We Try Every Trader Joe's Snack • Ladylike

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this is amazing the castle so this video today is all about how I got a new knife nobody's not fine it's the kitchen torn show we went back to our favorite grocery store chain saws there's a very busty brochure so I was like we should shoot a Trader Joe's video how about snacks how many snacks could there possibly be too many turns out like 89 you're sorry Kelly what's the correct number wow so many so you know disclaimer these are all the Trader Joe's brand snack foods that we could find in our local Trader Joe's that are likely going to be some more that you could find in your Trader Joe's or some more online so we're gonna do our best to group all similar foods together so that we can consolidate some of this okay well I think Britney decided whether they were she just threw over that pie we got so many bags tortilla chips and no salsa I think we're idiots just like all videos I know this looks like a lot of food it's a little grotesque just so you know we're not gonna waste it this literally I have a campus with like 400 people on it when you put up next for them it is literally gone in 15 minutes that for every snack that Kristin and I eat Kelly and Britney will be performing an original song I love snacks they are my life I would like to make them my wife except it's supposed to be Kelly and so we're about to go eat some snacks it's gonna be tasty and a little bit gross I'm starting with the cheesy type snack rough enough spend more time on the snacks that are truly original and less on time things like pretzels and corn chips yeah I think it's corn chip as always the way we will rank the food will be just okay pretty good and in really ray and then of course for the stuff we really don't like there's Italy box bag our first snag of the day the organic mini cheese sandwich crackers I think these are meant for children yeah they definitely are they're perfect for our ladies puppies basically a Ritz cracker okay you think it's pretty good thanks pretty good okay so we're going to do rock paper scissors big cheese bites imported from Italy arrivederci my good interesting texture okay like the moon doesn't have parmesan for its pretty yeah how many we done - yeah they're flying by cheddar rocket crackers musical - these are also for children much more of a cheddar flavor than comparable snacks but Christine is a goldfish connoisseur so I'm curious in her opinion kind of one really no no I'm talking about cheese Dixon cheddar I have a feeling these might taste like Shawn crisps even though they're cheddar oh they're big they're like the spaceships of a greasy ER I am eating them off the table so maybe I like that you eat most things off the table no that's okay but we're not gonna kick him out of bed baked cheese crunchies these are like Cheetos but not there traitor Joel oh that's a probably chance but slightly less greasy I like the way they taste on me they're pretty yeah it's spicy cheese crunchies y'all know how I feel about spicy snacks some reason for a split second I thought all of us in this room were named Kelly I was like that's Kelly that's Kelly that's Kelly I'm still Jen somehow because you can taste the corn flavor a little bit more it's kind of odd with the spice there's not enough fat to counteract the acid of the spice another song I think these are this okay reduced fat cheesy puffs air take on I believe Cheetos Punk's I'm shocked I was expecting like it is mostly air these are pretty good so the next category we're do is popcorn I hate popcorn I didn't know that it's a textural thing for me Organic air popped popcorn it's just kind of packing peanuts it's really doesn't have buttery flavor to it okay okay but this is where we might actually get some butter because this is Trader Joe's movie theater popcorn yeah this is the good stuff this is some buttery baby I love it it takes us a perfect yeah trust me because I actually like plan for it alright I won't trust you on this one I am pretty good okay heirloom popcorn with oil and pink salt this is delicious you can definitely taste the avocado oil which is pretty cool it adds like a very nice fatty flavor to the popcorn this is pretty good you got Kristen to like a popcorn Trader Joe's popcorn with herbs and spices how it tastes like it's rolling around in grandma's pot pourri dish over pot pourri that's just okay Trader Joe's kettle corn it is sweet it is salty it's light pleasantly surprised yeah I didn't know popcorn could do this to me pretty good caramel and cheddar popcorn mix this better impress me or I will be voting it off the island I think the break-up these are just okay wait did I like a popcorn more than you did you definitely did Rock Paper Scissors shoot Rock Paper Scissors shoot if Kristen like something there pretty good okay Trader Joe's organic popcorn with organic extra virgin olive oil we get it your organic and virgin I think looks pretty good no it takes no place like popcorn that you dipped in the olive oil of your pasta I think you're hitting at eyes by the bag no I'm not it's just okay white cheddar popcorn I like popcorn I'm tired of this wow that is the whitest popcorn rumor saying cheesy breezy beautiful pretty good we basically already tried this caramel corn it's like a little caramel apple but like much easier to manage when you're at the theme parks pretty good and the final of popcorn birthday cake Bob Cooper it's like fruity pebbles vomit coated in a vanilla glaze no clear