Will It Run After Three Years? Cranking Our 465 CI Engine for Bristol!

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we're gonna find out now yes that's what hopefully this thing runs and we figure out if power's here and we gotta figure out what's going on we gotta figure out what's going on [Music] yeah it's cool how neat is that yeah he said they're like 300 a piece yeah maybe what cause they got diller and hard on them yeah that makes it 305 of these and 10 horsepower this here is the engine we that to be more saw it in the last video got it sitting in the hole we are hoping to get this thing fired up here momentarily is that gonna happen looking good yeah yeah well i think we got all our parts and we've had a part you know just changing them around that's been the story of the week basically just trying to make sure we had everything we needed yeah so this is our bristol setup here betty with what i'm referring to is the dell engine y'all saw in the last video it's got they got them turned over but the valve covers got dei dillard and are incorporated on them so we bought this thing used for bristol well because our other sb2 uh that we got into last year wasn't going to be ready quite in time for bristol and we're committed to going to bristol so so we found this thing good little piece big piece 465 cubic inches and now she's in there we're hoping to fire it up today over here we have this is faithful with the dream in it looks like we robbed the fuel log off of it but this thing i think we're going to get on it hopefully at some point today we're going southern raceway this weekend with it with the southern all-star she'll be racing it this weekend at some point today hopefully we'll be pulling off of this car and then getting back over here for this weekend to get ready to go and then this will be bristol next week i probably made one hole rotation but i kept going back and forth any hard spot you just felt everything there was one hard spot when i first got on to it but it's gone now yeah so either rings are going or we'll find out we'll figure it out yeah so this motor is fresh 21 laps since fresh but that was like doesn't 2019 19 now yeah so it's been sitting for a little while so [Music] we're hoping for the best but it sounds like we're ready to put some oil in it prime it up get a radiator a right side header put the valve covers on it and throw fire to that thing it's always pretty [Music] speaking of bristol that's where we're gonna be running that thing it's the bristol dirt nationals and you can watch it all live on xr gonna be two weeks of racing uh we'll be racing in the super late model portion so you'll have uh four fifty thousand to win events to the first weekend friday saturday and two the second weekend friday and saturday uh but all through that you're gonna have support divisions racing uh during the week tuesday through saturday a bunch of cars really fast on bristol at the bristol dirt nationals xr has you covered watch it all live check them out we'll leave a link in the description where you can sign up and watch it all live on xr y'all hear who else is uh coming to bristol cletus cletus is coming we heard uh cletus mcfarland has a a stock car ride for bristol so that'll be interesting to see old cleator on the dirt track at bristol we're almost out hey hey long you got enough lizzy i'm out it's coming together boys hey things are going well yeah okay so i did want to really quickly while we're tidying up show y'all our oil lines remember in the last video we got the pump in there uh a video before that we put tank in and now we got all our lines running the black lines uh all from john all that come from jones right yeah jones racing products and and we got pulleys but hooked us up on a short notice yeah real quick notice see all that that's what i was talking about when i said two and a half miles of oil line run all through here the cool thing about these i don't know if it's like this with everyone or not but the jones stuff is uh so simple they just they send us the lines and the fittings we want and we put it all together right here in the shop right you don't need nothing you don't never really need very many tools you know to do it with and it's a you know pretty cool little system they have there how you put it together and simply i really want to say that it is way easier than push on yeah we have y'all remember this has been a while ago but we had like a 30-minute clip of jesse trying to get a line on a fitting it was ridiculous anyway i wanted to video that but i didn't i wasn't able to make it happen but soon next time we make some lines we'll make a little video of that either way shout out to jones for uh quick turnaround and getting us the materials here to get our oil lines running we're gonna try this new priming system as well here we go i'm sure we got them all tight they're tight okay we'll find out when we prime it huh there's the primer right there how oh y'all did y'all get a drill for that a little 90 drill okay to put it on that we'll get to that in a minute here's a look at all the lines on this side rolled up all four of these in there we were able to find rotella oh they had like come find out they had a crap ton of it i thought did you buy it all well that well i asked them how much they had because they were seven on the shelf so i got it all and they said they had like 90 something so i'm like you know what go ahead and give me another one so i'm gonna have eight yeah this is uh four gallons by the way going in here it came with a bit yeah wow all right look how dead is it this is uh we're moving up in the world today i don't think it's supposed to be we accidentally did that yeah or someone returned it not only do we have a new fancy priming system for our dry sump oiling system we also have a 90 degree drill hit uh going on here brand new all right yeah watch release boys okay okay okay who's who's watching what i'm watching oil pressure gauge gage okay i'm watching to make sure we don't push this back this where it goes not all over the floor jordan's got another line over there already joseph spinning all right y'all y'all watch for lakes yes yes what there is a direction on which way you spend okay spin it right this way so you're gonna be tightening with the drill bit give us something nice and new and watch us not know how to use it making a mess making a mess oh making a mess they're running out of room oh yeah that's a mess look point it down