We Spent 24 Hours Straight in a Racecar

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ladies and gentlemen I am the police McFarland and this is my buddy Kevin from the ksr performance YouTube channel and today and I guess tomorrow too we're gonna be doing laps for 24 hours straight in this race car so we are dialed in we got fresh tires a full tank of fuel all we got to figure out is who's going first ah here we go Rock Paper Scissors Shoot oh you're done we don't know how long these you know stints are Are Gonna Last but we're gonna change off every time this car needs fuel and it could go for a long time one tank of gas so Kevin you're up okay so here we go we got a storm storm's coming we're racing it's gonna race through whatever comes our way Kevin are you ready brother I guess yeah I think so all right don't rip it [Music] what were we thinking we got about 23 hours 59 minutes [Applause] uh first minute down now look at the rain we don't we don't know that the car is going to make it but we do think it will you know I'm Compton Crown big best car ever made the weather's fun you're in the weather's not great either Kevin how are you feeling you're one minute in buddy it's uh [Music] he said it's gonna be a long night yeah don't worry about that Kevin a little Shake in the front end never hurt anybody guys we're 37 left well Kevin's lying 80 man in this rain we gotta take advantage of this rain though and do some donuts real quick oh he's pretty fast this thing's slide dude there's no way I'm catching him laughs [Applause] Hey Kevin it is pouring rain now but Kevin's going strong boys we're 75 laps down everything's going great it's raining and this is sketching what were you thinking it's really raining [Applause] yeah buddy it's raining pretty good you're 80 laps in it you've been going for 30 minutes what's the fuel gauge at it [Applause] oh he's losing control while he's talking to us he said he's 5 8 of a tank already all right guys it's been an hour I think Kevin's getting a little tired so we're gonna throw a tire out in front of him you know make sure he's honest feet oh [Music] well guys as you see our next challenge awaits we've got a big storm moving in it is definitely gonna get Rowdy Kevin was throwing down laps at an impressive rate a big storm was on its way into the freedom Factory luckily these Nitto Tires can run on dry or wet pretty dang good dude he's at lap 238 dude I guessed 150. whoo all right just started raining Kevin's about to pit let's go locked and loaded boys good job buddy you did about 250 laps holy crap Nice Work Kevin [Music] all right let's go to work baby go to work it's hurricanein absolute floor demand conditions oh yeah they call me Jim Cantore of the racetracks all right we got the racetrack lighting up there we go it's coming down ain't slowing him down still running 21-5 give you guys an idea of what I'm dealing with right now it is pretty important it is coming down but we're ripping boys I lost my walkie-talkie I have no idea what laugh I'm on but I'm drifting this day oh brother real slick out here look how cool that looks to race rain or shine around here it's wet so how did the car feel when you were out there earlier is it loose at all or did it seemed like it took it like normal if it had better uh front shocks on it we'd be able to go even faster it's raining sideways lightning you name it you notice he's going for a higher line [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the next hour of laps went incredibly smooth although it was raining it was kind of nice for me because it kept the tires nice and cool kept the car cool but right when I was getting to 400 Labs just before disaster struck and our car was in trouble all right [Music] we got smoke oof we got a nice trail of ATF here brother get the transponder swamped all right go go go go go go we're in the backup car transmission that's not good but it's all right oh there it is all right so we're on lap 409 look at that car it looks good [Applause] ah too early yeah guys at this point I've done like 100 left straight down that containment seat my neck is really starting to take the president fix because [Applause] they're 22 hours like this Ryan over here well we lapped on into the night and as the sun went down it got really nice out and then another failure my ball joint was toast wow crap I just broke a ball joint brother you're clear buddy right back out [Music] 122. we're back in Action I gotta admit I am absolutely exhausted from that stand not having the containment seed to be able to rest your head all the way lies in your neck which is what Kevin's dealing with right now and it is brutal so right now Dave and Zach are trying to swap the transmission into our car that has the containment seat and then we just got to cross our fingers that probably last because I don't know if we'll make it without having a containment seat it was brutal a lot might be my giraffe neck I don't know but I was dying Gavin seems to be ripping though he's 20 laps in I'll be looking boys we're gonna pull this trans out guys depression yeah brother we are officially under 20 hours 19 to go funny part about all this is Kevin and I discussed doing a pretty moderate pace so we didn't kill the tires on the car but we quickly realized that it was so boring if you didn't race the car really fast the entire time you're out there that it was almost unbearable as a driver Kevin was crushing it though he's putting down laps and he stayed out there for as long as he could all right Kevin just pulled off I'm taking off in another car [Music] all right guys I just finished a stint Zach jumped in he's doing one now we got the original car back for 935 laps in so I'm doing pretty good Sam what do you think Buddy about to cross a thousand