mobile palate I'm actually very curious they do taste a little bit like I don't know birthday cake frosting that broccoli florets these are just like dehydrated broccolis but the fried oh yeah like it reeks broccoli it's one of those vegetables that does not take well to being dehydrated I think broccoli requires water why are you like this I mean they're probably less bad I couldn't even finish them crispy crunchy Oprah mmm better than the broccoli Florence these are just okay corn P bean and ki Noah Chris quinoa dammit yeah pretty good okay I feel like this video we really haven't agreed all a lot we've been doing a lot of rock paper you win in this too you can't just let me win every dime be there just okay fine rock okay season kale chips why is this happening to me I like it I actually don't just like kale either I think this is like nonsense this is Perry bucks man that's look please don't vomit vegetable root chips the root vegetables in here are taro Matata and parsnip these are the only veggie chips so far we tasted rose actually worth dehydrating the vegetables these are really great veggie crisps they're not gonna be a substitute for potato chips but as a snack I would love to eat these with a sandwich pretty good veggie sticks Varrick fries but they're like trick fries because I have vegetables in them I'm not into it these are just okay inner peace these also kind of look like the veggie sticks we just ate awesome it tastes really similar the other stuff that I know this has like more of a depth of flavor I really dehydrated beets these chips would make for a gravy yes amar video problem is that the beets definitely rehydrates in your mouth I don't love beets so I think they're just a bit Trader Joe's has a variety of seaweeds so we're just gonna try all them at the same time asabi roasted seaweed the sea salt and you never had sea before than on sushi context this is kind of a risk for your first seaweed experience pretty good right no I'll roll you I'm gonna defer to you on this because I feel like you like seaweed seaweed the sea salt our firm I don't like this either I mean she weed it was slightly better this one might be my least favorite who doesn't use teriyaki seaweed this is the one I like the best but still they're pretty good we've come to the part of the video where we have to eat all of the tortilla and corn chips this is going to be a bit of a speedrun I don't know how many different opinions I'm gonna have about tortilla chips in the video you might not see our reaction to every chip but at the end of this section we will have the scorecard that tells you where all of these chips ranked so if you're very curious you can check out the score card and see that for yourself the rolled corn tortilla chips chili and lime flavored I am into this oh my god Trader Joe's nacho cheese tortilla chips this is Trader Joe's Doritos basically Oh exactly ah oh I like people why these are good that's the clear please don't take like Doritos pretty good sweet potato tortilla chip I love sweet potatoes I am glad you do can't really taste the sweet potato quinoa and black bean infused tortilla chips I like the quinoa black bean flavor it's just a starchy chip which I love you've sold me on this I think these are pretty good protein chips seasoned with Brussels sprouts garlic onion and parsley I love garlic I love onions how do you season with Brussels sprouts it's like seasoning with water this is a very ambitious chip yeah when you tell me there's gonna be garlic and I can't detect it you break my heart they're pretty good but give me the Gorelick Organic elote corn chip dippers they don't smell like Fritos but they kind of look like them you definitely taste you Lotte yeah these are great [Music] sweet plantain chips these look like little Punk's I think they're not the best plantain chips ever but the night is not over yeah they're pretty a jerk style plantain chips the thing is I don't mind the jerk spices that's the only thing I'm getting I don't really get the plantain flavor just roasted plantain chip very very good they lose a little bit of sweetness because they're drier bring them even though I wanted to say really great but secret peanut chip for a for one its Orza original salty tasty just the right amount of oil I know right the chips are great parmesan garlic and herb but what did we say earlier we said give me the garlic oh so garlicky right you were the king of the castle multigrain this sesame cardboard is not bad you can also tell that it's multi-grain there's more than one grain these are produced killed player goes peanut butter filled pretzels this is a problem for you because you don't like peanut butter inside pretzels I don't I don't like peanut butter at all peanut butter taste like peanuts like it tastes like big full game nothing you should like eat a baseball game but if you did I threw it it was pretty good peanut butter filled pretzels but these pretzels don't have salt wow these are the really smooth they're really smooth apart alone - these are disturbingly smooth I feel like we should blow this pretzel have honey wheat pretzel sticks with in it just a terrifying horror story about a man on the front these are the same no matter what brand you get they're pretty good gluten free pretzel twists if you're used to the taste of gluten-free dough I think you will find these pre pleasing that's it we have less potato chips than we had tortilla chips still a lot made white truffle yeah are you listening to her are you using as a pillow she's