see myself in the ornament don't worry I heard the instructions we snap it into a slim want to snap into it oh yeah shut a piece off it feels so wrong to just break oh oh my go why does it smell what is this oh my gosh that smells like dog food bro oh my gosh why does it smell did you smell it I did tell you guys that these were 10 different flavors of candy canes is this so they all suck these are all so this isn't a will going to suck what oh no really oh my gosh dude I mean you might find one or two flavors that you guys like I don't know dude this is straight up dog food this smells horrendous like I don't even oh it smells familiar though bro you can't you got to taste it I am writing down my first answer based on smell if it's the same I'll leave it if not I'll P my cuz I think I know my mouth just went dry it chased away all the moisture in my in my mouth my God you're know even going to bite it you don't bite candy canes bro if we're trying them we're trying them I'm trying well that's the thing is the Candy Cane's meant to be sucked oh my it doesn't confused it doesn't taste near as bad as it smells but the smell is is the smell is awful oh there it is hell what are [Music] you I'm sorry I I can't suck on it you put it in your mouth when you're done with it you pull it out it's over I wanted to try it you that was a bad decision oh that is so bad I think I'm sticking with my original answer let's see your answers in 3 2 1 cat food veite oh vemite the smell the smell made me think Vite immediately is it veite gravy gravy What freaking gravy what kind of gravy are we talking that is so bad it smells exactly like and tastes just like well I would imagine cat food like you know the cat food and gravy that's what that yeah smells and tastes like to me what if they're all three made at the same place yeah maybe I wouldn't doubt it that stuff sucks round two here I thought this was going to be fun you fool we've been had don't let the colors fool you they probably suck these yellow ones look fun tastes like urine why you laughing she's laughing as she's walking away oh my gosh wow res iant that's so gross dude it's so gross oh my gosh smells like feet I know what that is try before you deny you just can't breathe through your nose while you're doing it kind of tastes like butter Scotch oh no now I wonder dude the smell and The Taste do not line up at all no not at all it's so far both of these candy canes have absolutely Reed saved it gosh dang it is this some sort of cheese I got this one are you sure I am certain did you bite it no bite it my first answer is what it smells like my second answer is my actual answer okay I can appreciate that all right let's see your answers 3 2 1 smells like cheese tastes like buttered popcorn oh no but if you read it it says cheese buttered popcorn you guys you guys are close on this one okay close neither of us are right it that was my other guest mac and cheese candy canes I had that dang it I tasted the cheddar okay I tasted the Mac there I feel like specialty name aside I feel like I nailed it you think about it there was a moment when I was like mac and cheese that you know what but then my brain was like nah you know what that's actually pretty spot on I smell it now cuz it smells like cheese do I get any points I feel like that's I think you can see the connection there we both said cheese do we get both get half a point yeah I'll give you both half a point all right half a point that's it I feel like that's spot on I don't know down in the comments let us know spot on would be like actually correct round three let's throw a little hope our way that one that one looks horrendous two green like the white is green and that is a sign of trouble I'm I'm I'm starting to try to I'm kind of picking up their themes here wa think brussels sprouts broccoli maybe broccoli oh my gosh how does it get worse you got me nervous bro oh my I can smell it from here bro close your eyes Okay and picture yourself in the kitchen you're making dinner it's a nice savory dinner you open it a pot and just smelling this okay now smell it that smells nice now smells nice right if you forget that it's a candy that's a pot roast right smells like I'm thinking like Oh paston no paston you're close it's like the angel hair you're close and it's got like the herbs and spices made with garlic and herb garlic and herb parmesan M it has smells good dinner when you see it's a candy cane it smells like butthole I feel like we're in the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory when they're like eating that candy and it's going through like a full three course meal or whatever yeah yeah there you go I would not have done that holy crap that is by far the worst oh my god oh you know what it is I know what it is what what is it it's so bad you don't want to know what it is a you took such a big bite and it exploded just dust in your mouth with FL oh that one is that one is very bad oh my gosh I know exactly what it is it exploded in my mouth dude I got in a we got to cleanse the pallet oh sniff the marker it's helping it's clearing it out all right let's see your answers 3 two 1 broccol broccoli and Che broccoli and jeddar cheese is it is it 