We Saved an Orphanage

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- There are 153 million orphans globally and a huge portion of them don't even have access to electricity, water, or toilets. And as a part of our mission to make the world a better place, we will be supporting orphanages all around the world. We're kicking off this mission in Khayelitsha, South Africa where we found an orphanage that needs our help immediately or it faces the chance of getting shut down which we can't let happen because it would severely impact the lives of hundreds of children. But the clock is ticking and we need to act fast to get these kids the same opportunity and basic necessities that me and you take for granted and save the place that they call home. - I was originally born in South Africa. This is a beautiful country. The people over here are amazing, but it does definitely have its problems. There's huge wealth disparity and there are areas that are extremely poor. - In the center of this crime and poverty-stricken township, there's a brave woman named Mama Rosie who's risen above all odds and developed an orphanage called Baphumelele Children's Home. 30 years ago, an abandoned baby was left on her doorstep and Mama Rosie took that child in and soon her reputation spread as someone with too much of a heart to turn any child away. - It started back then. I saved more than 5,330 children. Those children would be dead. - And what's tragic is that after all of Mama Rosie's perseverance, hard work, and daily struggle to get food and water to these kids, the Health and Safety Department has deemed the orphanage unfit to house these orphans and threatening to close it down. - Oh, I was heartbroken. Where are these children gonna go to? All the roofing is asbestos. - Asbestos was used to build the roofs of the Baphumelele Orphanage because it's highly fire resistant and really affordable, but it's been made illegal as it's highly toxic and exposure to these chemicals just through a simple breath can cause cancer and many other health problems. - Every day is a struggle. Every day it's a fundraising. We don't have food, we don't have electricity but we keep on opening the doors knowing that maybe someone who will come to our rescue like Beast Philanthropy. - These kids are absolutely amazing. I want them to have an opportunity to have a future where they're not gonna be plagued by health problems and conditions like that. And it breaks my heart knowing that they are starting out from the time that they are infants or young children and they're gonna be exposed to all of the problems that this place has. That was all I needed to know about what was going on here to know that we had to step in and remediate the problem. - We've made it our priority to ensure that Mama Rosie's legacy stays alive and continues to save thousands of children by rebuilding 12 homes over the next six months that will have electricity, toilets, and fresh running water. And in addition to this, we'll be subsidizing all the cost of living, from staff to constant, healthy foods for every child. - You have helped me so, so much. Thank you! Thank you! You! - The sponsor of this video is a company that reached out to us and said they were super keen to help us in any way they could. Lectric E-Bikes is an awesome company full of incredible people, so much so that when we received the final cost of this project it was much higher than we originally discussed. And they said "No problem," and doubled their payment for their sponsorship, which gave Darren and the team enough funds to rebuild these 12 houses. Lectric E-Bikes are a great way to get around with clean energy. Check out their website and click a link in the description and buy their E-bikes so we can continue to do awesome projects like this with them. We want to continue to support Mama Rosie and these orphans for many years to come. So please click the donate button below the video or click the link in the description to purchase some merch that the kids themselves designed. We're gonna use all of the money to help support Mama Rosie's Orphanage and hope her legacy lives on for many years to come. Also, massive shout out to Dan mace who recently joined the Beast Philanthropy team. He's gonna be working on all our videos this year. He's an amazing YouTuber and you should go subscribe to him down below. - It's taken us months to get to this point, but here's to the start of a healthier future for the thousands of kids that are gonna pass through this orphanage and to the hundreds of thousands of kids that we hope to help around the world over the next few years.
Channel: Beast Philanthropy
Views: 19,053,573
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 11 2023
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