We spent the day with Shelley Duvall - The Shining, Popeye, The Forest Hills, Faerie Tale Theatre

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for today's Grim Adventure we find ourselves deep in the Heart of Texas doing a video that we really haven't done before you see Jessica and I are co-producers on a movie that's coming out known as The Forest Hills and one of the people who starred in it is Shelley Duvall today we got to spend the day with Shelley Duvall we had lunch she showed us around the town that she lives in and we've talked about her career whenever I come to my way first and foremost never in my entire life would I did I ever imagine that I would be able to to sit down and have a conversation with you so instead you stood up right and Shelly and Jessica and I we spent the pretty much the entire day together we went out we had lunch uh you showed us around your town took us to the park and she's even wearing a grim life Collective t-shirt Collective so thank you for being you that's exactly what the Grimm's brothers did right we're Travelers and we came here all the way just to talk to you and there's there's a reason for this uh Jessica and I were both co-producers on a movie that you're in called The Forest Hills and it's been a while since you've been in front of the camera what was it like getting back into the swing of things it's natural as could be yeah it felt great and the people were very nice I had a wonderful time I was tired but I had a wonderful evening and we filmed at night mostly and it was just wonderful now you would tell me something that I've never heard about before it was you mentioned remote directing like what is that tell us a little bit about that uh the director was on the phone the cell phone I could the video phone I could see him and he could see me oh and it's wonderful and he directed and it's a lot easier you don't have to study all night and forego dinner and stay alone so much on location you know if you're on a distant location picture over 50 miles away from right and you have to spend the night away from home it really helps and all the people that work on it I think benefit from doing that a lot of people just you know would sleep on the set sometimes because the sets were so great on Robert Altman films you know like Popeye can you imagine sleeping on that set oh no we're going to get into the set of Popeye in just a minute because my childhood goes back to Popeye and uh like a big fan of The Shining a lot of people are the shining and I have a couple questions for that but Popeye for me was my first introduction to you and I I still think about that movie and I still sing the songs and I still relive the world of Popeye and if I'm not mistaken that town that set still exists it's it's abandoned like it's one of my dreams to go there definitely should it was a wonderful experience the set was just great I'm in the oil house had no roof oh they uh do you ever catch yourself singing those bridges and everything it was just beautiful do you ever catch yourself singing some of the songs from the movie Papa sure I do yeah and after the movie it took me about six months quit saying oh oh it's like oh gosh I said it again you know you really get into playing a character right and uh it was so much fun the the whole cast was extraordinary they really were bill who was chasing his hat yeah oh God he made his neck go I've disappeared somehow he was incredible man I I can't I don't remember the exact words now but whenever I was growing up the whole hamburger thing I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today I think that's what it was wimpy was right oh man he he was just terrific and um gosh he looks so much like him and it was a fat suit of course it came off at night oh but he did like hamburgers [Laughter] what was it like working with uh I can't believe I'm gonna ask this what was it like working with Robin [Music] um working with Robin was Heaven on Earth yeah I mean he was just such a lighthearted wonderful sympathetic character and it wasn't all just fight scenes although there was a lot of that I have to admit one more thing about Popeye and I I think as a young boy growing up after seeing that movie it was you and Robin Williams and that movie that made me excited about eating spinach me too actually yeah that's when I got back to LA every time I got invited out to dinner at someone's house they made a spinach dish no yeah and I thought of making a cookbook that would be wonderful you know like olive oil's cookbook but you didn't have to use olive oil you could use butter or because I like butter a lot now looking back on that movie if you're to go back in time and just pick like one memory is there something that sticks out more than anything like a time that you had just you know a good time on set or or a joke or something about it that just stands out today well Robin and I were doing an interview with the head of the insurance company she said well you look like you're both having a really great time and you said we said yes and Robin said yeah he says but there's one problem Sweet Pea is the only one of us that has womb service and they filmed sweet pea and uh he was of course a baby in his mother's arms that he was the grandson of the director so it was just one big happy family there it was great and it's one of those movies where I can watch time and time again and no matter what it just puts you in a great mood a great mood so thank you thank you you're welcome that was a really magical time very magical that whole island is magical I mean it's just beautiful the weather is great except for in the summer it got up to 135 degrees but that was okay because we had saved all those in the water shots for the last and so we were in the water the crew got themselves dipped too the wet crew we had stunt men in the water under the water to make sure we were okay yeah and uh many of them were Italian it was just like oh gosh oh and it was just great spending the day with you today quite a few times you were smoking no I'm I I all right it gave me cheese it was too hot I was no it's okay it's okay but like it gave me chills because it I kept thinking of the movie The Shining where you have the cigarette there's the there's the uh you know the cigarette that never burns down and I kept