laps right it's gonna be lots of lamps as well this evening and tomorrow morning tomorrow evening is done yeah we'll hit a thousand laps in the next half hour well guys just woke up from a little nap Kevin is on lab 1320. there he goes still uh going strong not even halfway there yet we're about eight and a half hours in Kevin's getting ready to finish this thing we're getting there boys all right we got Kevin coming off the track now got old cleator coming out in the original car now we got power steering pump on it she's ready to go the transponder swap you ready for this I was born ready brother at least he got the good I got a containment seat are you feeling I'm feeling it how are we feeling it now holy crap I'm too old for this you got it you got this oh my lower back is hurting so bad all right I just lost power steering after about 250 laps so the OG car is down again all right brother what's up do you think you're good I think we're halfway right yeah we have our 4 a.m two hours from halfway we're about to cross the 2 000 lap threshold we're killing it Zach went out on this 4 a.m shift and knocked out 289 laps which was the longest stint yet Zach pulled off the track at 1941 laps and exactly 12 hours to go and Kevin was back up all right lap number 2000 there it is 2 000 laps down only uh 12 hours to go it was nice and cool for this today's gonna be different oh yeah oh yeah at this point we were starting to regain some confidence yes we went through some Crown Vics through the night but we were feeling good we had just passed 2 000 laps we're past the 12 hour mark so now we're seeing the end of the tunnel and the sun was Rising we're finally getting that energy back and it's time to knock out these next 12 hours all right guys we [Music] seven in the morning in the morning we got Evie George in the driver's seat now pulled up an access to the Grove itself so he could drive around dick for two hours around the track all right let's get it buddy hold it together clean ER what are you doing you gotta get up cleaner wake up dude come on racing all night yeah you gotta get out on the track dude you're behind yeah you're up damn I felt like I just drove five minutes ago you drove the sunrise shift huh yeah how'd it go painful yeah I hate it who's in there did someone make it to help us out yeah George actually got his Tesla to drive him here to drive LS Evie George out here holy cow how's Kevin is he alive uh he's sleeping is he in rough shape yeah he needs a nap after the last ride he had dude I'm gonna be honest we're in way over our heads on this deal like we thought this was gonna be yeah a challenge we're all dying it's so high I bought a new shirt and I'm already sweating just being alive in Florida oh yeah hey let's take Leroy Jr out here and go down George My Boy Leroy Jr if you guys didn't know we're giving this car away every five bucks found Cleveland crawling.com gets you in here for a chance to win this or an aerial atom you got congratulations C5 is the best car ever made [Music] a mile oh [Music] easy look at your shirt cover Ed rubber dude no Leroy days all right well let's let George keep laughing dude he said he's ready for 500 more so we'll laugh where are we on do you even know like 2300 2300 all right that's pretty good George how you doing out there buddy all right well dude since George is fired up we should give him every other stint and Steve help me see if he'll be right we'll be right at 500 after that dude he came in thinking he was Taylor Earnhardt himself today he needs all right guys going in for stint number I don't know 20 maybe Zach's trying to bail Zach are you going home dude dude I didn't say I was leaving there he said he was leaving now I think I got another [Music] right now uh I think Kevin Went the 1909 I went like a 19. 97. or I went in 1995. this guy goes at 1973 or something right yeah see they're all worn out now yeah it's getting hot it's gonna be like 98 by the middle of the day all right so we got cleaner staged up about to go out for a fresh stint coming off a nap we got oh LS George coming off the track thank you dude you only did about 84 laps no I did a lot I'm Eddie before 300 I said I'm trying to get the lap record that's what I'm here for yeah they're good luck bud all right go go go go almost at the 16th hour of the 24 hours of Crown Victoria [Applause] all cleaned out there Wheeling number four car now you're moving out your tire yeah he's just uh going for the the even tread work all right this is the first Tire pop yet I was running a hard Pace trying to beat my lap time you beat me you smoked me don't go yet go go go go go go all right you got some strategic plan in here [Applause] big bucket what you got there oh yeah I'm gonna leave those there dad didn't throw the football with me oh you just shattered the windshield yes yeah they broke my window [Music] unreal I got cleaner coming off the track hot for about 16 and a half hours in about 2600 and something laps down I'm tough look at the window yeah a water balloon did that dude well put it down when you're going 70. I didn't see anything in it water balloon had Direct contact [Music] I work at the same turn back around Zach's gonna get in it dude these harnesses are so nice dude this car is the greatest all right brother good to go Kevin you're alive you look stiff brother well listen they got that car that I was just driving dialed in yeah that's one of the containment seats so I think we'll be good for the rest of the room nice so guys we had some rain come through and Zach looks really good he's trying to be my lap time record I got a 1968. honestly I think that's the fastest lap time I've ever done here that car is ripping but the track's going off and I think he's about to put down some really good time