24 Hours of STREET FOODS in Paris, France 🇫🇷 Crêpes, Macaron, Jambon-Beurre & More!

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welcome to Paris I'm Luke Martin and this is 24 hours of eating in the City of [Music] Love So the plan today in par is just to eat eat eat and of course we're going to do some sightseeing as well but we don't want to take you to like the touristy spots you see a Tik Tok and Instagram all the time with crappy food we want to take you to places with real authentic delicious French food so that's the plan for today and the first stop is just down the street [Music] [Applause] this is our first stop it's character de Kos which means pig character they are super famous for their ham sandwiches it's right across the street from the mar Des Rouge a very famous Market here in Paris so we're going to go jump in line and Order ourselves up a famous jamb bu [Music] so the character at the koson is just a takeaway shop only and the way that it works is one at a time you'll enter the shop and it's kind of like a bespoke sandwich you can sort of tell them what flavor you want I just went with a classic jamb bom bur but they have all kinds of different ham you can get cooked hams smoked hams cured hams and I ordered mine with a jeon blond a white ham but also with a wild garlic in it so you can see it's kind of like a spiced ham there's some wild garlic and it's served in this beautiful baguette and then there should be I don't know if you can see it back there a nice slab of uh butter on there and this is like the most famous sandwich in all of France I read something online that said they sell like 2.2 million of these per day that's almost a billion jamban bars sold in France every year which is insane and this place is super famous for it so let's try it [Music] out really soft meat and you can taste that garlic flavor in there the bag at is perfectly cooked crisp I feel like this is just a perfect summery of French food in general meat and bread and butter it's just so classic but look at how overflowing it is with the ham they had all kinds of other ones in there I feel like I'm the only person who goes in ordering just a classic jom B everybody was getting like with artichokes with Pickles all kinds of different sauces truffles this that but I just want to try the most typical French jamama they good if you like ham you'll love this once you get a little deeper and you start getting to the butter it gets even better and what's kind of ironic is that it's called C everything is Pig theme all pork in there but they give it to you in this uh cow patterned uh wrapper which is kind of weird M the bread it's got such a bite to it yum I like that he doesn't put a lot of butter in it so it doesn't overpower the taste of the ham it's good so that was €440 for the sandwich Paris is definitely pricey but man this city is undeniably beautiful however I will add to that it really stinks in Paris you get a lot of really bad smells trash and of urine but then you also walk past B leres and you smell the fresh baked good so it's kind of like a [Music] [Music] tossup next up another typical French snack this time crep and I just went to a place called lugari uh whoever said French people were not friendly because that guy was super super friendly he had all kinds of different uh creps you can get all kinds of different toppings I ordered with Nutella and almonds and just standing in front of the beautiful beautiful background here and I've got my crap you can see just this uh thin pancake with the Nutella and almonds and actually Paris is just the first stop on our tour here in France we will actually be going to Britany next which is known for its uh creps and galletes so we'll be trying them again there but we wanted to check out this place today it's got really good reviews so let's try it out oh there's so many different layers having it wrapped up like this it's amazing because you get like crap almond Nutella crap almond Nutella oh it's actually really really good look at that yum he didn't like load on the Nutella or anything anything so it's not super sweet it's actually all about that pancake so [Music] thin not [Music] pancake wow the Nutella is not too much make the CPS not too sweet and it's perfect with the crunchiness of the Almond it's soft I love it it's perfect dessert how's Mink's food reviews guys leave a comment down below she's just starting out so I'm sorry guys oh you're doing a good job you like the crep mhm tast perfect it's not like when we when we get a crep in Thailand it's super crunchy crispy yeah like as soon as you bite it just breaks into a million pieces this is Fluffy my first real CP in France it's actually so good it's like you put the put the perfect amount of Nutella oh my God look at that yum all right let's continue on our dessert tour of Paris we're going to pop into a bong a typical Parisian Bakery for some baked goods [Music] next so we just popped into a b longerie a typical Parisian Bakery it's called dupen a days e days and we picked up two uh Specialties of the bakery the first is a classic uh chatin or pan or chakola and then the second is something a little bit more unique uh it's escargo but not the escargo you're thinking of this is a pastry escargo it's called escargo because of the shape it looks like a snail shell and it's with pistachios and also with uh chocolate chips so let's try this one just layers upon layers of pastry you definitely get like hints of the Nutty pistachio and a little bit sweet from the chocolate so you can see the pastry just spiraling around layers of chocolate chips and pistachios it's really good a little bit dry but really good sitting beside the canal here in Paris very Parisian having the pastries here so whether you call this a chocolatine or a pen o Shaka I guess it depends on what part of France you're coming from either way you call it it's definitely one of the most famous pastries in all of France mhm oh that's amazing really classic just look at those paper thin flaky layers and then you get a nice layer of chocolate in there basically Quant with the chocolate on the inside so delicate and Airy oh my gosh look at that yum that's a great pan of chocola I now I understand why the as cago is famous for it's really good like At first I'm sorry because there's a long line so I kind of like judge it a little bit like is it going to be that good because