We Survived 100 Days In Duo Better Minecraft [FULL MOVIE]

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I'm gonna survive 100 days in better Minecraft but I don't think I really want to do this on my own hmm who do I know who's really good at Minecraft hello hey are you all right yeah how are you doing I'm good uh you want to play better Minecraft with me what's better Minecraft better Minecraft is a more pack that well makes Minecraft better it gets the clues in the name it introduces New Dimensions challenging mobs beautiful biomes these structures exploration villages we had cave Goblin you get it add loads of cool stuff let's just play it okay sounds fun so now that we're here what should we do well I guess we just go like gear up maybe get some armor get some tools you know yeah that makes sense okay so how about you go off in that direction and I'll go that way all right sounds good I guess we'll meet back here in a couple of days you got it good luck buddies hey so day one started out as you would expect print some trees make some tools and then drop trees the better Minecraft way oh damn that is so cool I found a good source of food with these berries yeah man I hate these berries and got lucky enough to find some friendly sheep who donated me their wool yep I don't think better Minecraft is happy with me right now and after killing a couple more sheep I could finally make a bed wait what's this a sleeping bag yo let's go next up I celebrated on you sleeping bag by killing some more sheep along with this zombie and that was until I came across our first structure I had no idea what it was but it did have some good loot and underneath it had a prisoner spring lafalcy okay anyway I got the heck out of there I freed some wolves ran away from a skeleton and continued exploring after about a minute I saw what looked like a village in the distance so I decided to make my way around found this blue jay shout out Blue Jays fans anyway I made it round to the Village as day one was coming to an end and with that I took our first sleep in the villager's bed so I spent pretty much all of day two just exploring this village where I found out I could make this sweet backpack right well that's gonna need upgrading I also found this cool kitchen house thing where I cook some of my sheep meat then decided the frying pan was actually pretty cool and the villages probably no longer needed it and after looting up a little bit more of the village I stumbled across this bounty board what the heck is this thing three bookshelves for a totem uh okay yep I need to do that book Trump should be easy easy to make but first oh yes there's a way Stone nice and well it's a car long story short I struggled to make the bookshelves I needed vanilla bookshelves but it kept giving me modded bookshelves I just wanted bookshelves but anyway I eventually figured out how to make the book trails and I turned those bookshelves into a totem and with all that it took us to the end of day two of which I spent most of the time trying to make bookshelves but to start day three I decided I'd take my bookshelf anger out on this Iron Golem so that I could upgrade my backpack brilliant you need a iron so I went on a little adventure to try and find a cave to grab some more iron I managed to find basically nothing other than this one bit but I did manage to grab some coal and at this point that I decided I should probably try and head in the direction of drift when what the heck is this thing oh morion this is so weird so despite this thing probably being really dangerous I decided it would be a great idea to try and get myself up there and see what it was turns out this thing was a skeleton spawner which like the that I am I broke in a panic but on the upside it did have some pretty great loot of which I took as much as my inventory would allow but yeah I spent the rest of day three heading back towards drift saying hello to this bear hiya and of course going to sleep on day four I made the rest of the journey back to meet drift to catch up on what she'd been up to hey buddy how'd you how'd you uh deal with everything oh yeah yeah pretty good I mean I've got some bread I've got some broken stone tools I got this totem that I got from a uh bounty in a village pretty cool what that's awesome okay well I mean I have all of my stuff at a tower over there and the area around it looks so nice do you want to come check it out oh yeah okay walk down oh leather I could use that you're welcome thanks was this Tower then Tower is over here oh this is pretty right what's this thing this is a dungeon or something there was actually no mobs in here it looked like just a landmark or something I'm not exactly sure but there was tons and tons of loot in here if you go up in here you'll see everything that I gathered just that that's what you think for enchanting some bookshelves earlier so um uh-huh uh-huh and also check that out a way Stone Way Stone I found a wasteland with a village you did yeah yeah I like activated and everything so if we place that we could easily go to the Village oh awesome I don't know exactly how to work this one but I'm sure we can figure it out also two golden apples for us so okay this area does seem pretty cozy right I mean are we gonna live here that's what we're gonna do I feel like it's a really cozy area it looks like there's a lot of access to other places I feel like this is the spot if you're into it oh it's a pond for fishing oh oh there is a fishing pond what do you say that we post up here for a bit gather a bunch of resources and then we can kind of build our own builds yeah that sounds pretty good so we're gonna do a bit of resource Gathering and then start building and then that'll that'll help us gear up for whatever comes next this is actually so good you know it's actually really cool oh God maybe we should just what do we do sleep I'm sleeping oh my God there's more oh it's bad okay I'm gonna go sleep I'm gonna go sleep so I spent the next few days try my best to gather some materials so me and drift could start building on day five I chopped down a few of the trees around that area so we actually had space to build and head out into the undyne to see what I could find right off the bat I found this signpost and got this achievement whatever that means I found the world's worst cave looking for some more iron of which it had zero but again it did have some coal so I grabbed a whole bunch of that and after leaving that cave I found this cool butterfly which led me to another cave where I made a couple of new friends oh geez I mind a bit of diet right thinking we might use that in a build left that cave and found some of this cool Limestone thinking we might use some of that in a build too yep spoiler we didn't use any of it but I celebrate by killing some cows in Cold Blood and finding a new cave on day six it turns out the cave was even worse than the cave from yesterday so I left that cave and went to look for a new cave I killed a squirrel and then I killed an ant too I found these pretty flowers so I thought I'd bring those back for drift and then I killed this cow and then this one too oh yeah and this one I found another awful cave while looking for some iron but all I found were these two skeletons who took upon themselves to almost kill me but as it turns out I'm so good at Minecraft that I killed them both bringing my daily kill tally to seven not long after that I killed this cow and then this one too but I found myself a little far from home so I decided to loop back around and that's when I found this Pillager Outpost so I killed this Pillager and then I killed this one as well took all their Loot and got the heck out of there after that I found this massive cave and can you believe it it actually had some iron so I mined it all up grab some of this soapstone that I never used and that took us to the end of day six at the start of day seven I found this weird Goblin thing you actually turned out to be a Trader and a pretty good one at that so I doubled my iron and made a full set of iron armor I'd never felt so safe and now that we had our op Trader friend I mined up all the iron that I could see in hopes of getting enough to get drift a full set of armor too so I traded up the rest of