Can $1 MEATS be saved with Sous Vide and Butter?

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are you gonna buy meat we're in there why I'm gonna buy every meat they have in there and we're gonna try it you crazy yes I am [Music] [Music] after buying everything my total came out to a total of nine bucks when I got home I took everything out of the bag and everything was frozen as expected and the very first one is the ribeye steak as you can see it's full of freezer burns and what's this porkchop 18 percent of water so I'm buying water what and here we have turkey bacon at least this one here I'm familiar with pork loin riblets with mesquite flavor hmm okay and deef patty with cheddar and bacon flavor hmm you know it's gotta be good right and this is a chicken breast is it real boneless pork ribs and Leslie the salmon it has a nice vacuum seal so you should be good the best way to thaw our meat is to leave it overnight in the refrigerator so they thought out slowly because we know they guarantee freshness right it's time to open them the first one we're gonna open is the pork loin chop after petting a dry and cleaning it nicely this is what it looks like there's no foul smell the only thing is that it's very thin there's also some type of residue on top but after I removed that looks like it's ready to go next one is the ribeye steak oh my goodness he says he has 30% water so that means this much of the steak here is water but in the world 30% water Wow after opening it up and petting it dry this is what it looks like I mean come on is this a ribeye looks like a brisket where's the I where's the cap where's anything there's like nothing there I've never seen anything like it but after I smelled it smells fine so we're gonna give it a try then we jumped onto the chicken after opening it up and petting a dry it does not look like a chicken breast it looks like they cut the real chicken breast in four pieces and this is just one of them that's just sad I mean I understand that the price is very low but at the same time not much to say it smells fine and smells like it's ready to go then we jumped into the salmon looks fine open up the bag oh it's double sealed well let's open that up after opening it and Pena dry this is what it looks like oh boy this is not good oh the smell is horrible and the texture look at it it seems like it was played though and then it was put together there's also some type of mush on the skin oh the smell is getting to me I am NOT looking forward to this one boneless pork riblets it says already that is fully cooked but we're gonna sous-vide it anyway after opening it up wow this is what it looks like what in the world is this looks like chicken nuggets and it smells fine I guess it's fully cooked and ready to go just gotta warm it up and here we have the tilapia I quickly opened it up and like before it was Dumbo vacuum-packed Wow look at the color that looks nice after opening it up and petting a dry whoa that is perfect look at this and when I smell it it smells fine no fishy smell at all looking forward to this one all right let's open up the pork loin riblets oh boy the marinade is very strong I don't like that smell after taking it out of the bag this is what it looks like oh this one is not looking very good but we're gonna severe it anyway and here we got the awesome beef patty with cheddar and bacon flavor what in the world is this there's no red is this even meat this is weird it looks like play-doh it feels like play-doh and here we got turkey bacon even though they sell it in the dollar store but they also sell it in my regular supermarket that's not much to say this is good I know it is after petting everything dry and putting on the cutting board this is what they all look like I will allow you to enjoy this beautiful footage of these wonderful cuts of meat [Music] to ensure that will be giving you a fair review I'm only gonna be seizing them with salt and pepper and nothing else the ones that are already fully cooked and marinated will get no seasoning but every other one will but now that we have everything seasoned all there's left to do is bag them up and get them ready for a suti I'm gonna be cooking every single one of them until they completely pasteurized pasteurizing them we'll make sure that every single one of them will be safe to eat and for the exact temperature and time make sure you check around the description down below [Music] all right we have all of our proteins cooked they are fully cooked at their specific temperature as you guys saw it and this is what they look like and I must say this is the very first time that I cooked something sous vide and it looks better cooked sous-vide then it was raw plant is we're gonna cut them all open and examine and see what's happening here this is what they called a pork chop oh man no no it thin it is you know what this is what is no that's the ribeye oh wait that's the rear boy that's the ribeye my god it's so thin this reminds me of the steaks of Brazil I don't know yeah we eat steaks they're fried in Brazil this is what you get right here pretty much let me correct that before other Brazilians get upset I'm talking about beefy beef you when you do it in the house with onions it's this thin you know what I mean that's what I meant all right my Brazilian fans don't go crazy on me okay turkey bacon thank you me this one I had at several times I know this one's gonna be good look at the burger it's