the back i got jesse here you take that me and the me and the viewers will watch the old pressure gauge did you get any pressure yes okay all right she's pumping up we up about 30 pounds right there all the push rods no no i got one one two uh i'm waiting on two just got him okay we're going say it's good got oil pressure i see we're oiling we're going to we're going to put our dale earnhardt valve covers on here and maybe prime it some more and fire it up but we got put a radiator in ahead of myself there so sorry hey i wasn't the only one made a mess yeah let's give water all right we got water power turning fluid taking a few need some fuel fuel high octane base racing fuel oh yeah we're pouring some in the tank too last time we ran this car we would run a crate with the e85 all right we're going to spin spin it over get old pressure plug it around just kind of bump it around a little bit let's just kind of see what we like bumping it [Music] all right you put wd in there dude it's blowing it out the word go ahead [Applause] any leaks we got pressure yet all right i think we're in pretty good shape here jordan's putting our plugs back in and we'll be ready to fire this thing and the last video a lot of y'all were asking how much horsepower this thing has it is uh gonna be in the high 800 range right so it's gonna be similar to the other sp2 that we are running uh just with a little more cubic inch a little more torque definitely more horsepower than the drain it's in the low to mid 800 range so those are cool i guess huh yeah they're great [Music] okay fingers crossed eyes peeled prayer's said all right are we really ready to do this guys everybody think everybody to think for a second got cured yep okay um don't turn the switch on let's just okay well the motor spinning over with compression check let's do that a couple years nothing no fuel pressure you might have an issue there still ain't gonna feel pretty okay all right you're a little nervous yeah i am yes all right this this is the time all right all i'm doing is holding the camera and watching for leaks josie you got the switch and you're watching for oil pressure okay ready hold on we're gonna be pumping a few times this whole just got some fuel in let's see what it does i'm scared so [Music] ain't got no fuel pressure i don't want to push seats out of the car grinder let's check and see if there's fuel up to the carburetor it is i don't know how much pressure all right no fuel there is fuel there we got fuel it did move a little bit we got [Music] i think we talked about this when we pulled the crate engine out of here we got a problem with our fuel pressure gauge we think and then we got a new one coming but ain't made it yet we think we're all right we probably got fuel pressure uh but we did see while we were looking a little bit of an oil leak so we're gonna try to identify that as we crank it back up right here all over all right we'll see we got turning back up coming off the belt somewhere so something's splashing onto the belt and it's floating so we gotta find our old leak while it's running right here [Music] okay so we might have a fuel pressure issue did it go to leaking again do i see another puddle right there it's looking for something we didn't get an eyeball on we don't have a lot of room over here try it again ready yeah yeah it's running out of what you're filling the bowls with i put two rounds in it didn't change nothing i'll put one round back out okay hmm yes both barrels front and back why is it running out okay situation here is we our fuel pressure gauge is bad so we don't want to go cranking on the fuel pressure here we obviously got a fuel issue but we don't want to go to cranking and dealing with it until we get a fuel pressure gauge it is across town it got delivered to two weeks yeah well it's like everything else you get it when it gets here so it's across town waiting on us we're gonna go pick it up and as far as our oil leak goes this is fuel right here from where um we were messing with the line but as far as the oil leak goes we can't really tell what the heck's going on until we can get her to run and stay running for a little while all right so a lot has transpired since the two hours ago that we last talked [Music] this is our old truck don't make it did we get a fuel pressure gate yes george putting it on right now this is our old truck we're gonna have to use it this weekend all right so this is the old truck we uh we what a lot of people were asking where's old truck where's old truck because we got a new truck here it is it's back we had to take our trailer and get the brakes fixed are the brakes fixed i don't smell them so i guess they're fixed so we're good to go now but our other truck has to have the air lines run out the back of it for the air brakes so if that means we're using this trailer excuse me this truck this weekend hopefully we'll have our new truck ready for bristol and as soon as we know it's ready to go then we'll let y'all know uh about selling this one for all everybody that's been asking about about this rig we will be selling it but we got to get our new truck ready first all right we got a new gauge and lights and everything working again okay okay new fuel pressure gauge installed hopefully we can i think we're going to do some fuel pressure adjusting and we didn't want to do it without the gauge yeah yeah we all know so to recap we had fuel pressure issues and we had an oil leak we were trying to figure out both of those but the motor cranked up and rain it didn't fire right up that's a plus we'll see what uh see what we got here so running out with you okay so that would rule out carburetor and then quit it okay all right crank attempt number 582 take fuel pumping that they didn't get like the pressure that was in the line it like it went to about four too fired up and then it was straightened yeah we got pressure because you're feeling the fuel the carburetor up when all that runs out we ain't getting fuel okay so yeah i think our fuel pump ain't doing good we're thinking the bat pump the fuel pump right here is our issue we're about to check and see if we got power steering clearly the enough in there power steering oil fuel all right so the red part up there is oil the gray part is power steering the black on the back back there is your fuel the power steering and the fuel pumps are not working shaft strip no no i'll be looking here yeah look in the back of the pump no there's nothing stripped