We tried the CHEAPEST "Everyday" Wagyu 3 ways!

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and this is the star of the show i know it's a stretch calling this an everyday wagyu but hey because of the price this can actually be achieved and that it's because it's not a prime cut it is a roast beef and my plan today is to prepare this several different ways to find out if it's a wonderful thing to do i mean think about it if you have a large family and you want to give them some wagyu this might be the best choice and even though this does not have that crazy marbling we always look for on a wagyu this should give a nice wider experience because i mean this is a big chunk of meat and it does fit a family of five for an entire week and here's how i made that happen you can clearly see that the fibers are running two different ways so that tells me exactly where to separate each pieces but in order to be a hundred percent sure the first thing i did was remove this piece of fat right here once i did that now i can clearly see each individual muscle so i went ahead and split the whole thing in half then i cleaned it up and it was ready for me to make my cuts and my very first one was to prepare it sous vide as you already know i recommend thick steaks for sous-vide it is the best choice so for this one i aim it for 2 inches thick then my next two steaks i wanted to try it grilling to see how it would taste but those i only cut them one inch thick and lastly because you're always going to have some leftover meats like this i decided to make them in little cubes so that i can stir-fry but once i was done with the butchering this is what it looks like as you can see we got the stirred fried meat the one inch steaks that i'm going to be grilling and the two inches one which i'll be using sous vide even though this wagyu does not have that crazy marbling we always see i'm expecting to have an awesome flavor and i'll tell you one thing if you've tried wagyu several times you can tell the difference so the first one i'm going to be preparing is going to be the stir-fry and for that it's super easy into my wok i threw in a little bit of high temperature oil followed by a good amount of white onions cooked them until i started getting a little bit of color because once i did i threw in the wagyu now you want to stir them well to combine everything together since they are wagyu and i really want to taste how good they are i kept the seasoning extremely simple a little bit of salt freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder nothing else to finish it off i threw in a little bit of soy sauce followed by butter a little bit of oyster sauce and mixed it well now there's left to do is to plate it up add a little bit of sesame seeds followed by chives and your stir fried is done now we're gonna jump onto the grilled steaks and even though they don't look like they have a lot of marbling i'm expecting them to taste awesome like every good steak i like to first dry brine it that is just a simple fast word to say put salt on it and let it rest on your refrigerator but now that i got it fully seasoned all there's left to do is to put it on my refrigerator and let the salt does its stain and as you can see i still have another whole half this one can be used as a roast or if you decide to make some individual steaks which is exactly what i did the great thing about it is that you can save it and let me tell you something you will feed a lot of people that is why i like to call this piece of meat that everyday wagyu you can simply store them in clinch plastic or if you have a vacuum sealer that's even better and use them whenever you need but by the time i was done my grilling steaks were ready and as you can see the dark color is a sign that the salt did its job now there's left to do is to finish off the seasoning and for that i only added freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder nothing else and as always remember to season both sides including the edges but now that i got it perfectly seasoned all there's left to do is to grill them since they are really thin steaks i'm just going to be going nice hot and fast that means direct sear and as the steak rest you will come up to temperature that should be nice and tasty and i can't wait to find out how good it's actually gonna be but first we gotta jump onto the sous-vide steak and for that as you already know i'm gonna be using these two two inches thick beautiful steaks since they are wagyu and i really want to taste how good they are i kept the seasoning extremely simple a little bit of salt freshly ground black pepper and garlic powder nothing else as always make sure to season both sides including the edges but now that i got it fully seasoned all there's left to do is to bag it up and get it ready for the water bath but since this is the everyday wagyu i gotta do the everyday meal and for us in brazil that means rice and beans and here's how i like to make them i start by cooking a little bit of bacon keep it on a medium low heat so that the fat renders nice and easy once it's at halfway point throw in some white onions you want to cook that on a medium low heat so that it has time to caramelize nice and easy then go ahead and throw in a good chunk of garlic remember as always exact amount and ingredients always in the description down