We tested 14 PC's to Help You Build Your Best Machine for DaVinci Resolve!

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as a filmmaker doing a lot of editing my most important tool in post production is of course my computer however most video editors are not necessarily computer experts most of us will have a limited budget and it's difficult to know where to put our money should we spend all our money on the best GPU or should we have a more balanced computer how much RAM do we need and what kind of CPU gives the best bang for the buck let's find out in this video so far so good it's really slow really choppy this is not just a test projects it's a real projects this was probably the best build build one build number two build seven 10 11 14 the last build oh fres no is this worth it and yeah I mean that's a major major difference this is really interesting I'm so stressed out right now I need help welcome to this video where we test out 14 different PC builds for DaVinci Resolve we run a production company in Norway and not long ago we switched a whole team going from Premiere to DaVinci Resolve as the main editing software and we do a lot of projects every week so for us it's really important to have a stable computer for editing in this video we also going to talk with Casey Ferris who made a quite similar video about DaVinci and the hardware so we're going to talk with him and show him our results to get his thoughts about it Asus contacted us wanting to sponsor a video about their Pro art lineup we thought it would would be a great possibility to make a video we've been wanting to make for a long time what makes the best computer particularly for Davin resolve as that is our main editing software we've been building a lot of different computers here in the office over the past few years but it's been a little bit difficult to know where to put our money in terms of Hardware in order to get the most value so we decided to build a whole bunch of PC configurations to see what would be the ultimate combination of Hardware Asus sent us what they thought would be a really good editing computer which would be the Baseline for our testing a lot of the components were part of their Pro art lineup which is tailored toward creators like us this included their Pro art z790 motherboard the case and the cooler in addition to the 4080 super overclocked GPU you know before the pro art lineup came to be we have you know built a lot of powerful computers and they were great but they look like RGB Christmas tree and it just doesn't fit with our Aesthetics and it's completely unnecessary to have these flashing lights everywhere so it's nice to have just something that looks professional clean and works it's nice it's nice so my job is basically to have um computers ready for m& Anders so basically you know this is so much harder than it looks like actually because I can't take you seriously while I'm looking her straight into her soul you know so my job in this project is to um have the four configurations ready for em Anders uh every single day um we're on a pretty tight schedule they're working on real projects um I can't screw this up at all actually while Philip was building the computer we had to figure out how we were going to measure the results I was not thinking that you were a part of this video oh why just getting too popular on the channel I think we should change okay okay Emma are you ready to be the test rabbit for this project yes I am yeah we're doing this while we are working for clients I think I have three different projects I'm going to work on and you have commercial yeah commercial YouTube videos YouTube videos going be really really like a real scenario test so I'm a bit worried that we will get some uh problem with a crashing uh tight deadlines for the commercials so it's this is a risky project who was this idea where's Morton measuring the performance of a computer for real life use is quite difficult to make it as scientific as possible we created a reference project in DCI resolve with loads of files from different cameras h265 Cinema dng 4K and 8K we also made some fusion Clips in addition to adding some noise reduction Gray film gray inhalation to some clips we exported the timeline two times on each build to get a representative time and in addition we tried to generally scroll and Playback in this project and other projects we were working on then this way we felt like we got a good overview of how the computer would perform on everyday use because we really see in let's say the making a film company series we have this YouTube channel there we have a lot of different cameras uh because we shoot whenever we see something right this documentary when you had different cameras different codecs that's when I see that the computer can struggle a lot so it's really nice to have have this reference timeline to really really test out the computer the Asus computer rendered the reference timeline in 3 minutes and 12 seconds which is awesome additionally we wanted to see what the fastest possible render time could be so we maxed out the system with a 49 in graphics card and 192 GB of RAM this gave us a render time of Just 2 minutes and 1 second and that is very fast these times show what high-end systems can do let's see what happens when we start swapping out the different components first we started by testing out the ram Philip built four different computers they all