the iron accidentally took the waist down to the village and then made the journey back home where I stumbled upon a structure that looked at me like some sort of dungeon so I jumped down killed a couple of zombies took what Luke I could see got scared and left it would it be better if I came back with drift and after that I crafted the boat to make the rest of the Journey Back to the base drift I'm home you're back you're all kid you're all geared up yeah I got something for you bam oh thank you chest plate is that on your back oh do you like this yeah well I've got a backpack as well mine's not on my back how do I you gotta you gotta equip it you gotta equip it on your on your chest I don't know if you can wear a chest plate though with it yes you can you can look at that oh let's go baby Explorers look how we look cool I think we look really cool I look cooler obviously but um you you look nice I mean like that's that's debatable but but while you were gone I got ourselves a sustainable Farm going yeah we have access to food we've got sheep we've got wool everything you need is in these chests to get started if you need to feed them and if you need to Shear them and we've got crops in the back you know what I'm gonna craft a pair of shears and put in this box I mean they're already in the box but the marshes oh wait no they're not they're in my inventory I lied what an idiot I also managed to gather enough iron to grab my backpack and selfishly I'm doing it so maybe tomorrow now that we have all the resources build a storage room for all of it yeah no storage room I could actually use that because my inventory is a huge mess I've fallen in a hole this is like a little like fight pit a fight Arena if you will but maybe in the meantime I'm gonna sleep so we can get started on that okay oh God there's zombies so on day eight me and dressed are planning out our story Dream build which we decided to attach to the tower that drifted found but it wasn't long until we realized we had nowhere near enough resources to actually build it so we decided we would take the waste time back to the cave but for some reason I went to the Village first like the more on that I am wasting levels and time but eventually we made it to the cave to collect up a bunch of stone and the site and gravel which takes us to day nine where we made it back home and spent the rest of that day figuring out the base for our storage house then we spent the next few days finishing off the house drift decided she would take care of the walls and I would take care of the roof I decided to keep things simple with a nice basic roof shape I used Spruce Wood for the reef trim and it's really nice looking Maplewood for the rest I think this combo looks super nice to together but once the roof was done I helped drift finish off the walls with some Sprint logs and some Aspen planks after that I collected a whole bunch of sand so that drift could make some glass windows but with the outside pretty much finished I saw back on the interior while drift added some details to the exterior I started by digging out the floor and placing it with some nice looking Oak boards and once that was done I added the second floor with these nice Spruce boards I crafted up a bunch of chests and barrels so we actually had somewhere to store all our stuff it was nothing fancy but would definitely do for us but once all that was out of the way I started work on a little staircase so we could actually get to the second floor I didn't really know what was going to go up there yet but we did find a good use for that later and all that was left to do was tidy up the walls on the second floor add a few more decorations to the outside fight a few zombies and we could basically call this bill complete did he use the uh Bill Birch Cloud pods they gave you I didn't because it was they were too small they're freaking cute though let's put one in do you want to see what I did on the inside just prepare yourself this is probably the best injury ever gonna see in your life okay but after you after you wow this looks pretty good that's all right this is gonna do for now little storage room yeah as you can see I've organized everything oh that looks great this is this is organization to my liking and then upstairs we've got a lovely area for um activities and stuff hey we need a little bit of light here and there too but it's looking good it's looking good I still only have a chest plate it's pretty sad I think that we should gear up yeah we should probably get up I did find a big cave earlier on uh that we went to and it kind of goes down maybe we could go there tomorrow sure let's do it we'll gear up so then we can take on new adventures yeah so on day 13 we decided it was time for our first real caving trip together as we were really running low on quite a lot of resources so I cooked up a bit of food in the frying pan and we took the way Stone back to the cave now while we're here we had three main goals find lots of iron lots of gold and hopefully a few diamonds because we had some big goals for this 100 days and the iron gear we had wasn't quite gonna cut it so we hopped down into the deep depths of these better Minecraft caves with our three goals no idea what to expect and no idea what the heck we were doing it didn't take us long to find some iron but it wasn't really enough but I did manage to make myself an iron pick though so if I was lucky enough to find some gold and diamonds I would at least be able to mine it and after fighting a weird mining Zombie Thing and a skeleton we found our first patch of diamonds unfortunately it was only one and we were hoping for at least three so he could make a diamond pick so we were left with no choice but to continue exploring the caves picking up all the iron and gold we could find we found this called Skelly spawn that had some cool loot but it didn't have the diamonds that we were looking for we did find this cool lion vein though this thing had more iron than we could possibly need so we mined it then we got bored and carried on exploring which took us into day 14 but we explored for what seemed like ours until eventually we found the diamonds we were looking for and at this point that we decided to get out of this cave and head back to base that was until this thing got on our way curiosity did get the bear reverse and against our bear judgment we decided it would be a good idea to head up there and check out what was inside this thing and it turns out this thing was a massive zombie dungeon that contained some pretty great loot including this diamond sword oh yeah and a fire protection book but after getting overwhelmed by zombies we pillowed our way up to the surface and as it turns out this was the same zombie dungeon I found a couple days ago I'm definitely glad I decided not to go in there on my own but anyway to Rand off day 14 I made us both a boat to travel back home and we spent the rest of the evening sawing out all the loot that we'd acquired day 15 was the day we decided we were ready to go to the nether but before I did anything I used some of the gold we got yesterday to upgrade my backpack again now this thing was really starting to become useful but with the new backpack in hand we set out to find some lava so we can make some obsidian for our portal don't ask why we didn't get it while we're in the cave you know neither of us are that smart we did find his weird pumpkin cult and decided to take their bodies so he could turn it into food later but anyway it wasn't long until we found ourselves back in the cave we were in yesterday just watching drift mine obsidian oh God yes thrilling content you can imagine by the time that was done and we made our way back home that was pretty much the end of day 15. on day 16 we built another portal on the second floor of our storage house we hopped right in and instantly realized we weren't wearing any gold so went right back through the portal grabbed some gold garments and entered the nether once more this wasn't the best another spawn but we did manage to make our way to some terrain that was actually traversable so we set off into this unknown hellscape in the hopes of finding something useful we were hoping for another Fortress because the main thing we wanted to