below for you let everything cook and get to know each other until you have nice beautiful colors just like this because by that time you want to throw in the beans and for that i'm going to use one of my favorite beans to eat which is pinto beans i can guarantee you that every family in brazil always have these ready to go at any time to produce extra salsita which is actually the sauce i like to add a little bit of extra water now the secret to a wonderful bean is to let it do its thing nice and slow so for that i like to let it simmer under low heat for one hour which is perfect because it's time for us to go back to our souffy steaks and for that i'm gonna be cooking both of them in the same container at 131 degrees fahrenheit for three hours and i'm hoping by cooking them that long they will be extremely tender [Music] i got my beautiful steaks fully cooked out at 131 degrees fahrenheit for three hours that is perfect timing because it's nice and thick so you want to give that little extra time but we are hungry they are ready and it's time to take them out let's do it i'll tell you one thing as soon as i cut it open and i took those steaks out of the bag they smell quite different it's not like a regular prime steak or a choice steak it's not even like a japanese wagyu a5 which i cooked on the channel before this one has a quite unique smell not in a bad way in a very good way almost similar to dry age it's a very unique smell on everybody but hey we still got to put a nice crust on it to give it a try i know it doesn't look that good right now watch this [Music] all right everybody here we have our beautiful steaks what do you think about that ninja today they look beautiful but the thing that's got me is we got some red that's right we we are rice and beans people everybody might even take a bite right now i know i know you wanna try the rice i mean too my fork i never get tired of rice and beans everybody how about you enjoy i like rice and beans a lot how's it rice and beans good mmm that beef is amazing everybody okay let's let's let's get a grip here right because it's about the steak and not the rice and bees okay so here's the deal we have three different types as you can see and we're gonna let the audience know how they taste and what does it taste like and all that good stuff that we normally do sounds like a plan let's go with this one here first you ready make sure you get a little bit of that sauce that's important all right you ready for this cheers oh that's delicious oh man that's so tender it tastes good man it's like the salsitas there there's a good bite on the on the crust which come on yeah we need that we crush people everybody so i got no complaints here the sauce is phenomenal the steak is extremely tender everybody we need to stop eating this angel because i can just eat this whole thing everybody that is phenomenal tender juicy the meat juices that accumulate on the bottom no it the flavor there is perfect this is good you hit every spot let's go on this one right here you ready over here yeah this one should be a little bit different oh that's so different are you okay look at his face this thing over here charcoal flavor you definitely use some charcoal on this guys it's amazing everybody it's amazing that's all i can say about that and i must say the beans oh beans amazing you gotta get some extra beans here buddy we're not kidding when we say that the beans are amazing i gotta get some extra you ready for the last one angel let's go cheers everybody cheers oh wow it's soft that is standard boy it actually has a flavor that i cannot like pinpoint it reminds me of filet mignon the texture yeah yeah this is very super extremely soft if it is filet mignon it is not tasting like filet mignon it's not a filament no no it has a different taste yes yes you know why all of these are wagyu but the marble is not that much that's correct there's not a lot of fat there's actually almost no fat but the first thing i looked at i was like because it's roast beef you know it's not like a prime cut or anything like that but it's something that you can feel the flavor of wagyu you can taste the differences on the beef itself especially if you eat beef a lot you can really tell the differences and if you are interested in trying a wagyu steak that is affordable an everyday wagyu steak that's basically what this is and your everyday everyday while you steak that's exactly what it is because not right i know right interesting there you go i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you do enjoy it make sure you give it a thumbs up if you're not a subscriber be sure to subscribe for future videos remember if you are interested in anything i use everything is always in the description down below thank you so much for watching and we'll see you guys on the next one let me know in the comments below which preparation you prefer best we would love to know see you guys on the next one take care everybody bye
Channel: Sous Vide Everything
Views: 263,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steak, wagyu, how to cook, grilling, bbq, wagyu steak, best steak, how to sous vide, slow cook, stir fry
Id: YboErH_pnm4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 3sec (603 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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