We Ran a BETTER Tumbler for One ENTIRE Week

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today's video is sponsored by Kiwi Co in today's video we're revisiting our long-term tumblr effects using some slightly upgraded equipment you guys may remember we took a vibrating abrasive machine and we ran it for a week full of stuff how that's her now well there's the flip so this used to have something attached to it and what we had inside it like the the polishing grip like the the material that we use is very interesting it wasn't made for things as rough as what we we probably had it overloaded with an entire empty soda can in there like that never really seemed to rotate or spin well I put like 17 of these in there overall it shook itself to pieces in a number of different ways so we have upgraded now some of you may be dismayed to know that this is still from Harbor Freight our first one was from Harbor Freight plenty of comments about that I'm very aware no one goes there because they are trying to get the very highest quality stuff they're getting stuff that they think will work and is cheaper so this is a rock tumbler it's designed to just run a design and run for days or even weeks on end here's the basic idea we've got an upgraded higher quality tumbler that's actually designed to run for long periods of time at once we're going to load up the two tumbler barrels with a few different things and some polishing grit to see what happens to them these are some rubber barrels that fit just on the roller here and it just goes that's the whole purpose that's what all the machine does so we got this version specifically because it has two barrels on it that run at the same time and we're going to fill them with different things we had one comment from Corey cirrage who said fill a tumbler with nothing but coins no abrasives just points I love that alright now Callie is busy trying to eat all of our remaining candy sticks guys this isn't even all of them there's more I can do it several pounds one of the containers they said pennies not even any abrasive so we're gonna do a whole lot of pennies I've got ten dollars worth of pennies right here for those of you who are not American is our lowest currently in use currency it's one cent 1/100 of a dollar right now they're made out of zinc with a very thin copper coating on the outside of them it costs more than one penny to make one penny so the government actually like loses money every penny they make and you know there are some places I believe Australia for example got rid of their 1 cent coin the same reasons it's like this is wasting that yeah so they just round to the nearest 5 cents for everything it is illegal to destroy pennies if you are doing so with the goal of reclaiming their metal value from you you just want the copper yeah yeah that's that's not allowed this is basically a tire kind of what we're looking at here just a very very heavy rubber construction this seals into this lip and then this metal piece goes over the top of the canister and the whole thing is sealed up this is a rock tumbler it is designed for you put rocks in it and you put the different stages of grit to to polish them and if you do it right over the course of it takes four to five weeks with rocks to really get them up to their full shine copper is softer than a lot of rocks it just wears them down in finer and finer amounts and then you get shiny marks actually I want to put some pennies in the other one too just because this one is going to have some abrasive in it we are gonna try with the actual abrasive we're supposed to use so you're saying you want to use probably four strips fine grit just those a little bit of course a little bit of a finer it and just listen I put on my face probably don't so we've got some more candy sticks we have a key this is actually the same key that we told last time when last time it just got very slightly smooth and I wanna see if we can take down those teeth a little bit more we have three seashells because we're kind of curious to see if they'll get like ground up into sand or something similar so if there's sand like texture that isn't clearly candy sticks when we're done that'll be fun we've got glass again because we want to see if it turns into more of that sea glass effect we did do a good job of taking off the sharp edges last time yeah it was safe to hold that that was about it that seems like a good amount of stuff so yeah it's do happen about half the bag of the course we'll do half the bag of the fine so we've got these two rollers in here this one actually just spins freely and this one here is attached to the motor so if I turn it on you can see this one spins it's got a piece of rubber tube that makes good contact with our rubber barrels and then when the barrel is on there it just spins spins for days all right our tumble Matic 5000 is running we're actually going to not leave it here in the workshop we're gonna go take it and put it in a whole shed on the side of the house as much as you guys would love to hear that in the next 18 videos just was running in the background let's come back in a week see what we've got the tumbler has been running for a few days now and while we wait for the rest of it to keep turning we've got something really cool to show you a couple of weeks ago we got this subscription kit in the mail from a company called Kiwi Co Kiwi Co has created a variety of steam science technology engineering art and math projects that get sent to your house every single month Kiwi Co offers boxes for a variety of Ages ranging from zero to sixteen plus so while it can be a fun project for you it can also be a great gift for sibling a child or a grandchild so to get a good idea of how cool these kits are we've got our friends Hannah and Heather here in the studio and they're going to join us to see if we like these things so we've got Hannah and Heather with us today they're gonna help us set up some Kiwi Co boxes now I've seen these in the studio but I haven't actually played with them yet should we find out what they are this one says paper airplane launcher I bet it's a paper airplane launcher soap dispenser we're gonna build a