get out of this trip was some blaze rods and ender pearls I'm sure you can all imagine what he wanted these things and we could not believe our luck another Fortress not far away at all so we put a dirt staircase up and began searching for some blaze it didn't take long to find one but I have to admit the battle wasn't going great thankfully though I have my term of undying so I was feeling pretty confident we thought we'd be best if we try to find ourselves a blaze Warner assuming that those things actually still appear in better Minecraft and after a bit of exploring I spotted the blaze spawner I managed to get in there and build a little dirt roof to try and sort the blaze escaping and this thing was breathing pretty effective so I spent the rest of day 16 collecting as many blaze rods as I could be bothered to oh yeah and I uh popped my totem come back here come back here for uh which takes us to day 17 where we want to explore the rest of the nether fortress to take its Loot and locate some Enderman to relieve them of their pearls and I can't lie the loot wasn't that great that was until I found this crazy looking wither room thing so I broke in and took all the loot that I could find which actually included Some Enchanted iron armor which I chucked on right away we spent the rest of day 17 getting out the nether fortress and traveling through the nether to try and find some Enderman day 18 was rather uneventful mainly just having a stirring contest with Enderman running away to my scared little baby room and killing them to collect their pearls thankfully though with the two of us this wasn't so bad and we managed to grab enough Pearls of what we needed well we hoped it would be enough anyway and then day 19 spent traveling back through this crazy nether trying to find our portal it gets more exciting I promise on day 20 we wanted to start trying to upgrade our gear and we thought the best way to do that would be to enchant so we split the two tasks of building an XP farm and building an enchantment setup one completely safe and the other reasonably dangerous obviously it was up to me to take the dangerous job so I set out to try and find a spawner I was pretty sure I'd seen one while exploring before so I headed north to try and find it and only about 300 blocks later I did manage to locate this thing turns out this was actually a zombie spawner maybe not the best but it would definitely do for what being drift needed so I lit up the area and started digging away the building so I could turn this into a farm after getting bored of digging though I thought it'd be a great idea to travel to the nearby Village we explored on day two and take its way Stone to place at the future XP farm I figured we'd be traveling here a lot more than the village so in my mind this was a big brain move but once all that was sorted out that took us to the end of day 20. day 21 and 22 was actually spent building the XP farm itself and I'll save you awesome time here with a little two-day Montage because I'm sure you've all seen this being built a million times before but by the end of day 22 we had a working zombie XP farm and I spent the rest of that day going back home to sort out my inventory do a little bit of farming and cook up a bit more food on the frying pan drift lockdown oh yeah I finished the XP farm well that's just in time because I finished the enchanting table oh this is pretty I like it thank you thank you not as fancy as what I've built but um oh really well I'll be the judge of that something's so lame I have nothing to say so now that we have those two things settled really all we need are the diamonds to get good gear yeah I don't really want to enchant iron gear to be honest uh strip mine yeah let's strip mine so me and Griff head back to the giant cave and start digging a staircase down to Diamond level on the way down we did actually find a diamond but we thought best to leave it and try and get fortune on a diamond pickaxe first we eventually made it down to level -54 and started strip mining in the hopes of finding some more diamonds unfortunately all we really found was Redstone which does actually come in handy later in the video plus it was a bit of extra XP but yeah we spent the rest of day 23 just mindlessly bashing our heads against deep slate on day 24 we left the mines and headed to the XP farm to try and get to level 30 so we could enchant a pickaxe drift eventually got bored and left to go back to strip mining well I stood there and hit zombies with a sword but I finally did get to level 30 and made the Journey Back Home to try my luck and enchantment I made a fresh diamond pick head to the enchantment table and it's not bad but it's not Fortune so I made a grindstone so I can remove the entrapments that way I could get back to level 30 and give fortune 3 another shot which meant I had to go back to the Zombie Farm and continue mindlessly swiping at these stinky feet he would not believe the smell in this place on day 25 I finally hit Level 30 again it turns out this Farm really isn't that efficient at getting XP but I once again made the Journey Back Home to give enchanting another shot and oh my thank you we actually got Fortune three so brand new game changing pick in hand I head back to the mines to meet up with Crypt and continue to strip mine into day 26. we're after a super long time between me and drift we found all the diamonds we could need so we crafted up a full set of diamond armor each and even had enough left over so we could get a full set of diamond tools each as well after that we made our way back to base I ain't trying in my chest plate sort out our inventories and figured out what it was we were gonna do next on day 27 I was sort of feeling like I deserved a bit of a chilled out day we've achieved a lot in this world so far and we've both been working super hard because of that I thought I'd take a Minecraft holiday and do a little bit of fishing now you might think this is a waste of time but let me tell you I actually did find some pretty decent loot plus we're running low on food and some extra fish didn't go amiss not to mention it was also a good source of XP speaking of XP while I was fishing drift was over at the XP farm grinding out some levels so I decided seeing if she was busy I could get away with another day of fishing which man it also got to level 30 again but on the way to the intran table I harvested some wheat that way we could breed our cows again and I Enchanted my sword it's not bad but anyway drift is still vibing at the Zombie Farm so I fished until she got back home we spent the rest of the evening catching up and making a plan for what we were gonna do tomorrow on day 29 I went back to the Zombie Farm and just just start grinding out levels I was itching to get some more enchanting done and with the loot that we got from fishing I thought I could make an OP sword only if I got another shot at enchanting so I managed to get up to level 33 head back home make a fresh sword and try my luck at another enchant and oh wow I got looting three I also in China my boots with Unbreaking and Fire Protection but after that I donated my old sword to drift and combined the new sword with the sharpness and fire aspect book that I got from fishing I spent the rest of the day cutting out my inventory so that I was ready to start fresh tomorrow but the next couple of days we both decided it would be a good idea to do a little bit of building to expand our base drift was going to build a potion hell so he could Brew well potions and I was gonna do something equally as useful and build a fishing Hut look I like fishing all right fishing is useful but anyway I gathered up a bit of wood from around the base and just tried to make the best of what I had I came up with a basic shape and started adding a shallow wreath on top using some maple wood I then started adding a few details using some cool modded decoration blocks man these things are so cool and a great and unique way to bring some much needed life to Minecraft or it's gonna be hard to get back into vanilla after this but after a lot of fiddling placing and head scratching I had a fishing Hut I was happy with which brings us to day 32 and look I fished all day all right deal with it on day 33 