dead classic potato chips these are some thin chips this is always gonna be the best trip of course it's great Hawaiian style Hickory barbecue flavors potato chips this is really great yeah this is delicious the kettle cooked it really just kind of like soaks it those peppers the benefit it mop it how hot can they be flavor-wise like beyond the initial burn there isn't that much of a distinct flavor so these are just okay I wanted them to hurt us more the original olive oil kettle cooked potato chips oh wow that's like you can see through it I mean you can taste the olive oil which I like what I was being revealed is that Chris and I both have a preference for sinner ships so that's probably why the thinner ship we're enjoying more soup it's a rich guy oh but that bad oh she's shy no no no these are the brown rice organic rice cakes while I'm doing this to myself I like it what's wrong with you I like all things right it's just okay question how many different left nope sixteen I forgot the one in my hair oh my god these are basically just Ritz crackers with peanut butter instead of cheese Oh delicious I use a really great horn bread Christmas I love corn bread I do like corn bread too one crisp is all it takes you know the rice that's you know why are the rights to you true pretty good sour cream and onion corn puffs it's like a little bit of an onion taste but not enough where it really makes a show for itself it's just okay and now for its Brava white cheddar corn pop they look like weird low intestines the cheddar flavor is a lot stronger on this one cinnamon apple snack sticks the apple flavor is really strong and in the cinnamon sugar is just to delight these are delicious they're really brave did we find a puffed rice thing that I loved and a sweet thing that you loved that baked churro bites I really hope these are good don't you disappoint us would you like to eat a piece of caramel corn but you hate the parts of corn that are annoying might I introduce you to my really great for your toes knows how to do cinnamon grand-slam it's basically like Trader Joe's like baseball snack mix I don't see any nuts again basically just caramel corn was like a hint of almond they're just so bad blueberry almond peanut date and nut bites the chia seeds and the flower seeds don't fool said come for like a Fig Newton but naked this thing new bomba peanut snacks this is like my worst enemy and your worst enemy had a baby alright it is battery box I'm a box thank you a weird snack coconut sesame seed cluster what am i holding I need finally it's served here because it's like we hollowed out of coconut and then we put its dead brother's inside yessum as a snack I don't you nutty rice bites with quinoa and cranberries oh whoa it looks like a certainly Rice Krispies the face you made made me think there was like money in there please whoops but Crunchy's potato snack there hydrated french fries I hate this thing take the whole family I think it alright I do hate their happiness they're just okay the Trader Joe's crunchy curls with lentil and potato whoa that is a weird smell smell that oh my god a rice snack but stale and curled for some reason and there's like no flavor at Trader Joe's sesame sticks I knew these would be good I didn't and I always puzzler surprise let's break out of Trader Joe's Organic trail mix but these are only cashews almonds and cranberries so no chocolate which seems bold it's good it's probably actually gonna help you on the trail dried baby bananas I never had the chance to become adult banana this smell is signo yet these are crazy-looking friggin guess what Kristen this is the last one it's the last one mochi rice nuggets I hate pop rice I get that they've worked really hard to get their band off the ground but I still don't want to eat their snack they feel like they're just gonna taste like rice puffs these are just okay so how'd you find we came around because I know right and good finally done what is it like five o'clock it only took us all day hey my least favorite three were the okra the broccoli and the crunchy curls my least favorite three were the peanut bomba snacks crunchy curls and the kale chips my faves are the apple cinnamon sticks parmesan garlic and herb pita chips and the sesame sticks I agree with you that the Apple Cinnamon snack stick the churro bite YUM and the vegetable root chips the biggest takeaway a lot of snacks don't taste that differently they're kind of all in the same snack family but I appreciate the diversity in ingredients yeah different dietary needs can get what they want they don't fit look yeah that's the Trader Joe's you know what keep doing you go I mean this isn't the last one we'll make no so we're gonna keep doing you or I guess I keep doing you yeah all day long yeah [Music]
Channel: As/Is
Views: 2,381,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, PLtz4a8ya8FPH1RtAkAECGj4WgEoKKr5DE, PLtz4a8ya8FPHcYd7A-h8r-8nqA7Ky6t1O, birthday cake popcorn, buzzfeed, buzzfeed jen, buzzfeed kristin, buzzfeed ladylike, eating all the snacks, eating all the snacks at trader joe's, every trader joe snack, every trader joe's snack, food challenge, jen, jen ruggirello, kristin, kristin chirico, ladylike, people try, snack, snack review, taste test, trader joe's snacks, trader joes, we try every trader joe's snack, we try trader joe's snacks
Id: HWTiMxcCAzg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 40sec (1000 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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