looking at your cigarette going is it going to burn down is it going to stay like it never fell off the ash never fell off right it just stayed long there are these cigarettes called nat Sherman's okay and they're French and they're like organic I mean there's nothing no whatever pesticides or anything on it and they're very smooth and they taste very good and they come in flavors that I didn't know they've been around a long time over 100 years or something not Sherman's right so The Shining is is one of Jessica and I are one of our all-time favorite movies and um it's just every time you watch it you see something completely different and we have taken it upon ourselves to travel the country and this year we're going over to England of tracking down as much information as we can of the movie and uh We've hit some pretty strange places you know and uh I just uh I I just wanted to ask you really you know looking back on on that movie is there something that you look back on you go man I can't believe I was there for that you know like there's something that stands out maybe it was the set that was built or um just something that it's like a wow factor oh and yes definitely yeah definitely I mean what can you do on The Shining there was I mean some of those scenes were really scary yeah when they were being filmed the two little girls in the hallway oh my God that was scary oh the two teddy bears and down the hall and there was like so many moments with Jack axing down the door oh dear me that's one guy you don't want to be mad at you right Jack Nicholson in a good mood is terrifying so I'd be a little nervous just if he smiled at me I'd be like what are you doing my friend I had known him before the movie okay so uh I I knew he was great man and it's a wonderful actor he always has been I've seen just about every movie he's been in and that was long before you know I even did The Shining even the werewolf movies well An American Werewolf in London right An American Werewolf in Paris it's like what's the next stop on your tour but um he's just a great guy and he's really popular popular with the crew uh everybody hey Jack oh it was so cute to say that the crew going hey Jack what about this Jack you know what are you gonna do now Jack or and so it's so easy to work with him you know yeah it's just uh he'd have the Lakers uh basketball games delivered to him yeah he's a big fan of the Lakers or the LA Lakers okay yeah and um of course the crew liked it too because they're British and they don't get to see you know a whole bunch of things like that in England so they were thrilled and um I don't know it's just a ah it was a very intimate set uh there wasn't there weren't a lot of guests and I like it that way it was so very good because you even though Stanley does a lot of takes uh he says he never prints anything before the 35th take oh I said you know don't say never because he he printed a couple of them that were like first or second okay yeah but usually he didn't do more than 35 takes I mean there was over a couple of hundred takes of uh Scatman and the little boy Danny of one scene but it turned out to be so haunting and so good so beautifully acted and even by the little boy who had never done a movie before so his parents were there by the way they had a teacher ah who played Lord Bullington in the previous movie uh oh gosh um I don't know why I'm just so tired all right that's all right we had a big day we had a fun day now I am obsessed with autographs I am an autograph collector sorry Barry Linden Barry Lyndon I uh and I collect autographs and when you hit the circuit like Jessica and I do different horror conventions across the you know the world you meet end up meet a lot of people and we have a ton but I didn't get it directly from you but I have an autographed picture of you and uh when you're going up the scene up the stairs with the bat and it's like my most prized possession that's how much you and the the movie Mean to Me so thank you thank you you know that that was a rubber bat it was not even rubber it was rubber foam so it's real soft yeah and Jack just kept saying come on really hit me with it tonight it's Gonna Hurt isn't it and said no just hit me oh and I'm like Jack okay all right you asked for it and this next next take and I really swung that bat hard and he deflected it and that's I think when he grabs it and takes it away from Wendy and it's like sure I mean oops it's okay he's so good and uh God he had me scared and everything the music oh gosh that was Haunting and that thus practice Zara sustra oh gosh that's scary oh one day everything about it was yeah everything about it was it's just one of those things where and there's so many different theories and and different oh he meant to do this and all these little things and all there's this whole community of people this whole movement that just look at that movie and go oh there's always Secrets like that Kubrick hid in that in that movie and uh it's enough to make your head spin for sure it is um I think it really is this is a big deal this is the entire collection of Chile Duval's fairy tale theater and it's 26 tales in total across four discs this is DVD of course and it's fairly new I don't know when it was released but this really accepts the tone for my childhood so I'll let you hold it so you can take a look at it and I honestly waited all day to tell you what meeting you has meant to me because I wanted to be more comfortable and not so uh scared that this I believe came out in 1982 which was the year I was born oh my God oh my gosh and Popeye I believe was shortly before that I believe in 1980. and growing up I didn't know the difference between your work and Jim Henson's I honestly thought you guys did all the same work together it wasn't until I was an adult that I realized you were separate creators so meeting you to me is like meeting Jim Henson it's a very big deal I might cry because I'm getting to tell you how important it is to be able to meet you and it's a great honor um thank you everyone we've been talking about The Shining a lot the reason I ever watched The Shining is because you were in it there's there's people that are so influential to you as a youth that you whenever you see them something you're like oh my God I can't believe that such and such well