Can We Tell the Difference Vegan Cookies vs Traditional?? - Take & Bake Cookies Taste Test!

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I just remember Santa on his slay singing I did it all how does song Go I can't no idea we can't remember the you take that cookie stick it in your mouth and eat it cuz it's a delicious treat yes for all to enjoy nothing nefarious or naughty about [Applause] it try your today we are taste testing all the take-home and bake chocolate chip cookie options that we could find we're doing it blindly so guess what we're not going to know until the very end which one ranks Supreme so let's get to [Music] it it's like a what do they call it a a a Sherie a chuchi board shuchi board of cies just so you guys know as you're tasting you can kind of take mental notes we have Mrs Fields oldfashioned chunky chocolate chip chip okay sweet Lauren's chocolate chunk Simple Truth plant-based chocolate chip you think that was going to be obvious sucks Great Value chocolate chip probably delicious Kroger chocolate chip probably not bad Nestle Toll House a yeah classic and Pillsbury chocolate chip okay quite the board here only one crap cookie on here I guess oh well I mean if you're considering that crap cookie there is uh the sweet Laurens those are also plant-based dairyfree and gluten-free so we have two options that are plant-based don't ruin good stuff with your stupid plants right just stick to your salads and be happy if you want a cookie eat a freaking cookie people have intolerances Cam yeah I have an intolerance I love milk dude and we can't forget our trusted whiteboard buddy boy oh yeah we got to be able to rank our top seven or our top three sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe crap that's right this one plant base I know where it goes maybe round one okay bud we should have brought our Santa hats we could have tasted these like Santa gave a real ranking I mean okay I know this video is going up in November but uh Hey cookies are you round I don't care man I don't care I'm rocking the Christmas gear be mad at me down in the comments comments I don't care your anger does not upset my joyness of the Season scientifically those who put up Christmas earlier are generally happier yeah that's why I put up Christmas in July I what was that dude I tried breaking it in half it is so tender that it broke into like five pie you know why cuz made of leaves you think oh yeah dude look at that shoddy construction oh yeah this a it's falling apart there's no GL this isn't real food food we [Music] go it's pretty good it's not bad I read somewhere that plants scream when you eat them they do apparently seems to be a chocolate chunk if I'm not mistaken I see no chips more chunk like who is it Leonard's that's a pretty classic cookie not bad cookie not bad at all okay so what are you thinking we start him in the middle uh how where's oh well done that's a strong magnet I hope it's strong enough to hold the bigger cookies we didn't do a lot of R&D before this episode that'll work round two oh Mom and an as this one looks sus as the kids say it's holding together a little more yeah it's a little bit more bendy see this one looks like it's made with real stuff you're taking this very seriously oh we got to know like this could change lives that's good that one's good that's what I'm talking about that's a little bit more home the other one even though these are all fresh the other one did feel a bit more dry this one's feeling a little bit more moist a little bit more buttery it's got some salt and sugar in there it's got some you know delicious what are you thinking on the last one in this one I think this one's way better than the last one do you think the last one's plant-based I kind of do do you think I have my suspicions okay so if we're going to rank this one at a three what are we thinking above this one but not the best yet cuz see what we do is we set our our our starting point and then everything else goes be after or before yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah and it moves along should just shove the magnet in the bottom of it oh wait are you really going to try it sometimes maybe good no dang it sometimes maybe I was so confident oh dude I was so sure I was so sure it was going to work dude the magnet like shot out of it like I don't it didn't even try to stay clearly that didn't work got to got to stick to the bags there you go you can't fold the bag yeah let's fold them go ahe and fold it I think that one's going to be moving its way up oh all right not exactly the best display but round three o man I don't see this is honestly a really really hard taste what there two plant-based ones this one's another Crispy Crunchy one now cam how what do you like in a cookie freaking cookie ingredients I like in especially in chocolate chip cookies I mean I like the chunks I like the chunks I like them to be like about that big and like perfectly moist in the center and they kind of have the waves across you what I'm talking about like the heels and valleys not just like a I I got you you know what I'm talking about you want to see the chunk I want when you pull it apart it to kind of couple little pieces kind of fall down cuz it's just light feathery M so kind of gooey yeah moist you like them thick or thin though I know you said like the mountains and valleys but like are we talking like big mountains and valleys or you talking no I like thin thin but gooey yeah like that that thick like quarter inch I got you I got you I think I'm kind of in the same boat mhm m chocolate on that one is good ah man this game really is a shot tastes like that one was a pretty pretty great