drift was still finishing off her potion house and there was a word of heading out on a big adventure tomorrow so I thought it'd be a good idea to take a small trip out and find us some food food montage oh so here we are on day 34 and this was the day of our first big adventure out into the Wilderness we had no idea what to expect but we felt like we were geared up enough to take on anything we ran into spoiler we were not even close but with a spring in our step we left home in search of riches and good loot we came across an enemy that we'd never seen before which I killed trying to protect a very scared drift totem of freezing oh oh oh you dead what the oh that's uh kind of cringe but anyway drift made it back to collect all the stuff from her grave and we carried on with our journey we ran into a pig or Outpost and we fought off a few of them checked out their Loot and moved on then we stumbled across what looked like an icy wooden mansion and didn't hesitate to get in there well maybe drifted but I talked her around and you know what maybe Drift actually had a point we both ended up getting scared and leaving just trying to find something maybe a little bit more safe the next day we came across the house that had one of those weird ice Wizards that killed drift yesterday and I was taking no chances so I set my spawn and went in to take some revenge on that thing that murdered my best friend yeah this guy wasn't so terrific oh but anyway I got my stuff back and we kept on exploring and it wasn't long until we found another structure this thing was massive and also super dangerous I don't know who the heck these guys thought they were but they were so annoying like really annoying yeah but eventually I made it into therefore to take their loot including this diamond block but honestly that was about it so we got the hell out of there and slept in this Igloo now for the next couple of days we kept adventuring but didn't really find too much we did take a ride on this cool sled checked out some unique looking biomes and grabbed some blocks that we'd not seen before thankfully they drifted looted another way Stone which made getting home super easy now we may not have got too much loot but we did get to see a little bit more of what Bear Minecraft had to offer and something tells me this would not be our last adventure though next time I think we're gonna need some better gear on day 38 we decided it might be best if we can make a mob farm hoping that the loot that we got from it would come in useful throughout the rest of our time in this world but to do that we had to spend a couple of days collecting up a bunch of resources to build it including lots of redstone and iron on day 40 we finally had the items that we needed to make the mob farm so we set out to find a good location to actually build it we didn't want it to be too far from the base but also they wanted to be too close that way it might spoil our lovely view because uh well this thing was not going to be pretty we eventually found the perfect spot and started building up the farm together we were following an tutorial by shulkercraft so I'll leave a link to that one in the description now this thing was pretty easy to build and definitely more than good enough for what we needed and it's the same one that I have in my hardcore world so I knew this thing was going to be great but anyway by the time he finished building this farm that took us to day 42 where all that was left to do was climb this Giant Ladder into the sky and just stand around which meant for the next couple of days we were just AFK at the mob farm we're talking about our plans for the rest of the hundred days and wow this Farm was really working look at all those mobs I'm gonna jump into that River down there from up here um let me take a look I don't even see this River so you know what it's it's all on you good luck a watch oh please I'm making it I can't even see it should I do it yeah it go for it to the police oh it's so close that was actually close on day 44 we checked out the loot that we got from the mob farm which considering we weren't standing there for that long was actually pretty decent but whilst at AFK we decided we wanted to tackle some villager trading in the hopes of getting some mending and Unbreaking books so once we got back to base we gathered up all the stuff we were gonna need did some low level enchanting hopped on a boat at the fishing dock and made our way to the village that I found on day two it didn't take us long to get some villagers trapped and converted to the profession that we needed we were gonna trade sticks with a Fletcher to generate emeralds so I began chopping down all the nearby trees so that drift could keep trading on day 45 I trapped a couple more villagers so that I could start rolling for mending and Unbreaking books and guys this was so painful and only served as a reminder of why I hardly ever do villager trading I mean just to get the days ticking up but by the time day 47 rolled round we had the books that we needed oh got it I got it I got it so we head back to base to sort out our items and I once again went to the mob farm to try and reach level 30 which took us into day 48. the day we will prepare for our biggest challenge yet killing the dragon in so I made it home from the mob farm Enchanted a fresh bow well that could have been better but it's pretty decent I did some more low level enchants on the rest of my armor make sure I had everything we could possibly need and finally crafted Our Eyes of Ender hopefully 16 was going to be enough but for the rest of the day we just hang around the base double checking we had everything and keeping our fingers crossed we weren't gonna die so here we are day 49 the day that we find a stronghold we threw our first eye and just walked in that direction I mean we all know how this works right let's look at the cool stuff we found along the way we found one of those cool Towers just like we have at the base and this is where Drift actually found a way Stone so he climbed up to the top and yes we found another way Stone this was going to come in so handy placing it in the stronghold if we actually find one next up we found a dangerous looking well yeah dude I'm not uh I'm not going in there then on the top of this hill we found a church there wasn't really much loot but this happened yeah so um hi everybody thank you for coming today we are talking about um theft and how it's wrong and how you shouldn't steal from others even if you're their friend you shouldn't steal I saw what you stole from me block down and I think you should go into the confessional Booth yep I think G is actually losing her mind but ignoring that we traveled through the night thinking that we were starting to get pretty close to the stronghold I did find this cool Turtle oh he's so cute but after long last it was time to start digging down and on the dawn of day 50 we entered the stronghold and wow look at this this is definitely better than a vanilla stronghold so we set our spawns and began exploring hoping to find some good loot and obviously the end portal we did find a name tag that was going to come in very useful for a farm that we had planned but after about 50 minutes exploring we finally found the portal room which um funny enough actually turned out to be right where we came in yet we are not smart people but once again we set our spawn next to the portal and spent some time getting our inventories in order for the big dragon fight and with that let's get into the action with some live blocky and drift I'm ready homie are you ready let's put some eyes in let's get the eyes in here couldn't have done this without you yeah I know um I fill in the lava what I fell in the lava I'm falling through the sky hi oh Bryn we're in oh that was really scary it just took a second okay let's just put let's pillar out don't look at any Enderman I think I'm near you're close you're getting there you're getting there okay perfect okay we're here don't forget your potion I can't choose these ones oh yeah they're mad they're mad they are cheesed out of their minds what's coming down we got this we got this oh nice I saw that dude oh God you doing good homie oh God I see him I see him I'm coming I'm gonna