100% I mean I called it in the beginning just by the color were we wrong we're wrong sour cream and onion no okay so whoever's in your flavor Department you better check if they actually can taste things oh it's so bad though but sour cream and onion is good yeah doesn't taste like that it tastes it tastes more like broccoli and cheese if I'm being honest 100% sour cream and onion not even not so much not even round four these are so bad where do you even buy these Amazon man makes sense doesn't smell it does have a smell to it but it's very faint gross what is this I'm not having fun this is terrible idea whose idea was this I only have it in my mouth still cuz I cannot tell what the heck it is I have a guess the inside tastes different than the outside oh dang see I would say this one tastes like onion that's what I was going to say more than that one tastes way more like than onion than the last round oh gosh all right let's see nauseous 3 two one ham ham bro we on the same page we are the same person mail hit and it is bacon same thing see in this case it is the same cuz ham is just thick bacon what what say ye Bacon points guard it even looks like bacon now you guys can have another half a point each yeah I'll take it point I'll take it we both have man this point system is Jank round five okay what's going to ruin us this time it's a lot of green you going to give the old spinner rooki try this gray and breed one dude I was thinking the gray yeah look that one gray and red yeah why not that is gross looking why is it that color that is not a good color I'm proud of us yeah we're on the same page on a lot of these get this I think they should hire us for taste testing yeah said maybe not clearly they haven't tasted enough nope pallet cleanser not a good idea it tastes [Music] terrible oh my gosh oh my gosh is there a fish in here somewhere dude that one's bad oh oh my gosh it's bad but I feel like I recognize it down on the hatch oh protect yourself oh I can't I can't my splatter shield I cannot oh my gosh it is so putrid and vile it is L like that little bit is tainting my T gosh did you put a chunk in no try a chunk I don't want a chunk do it try a chunk do it join me feel my pain I get the heck out of here what's wrong with you I don't know the tides have turned you're me like 3 years ago and I'm you how are you handling that bro I need some I need some Fisherman's friend right now this is so bad that is so bad what the heck is that how is it they keep getting worse how have we not hit a better one I don't know dude I don't know you started with gravy like all right let's see your answers 3 two 1 Sammy cuz I mean the white rice gray gray awesome are you freaking kidding me are there bits real p in there Pome bro the pink is the color of its freaky little hands and feet and its creepy little tail and the gray is its fur look at it him he says tastes like me where did you get where you these deep Alabama like what is this crap pawsum [Applause] spice paum that wasn't even on the radar for guessing yeah not even close round six I don't know if I can do this anymore man we got to go faster oh my gosh what is happening I'm scared now that is not natural he has one that's pliable B go that is not okay this is not even food there's no way this is edible what is this creature it's pliable what that is disgusting look at this somebody look at this take a look at this it's a candy [Laughter] stick I know exactly what it is celery this is a trick it's exactly what you think it is there's not even a question in my mind only problem is I don't know what the heck they're called the softness is creeping me out yeah it's mushy yeah freaking weird it's like a Taffy all right let's see your answers three it's Wasabi two one not black black red it's the little green candies that are t Cy like you know what I'm talking about no bro they're the little tiny candies and they like come in a clear wrapper and they look like a peppermint but they're like elongated and they have the green stripes that actually does kind s familiar and they like they're Taffy like I don't like I don't have a name for them they have a black licorice flavor to them though not black black licorice f are you kidding me it tastes nothing like f f is good what the [ __ ] here's the thing the last ones were so horrendous that this one tastes okay I mean I guess it kind of tastes like the noodle the rice noodles in a way these things oh they look familiar Christmas nougats yeah did you ever try them peppermint Christmas nougats I don't know dude they taste just like that yeah the CH the peppermint Christmas nougats so it wasn't green it was red had green in there tree round seven that one was so weird yeah that was oh they're all going to suck was a nice little break now I'm like now I'm suspicious this one every other on what what horrendous flavor could be pink I'm sure there's a lot I'm always afraid to break the seal right what smell it will release take a whiff I don't want to right up in there I don't want to Deep woo what are you what other roadkill creature what this freaking smells like a little little secreter a secreter you might deep fry maybe eating a cocktail a shrimp kind of seem shrimp