Americans Try European Skittles for the First Time

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International Skittles taste test I think so sounds good to me today we're trying International skittles from the UK oh yes sir you got special skittles from across the pot apparently a lot really yeah we have a lot to try all right we did our Skittles taste test a few weeks ago the comments were flooded you guys need to try this Skittle you guys need to try this Skittle a lot of them one of them being very popular it's the the black one the black curant black currant wait did I miss say it every time yeah yeah yeah black currant okay we're here to try them we'll let you know round one all right so we've got six unique Skittle packages from over in the UK we are going to start you off with maybe the most similar two hours and then move on through things that we have never seen here before sweet all right woo GI wa they're huge they are giant dude I want to see a do skittle what the heck is that bro they're massive get some green ones there we go what the these are so big go dude they're massive where's the S they don't have an S you got skip oh there's an S we're going to start with the red strawberry strawberry and it's three times as L that's how they say it is a strawberry I like that it's softer it's soft in the middle it's got a crunchy exterior but the inside almost feels like a starburst that's good that is so much better than the states so in order to get a pretty unbiased rating of all of these I'm going to ask you guys to rate each individual flavor from 0 to 100 and we will see what your package at the end will include okay these are so good but we don't know what toide as5 I was going to say 87 that's the number that came to my head I don't know I feel like with 75 I have room okay orange orange yep orange dude it is literally The Best of Both Worlds this might just be my back dang dude these are really good why don't we have these I don't know like why why does why do we got to sell different things in different places 7 85 yellow is lemon Lemo that's a good lemon this is UN it is it's like a candy coated Starburst it's so good it's like M&M's but they replace a chocolate with Starburst not even I kept it I mean like the shell like you taste the crunchy shell okay I'll give it a 74 we're like the same distance apart the whole way dude they're so good I think it's just I'm afraid of it some of these not making my tops green is lime o okay that is good 45 52 all you like it more than me all right and this one's this one I'm excited for so purple is black currant black currant what yeah remember we said it there in the intro I didn't know it was this bag though I think it's all what is a current anyways delicious that tastes very different gosh what does that taste I mean I know it tastes it's a dumb question but it's not because we don't have black current here so I'm trying to relate it to something that I do know man that's so good that's good though oh my gosh 66 78 I don't know man that might be one I might have to revisit that's really good round two so if you guys liked those giant Skittles then you are definitely going to like these they have more giant ones they have more giant ones sour Giants how do we get these Follow The Line dude they have a nice tear too oh what is this this bro they're it's so pink how are they sour they're like still glossy dude I am loving this taste this is so fun I'm excited about that pink one yeah what is that that is a cool color all right so the pink these are sour yeah these are sour pink one is sour raspberry sour raspberry now what if their sour is not near to sour here in America what if it's more sour cuz they don't even have they just not even crystallized again weak so far true is the outside supposed to be sour are we sure they're sour I said on says crazy sour I don't think they know what sour is bro they put like cooked beans on toast you definitely don't know what sour not the sour I was expecting has taste by aerican standard that is a very slight sour that's like a a sour patch sour you know what I mean it's like a it's like a sour patch sour that you actually dropped in a glass of water that's so good and then you ate it I love doing that you do that but yes why is it better I don't know it tastes so much better I don't brings the flavor out M I don't know I don't know I you want to know how I found that out sounds like a wet Sour Patch I was sitting in the tub as a kid and I had a bag of Sour Patch and I dropped one I was like like no you're like oh that tastes better I would say 8 68 68 I feel like it had a little aftertaste so orange is sour Mandarin oh you already have it your mouth in my mouth how'd that get in there I got there you little Houdini dude Mandarin's where it's at oh my goodness man that one's good better calm it put it down Cameron I didn't even notice what do you rate it samam