value if I just say it so myself I could see that right I could but here's the thing I could see that about all the cookies right what if they all come from the same Factory just different packages you think it's better that one I like the flavor of that one more it's more of a chocolate chip cookie in my book flavor is better consistency is not which is more important ooh I think ooh consistency is important cuz you can take the same brand of cookie you really like cook it like crap and it sucks or you get better consistency and it's even better like it amplifies okay what are you thinking that one was really good was it though I think it was I mean if I'm being honest both of these were just kind of run-of-the-mill nothing of them none of them really jumped out at me it's definitely better than four yes but for now it might it might even little see it's a little too it's hard see look at the color here it's very important that's good color look at this this is too long in the oven but is that user error or is that cookie I bet that's instruction error these were baked according to packaging see a rush toour defense Sheed hold on know I'm saying for for scientific purposes I did not judge based on color I did exactly what the packaging says all right that's good that's good scientific research method round four here's the thing H when you got a wife that makes a really good cookie you don't really care about the take- home and bake options exactly that's the thing too there's always something different about this one's really hard too yep it's not good that's not good it's going to influence decision no no real give they just break doesn't mean they're terrible but you like them a little bit there's a little bit of gooey on those chips it's got the Hills and Valleys that you like now would you call those chips or chunks those ones are definitely chips for sure that one's crunchy crunchy is not bad it's not but it's not great either man I'll tell you what I couldn't tell you any of these they all taste exactly the same here's what's going to happen we're going to taste them all and then we're going to judge them by how they look and rearrange it four or five four or five you think it's worse I like these two better I could see that goodbye Simple Truth yeah we know it's you can't hide can't hide behind that facade watch that feels very how much BS would it be if this was the simple truth or what if that one is D that I we don't know man everything's being hidden by I say if you in that cookie Tes exactly the same as one that's not made of plants somebody's lying round five I think that last one was Pillsbury really I don't know I have no clue I'm literally which brand do you hope wins which one's your favorite I don't care which one wins which one's your favorite I don't have you got to have one I don't it's going to be Mrs Fields or Nestle or Pillsbury that's usually the big they're the big three what about Miss fields did she that's what I said that was the first thing I said I'm not listening to anything you say tonight and what's a n a barn fighting out in the field who's St Lauren sweet sweet Lauren sweet Lauren apparently not good enough to be this cookie looks like it's a first place that right there that looks like a first place cookie that's a good looking cookie it's got the chunks it's got the chips it's got the size it's got the thickness does it have the pliability it has the pability gooiness without the like oh yeah dude that might be our way dinner that one that was Miss fields for sure oh oh yeah that's a Cookie bud that's what I'm talking about it gives you the feeling that you're eating cookie dough I see that but it's like crispy too this one's perfect because the the literally The Edge is a little like a little bit crispy but the center is gooey mhm it's got a good color good consistency good size this is a good cookie it's got a good flavor oh yeah that one right there done Mrs Fields that one simple truth that be so mad I hope your world gets rocked Miss Fields ain't standing for it round six I'm going be I'm going to be so mad if that last round was sweet laen I want to keep calling it St Lawrence now look at this sad and pathetic tiny a cookie I mean it's got the Hills and Valleys but the size is not there consistency looks consistency is looking promising looks like tracks okay Maybe I'm Wrong got some good crispiness yeah I think this one's going to be great value right here cuz we all know Great Value loads up on that Sugar boy you know what I mean I had a weird I had a weird hit there that legit made my like reflexes jump not going to lie I'm getting cookie out bro goodz we only got one left that's the thing cookies go straight to the energy Factory and just turn it off I just can't get it going it's just nope I'll be I'll be honest this one right here this one is maybe sh is what this one maybe sh that would yeah tastes weird it looked promising but it tastes terrible sounds pretty sweet Lauren to me that did not taste right and if it's not the plant-based one then they need to fish their recipe cuz that is bad final round I mean that could be very you we I think I'm spot on oh I didn't rank the last one what should we have done not last one that one was sweet sweet lawen this one definitely came in a square little little stringiness is that a hair in yours yeah get out of there from you I don't know it looked kind of like mine but it looked white to me I don't know how get how did it even get there these are chocolatey chips this once was a square how do you know this one was a square you can see the remnants of the square cuz it melt it melts from the bottom so the square like comes down gra