die maybe take another slow for organization I'm getting some good shots in you really are all right actually oh oh this is it this is it yes yes let's go babies so with the dragon down we collected its drops it's XP and its egg so uh I guess with that other way maybe we should head back home maybe just collect our thoughts yeah sure I mean I would love to get some wings but I think we should probably do a couple things before we go do that yep I agree maybe um maybe try to get some better gear maybe use some of our Newfound levels okay that sounds good right I'm gonna hop back through the portal I guess yeah I want to go home I'm hungry I want to eat a snack you know yeah agreed all right let's go home and I'm assuming we can just go oh yes oh so easy I love these way stones so much oh my gosh and we spent the rest of day 51 spending our levels on some better entrapments which were not that great puffeding some sugarcane and planning for the next day oh uh you right buddy dude I don't know what happened but I feel really sick uh you don't look that well I gotta say are you sure am I looking okay I don't know I can't really move so you know those like ender pearls that we saw in the end and stuff yeah I took a bite out of one anyway on day 52 we decided we needed to step up our XP game although I didn't build the Zombie Farm that long ago it just wasn't cutting it and that's why we decided we wanted to make an Enderman Farm the hardest part about building one of these is actually just getting to the end but now that we've defeated the dragon that was gonna be easy all that we had to do is collect up the materials we needed to build it and I was going to take care of grabbing a whole bunch of stone and drift was gonna sort out everything else I love having the easy jobs but eventually we've got everything we needed and I headed back to base right buddy so I got all the stone for the Enderman Farm did you get everything else I got pretty much everything I think do you think we're ready to go yeah I mean this is going to be easy right we're not gonna die no no no we're only building like over the void but honestly nothing to worry about I'm a professional so yeah I mean I'm full of confidence I suppose yeah yeah no like I'm I'm licensed in this so we're good to go don't worry all right well uh tree maybe sleep before we uh head out yes let's definitely do that all right oh thank God I'll just watch you sleep kind of creepy can't lie all right let's get to work so with that we hopped back into the end did some magic with water and lava and started making a leaf bridge out into the vast nothingness but once we got there all that we had to do was build up the Enderman Farm itself which honestly thanks for another shock craft tutorial was so much easier and quicker than I was expecting and before long we were swiping at enderman's feet animating more of our gear back at the base but now with the Enderman farm and some better gear taken care of it was time to take our upgrades even further and get ourselves some elytra so we spent some time making sure we had the stuff we needed for a successful Mission exploring the outer end Islands including an anvil so we can put Unbreaking and mending bits on the wings and also some Rockets so we could actually fly once we got them I also went back to the Andaman Farm to grab some more levels so that I could enchant a new bow hoping to get infinity I did not get Infinity but now that we had what we needed we hold back into the end and went through that weird mini pool thing I mean I don't know what it's called Uh a gateway called a Gateway trust me I'm smart I swear anyway look at this place this is actually so cool now usually I really hate exploring the end but this was so much fun that was until this Giga and hippo started attacking me in drift and let me tell you these morons just kept coming and coming but thanks to our new armor these guys didn't really do that much damage next up we found this sort of end ruin thing I guess it looked like some kind of pool that maybe led to another dimension maybe the end end the Giga end the super end well we're never gonna know because we didn't figure it out moving along we stumbled upon what looked like an end mine shaft I explored there for a little bit but honestly there wasn't really that much to look at and at this point I just kind of wanted to get the wings and get the heck out of here but to do that we're gonna need to find an End City unfortunately though drift died to a shulker that was hanging from Ashoka tree yep don't ask but me being the hero that I am I slap down away Stone so she could teleport right back to her grave like I say these graves are so op if it wasn't for these we probably would have lost all our stuff like 10 times anyway we could another gigahepo and started printing out over the void to find some new terrain and not long after that we found our first end City and thank the Lord it had a ship so he pitted right on up to it and grabbed our first elytra oh I'm so happy we worked so hard to get mending and I'm breaking books why does mending not go on an elytra all right oh wait it's already got it's already got mending and stuff on it what bro so all that villager trading was a waste of time but with that I took off first elytra and set out to try and find another set of wings or what Driftwood the first density thankfully this did not take long seeing as I could fly now so I went right up to the ship grab the elytra and made the journey back to drift oh thank you have you still got the way Stone I do I actually it's upstairs it's upstairs in the shop we can fly there we can fly though we can fly there yeah let me get the wings on they've got minion on them right and I'm breaking comes included you can also wear it with your chest plate oh this is nice oh wow you got your Rockets I've got Rockets I've got Rockets thanks dude we look fancy right now we look incredible I can't believe we did this and also I got you something hold on a second this is gonna come in handy for you boom this is actually great because my inventory is already full now literally same there's plenty more shulkers in there but I honestly advise against it it was terrifying it was very hairy yeah I don't think I'm really that desperate for sure because to be honest why I'm desperate for is uh getting the hell out of here and going home yeah same let's grab that way Stone possibly yeah from up above maybe we can always keep it here and just come back if we need to actually that's a good idea maybe we should do that yeah okay let's get out of here and then straight home and I'm following you wherever you're going be home me home oh you went to the way Stone oh my God I'm so dumb where are you going I was like let's fly home he drift used the way Stone to get back home I spent the rest of day 59 AFK at the mob farm so we could get some more gunpowder to make some more rockets on day 60 we both fancy doing a little bit of building around the base but to do that I was gonna need to collect some blocks I thought it might be fun to check out a modded tool so I made myself a diamond Hammer I went to the Enderman Farm to get some XP and then you guessed it I Enchanted the hammer oh yeah and I also upgraded my pickaxe back in the day when I used to play modded hammers were so good at collecting Stone because they mined in a three by three this Hammer however did not bruh but anyway I went back home with a bunch of deep slay and planted some saplings that me and Chris looted in the end hoping for some cool wood to build with but more importantly I wanted the build I was gonna make to have a useful purpose and that purpose was going to be Tom's simple storage now even though our current storage room was uh super organized I thought it'd be a great idea to inject some smart technology into our base and build up an auto sorting searching crafting machine now it did take me a couple of days to collect all the items I needed to actually build the storage system and also another whole day to figure out how it all works and actually put it all together this is maybe a little bit too much to explain in this video so in the description you'll find a link to an overview video of this mod I definitely recommend you check it out because this