had the same CPU GPU storage motherboard and so forth we only changed the ram in addition to the 64 gig kit sent from Asus we tried 30 2 gigs at the same speed and 192 gig which is Max you can have in this system we also wanted to see if the speed of the ram made any difference so we lower the speed in the Bios to 3200 megat transfer per second on the 64 gig kit okay M ready to start the test y let's go okay let's go they were pretty similar I feel like things were running smoothly I I couldn't experience any difference Emma and Anders seem to be happy with the speed of the computers no matter the ram the render speeds were fast on all of these builds but the RAM gave a bit of a performance boost as you would expect with 192 gigs being 27% faster than 32 gigs the speed of the Ram uh can give a little bit of a per performance boost but it is not as important as we can see in our charg as the actual capacity of that RAM and I thought after 64 gig of RAM that you would actually see like a diminishing uh return of investment that you wouldn't really see that much of a difference between 64 and2 but we could see a significant difference here by having 192 gigs of RAM I would still say that 64 gigs is probably enough for most people Casey thank you so much for joining this video we learned a lot from your channel uh about the EV result uh so hey that's awesome is your computer actually going to take advantage of this Hardware that you're putting into it right because you might be able to put in twice the ram but if it's only going to use a quarter of the ram anyway putting more RAM and more RAM into it isn't going to help if you're just editing stuff and you never do anything fancy I mean you can get away with a very different build than you would if you were doing noise reduction all the time so yeah it's depending on what you're doing this is so cool that you guys tested all this stuff man this is it took a while really interesting next up was the CPU the brain of the system um for our Asus build we of course had the very powerful I9 top of the line but we wanted to see what happened if we downgrade this into something cheaper so we took the I5 and the I3 which is much lower down the ranks in the Intel system okay Ma CPU test starting with the cheapest one I3 y CPU test I3 let's go uh it's a notice L slower and I really started to see the difference was build eight yeah it it was not good crash no but I'm I'm editing so fast that the PC can't handle me my brain is quicker than the PC it's it's behind me and then suddenly it just crash because it gives up I'm a Norway's fastest editor if you didn't know uh I had a competition against what I thought was the fastest editor in Norway as the previous YouTube video between the i5 and I9 you have the i7 which we didn't get uh to test out unfortunately but that seems to maybe be a really good middle ground if you want to save a few bucks and don't get the top of line I9 generally we saw that the feeling that Emma and Anders had while editing in terms of the timeline speed was quite uh corresponding to the actual render times so it seems like the render TS were a good measurement of how uh it also felt to use uh d in terms of playback speed and so forth pretty much everything in resolve is uses the CPU in some way and so having a good CPU I think is essential if I were going to build a new system right now to run resolve all aspects of resolve I would I would get the best like regular CPU that you can get so something like a like a I9 uh because that's the hardest part to upgrade you could try out less Ram you can try out a less beefy graphics card but you you can't really switch out the CPU very easily it's tied to your motherboard and it's kind of dependent on other [Music] things then it was time for the GPU you know the big expensive part of your system that's gotten just so crazy expensive over the past few years can we maybe make our build a little bit cheaper by getting some more affordable uh gpus for the gpus we wanted to test a lot of them so Philip had quite a bit of work ahead of him We Gather most of the GBS in in our office ranging from the qu dull 2060 to the 3070 TI 380 TI 480 super 3090 and 4090 just installed the uh GPU for build number 12 so this is a 3080 TI everything is on all right moment of truth hopefully boots looks like everything is working fine so yeah I'm happy okay Andre so you have the uh probably the slowest PC of uh of the builds yeah but I I don't feel it it's it's run smoothly actually so far at least for just normal editing it's um it's smooth that's great oh crashed no I thought everything was good with this build but first crash and now blue screen bye I need help all right is this worth it should we like uh risk our clients for this test I'm so stressed out right now the CPU is overheating I can't find the issue I I just want to go home honestly turns out it was just the wrong uh I plugged it into the wrong header on the motherboard so that's that's embarrassing two more tests with the uh 390 and also the 370 so uh we're going to run uh some uh few more tests and uh see uh see how they perform you're testing many machines how do you like the new uh Pro art monitor it's uh it's really good way better than the one I had before so yeah bigger the colors pop more it's it's really good all right nice okay so this is build 14 the last build and uh so far so good finally the end mhm as you expect here the more money you