I'm going to watch it because I love them I remember them from my childhood and it was always beautiful for me and I have a connection with this person through my television to this day bill from Popeye I saw him as something I went that's the guy from Popeye and I was like I'm watching it I don't care what it is it was a crime show I don't remember exactly what it was but that's the kind of effect you guys have on our lives that it's we we carry you with us all throughout our our Years thank you and it's it's a big deal um I'm trying not to cry Popeye for me growing up we always sing the song you know um because he's lied and he's mine and you were doing the the sound earlier and I could have died the uh oh I do that till to this day I am 40 years old and I still make that sound walking around my house and sometimes I forget sometimes what it's from and I'm like oh yeah it's from Popeye because Shelley Duvall thank you and I just wanted you to know what that meant to me and then I I know I'm not alone and in telling you this I think a lot of people share the same experiences and we just we love you so much thanks you're so welcome I'm so glad I didn't mean to make it sad but no it's not it's wonderful you mean so much to so many of us and when we all heard that you were rejoining acting again it made a tidal wave in the community because everyone went are you kidding Shelley Duvall is acting again this is big news and it is it's it's huge news it's the best news that we've had for a while you mean a lot to a lot of people and we just I feel like I'm carrying that torch for a lot of people to let you know see I'm getting I'm getting shaky and I'm getting a little weepy that you you're so loved thank you very much you're very welcome [Laughter] I'm honored I went a little emotional I apologize but I sometimes I don't think that our favorite celebrities get to really hear the impact you've made and how much love we've carried with you through I'm 40 and I've been loving you since I was a little girl you know and we talk about this a lot recently with Brandon Fraser that he had left acting for a long time do his treatment in Hollywood and but he still had such a massively supportive fan base and he had no idea and we're all just always rooting for him and wanting him to come back you know because we love him so much still and the same with you is that we all are still here supporting you and we're so happy to see you back on our screens and hopefully more in the future oh yes I hope so too if acting is so much fun it's really rewarding and you're so good at it and if you're in it that I want to watch it ah no especially to meet nice people like you oh thank you your husband here thank you very much thank you for spending the day with us you're welcome it's a definitely for me definitely a highlight of my career yeah and it's not it's it's just I mean everything that we experienced today cameras off just having fun just telling stories and sharing a meal together it uh it means the world to me and I'll never forget it thanks happy Halloween oh happy Halloween happy Halloween I would love to ask too a little bit about fairy tale theater um reeling it back in so we don't all cry today as a female in Hollywood in the early 80s this is yours it is Shelley Duvall's fairy tale theater hard to believe isn't it oh but it is and the labor of love it shows it really does show and the the people that you had in it I always imagined that they these almost should be like close friends of yours because you could feel the love through these stories I mean yes their children's stories or fairy tale stories but you know that's what us kids love and you know how you can feel how comfortable somebody is on a set and how much fun they're having you can feel that through these Tales everyone just looks like they're having a great time they were like that usually when filming yes they absolutely were and most people came up and told me or even in the makeup chair this is the most fun I've had acting in a really long time almost like a boot camp for actors or a retrieve Retreat that's the word yeah like we're gonna act but we're here to have fun yeah and they even the princess who had never laughed had fun oh that's pretty good did people Adeline during the Dancing Princesses oh yeah was it pretty tight to script or did you guys just have fun with it adlib a little bit because granted they are classic Tales yeah you can't go very far off the script I'm sure but I imagine that there was a lot of a shenanigans on set well not that many not that except for on Goldilocks and the Three Bears or our leading lady sat down on a chair in the leg bug oh no on the chair right I said oh my God was she hurt because I was back in the office on stage but in the office then and they said no no she's fine oh we even had our doctor said Doctor come and look and Tatum O'Neill Academy award-winning actress and she was great in it yeah everyone was Goldilocks I loved you especially in Rapunzel that was a fun one for me thanks and then that Wiggly dropped four pounds was fun which one Robin in the front pants oh he was great I have to ask yeah of course Vincent Price did you get to work with him directly or was that mostly off stage oh I got to have dinner with him huh he and his wife Carl Brown who's also an actress and very famous in her own right but um he was fantastic he's such a I had watched him in cartoon remember that oh that was scary you know when I was a kid we had a lot of scary films growing up in Houston there were scary movies scary TV series we had Alfred Hitchcock theater remember I'm still trying to collect the whole thing I I have two out of three so far yeah we just had so many different movies as well including science I love science fiction science fiction Adventure science fiction fantasy just for me go side by side oh it was great it's almost hard to pull them apart it's a lot of fun I love Jules Verne and Mark Twain and yeah oh gosh that was very lucky and as it turns out it was practically All Over Texas because no one wanted to go without it even the astronauts would it be okay okay how do you sign that sure fine with me with me this is nice I used to have some of the VHS we were talking about those earlier but I didn't find the versions of them as a fairy tale books um the ones I found