so I got a little something I want to distract him with you know keep him on his toes oh yeah keep him from getting that good lap time you know what I mean so you just hang here I'll be right back okay all right you won't miss me oh I found a distraction we got him we got a cub flying around the racetrack we got a cub flying around the racetrack look at this guy just flying around [Laughter] no way coming in for a landing this guy's crazy [Music] behind me oh my gosh dude oh a little smoke screen a little smoke screen oh dude let's get going Here Comes Zach oh my gosh he's insane [Music] oh boy oh boy oh boy definitely threw off his lap time oh dude we got smoked out oh [Applause] [Music] dude what a unit what a unit got some racing some flying oh we got a storm coming in boys I'm not gonna lie that thing is flying guys just on another level right now he's just dying to be out there on the track dude can't get enough of it dude our perfect so fast I don't know I have no idea it's amazing all right Zach's almost done with his stance so Kevin's suited oh here we go hey bud how you feeling good uh to have some better to laugh yeah oh yeah blaming on the rain dude did you see that airplane out there while you're making laughs dude he touched down right behind me that's insane that smoke was definitely worse than Tire smoke yeah I could not see a thing Kevin's making some pretty good lap times she's done he's done the old slip on the banana peel foreign hey buddy what's up how are you hi nice bib you got some milk what's going on here man we gotta grill out I'm a little hungry you know I figured yeah a wicking China let the scent get to Kevin I know he hasn't had lunch so we'll let it you know kind of drift into his car there we go you got her lit oh but got a surprise for you boys when I went to the store what would you get some popsicles oh these are the best exactly oh dude we gotta get one of these Kevin here we go ah let's go we're not wasting any time here we got a front right one no way we're five laps from 3 000. Kevin just blew a tire on lap 2995. so he's gonna be right back out they're putting the front right on it right now yes [Applause] Kevin buddy you just completed the 3 000th lap there it goes all right guys now that we passed our 3 000th lap I think it's time to tell you that today's video is sponsored by ourselves because we have a brand new thing here the freedom Factor you're probably wondering what are these Crown mix sitting out in the middle of the track well we've got something super exciting to share with you let's roll it [Music] you guys know we love Crown Vics and the freedom Factory has just become the home of Crown Vics across the country well we've always wanted a way for you guys to come out here and experience the same things we do so we've come up with the idea of letting you guys drive our Crown Vics and that is why we are extremely excited to announce the Cletus McFarland Driving Experience here at the freedom Factory took us a few years to get to this point where we could have a Driving Experience for you but I know a lot of you come in town and vacation in Florida and you come by the freedom Factory but we don't have much to offer if we don't have an event you can come here and drive one of our Crown Vics that's specifically designated to the Cleveland Brown Driving Experience far nicer than our normal racing Crown Vics you show up to the freedom Factory you get a tour you get a special experience you get some training and you get 20 Laughs out here on the freedom Factory or more if you really want so we've got some really cool cars right over here we got a neighbor replica we've got Donnie over here Crown Vic number two my favorite you know my Crown Vic race car actually hold on that's not my favorite this is my favorite we have a mullet Crown Vic copied after our boy mullet the El Camino but just a little bit less horsepower and then last but not least we have toast the crown mix you can come here choose which Crown Vic you want to drive and after going on a ride along with our instructor getting some safety equipment from race quip you get a jump in a car and do 20 laps out on the track by yourself and you can let it rip brother that's what the Cleveland falling Driving Experience is all about once you guys come out here really experience what we get to do when we jump in these Crown Vics and put on a show for you and we just released our first couple of dates for the policeman Fallen Driving Experience and you can check all that out on clespfallon.com and get signed up they're going to go fast we don't have a ton of dates open yet because what we want to do is have a few groups out do the experience and then get feedback from them to make it better and better and then we'll have plenty more dates throughout the year and especially like late mullets we're gonna have a bunch of dates leading up to that week so if you're coming town for the big event that weekend some of you guys who get in town early you can come here and drive some Crown Vics before the weekends festivities begin the long-term goal is to be able to bring these cars out to other tracks that we do events at too but we're just getting our feet wet by doing the Cleaves McFarland Driving Experience right here at our very own home the freedom Factory [Applause] wow so after a little bit of training and obviously putting some safety equipment on that we've got from race quip you're gonna go out in a Crown Vic exactly the way we would race it it's got a roll cage it's got five point harnesses it's got Nitto Tires these Crown Vics and their V8s actually get down pretty good you guys are gonna have a blast [Music] oh brother Gotta Get Right Up by the wall if you're gonna do it right boys hey girls right on the Apex get signed up and