We Test: $1 vs $300 Zip Ties

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- These zip ties cost over $300. - And these zip ties only cost about a dollar. (dramatic music) (metal slashes) (Jeremiah yells) - But why would you spend $300 on zip ties when you can just go to Harbor Freight and get the cheap ones? - Today, we're testing these and a bunch of other tools to figure out if you really need to spend more money or if you can get away with the cheap stuff. (hard rock music) Oh, there some stuff stuck in there. I'm Jeremiah. He's Zach. Welcome to Donut. Now, we have 10 zip ties that are currently holding this engine up, and a pack of a hundred of these zip ties cost $304. Now, the reason they're so expensive is because they're made out of Tefzel. And Tefzel, it's just a brand name type of plastic that's really resistant to corrosive elements. - Now, these zip ties, these cost $1.89 for a hundred of 'em at good old Harbor Freight. They're just a standard nylon zip tie, but both of these zip ties are rated at a tensile strength of 50 pounds. Now, we weighed this engine. It weighs in at just over 400 pounds. So we're gonna cut one zip tie at a time and see how many zip ties are left when this thing drops to the ground. I'm gonna cut the first one off. - [Jeremiah] Okay. (tense electronic music) (Jeremiah and Zach laughing nervously) - Simultaneously really like this and hate it. Okay, you ready? - Yep. - Going down to eight. Oh God. (engine slams) So nine. It takes nine. - [Jeremiah] It takes nine. - All right, so we're strapping up our cheap Harbor Freight zip ties now. And we've put 15 on there just in case 10 can't do it. Since these are so much cheaper, the concern is that they're not gonna do as good as the expensive ones. So we're starting with 15 here, but you know what? I have faith that we're gonna get down to seven zip ties before this engine drops. We're halfway through that. I'm trying to only get one at a time. Okay. 14. Okay. 13, 10, ooh, that had some... That had a little pop to it. - [Jeremiah] If we get one more, they're even with $300 zip ties. - Okay, so this takes us down to 9? - [Jeremiah] This takes us down to nine. - [Zach] Oh! - So it's better. We failed at nine last time. - Failed clipping to eight. - We're even Stevens right now. - Okay. - [Cameraman] So this is for all the marbles. - This is for all the marbles. This is the take the lead. - [Jeremiah] Oh! - Yeah! Seven zip ties before this engine drops. (Jeremiah yells) (Jeremiah screams) - Six! - What can't they do? Five? - There she was. - That's a fricking win. I've cut through 11 of these zip ties. I was cutting the fifth to leave four zip ties holding the engine up when it fell. That's a huge improvement over your expensive, insane zip ties. - In all, how much were these? A dollar- - Buck 89, baby. - For a buck 89, you can't go wrong if you need to hoist your engine with some zip ties. All right, Zach. So clearly Harbor freight takes the W in this case. But the real reason these are so expensive is something we're gonna get to right after this message from our sponsor. Thanks to "Raid: Shadow Legends" for sponsoring today's video. - [Narrator] This is the best time to get started in "Raid." And if you click the link below or scan the QR code on screen, you'll get unique bonuses worth $30. We're talking a free Epic Champion, Aina, plus 20,000 silver, one Energy Refill, one XP Boost, and one Ancient Shard. - "Raid: Shadow Legends" is full of exciting battles with kings and wizards, but don't take it from me. I got my buddy Deathknight here to tell you. - Oh yeah, we... We're old childhood friends. Good buddies. BFFs. - During the upcoming Death Knight hunt event, players who play for seven days get Ultimate Deathknight for free. The event runs from now through October 27th. - Oh, I'm sick of Ultimate Deathknight. We don't need two bone guys. It's like, we started with the same skeleton, but this other guy is ultimate? - Hey, that's like our Hi and Low car. - Exactly. And obviously I'm the Hi skeleton warrior. - You sure about that? See, Ultimate Deathknight, he's got a gleaning long sword full plate armor, and magical aura. Well, you, you got a rusty sword. You got torn up chain mail, and you trip over rocks all the time. - Hey, hey, walking without flesh or toenails is difficult. - Okay. And use promo code DKRISES to instantly upgrade any legendary champion, including Ultimate Deathknight, to level 50, five star ascension. - Oh, he's got his own promo code, too? I mean, so do I. - Oh yeah? What's your code? - It's... ULTIMATEDEATHKNIGHTISTHELOWSKELETON. - That's not real. That one you made up. Don't use that, people. - Hey, would this face lie? - So check out the Deathknight Hunt event, and use the promo code DKRISES to grab yourself Ultimate Deathknight for free between now and October 27th. But here's the thing. The reason these are so expensive is because they're used in nuclear power plants. - All right. That's pretty cool. - They're able to withstand higher temperature and still maintain their tensile strength. All right, so Jobe is setting up our rig here. What we have is a bucket. We're gonna put 50 pounds in it, and it's gonna be suspended by either Harbor Freight or the expensive zip tie. We have a heat gun that's gonna be blasting heat directly onto the zip tie itself. So we're gonna see which one can stand up to the heat