were very basic unless someone had changed the cover but now that you told me that each 26 editions used to be individual VHS that were books that sounds beautiful I'm going to try and track them down I'm going to try I have a marker thank you you're so welcome now do you want this to you um no personalization it's okay for me yeah just your name and anything that you would want to write that much space to write yeah down towards the bottom there's some nice little yeah it's all like the Sparkles it's an award-winning series deserves all the tribute it can get a remarkable achievement absolutely was that I can't read the New York Times wow that is fancy oh that's really great oh gosh yay you have beautiful penmanship thank you I try but it's not always perfect because I've got to hold the book that's so perfect that is so great did you read what it said on the back this is the US magazine okay it says in September of 1982 came the debut of Shelley Duvall's fairy tale theater it's Unique scripting and outstanding cast up actors and directors has since fostered devoted audiences critical Acclaim and countless Awards with lavish costumes sets and dazzling special effects this unique series successfully transformed the world's most beloved fairy tales into fun-filled completely contemporary experiences that hold magic for every member of the family I couldn't ruined it better myself they have more practice than I do at writing but that really takes what you feel emotionally into a paragraph about how wonderful these were and how you can just watch these over and over and they don't ever age in my opinion maybe I'm fine but yeah just like books they don't age and it's wonderful to have them absolutely that's what I like about it I looked around the bookstores for a while and I couldn't find any books on fairy tales for the longest time for like a couple of years I went where are they used to be around when I was a little girl and finally with fairy tale theater they were back in the bookstores the collections of The Brothers Grimm yes and you know Hans Christian Anderson and so many wonderful uh storied writers and I almost said story tales she was also an inspiration was uh Shirley Temple oh yes yeah I grew up on her too she was great and she had storybook theater when I was young really young I don't know if it was only on on up at my cousin's house uh in in a different city but I I loved her shows but she read the fairy tale wow and uh she was wonderful she wore that beautiful dress yeah uh was it the the Pauper and the princess one of the movies that she had done oh The Prince and the pop The Prince and the popper yeah I think that's the one I remember the most that was more fairy tale driven that she did as a film or is it the popper and the prince I think it's the popper I'll have to look it's been a long time yeah enough for me too yeah I'll have to look that one up the same thank you so much this really is just the most important thing I think I've ever done thank you good that's great with that being said thank you for everything that you've done and thank you for being in the movie The Forest Hills we saw it it's great in fact we made sure a copy was sent to you so you can go ahead and watch it before it comes out in a couple months and uh you're amazing at it you're amazing in everything that you do and like I was saying this is a this has been like a highlight of my career I'll even say a highlight of my life just hanging out with you today so it's scary are you know what hi we're in a park it's such a beautiful day we decided to just kind of go and relax in a park you can hear the birds and if I may ask just one more question sure your career you've worked with amazing people even today you're working with someone oh yeah I am oh they are you are from everything from The Shining to Popeye The Fairy Tale Theater Annie Hall do you look back and do you have a favorite moment in your career ow something that you talk about an impossible to answer right this is the fun question usually I get this one right out the gate but I had to had to just kind of just talk for a long time right oh well special moments let's see oh I don't know there's so many well to be fair all right you've been sharing stories all day long with us from the time that you worked on the film set with uh the gas station and how they had to take the pumps back all the time I I if I may let me just say that I think your entire career was probably a highlight so I don't I don't think you've done one thing that that is in my opinion has been bad or um questionable in any way shape or form you you just have something about you and all day long listening to you talk you have this voice that it's you hear it you know it's you and I've been hearing your voice all day going I can't believe I'm talking to Shelley oh thank you thanks you know the weirdest thing is one time I was just calling for information in Los Angeles and the operator said I you know I just have to ask are you Shelley Duvall oh and I said no no she said your voice I because I watched fairy tale theater and I was like oh my God Isn't that cool but right how little noise that makes peaceful and beautiful here and it's kind of like your car right what's that called again it's a it's a Tesla oh yes a scientist right well thank you for inviting us into your world today and we do this thing we say thank you for joining us on another Grim Adventure we tell everybody happy Halloween we do spooky hands okay all right ready happy Halloween happy go watch the Forest Hills right away
Channel: grimmlifecollective
Views: 1,791,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Shelley Duvall, Shelley Duvall Dr Phil, Shelley Duvall Fairytale Theater, Shelley Duvall The Shining Abuse, Shelley Duvall Interview, Shelley Duvall He Needs Me, Shelley Duvall Dr Phil Full Interview, Shelley Duvall Popeye, Shelley Duvall The Shining, Shelley Duvall Bedtime Story, The Shining Shelley Duvall, The Shining Trailer, The Shining Theme, The Shining Explained, The Shining Ending, The Shining Bar Scene, The Shining Bathroom Scene, The Shining Here's Johnny, GrimmLife
Id: KreP9gicylk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 0sec (2100 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 18 2023
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