pay the better the performance but it is quite uh interesting to see that in terms of rendering speed the difference between say a 3080 TI down to the 4090 or 480 is not enormous if you can get your hands on a previous generation GPU it might be worth it it was interesting to see that the 490 was barely any faster than the older 390 unless you're doing really High solution um I don't really see the point of going to a 49 there are some things in resolve that take more advantage of the GPU uh certain effects infusion things like uh any of the D Vinci neural engine stuff noise reduction things like color color grading there's a lot of GPU Focus stuff there and as you can see the build 13 was quite slow yeah and I would imagine that that's coming from Mostly the noise reduction and yeah I mean that's a major major difference you get get a 4080 versus a 4090 at least for the gpus and yeah you save a little bit of time you save 15 seconds the 13 seconds right but a 2060 versus a 490 is a big difference big difference yeah definitely if it was like editing h264 footage doing just basic stuff I bet all of these would be so similar um that it wouldn't be that big of a deal except for maybe the CPU stuff I don't know we saw that Anders on the weaker build he was doing fine with some of the uh projects I think probably the ones that had the easier Panasonic gh6 files on them but as soon as uh we got to more complex codecs it started to fall apart so uh I think that just goes to show that there's no perfect computer for everybody uh because if you're shooting 4K with a nice easy to edit codec you don't really need a fast computer but if you're like us and doing all sort of different nightmare codec in 8k then you need like a 490 and the top of the line you can get away by using a really affordable system if you're using it correctly you had an interview with this uh this company who was like specialized in making the perfect machines for the Wii resolve it's all kind of merged into one you've got color grading you've got Fusion you've got a fair light now so all of those different things use Hardware actually slightly differently as Casey and pit system uh explain so well in his video it depends also how you you use uh resolve as to how you will pick uh the parts that's best for you if you're editing a whole lot and your your PC's kind of lagging and stuff first thing I would look at is what kind of footage are you shooting are you shooting higher res footage than you need or a different codec then is ideal next one would be can you use a proxy workflow proxies are something that I feel like a lot of people shy off of because they don't want to spend the time to convert them or they feel like their computer should be able to handle it doesn't matter if you think your computer should be able to handle it if it's not just make proxy like you know this is a pride issue I think for a lot of people um we make proxies on everything even though our computers can handle stuff just because it's so much faster like if it scrubs perfectly buttery every time instead of you know three out of four times then that's like a 25% increase in your productivity so just like think about that and chances are you're probably not going to immediately start editing and not stop right there's going to be a break let it make proxies during your break there casy thank you so much for all these and thanks again for the amazing YouTube channel and all the tips and knowledge you share any of you haven't seen Casey FIS YouTube channel before there's a link in the description yeah thank you guys for doing all this testing and for and for all the stuff you do I really appreciate it I think it's safe to say that resol is really good at utilizing all the different resources it has available uh if you lower the ram it will go slower if you lower the GPU it go a little bit slower if you lower the CPU it goes slower um so anything you throw at it it will use it um which makes it kind of easy for us editors is just use more money but of course it's also a tradeoff of how good do you need um your uh computer to be I know for me personally it's if as long as the playback is fine and uh the timeline is running smoothly I don't care if it takes a minute or two longer to render so as long as I would get over that peak of getting the cameras and codecs I'm using to run smoothly then I would be happy when you get into this flow it takes about 10 20 minutes to get into this editing flow when you where you edit the most efficiently and if it starts lagging or crashing you will get out of the flow again so you have to start over again so having something running smoothly stable it just makes you edit a lot faster and also uh it gets more fun so you can actually deliver a better product yeah yeah so that was our experiment I hope you all learned something new from this and thanks to Asus for sponsoring this project check out the link to them in the description and next week we are releasing what might be the biggest YouTube Project we ever done we turn our studio into sci-fi Street and used s production so stay tuned if you haven't subscribed do it now and I see you again next week [Music]
Channel: Andyax
Views: 11,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6Sa9WCwDJpw
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Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Thu May 16 2024
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