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[Music] thank you welcome to Paris the City of Lights  love and incredible foods and of course   we couldn't come here and not try some of  France's most iconic and delicious dishes [Music] this DIY food tour is going to include foods that  we already know and love but we're also going to   try foods that we've never had before and that we  couldn't miss the chance to try for the first time   here in Paris and we're gonna start with breakfast  and that means a visit to a local boulangerie foreign [Music] simply so this is one of my favorite things in the  world so what I quiche is is basically like   a pie so this one is Savory and the inside  is like an egg custard filling with like   cheese and bacon and onions this particular  recipe at least and this one is fresh off   the oven it's like warm and it smells so good  I can't wait to try this in Paris let's see it is so good the dough is delicious it's like  per the perfect like Savory breakfast and like   the inside is so creamy and delicious I don't  really taste the bacon to be honest I don't know   if Kish Lorraine always has bacon now that I think  about her because I've never made it myself I hope   you changed your mind about quiche I do like the  squish was one of the first foods that I hated I   think it was like the cooked spinach and I used  to not eat eggs but this one's very nice I think   it tastes like a small hint of bacon but I'm not  super sure I like it next up is pan or chocolate they kind of order this because of Gordon because   it's one of his favorite things in the  world but I get to try it first let's um do you hear the crunch I heard the crunch  that's when you know this is so good mm-hmm delicious the chocolate's like not  too sweet it's like a nice like bitter rich   chocolate I'm very like flaky croissant  little bun what do you call it pastry I could eat one of these every day now it's time to walk it off and  stop number two tickets [Music] [Music] evil well we pray for this today foreign well that really sucked I thought we were  just the victim of some kind of Quasi City   scam we were leaving the train station and we  were stopped by some official people and they   said that we didn't stamp our tickets and  therefore had to pay 50 euros per person   because we didn't have a stamped ticket even  though we paid for a very valid ticket and we   showed the ticket they wouldn't let us  go they wouldn't let us go back to the game like a scam like organized but like  it was totally a scam we're only sharing   so you guys don't fall for it and you  always stamp your tickets even though   like the station didn't have Paris put the  information in English so we know there was   like no information said like go stamp and  validate your ticket not even like usually   you have it to like enter and it's just it  wasn't there so it really sucked so we had   to pay 50 euros they're like forgave one of us  but that really sucked so we're gonna eat our   problems away we're already our next stop time to  eat our happiness yes to fruition time to move on for lunch we're having the very  very famous proposal [Music]   and the sandwich started as a very basic thing  that workers would have from like their lunch   breaks and somehow we became a thing and it is  basically a ham and cheese sandwich but they   use like a ham that they like cook on like  a cloth so it's like a nice ham and then on   top they put like melted gruyere cheese and  it looks very good and it smells really good   and fun fact we tried the Francis Xenia in  Portugal and this is a sandwich that inspired   the fantasina even though it looks nothing like  a Francis Xenia I'm gonna try the first bite of   micro museum even though it's a sandwich they give  you an iPhone fork and I think you are supposed   to eat it with knife and forks because we're  in France after all a ham eaters considering   all the pork that you've seen me eating but this  ham is very very good this is really good mm-hmm [Music] so I'm having a variation of  the clock monster called the crook   Madame very classy and it has a fried egg  on top I think that's the only difference and fun fact I think it means Mrs crunch   so if you want to open up a cook Madame  restaurant you can call it Mrs crunch this is like a very good like comforting meal  it's not generally what you would associate   French food with because usually like high  dining is what you associate pressured with   but this is just like simple delicious I  think there's also like a bechamel sauce   in there like a creamy cheese sauce I'm  not sure what vegetable is but it's all   very delicious I love a fried egg on top of any  sandwich 10 points for the clock madame [Music] this one was a little bit of a last minute impulse  because I saw it on the menu and I kind of like   freaked out that I haven't had a creme really  and I just like really wanted to have one oh yeah it's never too early to have creme brulee I don't know if you can hear the crunch  that's my favorite it was really never   disappoints and with the nice cappuccino or not  cappuccino he's giving away a face for a minute holy holy [Music]   Paris is so beautiful and there's so much  happening there's so much food like everywhere   you look like it's just so stimulating  and the food situation here is crazy so   hard to pick because it feels like 80 of the  establishments that we've seen are restaurants   and foods from not only French but like from  all over so very hard to pick what to eat um [Music] of course you cannot come to Paris and not have a  macaron magarone however you say it I have no idea   Yahoo I don't know what's in them  honestly I know it's like egg   whites and almond flour with the little  like cream in the center but what I do   know is that I love them my sister  used to make these and I love them I think the green one is pistachio let's see I actually don't know what it is because  it doesn't really taste like pistaches   but I like it it's really good we bought  four other flavors so we're just gonna   Munchen these until it's dinner time you  want chocolate I do fishing we will play did I get lucky I got lucky we did not plan that chocolates [Music]   thank you [Music] so we're at this place that I'm not even going  to try to pronounce but I want to put the name   here and it is the most french-looking place in  the most french-looking Street like where we are   right now it feels like a movie Set It Feels  fake it is so cute our waiter is the nicest   guy ever we ordered French Vine French beer and  of course the first dish of the night is going   to be onion soup we taught back it's not called  french onion soup in France it's just onion soup this is actually one of our favorite dishes  that we never have with some for some reason   we end up having it like once every two  years but I don't know why it smells so   good onion soup to explain it like in a very  simple way it's like a beef broth with like   onions bread and a soft layer of Elemental  cheese on top this is very different than   how they serve it in the US because in the  US it's like a thick layer of juice this one   is very modest very friendship it smells so  good and I know this is going to be great so thank you this is great onion soup it is so good like  it just cool down a little bit so it felt like   proper to like order it because it was hotter  earlier in the day but the soup is so like   Soul warming it's like a hog almost like this  one is delicious this place is actually really   famous for its onion soup so make sure to check  it out when you're coming to Paris yeah [Music] foreign we have never had this before and the  only reason why we order this is because I saw   them doing a Child movie a long time ago  and I thought this dish looked incredible um [Music] I love them so much this is I want to do this every day this is so good   I can't believe we've never eat like french food  like French food is so good and we never eat it   eat more French Foods finer local food French  food plays where you live and just eat it [Music]
Channel: Ways of the World
Views: 43,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paris food, food in paris, paris food tour, best food in paris, ways of the world paris, ways of the world, where to eat in paris, paris vlog, food vlog paris, paris travel, visit paris
Id: 8YuEd_XtoxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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