We react to Micky Flanagan On RELATIONSHIPS! 😂 (Comedy Reaction)

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hey everyone we're back with another reaction video and today we're checking out more of Mickey Flanigan on relationships okay okay yes so get ready for the Cockney accent yeah don't think I didn't flush the toilet the other one now I'm ready for the relationship a whole different topic we need the left yeah yeah here we go it's funny is it the um Modern Men I like modern men they all buff now and they they all buffed and print and clipped High just you girls are so lucky no pubes no pubes no got any pubes anymore 80% of the population no pubes ruining that lovely moment in a relationship when you look down the bed and you [Applause] see did they have a hair ball or what I I remembered my cat when I the f ball yeah the come on man oh my God no no no 40 seconds in it's not unifying is it it's for go on babe you can get it out go you want a glass of water s it in tell me the lack of the draw it could be you you look up at her one second carry on getting [Applause] excited got it I've got it babe it's one of mine yeah you young girls don't they lucky you are to have these lovely modern boyfriends caring understanding yeah they they'll be in the pub having a drink and something they say look I have to go I have to go my partner's menstruating the least I can do is be there with her during this dark dark time yep I've told her it's not her period it's it's our period okay share with me sister I find nothing wrong with that yeah yeah yeah I keep her supplied with parasal and hot water bottles she's allowed to verbally abuse me whenever she likes can punch me on the back of the head if that helps out as I'm there with her yeah and as I come in my wife don't come in here a different clip ah maybe it's the compilation okay okay let me take it back you can punch me on the back of the head if that helps out as I'm there with her and as I come in my wife comes to the door she goes don't come in here Somebody's Crying and I say found enough babe I was going to give it a miss and I go to bed it's got nothing to do with me nothing to do with me and I say no more of it it's her night yeah if I go out for the evening my wife is deeply interested in every single detail starts in the afternoon starts following me about so where you going tonight look at him I don't know we've not decided yet what if you can't can't get in what the pub to get in the pub to drink ler to drink who's coming along I don't know you're being big oh oh this sounds like a disaster say look I'm not worried about it don't you worry about it really it's fine she can and as I leave she says say hello to everybody for me can I tell you here and there girls we never say hello for you [Applause] right it goes in one ear and at the other yeah so my mind was fairly empty this thought came into my mind what happened so my mind was fairly empty this fault came into my mind I don't know where it came from it came from nowhere it went have a year off Mickey I thought yeah I'm going to have a year off I'm Caked Up I'm a celebrity I can do what I [ __ ] like oh yeah this is a great idea I've now got to convince my wife this is a good idea reason our 17year relationship has survived is cuz I've only been at home for about 3 weeks I didn't hear him well what did he say the relationship survived because he only been there in at home for 3 weeks and the 17 years okay okay 17e relationship has survived it's cuz I've only been at home for about 3 weeks cuz like most men I tend to irritate her just by being there can't get [ __ ] all right yeah go on sisters get it out your sister you do did you hear that if I don't talk to her for a couple of days she don't like it she takes it personal and I can feel it Brewing as I come in the house I think oh she's going to want to talk she says to me come and sit by the island and tell me a story she says You must have a story for me if I'm an endless supplier stories like a lot of men I used all my stories up years ago I've kept a few back for oliday cuz they torture is they they told are 14 nights staring at each other all out and burnt what do you mean what have I been up to I've been with you makes sense yeah you start talking absolute nonsense to each other don't you you just say anything I think my flip-flops are breaking babe what when we turned up they were flipping and flopping of flapping a little bit now it's flapping more than it's flipping see other couples don't you and you just look at them come over here save us just come over help help yeah she looked at me in a moment of terrible desperation on the last holiday she said um I saw a fre leggy dog in the village earlier three I said bab I don't know where we go with this it's like you know normally find something but I don't know where we go with a three-legged you know I'm just saying that's so I'm just saying and I did get my year off and what a fantastic year off I had it was so nice being at home getting to make decisions with my wife yeah to your wife going yeah we could do this this and we could do that we could do this and we could do that and part you're thinking why the [ __ ] are we having this conversation do what you want to do we all know it yeah right I and my wife will make a decision with no consultation she just does it she came in about a year ago she said by the way we're going camping next year I said I'll [ __ ] off will you no [ __ ] goes camping apparent okay that's an insult yeah we go camping actually we do love Camp our camp every weekend please camp and agree on that like it's something in common yeah so yeah I don't agree with that she won't she won't put me on the spot for that one no no I totally agree with that camping man sort of a [ __ ] gohost camping apparently the lower middle classes again yeah yeah let's go and live like refugees for a week that'll be fine why did we put it like that it's all bit upsetting your partner cuz you know what you got to do now you got to become creepy cruly husband