system is super powerful but once a storage system was all set in place I had the super fun task of taking all the items from our old story Dream and dropping them into our new one and with all that out of the way I could actually start throwing up a building around this thing this was another great opportunity to experiment with some new blocks and not just use Spruce Wood and deep slate so I built up a base out of deep slate and then some supports out of spruce look give me a break all right but seriously I use some of this cool looking Greenwood for the walls and then some of this end Island blue wood on the roof I also chucked in some of these lighter blue blocks that drift used on the potion house and after adding as many details as I possibly could be bothered to this is what it came out like honestly I wouldn't say this is my favorite build ever but it it was fun to use some more of the better Minecraft modded blocks oh what's this oh hey buddy welcome what is this why is this so ominous this is a brand new storage system have you been in the old house recently is that it's empty what uh-huh all my stuff well I'll tell you what it's uh it's not in here I mean we could turn this into a kitchen or something but is it all in here then yep it's all in that one tiny little block go on right click on it a little computer chip oh my gosh okay whoa yep everything is all in here so if I search ender pearls I got them what and does that mean I can put them away too yeah just uh shift click it in there and it will just gets organized by itself this is incredible oh my gosh you solved all of our sorting issues wow I mean not we we obviously were pretty organized in there anyway but I thought well yeah yeah no we were totally organized it's just the fact that it could have gotten out of hand it could have yeah but it didn't but you know eventually probably it was a mess all right it it needed sorting no it was pretty bad it was actually pretty terrible what have you been up to then so I as you can see there's no more animals I've only just noticed yet okay well I guess you didn't really care about them but if you go up this path right I know aren't they so cute and now we've got a barn for all of our cows you'll have like a little pathway for our sheep so all of them have a cozy little spot to hang out I like it this is so nice I mean the cows have been treated a lot better than the Sheep I mean like no they have like a nice little overhang here that's what they wanted they enjoyed it also get your sword away from this is a this is a block down no zone no block down allowed all right so now that we're done that what should we what should we do now well I'm thinking we done quite a bit of building the base is expanding how about another adventure yeah okay where are you thinking we've explored so many things what's what's next yeah I guess we don't like the sort of story of Minecraft right how about we do something a bit more you know better Minecraft okay I've heard of the Twilight Forest I've heard scary things about it but I mean we've conquered everything else so I think we could do it and we're pretty geared up I say the only thing we probably need per week guys maybe a few more Rockets which means we've got to go stand up there sure let's do that okay so we afk'd at the mob farm until day 68. on day 69 me and Griff crafted some more Rockets grabbed away Stone from a nearby Village and found a place to make the Twilight Forest portal we made the portal by using water flowers and a diamond okay uh let's go oh my god oh I didn't think it was gonna do anything we didn't hesitate to Jump Right In once we were there we saw a whole bunch of stuff that looked very unfamiliar as well as some stuff that seemed like we were definitely not meant to be there but after a quick Google search we figured out we had to make some kind of special map and thankfully after the random exploring and adventuring we had done we had everything we needed well other than some paper but thanks to our way Stone we could easily hop back to the storage system and craft up our Magic Twilight map this is the thing that would show us where to go unknowingly leading us to danger and the first danger was this maze that was filled with spiders and mediocre loot we soon got bored of that though and set off to find something else where we quickly came across something that looked like it might contain a boss fight hope this has got to be it bruh what hit it oh God oh God we're killing aren't they yeah we are I'm not really taking damage from them to be honest we got some pretty good armor as well yeah that's true thank you oh that's he's dead this is his trophy that was it yeah we got the Naga scales taken line oh you make armor out of them no way oh what I was saying is that was so easy we thought we'd try our luck at another boss fight with a bit of research and a look at our map we felt like nothing could stop us though maybe this giant wizard tower might oh God it's the boss oh God the Twilight Lich I see I see it oh God there's a lot there's a lot um I'm gonna like build a quick little Escape Route oh it's almost dead he's dead yes oh we've got this Trophy up there as well let's go oh my God yes let's go oh Skelly oh come on dude oh zombie Spector and it was at this point though we were just finding this whole Twilight Forest thing a little bit easy like was this mob made for babies or something because we were a little confused but anyway we thought we'd take on another little baby boss well that was if we could find it in this giant maze oh oh this is gonna be hard to get out of it oh my God oh my God I'm blind I don't know how to help you oh dude no I might die too Ironwood chess play and it's kind of Swag nice oh my God oh what that was rigged oh my God oh my God I need to eat I need to eat I'll scare the hell out of me oh my god that actually scared the crap out of me Firefly keep Trump oh God there's a spot oh I warned you he did I warned you dude oh my God the way the wind this is literally what you get for killing cows all the time you get evil ones after you dude I hope this is a lesson learned I'm just I'm just like looking at the map oh if we yeah if we just loop around this can I just break this oh crap this is it weak come on we did it oh heck yeah that ax shotgun can I take the trophy then actually I'm putting in the shelter anyway I'm taking some of this strogan off right look guys I'm gonna be real like I know I'm so good at Minecraft and stuff but come on I thought this place was meant to be a challenge and here's me and drift thinking oh yeah this Twilight Forest thing is going to be so entertaining and such a big challenge always gonna be so hard yeah here we were absolutely dominating without even a on our armor well actually now I come to think about it am I speaking too soon oh geez bro not even scary three-headed dragon like try harder dude yeah oh God how do you hit it but it's taking damage why is it taking damage because I'm hitting it oh with a sword yeah but it's not doing anything to it oh it's going down yeah bro oh oh God oh God no my skin was ripped off the message I got I said my skin was ripped off oh my arm is taking an absolute beating oh dude mine's almost done no no it just smacked me it just like yeared me into a wall like yesterday's jam and I'll make a long story short here my gravestone went missing and I lost everything oh too soon well dude I think um I think my stuff is gone I can't find the gravestone dude I looked around I took a couple fly arounds I didn't see it either and also on top of that the hydra's full health again yeah I think maybe are we gonna take the L I mean I'm taking a huge L right now yeah we gotta take the L I mean at least we can split our elytra now if we need to travel around but actual L uh foreign how did this happen and of all the times I've died how come it didn't happen to me so I had to spend the whole of day 73 getting some of my gear back thanks to the Enderman farm and the end rating we had done this got me some pretty okay tools now luckily a keep drummer Hub managed to keep my armor on my ax but one thing it didn't keep was my elytra so on day 74 drift lent me hers and I went back to the end Islands to find myself a new one of my own over the next couple