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oh hey everybody hi blitz welcome back to another episode of astroneer there goes intern just running around like he just he's hugging it turned i was smart he just got destroyed by the cactus anyway my friends will figure out in turn whatever he's doing in the future but we have some fun things here you guys in the last comments told me that each of these different pets does something unique and interesting and i knew this one gave us curious things on the compass but check these other ones out greatly illuminates an area this one passively produces oxygen that fills tanks and tether networks this guy here produces significant amount of power i think that's kind of cool and then you um come on there we go uh here are like impervious to all damage so if we were to put that in there is this is those seeds those are seeds which is your favorite favorite foods mutant volatile cattle plant i don't even know what that means there's a okay we're gonna give you some pop corals you're gonna eat that you're gonna be so excited about it yeah yeah yeah yeah and then i'm gonna put you in my backpack and i'm gonna run into this thing and does it work i feel like it's working i can hug spiky plants and not die intern needs one of these in real life okay that's kind of cool and these other ones here like infinite power and stuff but you guys also told me in the comments last time that we need to create something and you guys said that we need to get portable oxygenators and thankfully it requires a nano carbon alloys so we can just go and i should be able to breathe forever now because i have one of these qt rtgs so let's try this out if i run away from all power oh my oxygen doesn't decrease that's beautiful i like this so i guess we'll just have to build intern one and those are nano carbon alloys so we need titanium alloy steel in helium which is titanium and graphene thankfully we have titanium and a little graphite so we'll just make some graphene and i think in turn's trying to shoplift that giant thermonuclear radiation power plant just casually walking away with it what are you doing and then we'll use the titanium and the graphene to make the titanium alloy and you remember that one time i said i was gonna build intern a portable oxygenator yeah i kind of lied about that because we're gonna build blitz a hydrazine jetpack cause the last one got blown up in the last video it was an explosive adventure if you remember that one hey i can fly i'm kidding i'll just use some titanium and another stack of graphene and i'm gonna have to build up some steel that needs argon yikes do we have argon methane oh argon i was also thinking does intern really need a portable oxygenator he can just use that pet and constantly feed it that might actually be a good idea so i can just build him this nano carbon alloy and he can make a jet pack enter and do it do it i just made a nano car medallion for you you can make it we can make a jet pack with that also i want your horn hey never mind you can keep that because it's funny i'll also be super nice and create you some beautiful hydrazine for you to make your jet pack with and we kind of did the dumb because hydrogen's pack needs a titanium alloy not the nanocarbon alloy that that portable oxygenator makes so it looks like you don't have to use the snail power when we go find other snails so we're gonna need to do the thing where we get some more scrap to grind give me that oh there's more candy here i want that anything else fun can i just shred you i want to shred this big thing i like shredding big things i wish i had an industrial grinder in my own backyard how much fun would that be like oh look it's the neighbor's cat again is that illegal probably be illegal is this shred please oh that's not fun enter can i pick you up and put you in there that'd be fun i promise i only really need this oh good it worked now i can get more titanite no no no no intern not bite me oh that's so such a bad idea you got to move that somewhere else my dude we'll just kind of eat that over there ah get it away hey i got an idea there isn't there like uh didn't i hide something underground over here yeah we don't really need this thing uh-huh this is a baby just a baby one why don't you put that over here then we'll blow em up together it'll be funny i promise oh you got lots of tnt in there look at you being all smart and stuff do it press the button and turn make it go boomy boom oh you're just gonna load it up with more explosives i mean yes i'm too scared to die i'm gonna i would so die if that happened to me okay touch the button touch the button and run away it'll be funny no no no no i told you not to eat it again keep it away from me massive explosions just so it can get more tight night here oh no run run run run run run wow nicely done proud of you intern you're learning the ways of exploding things yay shredding shredding makes the world go round okay we got the titanite back i'll just spit it over here and that'll turn into titanium we're going to grind everything up oh wow that didn't even explode that's fine we'll keep those for other adventures i wonder if one of these snails has an explosive tendency like gives you one tnt every eight minutes or something beautiful now we can make that titanium alloy without being dumb huh there you go intern nice titanium alloy for you to make a jet pack with whee i'll even make you some fuel because i know you like it it popped up i think he did it he's gonna remove his horn i can still chew this horn it's a little bit awkward here there you go