it's so popular but when I try it it's really good and I don't know what's the name I can't pronounce it dang a days e e days I'm sorry my friend it's not nice but if if you're in Paris I recommend this one that you should try and especially that there is cago it's good especially with the coffee too how much was the coffee oh my God that coffee is quite expensive it's like 6 in typical Parisian fashion it is about midday now and that means it's time to start drinking wine so we're going to a wine bar [Music] next [Music] allign here in Paris you actually have to open the door manually so don't be caught standing there waiting for the door to Auto open and miss your [Music] stop so we've just come to selfie Central here in Paris this is probably the most instagrammed spot in all of parrot I don't even know the name but it's just on the back side of the Lou and it's quite beautiful it's got these little black and white striped uh kind of pedestal things that everybody sits on but don't get in the background of anyone's picture because I'll tell you to move like that girl just told me back over [Music] there so we've come to this beautiful wine bar inside of of an area called Gallery Vivien it's kind of a covered shopping arcade with these incredible tiled floors and glass ceilings it's gorgeous in here and this wine bar is called Lon F Fe and we just ordered up a bottle of wine I don't know too much about wine and when you come to France it's like it gets extra complicated so I just asked for a recommendation and it's a Marc wine from burgundy 2020 beautiful red wine and what an incredible setting this is so gorgeous here let's try it it yeah just ask for the recommendation you can't go wrong beautiful little fruity a little bit tanic yum our food has arrived some beautiful presentation here in Paris we've got the tuna white tuna uh very medium rare and then served with blackberries and beans and then over here we've got a fig salad which just looks so beautiful with pitmon nuts I'm going to start with this beautifully cooked tuna I'm not totally sure what this creamy sauces on the bottom most [Music] try it's actually super light and simple flavor it's grilled on the outside so it's got a little bit of a CH smokiness and I'm going to take a Blackberry too which is such a cool topping for tuna never had that [Music] before it works really well it's sour sweet yum explosure okay so this fig salad actually has barata cheese on the bottom one of my favorite things in the entire world and get some of those nuts as [Music] well that's even better than the tuna there's something about Barat I just love it so creamy strong fig flavor and it's like a fig uh puree or cream around it too yum both very good but I got to give it up to this this is just beautiful figs here in France so good M the blackb is like a sauce on a tuna it's so good it's perfect together it yum finished off with our bottle of wine only 2 p.m. that's how you do it here in Paris I guess and we are going to do a little bit of sightseeing now just working our way through Le jardan to uh P Royale and we're going to head to the lou and then onwards to the Eiffel Tower eventually [Music] [Applause] [Music] so we have made it to the lou the most famous Museum in maybe the entire world definitely here in Paris and you've got this beautiful glass pyramid and all these incredible buildings surrounding it with intricate details we're not going to actually go inside today uh it is quite uh an event to go to the lou you're going to want like all day to go there we don't have that much time just 24 hours here in Paris but uh all kinds of famous things to see in there and L you know the you know Mona's in there right Mona Lisa mon owna what is Mona Mona Lisa yes I know what she's in there yeah unfortunately we're not going to be able to see Miss Lisa today but it's beautiful from the outside that's for sure it is really beautiful [Music] you know there's not too many places I would say this about but you see a lot of pictures of the Lou and I have to say it's even more beautiful in person you really got to come here and see it for yourself it's just absolutely gorgeous every angle is an incredible photo we're going to keep going through the jardan twery and then towards the Eiffel [Music] [Music] Tower just working our way towards the Eiffel Tower walking along the S now and about to cross this famous bridge it's called Pont Alexandra uh theii beautiful Bridge with these golden statues on top and it is just absolutely stunning here Paris definitely doesn't disappoint it is a incredibly beautiful city so here she is the most famous piece of metal in the entire world definitely does not need an introduction I will say that is a lot bigger in person than I thought and kind of like rustier looking than I expected to still beautiful though unfortunately the park in front is definitely not uh much to see it's just kind of dirt and millions of people taking selfies but got to get your picture here if you come to Paris it's a must I'd say that this park is probably not the best place you can get a good view of the Eiffel Tower so we're actually going to head towards the shop de now and have some uh dessert maon and then we're going to find a better view of the Eiffel [Music] Tower so we've come to get another view of the Eiffel Tower this time from the troo area we wanted to go to Trocadero square but it seems like it's closed for renovation so we've come to trokadero Gardens beautiful gardens with an incredible view of the Eiffel Tower and I think before dinner we're actually going to get some dessert we're going to have some of the famous macarons from La which is one of the most popular places to have macaron here in Paris let's go [Applause] [Music] hello we're at lter here on the sh the famous uh Street here with The Arc the triump at the end and laud is the most famous place for mackel here in Paris uh maybe even in the entire world we ordered up a box of six it was like €1 1950 it's beautiful packaging let me unveil this to you so we've got lemon um I think that one salted caramel this is milk chocolate with coconut raspberry this one is um C coffee and then this one's called Mary antoanet tea I'm not totally sure okay I'm going to start with the lemon one so these uh macarons they're basically mering little cookies and uh it's made with almond flour this is lemon [Music] oh it's extremely delicate look