of days I found another end City spent some time looting it I found some XP and combined some of the tools that I just looted at this point it was halfway through day 75 and drift was getting pretty annoyed about the massive blue trees that I planted so because of that I promised I'd chopped them down for her man and I thought chopping Mangrove was annoying on day 76 drift was still busy working on a kitchen project so I decided I would spend the day exploring a new dimension and this Dimension was going to require a little bit of a cursed portal so I went to the nether to grab some glowstone made a portal frame out of and then all I was left to do was to play some water and there we go look at this crazy portal leave and he's never coming back room man anyway and here we are in Paradise Lost from what I understand this is basically just the Aether mods which I've heard some pretty good things about I managed to put one of these Giga Birds through the pool to try and surprise drift but I'll be real with you guys it did not survive too long I flew around for a while and grabbed some of this cool looking wood and also some of this Stone and honestly I don't know if I was missing something or just being a but I couldn't really find anything of interest but yeah that was pretty much it for day 76. on day 77 we both decided we wanted to do a bit more building again to try and expand our base and even though I'd lost all my stuff in the Twilight Forest we had so much fun in there so much so that we wanted to give the portal its own building and while we're at it we thought it'd be a good idea to make it a display for all the trophies that you can collect so we hop back into the Twilight Forest to grab a few blocks mainly this wood really we came back home and laid out a block palette and then started laying out the basic building shape out of stone I started building up the reef while drift out with the walls and after a while we had a rough base of the building that we were happy with for some strange reason I decided I would handle the interior well drift took care of the outside seems kind of weird when drift is the interior expert but we'll roll with it and anyway I spent pretty much an entire day just decorating I gotta say I had a lot of fun I wanted to give the room sort of an overgrown naturey feel I basically just threw down every nature block we had in our storage system until I had a room that I was happy with alright should we put the trophies on buddy yeah let's do it yeah this place looks so good man thanks I can't wait to see what you did on the inside it's a kind of similar Vibes I think I mean this Frame is maybe not much to be desired but um where'd you get this painting of us done did you commission this yeah got um Bob dross to do it oh my gosh his art is incredible wow oh our sled yeah wow so many good times so many good times yep just full of memories right sort of yeah all right well what's in here whoa dude this looks so good though what the heck yeah I think it's kind of Vibes spam all the nature what's this what's this man memory what is this core memory that you had without me here I don't remember this oh this is your brain what it's just uh so we have three trophies from the Twilight Forest right I feel like we should we should probably display these right yeah go for it I mean pick your spot all right let's do one here oh um let's put the Lich here and then the cow can go right here hell yeah that's pretty cool I mean we still got more to go obviously we didn't get the uh the Hydra we're gonna talk about that we're going to talk about that yeah I feel like we needed a Redemption on that or something though yeah I think that's probably gonna be for another episode I got it I don't really fancy going back in there right now no me neither I'm a little bit terrified of it to be honest and a little bit salty if we can hit 100 000 likes on this video 100 000 likes come on see that little button down there right below you I see it hit it anyway yeah Daya is done Daddy done in the books yeah see you tomorrow oh God if I went back into that portal I would have cried on day 81 we both decided it was time for another adventure but this time we were gonna play it safe and do some more Overworld exploration it didn't take long for us to find something new with these awesome red trees so we grabbed ourselves some of that and right next to these trees was another village where we found some copper Golems it was at this point that we realized we could actually pick up mobs so we had a bit of fun with that but after picking the mobs back down on the ground we head off in search of something else we came across a really friendly looking desert Mossy Temple style thingy Creeper Dungeon this is kind of Swag oh there's definitely like a pile of creepers down there this is gold oh yeah but it turns out it wasn't that friendly up next we came across this pumpkin Village that actually had some little pumpkin people in it I can't lie these guys are pretty cute we then found another desert temple thingy except this one was icy and just like the mossy one it wasn't friendly either bro you're gonna suck a bomb you are literally gonna set off oh my God bro you're so lucky you got out of there oh my God somebody's shooting at us what where are they coming from what ow I'm being shot oh my God it's like frozen skelly's dude yeah the the delete is gone oh my god oh the Magic Man Magic Man I'll see ya I am Frozen in the air I might die no let's let's leave I don't want to die man come on oh we didn't spent some time killing animals for leather because we wanted to make some new armor and wow look at this stuff it may not be good armor but who needs good armor when you've got Minecraft swag and seeing as his armor was so cool I decided it deserved enchanting so I hope to Enderman Farm to get some XP and Enchanted the new drip now our base was coming along pretty nicely but one thing we were missing was our own personal houses so over the next few days that's what we wanted to take care of I went around the world once more colletting up a bunch of blocks so I could try and build myself something nice I did cropped up some of these cool dowed blocks and I was super excited to try and use these in a build but once again we all know how this goes I spent a few days breaking and placing blocks until I had a nice basic house shape but as it was this thing wasn't really looking that special so I spent even more time adding in a bunch of details to try and give this area of the base a bit more life and before I knew I had this place and it wasn't looking half bad I also spent some time doing a little interior that way I had a nice place to put a bed and you know what I think this thing might be my favorite thing I've built on this world I know the day is ticked by quickly there but that's kind of what happens when I spend the extra time building I do think it was worth it though because I was itching to really get into detail on a bit with all these new modded blocks and you know what it's all alright because I think drift has much fun as I did too on day 89 we wanted to keep building and expanding our base we had the idea to try and make some kind of Monument for the dragon egg seeing as this was probably our biggest achievement in this world so far so we went back to the end Islands together to collect up a few different blocks for the build once we got back we thought it might be cool to have some sort of pond style thing with the dragon egg coming up in the middle we use these blue blocks for a border end stone for the middle and then a bunch of different purple blocks for the dragon egg to sit on and yeah this is what we have I think it's pretty nice the next day we wanted to make another build for our bases waystone seems we had a bunch of deep sleep we thought we'd just try and use it up to build the base for the way Stone we would think we'd try and make some sort of mini Mayan Temple kind of thing and I gotta say this thing came out pretty sweet too it definitely looked better than just having it out in the open by the fishing dock but with that all done it took us to day 92. oh boy drift yep we're uh coming to the end of the Hundred Days sort of we on day 92 day 92 yeah something like that 92 I think