walking around the house tiny little creepy crawly husband think too upset I put the football on no I'm not putting the football on don't like the sand of that starting get smaller and quieter and tier m you start doing [ __ ] you don't normally do I've emptied the dryer for you babe I meant for us sorry I meant for us I don't know what I was thinking there there's no separate spheres in this house sister just a circle of equality if you do this for long enough she comes back she Parks the boat up she comes back and you go thank God now I can work on her a bit more maybe we'll be back to normal in about two or 3 days two or three years much quicker turn around with me much quicker turn around with me my wife has a Pon a Pon for shrinking my t-shirts my quality now proper quality Fruit of the Loom you got it FL it I told you CED up throw it alone 12 14 15 quid let's have it I get two ways out of it suddenly I go to the dryer there's a crop top I go in I said babe look another one two we of about out of this she says well you could do the washing yourself cting you I said this what I'm I'm not here to argue about that I got the light AR the other day nice t-shirt shrunk I said said I tell you what babe it's unacceptable and as I walked away she went ooh oo unacceptable is it I went in the front room I slammed the door pushed it quite hard me and the dog are watching flog it right we're watching FL it me and the dog not FL it she knew she'd upset me she knew she knew the door came open a little face come around the door she said you want a wank I said said what's the point in arguing baby where does it really where does it get me tell me really where does it get it's our fashion nobody argues anymore everyone talks things through I'm getting a wank the dog's getting a tummy rub everybody wins oh we're back together we're back together no man you at or where you at you out or where you at [Laughter] oh a lot a lot to take a lot to comment on wow how did he get everybody got involved in the wank the dog got got a pet of the bell and and he saw forgot about everything you know you want to yeah everyone forgot about the shrink clothes about everything you forgot man we our mind our brain is that tiny do you think yeah I think that but actually but actually what I have to comment on is we in our relationship we don't actually get that a lot we don't get the yeah the things that he talked about yeah but it's common in most relationships your eyes you're crying from laughter yeah I can't stop laughing yeah to my job my job hurt ah Mickey flan again man another one but yeah yeah I I find them really uh more funny in in no actually wait I can't I can't decide but yeah here in this one he talked about a lot of things that I know they are funny but I don't I don't yeah we don't experience in our relationship you don't shrink my clothes no I that's punishment that's Revenge ith as much as you watch them you know we take part in everything and we do everything together and yeah actually I care for her in every moment of her month and life yeah therefore but I can understand where he's coming from because most of the relationships nowadays I don't know um are so shallow and and it's so common in relationships what he's saying but it's funny nonetheless you know when you when you hear him speaking and saying those jokes and the way he make those remas you sure have a good laugh when you hear about the stereotype you know like when you talk about the man and women like the like yeah you know about the no we don't I'm sure there are a lot of people who don't do that but you know the stereotyp the people do that you know and people laugh at at the we talk experience because we've been together for we've been married for 11 years and 11 we know each other 15 years ago so yeah 14 15 we have experience and yeah we're not that uh young in marriage we are actually old in marriage but I disagree Forever Young we go camping actually camping is now I look at it in a different perspective because he said who wants to live as a refugee for one we do love it like being in the wild and nature with nature come on if I don't hug a tree every week I can kill a man in the in the during the week I have to do that in the weekend what most people do we do exactly the opposite like what Society like they're going this we're not conventional we go the other like this is where you find your piece of mind so I don't know why we're yeah now I feel I feel like sitting by the fire in the campfire with the marshmallow but he's so funny Mickey Flanagan Mickey flanegan yeah we're going to get back to Mickey Flanigan and not the camping part yeah but I the first part when he spoke about the pubes yeah what about yeah yeah yeah I'm going forever about it when I think of it you go for the yucky stuff you like the part of the poop of the Del of the Del this is their recommendation don't talk to me talk to them yeah that's one of the recommendations uh yeah the shits and this one like one from one end and the other and so yeah yeah okay but I have I don't know if he's like this his comedy routine I like this but I'm here for more I'm sure here for more I I really love his approach on how he performs you know like his delivery and everything I really fell in love with Mickey Flanigan I'm really here for more and I'm looking forward for other recommendation actually do you have anything more to I I wrote them down we can do them all right we're there for it now we're going to have to put up for any recommendation make sure to drop down a comment below and don't forget to like the video and of course our journey with Mickey Flanigan will definitely continue so stay tuned for [Music] more
Channel: The Couple Crib
Views: 67,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: reactions, breakdown, music, funny reactions, master review, reaction, review, real country reaction, Reaction, The Couple Crib, Rock, Music, Music Reaction
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2024
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