yes and that made a fuel for you i mean you already had some oh look at us we can fly again we are so good at flying and stuff so i'll just take you know what you can have you i guess you can that's fine you cannot you can take it now thankfully i know how to make more hydrazine because intern like stealing it from me don't you dare don't i know not mine i knew you're gonna try to don't even take out my backpack either i know you're filthy ways anyway my friends we have fun things to do now because well we have more requests to complete and these quests are the novus investenaia verification we haven't done those yet i should probably do those okay we're just gonna verify them there you go we get bites whoa overcharged they knew my nickname in high school okay we need to provide exo chips to the xenobiology lab use it okay i have exo chair i used to have some if i was an exo chip where would i be hiding in this mess of a base oh intern found one we need two though is there extras over here oh look we have lots of them look how smart we are in the ways of being smart give me that thank you here you go you can have a chip eat it up and eat it up nice now if we press this button we can activate it blah blah blah blue blue and we should get another quest mission over charge yeah we did that thank you oh okay we need aatrox and glacio shields is this going to be the rarest one i feel like they are okay fridge's calm of the frozen world scandals discarded shells found detonating ice chunks in the caverns of glacier i like detonating things and this one scanned discarded shells that have been consumed by the spew flowers of aatrox so if we need to detonate things does that mean i get to take this that's the wrong shuttle we almost left without intern there we go explosives on there i think intern can intern hop into that one oh we can nice we have plenty of fuel looks like it nine launches remain and lodged to another planet which one should we do first should we do glacio or atrox i don't know i'm really excited about using explosives so i guess we go to glacio oh frozen planet of glacier where are you there you are buddy let's find your beautiful frozen biomes now i need to find out where our base is like usual i wonder if i was smart enough to put in a beacon here the answer is likely not but i'm guessing it's this one right here because it's right next to one of these towers come on be the right one oh look how smart i am i did the right one for once oh this base looks amazing why did i leave everything here this is a we already found one of the ice chunks okay i mean cracked with explosives i guess good thing we have explody boys let's put you on there detonate please don't blow me up please don't blow me up oh there's another one right there yes we did it maybe oh wow there's lots of free candy inside including the glacio scale wow that's cool the shell i like that we got one of the five there's also fun candy inside here quartz is always expensive so we just need like four more explody boys and turns just cleaning up the mess nice of him to do that all right we'll slap one of these over here and detonate your ugly self run away yes oh that one didn't give us much fun stuff out of it except uh hematite it's like negative 74 below wind chill out here and i'm just gonna go find things because i don't even care anymore there's a sharp hooky rock i kind of want to touch it and there's one of these things that i can explode second thought it's not exploding time we've already done that today maybe i should look for shells that's a good idea look at us being big brained and stuff all right round number three run away oh what is that is that clay or ammonia i'm not sure but i got another shell that is clay i don't really care about clay you can stay here clay what are these things oh they look explosive give me your seeds oh no no no no those probably are explosive intern don't touch those oh it was close i wonder if these are the plant mutant volatile cataplan seeds that's exactly what we need part of your balanced breakfast so rumor on the compass is that slightly below ground here that there are a couple more shelves for us and since we have jet packs plus whoa yeah there we go i knew it look at us we did the thing i can do a two for one here maybe intern i'm going to blow that up and probably don't want to stand by it he just like heated his way out of there okay ready against that explode yes i got a two for one big shiny grapes that was very satisfying plus intern stole the shiny grape out of the planet also wondering if there's any cave plants in here whoa hey okay there might be cave plants in here there's lots of cave plants we've seen these before oh right over there there's a new one what is that it looks fun a balloon wow hot dang that was terrifying we're just going to steal these for scientific purposes i tell you what having jet packs plus port of an oxygen is amazing so i think we got everything we might need here we might need to come back and get a different seed in the future all right so now that we have everything from here let's go to aatrox yes up into space to get the rarest of all of the galactopods whatever they're called aatrox you're the poison radiated one oh this planet is so crazy all right now we just have to find the proper base location i forgot about the methane clouds here okay there's one this could be the one i picked we picked one of these landing pods close to these shrine things i don't remember which one it was though this one's close we'll try this one out it doesn't matter too much now that we have the portable oxygenators