please come out and enjoy our cars don't beat on them as hard as I do though I would really appreciate that but I want you guys to have fun and experience the freedom Factory for everything that it is and get to do exactly what we do out here I know that it took us a while to get to this point but I'm really excited and I hope it is just a awesome experience for all of you who get to do it but uh I'm gonna do some more laps this is basically like go-karting on steroids you guys are gonna love it [Music] all right guys you know the deal you go over to Cleveland crawling.com find out all the information you need to know about the policeman problem Driving Experience Kevin is sailing into the 3000s I'm up next we're just grilling out right now oh man five and a half hours left we're excited to get this one done so whatever's on the grill smells delicious we got the grill drifting downwind right into turn three [Music] ice cream yes [Music] there he is you made it missing three thousand way to go Bud Mr 3000 pulling up oh yeah I like it that was the best dent I think I had the whole trip I'm playing man this car is just been ripping all right unbelievable man [Music] this point boys I was feeling good I was throwing down Laps on this car we are finally so close just about four hours to go and our mission will be complete all right guys 20 hours in we are 20 hours in only four hours left Jackson how many laps you got 20 hours 3 235 laps all right let's do the long one you got three hours to go go fit crew pit crew same Crown Vic running like a top hey fish it's all yours all right bud I'm ready suck in dude all right here we go tighten up oh my gosh all right we're good to go baby nice cracked windshield iced down right now holy toledo that's cold it's cool see it's working three hours he's got well he's gonna probably burn off two of them and then I'll do the last hour a good thing he had is a bathing suit on how many laps are we at we're three hours and 20 minutes to go yeah we're 3339 laps in all right guys we officially passed 3 500 laps oh you gotta be worn out he's been he's been ridden for a while but we're doing good well with only a couple hours to go George is in the rain thank goodness for this toter home be a little loose there a minute ago Georgie can you hear me that's good hey brother we're down to two hours to go porch is done 300 freaking freaking Labs the guy is on a rip you've officially done more laps in one stint than any than anything [Music] George is done the most laps in one thing [Music] [Applause] 300 laps of ripping brother [Music] that's what pushed me through guys we are 3 615 laps in and we have an hour and 15 minutes left 3600 laps that is crazy officially on the last hour George has been going hard I mean he's come on almost 400 Laps on his own just in one sense dude this guy's got to be exhausted I mean he ran along a stand of the 24 Hours by a long shot good dude you can't even get up he's shaking dude all right yeah good thing your car drives you home I'm a little wet yeah yeah we got it from here the fuel I knocked the fuel system the inertia switch [Music] oh shoot I hit the wall what happened Jackson a little sporty dude hitting the wall hard out here trying not for the inertia switch you know lost all Throttle but she's back now she's back let's see if she's back oh she's back baby she's rubbing a little bit we're not gonna worry about it though [Music] please this guy he's mad at something all right go go please look at this dude the sledgehammer all right Dave just must have went through a breakup because he took out some anger on that car just now the last 10 minutes of the 24-hour stamp we were at 3827 laps 3 800. that's insane man he's doing it can give him a checkered flies finish when he hits a 24-hour Mark you know he sees us all walking down here he's just like it's getting closer it's almost over this is big last laugh four three two one [Applause] let's go yes sir 3 856 left and dude [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] let's go [Laughter] oh all right Kevin ksr performance to his driving door with the longest stand freaking Jackson helping out Dave changing Transmissions putting in some sins too all these guys helped out today so sure best team in the world that's how it goes you know what I texted Kevin about us last week and he's just like yeah I'm in and we're like yeah we can do it just us too not a chance dude all right well guys check out the Cleveland crawling Driving Experience if you want to sign up for that that was the inspiration for today's video is just to show you how much fun you can have in one of these what's the final app count 3856 3856 laps we don't have a Driving Experience set up for that yet but I'm thinking about setting up a thing where anyone else who wants to try this challenge here the freedom Factory can come do it because I'd love to see someone get 4 000 laughs in 24 hours that would be a task but phew that's awesome that's it for now thanks for watching new for now we'll freaking see you later [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Cleetus McFarland
Views: 1,041,013
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leroy, 1320video, drag racing, boosted, cleetus McFarland, cleetus, McFarland, Leroy, bald eagles, bald eagle machine, 1320, modified, boost, turbo, twin turbo, precision turbo, Texas speed, Texas speed and performance, Fasterproms, tuning, tuned, burnout, stick shift, six speed, corvette, Leroy Vette, c5 corvette, Chevrolet, unicorn, c5, supercharging Leroy, turbocharging Leroy, freedom factory, ruby, auction corvette
Id: dqhyfroOHNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 1sec (2221 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2023
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