Valley PB to be fair I think all but maybe one or two were squares sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe squares no this one's garbage two I think six oh that is not a cookie disgrace you know what's funny I think this ranking is great it's spot on I don't know if we need to change any of them not at all the only one I might think about changing would be that one but honestly like I think they're right I think they're perfect I think we nailed it h that means I want all right so go ahead and just for the fun of it go ahead and guess which cookie is is which hu man I don't know that last one was so garbage it makes me feel like that last one was simple truth no that's I was kind of majority of these total shots in the dark for me oh yeah so I'm going off look mostly coming in at number seven what did you guys guess was number seven number seven sweet Laurens I did Simple Truth this seven hey we you know we're both pretty close I think what would you do don't say it don't say it if I said that to house nesle to house across the I knew it are you kidding me I knew it oh boy I freaking knew it if there's a plantbased cookie in the top three I will burn this house down not my house I will say I will say after tasting all the other cookies guarantee that one's the worst one it promise you it had a very manufactured taste dude it tastes terrible you know what I mean like it tastes like it came off of conveyor I couldn't even finish the cookie it was so bad oh no okay all right number six all right number six what did you guys guess Simple Truth number six I guessed sweet Lawrence get no don't you dare say pillsberry you dare say don't it's not pillsberry but number six is Kroger I mean that means we have two plant-based ones still out there still lurking in the deps oh no I know that's it it's these two it's five and three those are the pl ones oh is that is that so better not be three though just saying all right number five what did you guys guess I said Pillsbury that little dough boy I put Nestle as my number five well you're wrong number five is sweet Lawrence oh K could not in the the top three plant-based dairy free glutenfree funfree I mean was that that was that was the very first one we tasted that was the one that then moved down M we knew that that one was off we did we did think that one wa oh dumb I was just so sure they'd be in the last place so it changed my choice well number four all right yeah number four what' you guys put Kroger pillsberry number four is actually simple truth plant yes oh wow so these two yes yes okay all right all right save some face with that one okay not going to lie though looking at this number two would not be in the top three it's just the wrong color number two it's just not the right color it's too overdone uhhuh it tastes all right but it's just not the right color okay all right so I've got okay good good good good we're good we're free no simple truths no plants made it in our top three hallelu oh yeah look at that I feel like it's pretty obvious what number one is big and delicious and nutritious definitely probably not but it's misfields all right so your top three cookies number three what did you guys guess it was great valley I put Nestle Toll hat house little Doughboy coming in atber dang it Well Done little guy number two great value for sure mean Great Value it's got to be great value what did you guess Austin Great [Music] Value yeah great I don't I don't know okay you guys are right number two is Great Value that means we're right again number one is Mrs Fields yeah knew it I knew it that's like a Utah company isn't it they got the factory right off of I don't think Miss I think you're thinking of kavanau no cam you're right Mrs Fields is from Utah yeah Mrs Debbie Fields Debbie Fields look at that you fellow uton no wonder why we have you as a sweet you're killing it look at that cookie everything about that cookie is perfect yeah that's a good cookie freaking Debbie you nailed it to clarify her first cookie store was in California however she lived in Utah yeah still counts okay okay I know it I'm proud Utah proud I hope you guys have Miss Fields Cookies where you guys is that a thing is she intern is she National she International we had it in Ohio at the mall I feel like it's a mall cookie place that's true all over yeah you buy all the mini cookies so our top three was Mrs fi fields pillsberry and kog Mrs you are way off Mrs Fields Great Value Pillsbury oh that's funny I mixed one I get it way wrong bro that's 33% 33 just kid that's all right I love you guys I the Sugar's gone to your brain dude you like you said the cookies going and they shut it down shut it down shut it down woo thank you so much for tuning in we hope you enjoyed this episode if you think we failed to include one in our taste test here please let us know down in the comments below this was a lot of fun we've always loved doing cookie taste tests so let us know if there's another option and uh we'll see you guys here next time Deuces later so today we are taste testing all that stay or no so today we are tasted oh my gosh this could cause why are you giving me a weird look not I'm just that tell me that's not a concerned look that's just now now I'm she just looks concern she has resting concern face
Channel: Men Try Videos
Views: 42,783
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: men try videos, men try, try, guys try, cookies, taste test, desserts, sweets, candies, food, eat, mukbang, eating
Id: 3Plz7ZRzeJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 9sec (1209 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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