the longest. Here we go. Three, two, one, go. (heat gun whirring) ♪ Ever since I was little ♪ ♪ Ever since I was little I would look like fun ♪ (bell dings) (Jeremiah chuckles) 13.63 seconds. All right, you ready, Jobe? - [Zach] Yeah. Are you ready? - Yeah. Three, two, one. (intense percussion music) (heat gun whirring) - That was quick. All right, Jer, what do you think? Which one's going in the toolbox? Which one you stashing? Which one you trashing? - Dude, I'm stashing ol' HF, all day, every day. - 100%. - No way am I paying $3 a zip tie. (party favor bleats) (people cheering) - Okay, now we're testing air hammers. I've got my Harbor Freight unit, $12.99. - And I got my Jupiter Pneumatic $277 pneumatic air hammer. - Hey, yours is longer. - It is, it's got a longer snout. - Now, an air hammer is a great tool for doing things that you would do with a hammer, but just by pulling a trigger, you can do it hundreds of times a minute. And these fit into tight spaces where it's hard to swing a hammer. Right off the rip, this feels, it feels like a standard air tool. It's cheap, but that's what Harbor Freight's known for. - Okay, so let's talk some specs. This is around four CFM. - Cubic feet of air per minute is just the rate of usage of air. These are compressed air tools, so knowing how much air they consume as you use 'em is important because that lets you know whether or not your compressor can handle running them. - Well, Jobe, we actually have some studs right here. - Spectacular. - And what we're gonna do is we're gonna time how fast we can hammer out these studs on this wheel spacer, yeah, but... (air hissing) - Three, two, one, go. (lively dance music) (music slows and fades) - You wanna try it? - I mean, listen- - Come on. - Honestly- - You give it a (beep) whirl. - It looks like you're doing everything you could do. - Three, two, one. (flatulence bleats) (lively dance music) (air hammer slamming) 25 seconds. - It's all in the hips, Jer. - I'm leanin' like a mother (beep) in the hips. (air hammer slamming) - Heads up. (air hammer slamming) - Okay. Now we've got a fresh spacer with five fresh studs. We're gonna try it with the Harbor Freight gun, time it, see who comes out victorious. That one is not coming out. Hasn't moved at all. Let's try another. I think that stud is stuck. All right, well, interesting results, I guess. Expensive gun worked better. So I don't know. I mean, this is the type of thing where it's like if you need a light duty air hammer that you're gonna use once or twice, 13 bucks is fine. But if you're working on cars all the time, and this is a tool that you intend to use a lot, I would probably spend the money. - You know what else I like to use around the shop? - What? - If I'm not hammering, I'm drilling. - Oh. All right. Up next, we're testing drill bits. I've got a $19 set of titanium coated drill bits here from Harbor Freight. - I have a $250 set of Chicago-Latrobe Cobalt, and these are actually straw oxide coated. - Whoa. - Do you know what that is? - Uh-uh. - Me either. (Jeremiah and Zach laugh) - Let's see. What do we got? So I've just got a standard little point. Yeah, they look pretty similar. You've got that secondary angle there, which is probably meant for cutting and ejecting, I would think. - Yeah, that's an ejector hole right there. - All right, for the first test, we're gonna drill 50 holes into the deck lid of this Chrysler Sebring using a drill bit from the cheap kit and a drill bit from the expensive kit. When we're done, we'll inspect the quality of the holes. We'll inspect the drill bit for wear and damage. And we're also gonna time the whole thing, see which one does it quicker, which is kind of an indicator of sharpness and durability. - Speed matters here at the tool party. - Speed's all that matters. (lively horn music) Are you ready? - Ready. - [Zach] Drill! (drill whirring) Oh, that was... (drill whirring) - [Jeremiah] 24? Oh! - 25 holes. - One minute, 44 seconds, and 44 one hundredths. - Hell yeah. Okay. Ready, set, go. (drill whirring) Ooh, that- - Time. - Oh, she's bent now. - Oh, you bent her. 1:32:18. - Okay, so I beat ya. I beat you in time. And honestly, a lot of these holes look a little bit cleaner than yours. The holes still stayed pretty circular and clean for a bent drill bit, but you don't want a bent drill bit. I mean, in my opinion, that bit is now trash. - [Jeremiah] Chicago-Latrobe hole. - And that's a Harbor freight bent bit hole. And this is a pretty pristine Chicago-Latrobe out of a $250 set making holes that look like this. All right, Jerry. So the quality of your holes isn't quite what I was expecting, but this is pretty normal use. I think we should torture test these things and see how they stand up. - Let's get torture. (men screaming) - You've got a wrench here, which is made outta tool steel. Very durable, hard to drill through, and we're gonna drill through it pretty badly, really, the way that you shouldn't. We're gonna do it quick. No lube. Full speed. See what wears out. - Just smashing down on it. - All right, so up first is our Harbor Freight drill bit out of a kit for $18.99. Okay. Let's go. (intense orchestra music) Now we're cookin'. Here we go. Oh, she's smokin'. Oh, look at that. That was cool. - What, did it break off? - It melted. We went orange-red, we got like red hot down at the tip. Then it did like a bend thing. The drill