soap dispenser hey you guys want to race yeah okay we're racing we're racing [Music] [Music] we struck the cameraman always our goal weight good to go I think so alright here you go we did high five I was awesome alright what did you think of the Kiwi coke it's you guys did beat us fair and square by like five minutes but look how cool overs looks it's true we made an entire soap dispenser awesome I really liked it was also relatively easy to make so it's fun it does teach you some stuff but also I never felt like we were too overwhelmed by instructions were really easy to follow awesome so if you would like to get your very own kyouko subscription box go to kiwi cocom /tko r and those who sign up with our link will actually be able to get their first box for free so click the link down in the description and get started today it's been a week our tumbler head running non-stop and I just want to point out it's still intact it hasn't shaken itself to pieces today although look at this over here so there's these little tabs that are supposed to keep it centered oh it's worn itself down sure enough to the point where like it has a flat edge right there nice probably worn into the metal of the barrel a little bit too but not bad it's pretty superficial oh yeah there's copper dust around the edge of this so I opened it after one day and we can look at the footage of after one day I think it's gone too hard these were shiny when I opened them after one day and now maybe they started to wear into the rubber itself it looked like a black because they were so pretty good so the main things that we're seeing there's loss of detail there's some curl where the edges of the coin actually started to get wrapped over and in some cases where it was doing that I think it wore right through the copper I think you can see the zinc and then at the right angle they have this weird like purple reflective color to them this right here we're looking at is a 2017 penny in its normal condition this has not been tumbled and you can see there's quite a bit of detail Lincoln's got an eye he's got texture in his hair and in his beard and you can make out the letters pretty cleanly that nice crisp edge all the way around the penny but then we go over to another 2017 penny the one that's been in the tumbler for a week there's 2017 looking a bit more worn there's Lincoln he has like a smooth glossy beard not much texture his hair and look at what has happened to the letters here you can't even see them because the edge of the copper actually started to get rolled over what else we got here pile of mess first let's just address the candy something about the candy seems to make the abrasive stick to it probably the sugar content and it's disgusting I'm amazed that they survived at all I thought there's just gonna be powder nothing left it would just be evenly mixed into the abrasive we definitely did not have them disappear entirely we've got these weird lumps of built-up abrasives stuck to them like glass that piece that you're holding is probably my favorite daughter's whole bad it's like a sliver the surface is very smooth I remember the last time you know old tumblr we took off all of the really sharp edges but we didn't really smooth the glass sound this time we have smooth the glass down this looks like something you'd find at the beach yeah I am so curious to see the texture of this on the microscope hovered in micro-pitting all over the key coolest finish I've ever seen on a kid looks sandblasted mm-hmm it's basically indistinguishable from sandblasting except that it didn't really happen down in the grooves and when you pulled it out it had a lot of the same buildup in it yeah so those sections are still pretty shiny yeah all right so I didn't put the seashells in the tumbler that I remember and Nate says that he remembered this when it was going in I didn't inside of the shell is gold and I just thought that was cool but also this section here that was already sort of chips he's been worn away and you can just see that pretty they used to have very glossy finishes a lot more color on the outside that's gone from these two and then this rougher one had sort of like almost a spiky texture and that has been smoothes down considerably okay most surprising thing to me is that curled edge yes hovering letters on the pennies I did not see that coming and we also have the footage of after one day when I opened it you could see the entire barrel was just copper coated and shiny as was my favorite because we let it run so long it did wear down a little bit longer I don't think that after one day they would have had that curled edge which is awesome but when he just opened it up and it looked like everything was just coated in copper that was amazing and that that strange purple hue had already started to show up even after just one day and then yeah as the time went on I think we just kept wearing the pennies down more and shrinking them a little bit with that curl like there's a there's about a one millimeter difference in height between a regular penny and a penny that was in the tumbler well guys our tumbler survived it survived very very well what else do you want to do with it thanks again to our sponsor Kiwi Co click the link down in the description or go to Kiwi cocom /tko our sign up today and get your very first subscription box for free guys that's not all we've always got more for you see that box up at the top will take you directly to our last video you should go check that out and we'll see you the next one talk to you then [Music]
Channel: TKOR
Views: 1,576,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: metal tumbler, vibratory tumbler, metal polishing techniques, resin tumbler, plastic tumbler, ways to polish metal, metal working, metal cleaning, ways to clean metal, metal polishing, polish, thekingofrandom, tkor, random happens, random experiments, grant thompson, nate, calli, what happens when, fun dip sticks, how to clean old coins, how to clean your keys, aluminum can, macro shots, macro shot of coins, digital magnifier
Id: ngD0PiSOJ0c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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