like I don't think so man taste it oh my gosh oh that is so bad what did you eat it did you not eat it no no I have not done anything yet what you I'm watching you man oh there's the flavor I got nothing I got something it's probably hot dog water I bet that's what it is something Oceanic that's what I'm thinking all right let's see your answers 3 two one squid raw fish squid that would have been a good one are you you kidding me right now oh my gosh bro you called it you hot dog oh my God that I'll tell you right now that tastes absolutely nothing like a hot dog not even close C I'll give you half a point for that yeah good on you bud dude it tastes so bad they color people are spot on yeah the color people know what they're doing but the freaking tasters are just not even they is that just a naked dog are you not even dressing it not put any mustard or ketchup on it that's pulled straight out of the hot dog water round eight they're semi- inviting flavors you know mean say bu I mean like it's very deceiving oh 100% yeah you you look at these and you're like oh yeah I'm getting a treat watermelon nope that's a familiar smell smells like crotch vegan crotch I'm just kidding it goes another taking a bite dude it has to be something I think you're on something that tastes is so that smells like it's got like a it's definitely some green plant that's what I think but see you got to spin it cuz there's no way it's just something that simple n bro it's got like there's some there's some punch there that's not celery what is is that tastes very vegan but like so vegan that I don't even think vegans eat this but they would may be actually oh it might be I'm going for it kale seems but it still seems too average cuz kale kind of has a mint taste to it doesn't it I don't know I never eat kale it tastes like it's not supposed to be eaten all right flip your boards 3 2 1 kale fresh cut grass or dandelions bro it tastes like all the above I know tastes like kale a yeah yeah I take the lead baby yes oh gross a dude our taste buds are so good my guy so bad round nine I admire your bravery this round you are in it I am so hesitant the devil is that oh I just had it let me take a take some of the them look clean it up now I can't smell it get you some of these hitters bro I can't smell this one the smell was there and then it just disappeared okay it's not just me it's familiar I know that I know that flavor there was a scent right out the gate that like literally hit some sort of memory but then it quickly evaded as soon as the smell evaporated green onions oh spinach or seaweed I could see those but I think it's green onion green onion it could be green onion pickles dude that makes so much sense gosh dang it a very bad pickle yeah like all of them I'll be honest doesn't really taste like pickle it's like a faint pickle that's a very bad like knowing that it's pickle I feel like I lean more towards seaweed definitely not a pickley taste final round did we save the best last or the worst I'm not that helpful that's going to be some meat product one and a half points to two points so it's anyone's game oh it's so bad or it mightbe so I'm either right or it's like or half right what I'm either right I'm either full r or half right so you're either going to win or tie is yes breing it out baby I think I got it I think I brought it home let's see the answers 3 two 1 Pizza Pizza see and I say I'm half I could be half right cuz it might just be tomato soup that's the thing like the tomato is the common denominator here I see that now but candy cane flavor I know it's definitely Pizza Bud oh no okay so since this is the last round I'm gonna tell you guys that you're both wrong you have one more chance to guess both wrong all right that was a short answer I don't think it's a short answer 3 two one RAB you taste it KET ketchup come on not even close that is not ketchup it tastes like you're trying to I mean obviously tomato that does not taste like ketchup not even remotely you can taste the bread you can taste the pasta the Tomato if anything tomato sauce it's just tomato sauce yeah it tastes like tomato sauce not ketchup that's gross wrong you're wrong you're wrong andies candies or whatever the freak you're called Archie MC that's the guy Ry candies bro we need to sell a shirt this says Randy's candies on it that would be so dope I like it I love same font covered in Gross candy canes oh I love ity candies oh my gosh I am beyond thrilled that that is done and over that was the longest taste test ever that was horrendous from start to finish so bad so do any of these candy canes candy cane they all can't they all can't they canot not a single one was enjoyable one of them wasn't even a candy cane it was freaking gooey weirdness well if you're new here make sure you hit that subscribe button down below on this channel and uh thank you so much for tuning in we hope you enjoyed it we'll see you guys here next time Deuces bye pink he's scared little kindergartner do you how about I don't work works did That's all folks get what you get all of this
Channel: Men Try Videos
Views: 54,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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