mandron that one's got to be a 90 for me that dude that one is so good I love orange flavored candies and grape flavored candies those are sometimes my favorites and that one is fantastic I forgot it was Sour that's cuz they're na yeah they're na all right yellow all right sour pineapple ooh how are these so look that's pretty Dam good I'll give it a 81 I was going to say 80 that's pretty good that's pretty good look inside here it's already sour crystals what's going on no green is sour apple all right will'll be the judge of that I even have caners and they're not even being bugged by this 62 64 that's pretty good though like even for being a 60 actually that's pretty low I'd say actually can I change mine to 72 all right the purple is sour cherry what sour cherry dude if you think about it cherries are almost purple they are pretty dark H it tastes like like an airhead that's definitely what it feels like too it tastes exactly like an airhead mhm a cherry Airhead matter of fact 83 probably tastes terrible spot on I would say uh 78 freaking giant Skittles bring it to America okay the rest of these bags better bring it cuz that was some serious heat in the first two rounds the rest of these bags are very unique as far as what we have in the US so to continue on round three Ingenuity what squishy clouds these are for you buddy the squishy Factor oh excited to see how this pans out what are they are they floofy oh my wao there's not a single green hold on look at the what look at the back dude we're missing we have one orange we're missing two is that orange yeah we're going to have to split in half you get black currents yeah that's it there's not a single Green in this entire bag that is stupid it's all pink and yellow well you're going to have to cut that we're going to miss out and there's only two two purples we're going to miss out on Lime all right let's do pink all right squishy clouds pink is strawberry strawberry oh those are fun like a weird marshmallow no it's the back side of pichos you're getting better no exact frogs yep Bingo it's the underside of those frogs M light hairy that it's good that one is good it is very unique you know to be fair to be fair they do say on the package product may contain an uneven mix of flavors what so they know they're terrible at it and they don't do anything to fix it wow how very European of how classic that's what gets you a revolutionary war I'm kidding all jokes we were just talking earlier about how much we love the UK and how much we love to ruffle some feathers and sometimes our jokes go over people's heads we like to put a bee in your B it if you know what I mean I would say that's pretty good I'm going to give it a 74 but I mean if I'm being honest it as good as it was it doesn't hold a candle to those giant ones hses orange is orange M I will say this bag smells so good thoughs it is very good light and niry fluffy chewy doesn't get stuck in your teeth I'm sad it's already gone that one's like a like a 70 I'm going to give that a 65 yellow is lemon lemon it's like kind of bland but it's also like because it's bland it's kind of enjoyable like I can eat a whole bag yeah it's like a 52 it's like a perfect 50 nothing to love nothing to hate just really enjoyable it's right there so you guys are missing the green which would have been lime lime didn't really rate very high in the original bag for you guys so I don't think you're missing out on anything spectacular 40 but purple is next and it is black currant yeah it's twoo heads nope dang it m oh yeah feel like black currants kind of Plum likee M that at least for me very flavorful compared to the other four three I just don't know if I love the flavor it's good I do I like it a lot it's just something to it 893 wow 63 it's I don't know what it is there's something about it round four four sour clouds not sour clouds not sour crazy sour skittles clouds it's going to be all one flavor do they they have the sour crystals okay so was that other batch just a Miss batch what what was going on dud I don't know wait a minute we're missing one again dude we're missing pink not even one pink not even one pink bro come on a who's running your shop that would have been sour raspberry are you kidding me fire them you know they also call it out another spot on their packages they don't just say it may contain an uneven mix they also say no two rainbows are the same neither are two packs of Skittles every rainbow is exactly the same enjoy and do they not understand how refracting light works get educated bro literally the same every time it's the worst excuse all right so you guys are missing the sour raspberry let's move on toe orange is is sour Mandarin this was a hitter for me boy get you some of the Montana cherries wao what did my taste buds just do it's good oh there's no sour but it's good dude that is so good it's more like it's covered in sweet tart yeah it's good though 