oh yeah this was the right one look at how big brained we are oh this planet also looks crazy look at all the research facilities we have here so these shells are supposed to be spew flowers on aatrox that's interesting let's see if we can find there's no spew flowers is that a spew flower in turn no it is huh interesting i'll just uh steal those for science also my mini map shows that there's a car somewhere i totally want to get that oh i got a shell ping on the map we got a shell ping on the map we gotta run run run to the shell ping on the map whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that is illegal you do not spew junk at me you will die yes okay volatile attack is seeds those kind of sound good where is this other thing it should be right in here somewhere i have an idea let's just deforest everything oh that's it right there yep okay pop goes the weasel it popped we have a shell is that a shell there's no shells here okay then we'll try this way maybe this ugly plant has something i can tell why this is the rarest of the rare ones oh it's hard to find i don't want more spew flowers i want answers hey there's one ha ha we've done the thing where we found one hey there's a second one oh we got a zebra ball hey zebra ball i'm so excited we got another zebra ball and turn your job is to bring this home your life depends on it you take that back to the spaceship i'll find the rest of these there's number three and four and no no no number five no no no oh no oh i really don't want to go down there all right i gotta go down science right oh okay got it oh the main thing is i just don't want to get out of here scan that nice number five okay we need a spine lily seed and helium that should be easy enough there's a spine lily right here might as well just grab a seed while we're at it we also need one tank of helium is that what this is sulfur oh yeah this is the planet we use to make bombs there we go helium oh backpack's full so i guess we strap in with our zebra ball and in turn and that was the wrong button and i guess we strap in again can you strap in please strap just oh oh i see what this is somebody tried to steal my space boat guess we'll go back to sylvia it's a lot of stuff right there what is that i guess that's where we're landing please don't land in the other ship oh that's why we couldn't land there because the other ship was there nice all right the game's like okay you did it you get your empty terrariums now congratulations and the glacial one we need to provide with soil so give me the soil we'll slap that inside of here bubble it up very good and then one of them needed argon and the other needed the helium right thankfully i got both argon and helium so you get argon and you get helium neato okay they're filled up okay one of them empty glacio so that needs a pop coral seed i think we dumped it up try this one okay that one's good please have pop coral thistle whip mutant spiny attack us his spine cataplant wheeze wart lash leaf boost mod no we don't have it but if i have my brain working properly i think this is a pop coral actually let's see oh don't worry little snails we'll find you some friends quickly nope this is called a dagger root that's stupid ah look at this little fella is that what we need yeah pop coral neat i'm still amazed every time i walk through this how much we played this game and how amazingly messy our base is we should do an episode of nothing but like cleaning up the base and then making a giant amazing garden for our creatures because we have all of these seeds now right so let's make something cool with them that's my opinion hey we did it now we just have to go back to those planets and find some more stuff i mean look at all these cool seeds we have ignore the boost mod those aren't really the thing but yeah there's so many neat seeds here could also be dangerous it'd be funny to put intern into it and watch him get destroyed by his sarlacc pit so i think we should grab our little tanks and head off onto glacio and aatrox again to get the rarest guys again hopefully we have enough gas in turn fill up the tank nice of him all right we're gonna start with aatrox first only because it was literally the first thing i saw so we'll go here this looks like a good landing place to catch a little space snail almost called a space squid this game does not need space squids all right little friend where are you listed at oh here we're gonna destroy the naughty plant stop it i hate you you almost destroyed my terrarium that would have been the end of your life okay can you put the horn on there in turn right on the tippy top nice there we go there you go where is he oh that one looks so cool did you see how many eyes it has i'm gonna go dance for him hey little friend i'm gonna dance hey wait okay we need to do that four times it looks like where'd you go now where are you you little monster oh he's way over here hey bud oh he loves me oh no no no no that was a really bad thing that just happened oh that was really bad i'm guessing our jet packs exploded too oh that sucks oh jet packs are gone that makes me cry inside cause those things are expensive almost like arrows in astroneer i know you love me it wasn't a thing that we tried to do okay don't go in the hole please just don't go down in the hole oh he's way over there yeah get rid of the dangerous cactus plants oh it makes me so sad that it can't fly anymore oh you're giggling about it too maybe it was planned and we forgot to bring the terrarium over here oh no we didn't look how smart he is everyone needs an intern hey dibs okay i gotta look at