I've had a lot of fun so far me too this is this has just been great there is one problem though yep that Hydra stole all my stuff yep he still has it and he's still out there breathing like really breathing because there's three heads like that's a lot of breath yeah I know and uh well you shouldn't breathe anymore no I agree he I think he needs to pay I think he does need to pay I want revenge well me too well you know where the portal is you know coming with me well I am yeah but I was just trying to be dramatic was all dramatic enough but before we go to the portal I actually really need some food and stuff so can we do that first yeah I mean I've only got like 16 steaks so okay I know we're I know we're hungry for Revenge but that will not satiate the hunger that I actually have I'm actually starving right now so let's go get some food okay Rift yes here's a steak here's a steak a whole stack stop stop I was just cooking some well what how did I got like three three of my sword I deserve that oh okay imagine taking a maiden off your sword I know that was really cringe cringe off to the portal yeah I mean first time we actually get to use this build right can we shake hands in front of the handshake poster yeah obviously okay this is not really working out the way that we thought it would hold on all right let's go into this portal oh wait wait wait wait wait wait the map so this is actually the map that we need believe it or not I don't see anything there just punch it there you go oh okay there it is all right see you in there all right see you good luck oh I'm in oh that thing is Northeast I'm pretty sure so let's go this is Southwest oh is it it's so sorry it's Northwest my bad Northwest oh God I'm in acid rain we're good we gotta get this dude we have to I'm actually like so mad about it okay here's the swamp and then like right Beyond it was the oh there he is there he is you ready buddy I'm dead one eternity later there's got to be like a better way I think we're just doing something wrong oh I see is open mouth oh God I hit him with a stake that actually does quite a bit of damage oh okay okay oh my gosh we're doing it we're doing it oh no it reached oh he's got so many heads now he's almost done he's almost done oh my God dude we're almost there oh yeah one more one more one more one more good one come on die walk down you didn't take my stuff yes yes oh my God oh my God fiery blood Hydra chops yo take that trophy that is yours taking that goddamn trophy you're damn right fiery blood I am drinking it I can't drink it either I thought I could drink it let's let's bring it back just in case it's right around the corner of that tree I'm going home I'm going home oh are you ready and a five and a four and a three and a two and a one I guess uh I should probably store this fiery blood who knows who knows if we're gonna need it again because we might need it for 200 days if you like And subscribe right now 100 000 likes everyone and I need to reach one billion subscribers by the end of the year on Day 94 we wanted to add even more builds to our base and next on the list was a nether portal build so we hopped into The Nether to grab some blocks when things got a little bit hairy oh my God was it like a big like Pantheon kind of big circle yeah it's not like a giant Blaze dude in it probably multiplies he multiplies oh I don't know about this one dude my armor is definitely gonna break I have no more arrows either let's go let's go let me drop uh Wildfire Crown fragment oh he killed him we got Lou in here then surely yeah bro that looks hairy that looks hairy I actually got three wither skulls there's one down there hey crap dude I've got two wither skills dude you can literally spawn the wither here they have it set up this is so weird I kind of tempted to go to like the nether fortress and try get one more with us go and fight the Wither oh my God yep no yes that's what I'm saying dude yeah I see it but mine finding a fortress though just a fortress oh just stuck I've got three oh hell yeah hell yeah let's go let's go let's meet up let's meet up but after that we went back to base and went to the mines to fight the Wither like big babies oh sorry bro we can do this easy oh God he's actually flipping out oh God oh God I might die I might die dude he's like half he's like half so easy get out of here man oh easy dude try harder try harder oh God oh God I'm stuck I'm stuck quite close oh Judy's almost dead he's almost dead please yes one and a half hearts oh geez oh did you get with the star hi hi oh god dude you have no fruits look at your little shoes you know what I don't need this armor that's how good we are check this out forgot mine at home I forgot about it at home I need to get I think we're going the wrong way we then made a beacon and I thought it'd be a cool idea to try and add it to the waistline Monument of course it wasn't a full Beacon but at day 96 yeah it didn't really matter we then spent the rest of that day placing all the nether blocks that we just found to build up this awesome looking nether portal another great addition to the base on day 97 meandruff wanted to do one more build and that was going to be a nice area for The Ether Portal so he hopped in to try and find some blocks to use we flew around for pretty much the entire day but didn't really find anything we didn't already have so we hop back through the portal once more and spend day 98 building up a pretty looking area with all the blocks that we had left in the storage system and yeah this thing came out really nice so here we are on day 99 we thought we'll spend our last full day in this world doing whatever we could to pray up our base drift was going to take care of some more paths and Fields and I was going to take all the different saplings we had and plot them around the edge of our village I guess this was a cool way to display all the different biomes and dimensions we managed to visit but with that it took us to our last sleep which means wear it day 100. drift we did it day 100 we did it we did it dude how you feeling I'm feeling good I'm feeling relieved um we survived it sort of somehow I mean like honestly this is the most progression I've ever made and I couldn't have done it without you absolutely I agree I mean I probably could have but um that's besides the point all right well that was a little bit rude but I understand because it's true it's the truth well I mean five million likes and we'll do another 100 days 100 000 billion likes and we'll do it again honestly I'll do this if you just let us know that you enjoyed this video and we will absolutely do one again because we had so much fun and I I really want to wear this suit again I feel so fancy right now the fanciest I've ever felt I mean yeah I'm inclined to agree despite all of us despite us you know just having some Goofs and stuff I had such a fun time with you dude yeah we had a great time it was good yeah we'll do it again so this is day 100 and as you can see I think we're pretty much complete with everything that we've got we've got a fully sustainable base yeah and I think that's all that really needs to be said and now time for a little monologue from me I've had so much fun in this world adventuring building and looting and dying the better Minecraft mod pack has been a really fun experience but the real thing that makes Minecraft better is playing it with friends if you enjoyed the video please leave a like and consider subscribing if you want to see more I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Blockdown
Views: 25,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: we survived 100 days in better minecraft, duo 100 days better minecraft, 100 days, duo better minecraft 100 days, i survived 100 days in better minecraft, minecraft 100 days, better minecraft, duo 100 days, duo better minecraft, minecraft 100 days duo, better minecraft 100 days, 100 days minecraft duo, 100 days duo, 100 days in better minecraft, modded minecraft, blockdown, infinite drift, twilight forest, minecraft, minecraft lets play, Minecraft full movie
Id: -ZIfZfjPllw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 25sec (3565 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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