93 82 it is like the perfect combination which is like a slight hint of sour that just accentuates the flavor that's sick it's the chewy it's the fluffy it's the that was very flavorful that one had flavor that one's good see I don't think the sour crystals make it sour they just like enhance the flavor yeah at least on these on it's like it's almost like it it opens the door it it breaches the doorway to your taste buds to let the flavor through yeah yellow is sour pineapple oh my you can't smell it though try and smell it I smell I will say it's nice having sour that doesn't aggravate my caners this is a blessing this might be the best candy I've ever had in my life that's really good that's way good 85 have you given anything a 90 I got to give room I don't know what's to come think 85 is the highest score I've given 90 flat pineapple is a unique flavor I really like that all right green is sour apple I'll give that a 55 66 purple is sour cherry a I was hoping for C currant I always say Kant that Kant 67 it's always the aftertaste mhm 70 the sour cherry like the Cherry itself is a very late hit the Sour's going in with a battering ram opening up those taste buds round five back to the hard ones desserts what is this that is like super tomatoey looking that's kind of weird what's what the S is folks come on there's not a single s on any of these postco you know quality control on about everything went downhill got laid off same with customer service you know it might be an ingredient thing since they're not allowed to use a lot of ingredi definitely post just they could find a way and they just don't all right go ahead start with that tomato red it is strawberry tomato oh gosh I thought they were legit tastes like tomato No it is strawberry ice cream flavor put them all together to like a BLT or something that was a roller coaster flavor I don't know what happened that's a 64 Bob 62 weird aftertaste oh wow wo there's the ice cream see I told you wow that's really late that was literally like 10 seconds orange is choco orange cake choco orange chocolate orange 63 all that face for a 63 that wasn't good face wait you liked the red one less than this orange one you gave the red one a 62 60 all that face for a better score 47 okay that's better that one was crap I'm going to save 40 on that I remember where any of my stuff is here's the thing is you shouldn't flavor things chocolate unless you're using chocolate to do it I I agree yellow yellow is lemon pie lemon I don't know why I made that M cuz it's not good cuz it wasn't M I think I thought of lemon pie and thought that thought was delicious but not what's in my mouth tastes like cleaner yeah 42 40 good this bag's not doing too hot bag is garbage pink is cherry cheesecake cherry cheesecake sounds amazing what does your cheesecake taste like garbage what did I say the red that that doesn't taste like cherries that doesn't taste like cheesecake uh-uh 48 it tastes like a 30 to me that one's bad maybe even a 20 why are these so bad purple one is blueberry tart ooh probably the best of the bag but 54 yeah 54 no thank you not good none of them five round I don't like the color of that bag why it's pink cuz the last one was like a light pink oh really no shell they're naked Skittles chewies I'm torn on this is this going to be like the shell is softer texture the heck is this made of I just don't want you to punch me in the face they look naked they look stuck together what what the heck like a weird little orgy of candy in there what is this dude this is the weirdest freaking thing all right not going to lie though it kind of looks weirdly like really good it does look Weir like they seem like gushers in a way yeah D I love gushers weird Little Rock looking things yeah they look like that's silly these are just little guys strawberry all right yep these are the original UK flavors red is strawberry m you know what these are taste burnt it does taste burnt the heck is up with that these are just Starbursts yeah not the original flavor but exact texture consistency just not individually wrapped thrown in a bag they even make Starburst like that now little cubes really in a bag yep I'll be honest that's 58 yeah like a 62 Orange Is orange orangey that's a starburst it's a softer Starburst I mean that's good though mhm has a weird chemically taste to it though oh that's really chemically 38 I'm 55 that's sad cuz I actually really like I like I've said I I like orange that's sad yellow is lemon oh I'm so bummed 22 38 getting stuck to my teeth green is lime lion yeah right no these all taste like I'm eating cleaner it's not good maybe we are that one tastes like that one tastes like the utility closet smells at school yeah that's bad what you 19 oh purple is black currant all right definitely the best of the batch so like a 32 M if I can guarantee a whole bag of this I would give it a 58 that's pretty good B but I don't like