bit bent, it looked like, and then kinda snapped back to straight. - [Jeremiah] It caught it, huh? - It literally didn't do much of anything. Cheap drill bit wore about like I would expect a spaghetti noodle to wear. It didn't really do anything at all, just melted, and it doesn't look like there was ever a sharp tip there. So that's an absolute failure. I'm really interested to see what your expensive bit does. - Okay. - Shall we? - Let's do it. (explosion booms) Okay. You ready? (drill press whirring) (intense orchestra music) Yeah. (Jeremiah laughs) Ah, that's awesome. - That's a round tipped bit. - A round tip bit. - But it did make some, you know- - It made a hole. - Yeah, it made a hole. It did remove some tool steel. - That was cool. - You can see how blue it all is. I mean, that's not the way to work with this material, but it did a pretty good job. Got about at least halfway through, I would say before the bit overheated, dulled out, and totally rounded off. - [Jeremiah] We welded her over. - [Zach] Oh, that looks cool though. - It does. You know, you might, if you're good, you could probably sharpen that. - If you're drilling often, and it's something like if you have a drill press set up and you commonly are moving through metal and stuff like that, you want something that's gonna be able to do that repeatedly over time. What we did here was accelerate wear, right? You know, imagine drilling through sheet metal a thousand times, and doing it properly, that cheap drill bit would wear down over that time. But I'm not sure. I think the more expensive would do a lot better. And by the way, we filmed a way deeper analysis on these drill bits that we couldn't fit all into this video. So we're gonna post that on the Donut Underground. For more information on that, hit the Join button down below. Up next, we're testing shop vacs. I got a $60 unit here made by Bauer from Harbor Freight. - And I have a $620 unit, Shop-Vac, brand name Shop-Vac. - Why is yours so big? - I don't know. What the Lord gave me. - Yeah, you spent six times the money. - I know, so does it have six times the sucking power? - Not about the size of the sucker. - All right, so we have a nice little test here that Canaan and Jimmy set up. Sand, sand with a little bit of debris. That looks like a cigarette butt. - It is. - Nice. And then we have various fasteners, and hardware, and more trash, and what looks like a big Grave Digger there, which- - Yeah, I don't know if that's gonna make it through. - So we're gonna go hit each line individually, one at a time, and then we're gonna time how long it takes to suck all the sand and debris up. Does that sound good? - Sounds great. - Well, let's see. (vacuum whirs) Are you ready? - [Zach] Yeah, I'm revvin' it. That's how you know I'm ready. - Three, two, one. Go. (intense percussion music) (vacuum whirring) - Looks pretty good, Jobe. - Yeah, it's moving a little slower than I thought it might, but that's because I'm so down on power, you know? - [Jeremiah] Right. (intense percussion music) (vacuum whirring) Oh, sucking up the nuts and bolts like it's nothing. - [Zach] Oh, there's some stuff stuck in there. Uh-oh. - [Jeremiah] 52 seconds. Uh-oh. And total, Jobe, three minutes, 11 seconds to do three lines. - Hey, not bad. - Not bad, but you know what? - Let's see how your 10 times more expensive shop vac does. Three, two, one, suck! - [Jeremiah] What the (beep)? - [Zach] What? - It isn't sucking that great. - [Zach] It's on you, dog. Ooh, he's being impeded by the chunks. All right, Jerry, so you beat me by a couple of seconds here and there. Is that worth all the money you spent on it? - Heck no, man. Are you kidding me? If you're gonna pay that much more money, you want that much more performance, and this vacuum, to be completely honest with you, is a little bit of a letdown in that. I thought for sure I'd just be (grunting). Final test of the day. We're gonna dunk these ends into this five gallon fish tank, see which one sucks up that water the fastest. So are you ready? - First one to an empty tank wins? - Three, two, one, go. (intense percussion music) (vacuums whirring) - I got you by a 10th of a second, at least. And mine's drier. Easily drier. Argue that, Jerry. - Well, you know what? That is a super bummer. - For you. - I know. Actually, you know what? That's kinda good news. It shows that you don't have to necessarily spend as much dang money to get just as good of a tool. - 620 bucks for this thing. it doesn't suck any faster. So I don't know. This is a pretty clear winner. I think the Bauer takes the cake- - [Zach] At a 10th of the price. - At a 10th of the price. - Even if it was slower, still the winner in my mind. 650 bucks is insane to me. It would've had to like pick a car up. - What's up, guys? We got a brand new item on donutmedia.com, this sick Real Mechanic Stuff hat. This thing is custom made in the U.S. of A. It's not a blank. Oh no. We made it ourselves. And you can get yours right now at donutmedia.com. Thank you guys so much for watching. Follow us here in Donut, @DonutMedia. Follow Zach, @ZachJobe. Follow me, @JeremiahBurton. We're different people. - That's true. - Until next time- - See you guys.
Channel: Donut
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Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 31 2022
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