more completely oh boy can I even pick it up yeah I can pick it up there you go that's your burger it does not smell like a burger and oh it smells like just cheese like you hundred percent processed cheese pork riblets these smell like barbecue let's go ahead and take out the tilapia this one looks phenomenal oh no I didn't eat that one just like that yeah that was that was gonna be good I can guarantee you that one's gonna be good next one chicken breast look at the size of the chicken breast come on and that's crazy there you go one of my mouse absolute Steven yeah yeah we love chicken breast you guys all know how much next one is the pork loin pork tenderloin what gives me confidence to eat this is that everything is a hundred percent pasteurized you better warm up noodle a little bit me just because it's a hundred percent pasteurized me that it's gotta taste good let's take out the pork loin oh that one the other one smells like the marinade a hundred percent like the marinade and the one that I'm mostly afraid of and there's no one in the tree by itself yeah that that's actually not a bad idea I got my tree ready because this one is special and where I'm gonna use one trade for this one all right as you can see we have a lot of albumin and that is totally normal because when you cook it sous-vide it does happen but besides that that is not very appetizing then you smell kind of strong but we are gonna take it like a man I'm gonna do this right the smell better just most fishy it smells not bad not like an edible it smells like extremely strong fishy smell we have an alternative what are we doing with all these are we gonna Pansear them all or what are you thinking my mom forever but I think that we do flamethrower all of them we need at least something to base because they're gonna be dry as there's no tomorrow look at this you can already tell these this rib eye right here get close here so they can see look at this it's so dry and it was cooked at a hundred and thirty-five degrees Fahrenheit but it's just so small and so thin that I know it's gonna be very very dry and not to talk about the port and anything else yes you had something to say and there's no interval school or fad on that one there is a marbled score minus zero okay so I am going to be basting it with some butter as we are flaming throwing everything together and we're gonna see how it tastes but I know they don't look that good right now for watch this [Music] all right we have our beautiful pieces of meat here it's like a king speed it is every kind of protein there is so we're gonna try them all and we're gonna give you guys an honest review and we're gonna let them know what it tastes like yeah it's food Hey food is food this one is a little crime ginger yeah chicken is nice and tender all right very very good okay burgers I know you guys can see it but you don't want to see this right now you don't you're not missing any love that pretty we do the close-up shots of you cutting the food that's right there's nothing to be seen here yeah I think this one was hard because there's a piece of bone cause they're a piece of bone on the Tenderloin there's a piece of board what is these right let's cut the salmon all right don't touch anything else with it I know they're knife now we're not lost the salmon is not a very appetizing first one I will let you choose and then I'll choose the second one go for it let's start stay twister with the tender bites away the niblets niblets okay very good let's try what that one smells like barbecue sauce smells like those chicken nuggets with a barbecue sauce that you're getting McDonald's or something yeah all right Cheers no mames that's good it's not amazing or anything like that what do you think tastes like barbecue sauce feels like a chicken nugget for real it's not chicken its I cannot tell what kind of meat it is it's poor but it's not bad you could have told me was lie on me it is not bad a lie on me it's not bad you agree yeah it's not bad I'm gonna choose the next one and obviously I'm gonna go with the rib eye look at that beautiful piece of rib eye it is so tiny you basically look at me and say like googa I know you've been having some amazing things it is my turn to disappoint you cheers everybody rib eye ah dry dry dry to the maximum I could use some barbecue sauce on this I can use a pound and a half of butter it's not that it's bad it's just so dry if you had a sauce on it like I don't know any kind of sauce to make the chewing experience more enjoyable because it's very very dry SuperDrive but I'm still chewing so we had to actually take a little bit of water on this one because he dried out our mouth to the max but it's not bad no it doesn't have an awful flavor it still tastes like beef but very dry very no fat at all the fat took a hike and never came back agreed you don't wanna I'm going what that's mine you saying everybody took a high and you never came back let's go with the chicken go for it oh the chicken oh lord I was trying to avoid that goodbye chicken time cheers everybody it's actually juicier than there it is that's not to say that is juicing in any way no it is not amazing or something fantastic it is you know dry tastes alright no chicken tastes like chicken nothing special here it's actually good I'm gonna eat the whole piece yeah it's not bad at all all right oh you turn on the meat roulette of that all right now I would say let's go for the one that I