in here i don't see a key i don't see a key though all right break that line loose up there see if we're pumping anything up there at the carburetor or see if you get fuel pressure let me just see about the carburetor yeah it's pumping really quite pumping put your thumb over pumping really good yeah so put that back on and go to the fuel yeah put that back on and see if we get fuel pressure okay all right i'm watching are you ready yeah all right check it you ain't getting nothin we're up to six up to yeah well it went up to six pounds right there okay so that's that's good yeah well what's up yeah just hold that we're gonna crank it yeah hold that bump give me a drill in the condition now reach over there and just yeah there you go you know that'll be your throttle yeah how much you pull the drill trigger yeah jesse's going to need a seat under here [Laughter] what are we going to do here you got to put grease on it just ain't got no grease don't worry all right so we're putting grease on the shaft all right jordan show that use the shaft to see if we're reaching i guess that's as far as it'll go okay now pack it out shaft's not touching well i take that back it looks like it did it it is wipe it off and do it again we'll look in the other part i don't tell you there's greasing there's grease in it okay so it's hubbing up you got the back of that fuel backpack yeah yeah check that line that doesn't check i think it's tight all right we're back together we're gonna try it again no we might need it i don't let's see if it does if it'll run without it let's look good now ready yeah basically all it did was use up the fuel that we had pumped in there question is that shaft that runs in the pump from the oil pump out is it like is there a problem obviously the whole pump working just fine so say if i say if we got a power steering pump a new a new power steering pump on it a fuel pump no fuel pump the fuel pump on here is what we're talking about on there like a normal well well that fix us yeah yeah that hey yeah there's fuel over there hey don't don't light your cigarette all right we're pulling the pump off the drain putting it over here on the dell engine and we're going to see what happens stay tuned did he get you dang jesse you got fuel on you dude it's trucking match i dare you all right this is the fuel pump that came off the back of the the big bazooka pump we're not sure why it's not working it ain't it isn't whoa and here jordan is bolting on the fuel pump off of the drain the pump works so and over here excuse me our understanding is there's no problem at not having a fuel pump on the back of that right no we should be good all right so now we're going to be on basically the same setup as what we've been running the whole time over here on our dream engine as well as the other sp2 engine and we're hoping it runs as soon as we get the fuel hook back up here this thing burns now we're gonna get some baby back fuel to it i was nervous all day and now i'm actually excited for one yeah honestly we've gotta have you well the other questions allen wrench for that well the other question we gotta figure out because we don't think our power steering was working either we're gonna find out now yes that's what hopefully this thing runs and we figure out the power steering we gotta figure out what's going on we gotta figure out what's going on all right yeah we spin it see if we get some fuel pressure yeah so you get fuel pressure doing this better than what we had before ready sure ready so so so oh [Laughter] some some um to it that thing got some long legs you better take your wheelbarrow now it runs that thing right there you can tell how you would do it when you wrap on it and it and it's settled down time it just sounds like whoa like it big it took all the air out of the room [Laughter] so i guess we power steering pump ain't no good yeah we ain't got no tires what's your idea let's pull that power steering back off hey that's you're just on time you're hungry we'll do the same thing that we did to that baby i thought we were talking about food carry on with your theory so we put the drill onto the shaft of the of the fuel to turn it and then we got fuel pressure right let's pull let's pull that off good idea right let's separate that power steering put our drill on it let's see if we get some circulation okay that is our power steering pump jesse just turned it with a drill and it ain't doing nothing we think that we have diagnosed that as the problem and somehow that being there being an issue there was also an issue with the fuel pump so it would you know wasn't getting through turning through there and also not turning the fuel pump because we hooked the drill to the fuel pump and it worked but we do have this working everything seems to be in good shape do you think you heard that yeah they might have they'll have to let us know if they heard that that's what that's exactly what that is you know it ain't gonna wrap up no they don't wrap up as soon as you get this fuel back here yeah yeah you can tell all right so that is our bristol engine uh i guess we're gonna probably pull off this thing and get over here get ready to go to southern raceway and then we'll be back on this one first of next week getting ready finished up for bristol thursday friday saturday and next week will be practice thursday racing friday saturday and then again the friday and saturday of the next week we'll be racing 50 000 to win each race up there i think we got something we might go up there and run with them with maybe remember y'all can watch it all live on xr link is in the description you can go ahead and get signed up a month subscription gets you all of bristol uh live there every bit of it all the super late models and the support division is going to be a big time we'll be racing this weekend though with faithful and the dream southern raceway so uh wish us luck there uh and we will see what happens anyway hope you all enjoyed it let us know what you thought of the motor air that sound good to y'all and we will catch you next time like comment subscribe see you later
Channel: Hunt the Front
Views: 76,385
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dirt Track Racing, Dirt Late Model, Race Car, Racing, Hunt the Front, Bristol Dirt Nationals
Id: 2b288IbbcrI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 53sec (1853 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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