how it sticks in your teeth just the bag itself is kind of underwhelming are there any tall mountains in the UK no none I don't think there are at all we have made it to the tippity top of the tallest mountain of big Benin the clock the tallest no the London Eye we're at the we're at the Tiffany top the London I or the Big Ben so these are our top five flavors we each individually ranked making our own Skittle bags baby look four your house is a top five so you remember those sour or those squishy bags that hardly had any flavors in them get out there are no more to reveal in your top five so I will have to tell you the fifth flavor DK it how do you have two of the same color I love orange one's probably sour our top five is four all right so Austin's top five oh uh yes go ahead so your number one is the sour squishy clouds pineapple all right tied with the giant sour orange ooh this one okay number which was Mandarin right yes Mandarin flavored uh number three was the sour squishy clouds purple which we do not have any more of so that was the black corant current current look what she did to her number four was the giant red okay and number five was the Giant Orange which is orange oh this one okay all right cool interesting that's Austin's illustrous bag of chinwag that's what I named my bag of candy so if you if you buy these individually to make your own Austin's concoction that's what it's called make your own chinwag the illustrous bag of chinwag bag old chinwag all right cam number one for you yeah one moment oh yes you're right it is not in there I was confused um your number one was the squishy sour pineapple so it looks like that pineapple was good wait there's still a pineapple you just didn't give to me your number two was the giant black cant curant current current look what you've done to me oh my God bra disconnect after midnight number three for cam is this squishy sour Cloud orange which is Mandarin flavor you like Mandarin mandarin orange R went that high for you apparently it did it was a good one but how what did he score that he scored that an 82 82 to be fair Cam's top Fair Cam's top score was an 85 okay so if we add 10 to each of his they're probably similar to mine that's what I said number four is the giant sour pineapple is it pineapple this one yeah this one no not that one oh that one this one that one and number five for cam was the giant red oh so from the first bag you you what's the name of your bag sir my bag is the Nosh nibbles Nosh the governor's Nosh nibbles oh the governor Nosh nibbles the governor's Nosh nibbles and Austin's illustrous bag of chinwag put it on your shelves it's delicious and just for fun we also thought it'd be interesting to see what our combined scores would make for a top five okay so this would be the Nosh chinwags oh yeah so combining your guys scores number one the sour squishy clouds pineapple okay it's very good yeah that was also your individual number one nice okay understand tied tied with that one is the sour squishy clouds Mandarin yeah that's my guy okay now she's putting it together oh what was that look for you didn't have that in your top five I swear on my life I gave it a 93 but I could be wrong who no this is that moment in the video when Jess cuts the clip from earlier and we find out the truth and I Pro and proven wrong hit it 93 82 it is like the perfect combination you did get out oh did I oh that must shake things up a bit for the top five of Austin oh how is he turn tables so Austin knock out that giant orange and replace it with the the squishy Mandarin I love that one so much updated Austin's UST funny number three in your combined bag is the giant red okay uh number four is the giant sour pineapple okay and tied with that one is the giant sour black currant currant isn't this just what my bag was is that what your bag was it may have been I don't thought it was it's a little bit different little bit but either way all these flavors incredible delicious honestly I thoroughly enjoyed this entire taste test cuz it was so unique oh my gosh the giant Skittles to die for the sour fluffy ones definite musty thank you so much for tuning in we hope you enjoyed this episode huge shout out to all of our members for making episodes like this possible we seriously could not do it without you thanks again for tuning in and we'll see you guys next time Cheerio mes Cheerio it's a Tuesday a't it oh my word boy pass me that water bottle water bottle yeah your water bottle oh wait did I you [Music] w tastes like all right body soup
Channel: Men Try Videos
Views: 56,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: men try videos, men try, try, guys try, skittles, european, united kingdom, UK, taste test
Id: mO4O-Qywqhs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 14sec (1514 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 22 2023
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