think it's gonna be great because I have high expectation that's maybe a quarter-inch or 1/8 of an inch thick okay this is about two millimeters all right yeah about this big we got my tap in the fork yes we got any point all right all about the flavor cheers everybody that's good that's good by no means is that amazing but it is good it tastes like pork we have some flavor into it it has a little bit of juiciness into it I did a bit of fat mm-hmm not great but it's good you seasoned any of them all of them are seasoned with salt and pepper no garlic powder yes also we cannot really taste the blame the taste the flavor yes is calling you my turn fish time I have had you eat that one oh that's right okay tilapia gopher very flaky very flaky okay I did put a lot of butter on it cheers Cheers that's good I expected it to be good and it's good it's good in a very good way you're still moist yeah I had fish in restaurant that tasted worse than this its moist it's flaky thank God it put some salt on it to give this something I knew it was gonna be good and it is good you agree it's good it's like a tilapia that you will buy anywhere yeah even there was just one buck okay let's go for the next one the bacon or ma we are I mean this one was already fully cooked I had this before I never had it su V and then torch after so I don't know if it's a good idea but let's try Alma is exactly what you would expect it's good down to the final ones they're moving dreading the most do the salmon one okay I don't know if you know but the deal with the marinade is that when the meat is old people put it together the marinade so that they can resell it to you the consumer that's why I always recommend to never buy marinated meat it doesn't mean that it's bad I mean think about it they got to make their profits which is understandable but now that you are aware of it then you gotta make the car and see if it's good so I don't have high hopes ready cheers everybody I'll call her all those guys do not buy this one has a matter of fact I don't know if you should buy any of them but if I can recommend anything they're gone by that one no that wasn't like guys I gotta come by this is my big thing out of all of this I had this much meat on it can you see that much almost no meat at all okay that was horrible don't recommend it agree if it's a leg bone and marry me it tastes like bone and a terrible marinade turn the marinate is not that appetizing okay all right let's go with the burger yeah I mean the burger you didn't even look red the great thing about this burger like we smelled it it has some charity in it so should be good yeah go for it oh you got the big piece thank you I'll get the little one all right amazing cheddar burger everybody one buck Cheers that just like process me yeah nothing wrong with that one and you I lose you the cheddar I feel more together than the beef very low-grade beef is the zero below zero it is not bad not by no means something amazing but it is something edible let's go ladies it's all right it's all right if you ever had a burger that you really didn't not enjoy but you ate it anyway that's what it would taste like because I said I was gonna buy every single thing there was in there and I did and we have to try this one you ready for it oh yeah it's gonna be good come on be positive all right everything's about positive positivity you know because if I don't eat and then you won't even try it right here buddy are you Papa so excited sound when everybody Cheers mushy fishy oh not enjoyable at all this is terrible this is horrible I think what it was is it's been frozen for a while and you was mushy the texture is when you bite into it is just basically there is no resistance so I'm biting a wet bread but exactly exactly that's a perfect description to answer the question is one dollar food edible yes they're gonna sell it if it was it's edible and then you make it sous-vide yes because we are severe everything so we sue need everything is there any of these that you would eat again if I have to if I had no other choice yes I would definitely eat the chicken was great the pork was the pork chop was great the bacon was fantastic right like a regular bacon right the tilapia I really enjoyed that one that one was good but yes there's quite a few that I would and you me too same ones same ones our chopped chicken - lovely they're all great definitely avoid that marinated not only from the dollar store but from the big chains as well I agree yes these are the results guys and it was a fun video I'm gonna take you out of lunch now yeah I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do enjoy make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you're interesting in any of the equipment I use everything is always at the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one take care buddy bye bye can you sue the everything from a dollar store yes you can it does work should you I don't know about that you make the decision see you guys are the next one take care bye bye everybody
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 2,628,339
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dollar store, meat, ribeye, pork chop, fish, pork, sea food, recipe, sous vide, butter, how to cook $1 meat
Id: qbwfV71Gvfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 12sec (1152 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 08 2019
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