super light Airy that is really good actually nice sour lemon flavor crumbly on the outside yeah that's really good so I'm a coffee lover I'm going to go with the coffee flavor one M it's really delicate like to say it's like a little bit um crispy on the outside and then inside you can taste exactly coffee flavor I love this one so this one is called Mary antoanet tea I don't really know what that is I'm guessing it's some kind of tea flavor but I just really like the blue so I got it let's [Music] try it's almost like a rose tea I think I it taste some floral flavor in there yeah the the flavors that they are like coffee and lemon are extremely concentrated you can just taste pure lemon pure coffee this one's like a kind of like a tea milk tea with like rose or something all right I'm going to try the raspberry one so pink I like it oh my God you can taste a raspberry from it this macaron from um this place this shop is different from other macaron it taste before because from the other place you just taste only sweet you didn't taste the exact taste of it but this place I think it worth the way and if you come to Parish you should try from this shop they're all like we're eating so many desserts today before dinner so we're going to save the other two flavors we've got for after dinner tonight try this raspberry yeah how's it they're definitely using like real raspberries my gosh actually super super good I didn't think it was a fan of macron but man these are good all right time for a proper dinner [Music] now so for dinner tonight we are having some typical French food I picked out a beastro there are so many choose from but this one is called leant dears it's really picturesque Beautiful Beast so we're going to go inside order up some classic French food for dinner tonight this is such a classic French beastro I love the atmosphere in here you have the red and white Checker tablecloth and just sitting in this old historic Alleyway and ordered up some really classic French food as well this here is the famous steak fruit so there's really only two rules with this I'll say order it medium rare and don't ask for ketchup whatever you do because it comes with its own beautiful bernes sauce which is like an egg yolk with white wine vinegar and we've also got a another dish here this is the duck com feet so it's actually duck lag that has been slow cooked and almost preserved in duck fat and it just looks so good not totally sure what the cut of meat is here it looks almost like a fet m and let's cut this open see if it's been cooked as I requested medium rare that is a thick cut of beef and I'm going to drown this in bernes sauce here in a minute oh yeah perfectly cooked look at that beautiful beautiful steak and then let's grab some of the sauce look how thick that is too bernes sauce just put a heavy coating right on there and the reason why I said don't ask for ketchup is because you're going to be eating your freets with this bernes as well that is amazing oh my God that is tender tender steak and it's almost got like a crust on the outside so you also get like a kind of crunch to it as well the bernes sauce is just so good you can taste the white wine vinegar in there it's got a little bit of a kick oh man that is beautiful beautiful steak amazing it wouldn't be steak fruit with the fruits let's try some of these french fries or as they call them here just fries oh my God that sauce is incredible it's got a punch oh nice crunchy fries pretty normal but just with that sauce takes it to another level okay I'm going to have a taste of mink duck coni here never tried this actually look at that beautiful duck leg slow cooked in its own fat that's also very good so the process of cooking the duck lag con Fe is because it's generally kind of a tough cut of meat but that is not tough at all because the con Fe did its job it's made it so tender so smooth it is a little bit salty though but it's also got kind of a dry layer on the other side but still very juicy on the inside just shreds apart falls apart in your mouth that's so good the further I get into this steak the more and more it looks like it's going to get up and walk off my plate that is quite a rare medium rare but it's still delicious anything with this bares sauuce is just incredible and these two dishes the duck conit and the uh steak fre are two of the most classic French dishes uh this is just our first foray into tasting French cuisine on this trip we're going to be also visiting Leon which is known as the gastronomic capital of France and also uh Britany so I'm very looking forward to it first time really getting into French food here in France it's awesome all right dessert time we've ordered the chocolate mousse oh man this is going to be rough we are both so stuffed oh at least this is light and Airy oh it's delicious I have no idea what this little thing is here it honestly looks like a canoli I thought it was a canoli at the beginning let's try that it's like whipped cream that's good that was an incredible dinner so the Fon dears beastro the one we just ate as just 2 minutes walk to the Eiffel Tower and you have to come back at night time if you see it in the day come back at night time it's incredible we just watched it sparkling it only does it for like a few minutes sparkling but it is just absolutely beautiful what a day of eating here in Paris so much good food so many rich flavors some of it a little bit heavy we are stopped it's been a great day I hope you guys enjoyed all the information for the places we visited will be down in the description box and if you haven't already make sure to subscribe we've got more videos coming from France see you on the next episode Chic drama it's a rat running by
Channel: Luke Martin
Views: 91,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paris, parisian, parisian food, france, french, french food, street food, food, street food in paris, street food in france, french street food, paris street food, france street food, food france, food paris, what to eat paris, what to do paris, where to eat paris, 24 hours in paris, french foods, luke martin, luke martin paris, luke maritn, luke martin france, chopstick travel, chopsticks travel, chopstick travels, paris 2023
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 44sec (1484 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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