him oh i would have pet him oh look he's got a belly oh that's so cute i want one of these in real life look at all the little like the acid dripping face is adorable and one of those ugly adorable ways like the world's ugliest dog competitions all right friend you're going in my pants and we'll jump into the space boat so we can find glacio somewhere in the world nope there it is and we'll land mysteriously on the planet's surface probably not there because that looks like a big scary pit this looks like a good spot if i was a space snail i would definitely be in this crater okay here we go we'll plop that horn back on the top oh yes where are you little friend oh you're way up top oh that one's so cool looking i wonder if i can just uh dance from here yeah i can good i just got an achievement called the galactic boogaloo where'd you go this time dude where are you oh you're over here now oh snow is super easy to dig isn't it imagine that in turn you dance for this one he likes you too yeah he's doing the chicken dance the next one's up there we made it through the snowy fjord he's hiding he's hiding please don't be inside that rock that'd be dumb oh you're just hiding beside it you silly little fella okay now go back home so we didn't bring the terrarium with us this time oh that hurts oh okay didn't die oh there's lots of graphite here hold on hold the horses a little bit we got to get the graphite it's expensive i know i really want to collect you too little dancing snail boy i just have to get all the graphite there's a lot of it i need it all for scientific things oh i just pooped it on the floor i guess oh no don't go in the hole you don't have a jet pack anymore you dork here you go bud we're gonna dance for you one more time and we'll befriend him oh yes i think that one may be my favorite out of all of them let's take you fellas home to meet your other friends also this thing i want to take that thing home because it looks fun come here oh yeah i like that one all right silva you're way over here come on i got it i wonder if we make all seven snails friends if we get to quest for like an eighth mysterious like galactic snail i just need to complete the mission and then verify them so i'll verify this guy yes yes mr aatrox oh he's so cool looking yes my friend good verification complete hold up where's the where's the other one intern did you did you bring our did you bring a friend with us not on the he's not a he's not on the ship i think we might have left it oh no there he is hey little friend come on over here we go glacio oh i gotta say that that might be my favorite of the space nails oh i got the all together mission i can't even get it out of my why can't i get you out of my inventory little friend oh so use the data log to activate sonic array hatch slot all the gastropods to the sonic array and then send a transmission okay there we go there he is okay i need to gaze at him now oh i love that one oh what's he do he kind of dances i like oh wait that's the is that like the chicken dance too i feel like that's a dance of some sort what is intern doing why are you seizing right now okay is there a place oh we can slot it on the top interesting i'm sure hope that we don't lose all of our little friends okay put it on there okay one two three oh are they gonna make music oh they made music [Music] this reminds me so much of slime rancher [Music] look at them all oh they're fantastic that could be the thumbnail right there [Music] i like that song [Music] a lot this dude's definitely my favorite though [Music] i think it's done i think their song is finished oh that was adorable and now we just have to activate it once okay data log from the dr ness if you guys want to follow that storyline you'll have to play on your own okay we got the follow-up final entries let's see what we get for some rewards here okay oh we get a cosmetic lab suit oh neato and then another rtg nice the mini rtg's that's helpful because we're actually out of power negative here awesome i want to see what that news thing looks like i think it's probably this one yeah the lab suit oh dirty look at the color pellets that's the standard okay over over achiever do i have to get all of the achievements in the game to get the gold suit because i might have to wanderer blue some of these are amazing looking wow there's a lot that i haven't unlocked yet anyway my friends that is going to do it for today's video of astroneer we will see you next time and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you later i'd also like to thank all of the channel members and patreon supporters especially spider sacks joe b obi john kenobi fury arrow dave rules 2.0 junk boy 76 skunk chest link hue at 46 magma games 22 so it's you the accordion lnh apollo bunny auto dave ben dickie j teddy hippiest des bee eagle arc maxer spencer t whip it good baron fox sarnoff deegan jason m and ray
Channel: Blitz
Views: 353,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, astroneer, astroneer blitz, blitz astroneer, astroneer gameplay, astroneer ep 1, astroneer game, astroneer co op, astroneer multiplayer, astroneer multiplayer ep 1, astroneer multiplayer gameplay, astroneer coop, astroneer coop ep 1, astroneer coop gameplay, astroneer multiplayer blitz, astroneer xenobiology, astroneer xenobiology update, astroneer galastropod, astroneer gastropod, astroneer pets, astroneer pet, astroneer usagi, astroneer princess
Id: oFaufBclwT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 26sec (1406 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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