SAME Recipe: Are Expensive Ingredients Better for PIZZA?

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you guys asked for it so today we are making pizza we're gonna make the same recipe twice once with cheap ingredients once with expensive to see if there's a noticeable difference i'm nate from the internet and this is brand versus basic the first thing we tried this experiment on was cookies and so many of you wanted to see it that i decided i would do pizza as a follow-up now i haven't done a lot of homemade pizza myself so i went online and this is mostly a recipe from adam or guccia he's got a lot of great cooking videos and he's done especially some cool stuff with pizza i believe he's from new york he was trying to make new york style pizza which i love so that seemed like a great way to start we're going to start by making some dough i've got two bowls i'm going to make mostly one and then the other because this is all just getting in there all of this is going to end up in the refrigerator overnight anyway so 10 or 15 minute difference between when i make one and the other shouldn't really throw anything off [Music] package is two and a quarter so i don't want all this [Music] all right now we are going to let this sit for five minutes it's not necessary for the development of the dough but it does let us verify that the yeast we're using is alive and active it can actually die but just to make sure that everything is going well we are gonna give it that five minutes just to be sure we see what we're hoping for a few minutes later okay it's been like all of one and a half minutes and our yeast is already starting to do stuff we're still gonna give it the full five just so i know but yeah this is this is already moving it's not the most exciting thing in the world now we're doing olive oil olive oil is one of the biggest cost differences uh that we're looking at here this bottle the walmart brand was like a little over two dollar like 250 something like that um whereas this bottle which is more you know this is a 500 milliliters and oh no just kidding it's not more they're both 500 milliliters this one in fact is more this is 502 milliliters uh but this one cost like 19 and this one was like 250. so next we're doing our bread flour and we have here the uh the cheapest bread flour that i could get my hands on and adam talks about how he does five cups and he specifies that he does it by volume and partly that's because this mixture doesn't get finalized with what i put in right now as i'm mixing up the dough if it's too wet then i'm going to be adding more flour to make it so it's less sticky like i can actually maneuver around and so the the amount that actually ends up in the dough might change based on how the flour reacts to the water five all right so there's the five cups that i'm starting with after i mix it if it's too wet like i said i may have to add more okay this is looking like a very wet dough arm's doing just fine this is not as intense as the cookie dough and that's about all of the spoon mixing i have to do now i have to go to the hand mixing that is absurdly sticky [Music] [Music] i feel like i need a lot more flour still this is the stickiest dough i have ever worked with a little longer than a few minutes later good i'm back to having tired forearms i was missing that and take our barely manageable dough we're gonna throw it into some containers okay i have a total of 1398 grams i am man i wish i had those last two grams about 1400 grams we're gonna we're gonna round my math skills are not so good i'm gonna go for 350 grams of dough per container [Music] time for the fancy one when i said i was going with the cheapest and the most expensive with all the ingredients i meant all of the ingredients so for the cheap one i use tap water it's the cheapest source of water i have but for the expensive one i am using a wildly overpriced bottle of water that i got at the store i paid money i paid way too much money for this water will my fancy water make fancy pizza so i'm gonna see if i can tell a quality difference [Music] no no that's water i actually i want to take just a second and show the difference between the not yet developed gluten and developed gluten so here is the not developed gluten this if i try and stretch it thin it just starts immediately opening up it tears it doesn't stick together the stretch isn't really there it just kind of rips all right been kneading this for about 10 minutes and it is so much stretchier i'm not saying it's not going to tear but it gets so thin and stretched out before it tears [Music] we let all of our dough sit in the fridge for at least 24 hours and then it'll be time to move on to making the rest of the pizza all right so we've given the dough a couple of days and now we are ready to make our pizzas but first we gotta make some sauce so we've got all of our ingredients the basic the brand time to make some sauce [Music] let's see if we can turn you something a little saucier [Applause] [Music] now i don't know if it's a function of being the more expensive version but the more expensive can has a tab you don't have to use the can opener [Music] now the the mentioned recipe included a pinch of sugar half a tablespoon of the cheap stuff half a tablespoon of the expensive stuff all right so some dried oregano i don't know how much is some so i'm gonna start with a teaspoon over here we have our expensive dried oregano which is a it's freeze-dried leaves and it's not very much it's .14 ounces and so by the pound if you were to buy a pound of this particular oregano it would cost over 600. here we go spilled another bit on the counter we're not going to count that toward our cost that's just me being bad at cooking he also recommends adding a lot of olive oil again not a specified quantity so i am kind of guesstimating here i'm going to go with two tablespoons for this size do want to do just a quick little test to see if i can taste the difference between just the sauces as they are all right cheap sauce tomatoes sugar hot dang i don't know what part of the ingredients i suspect the tomatoes but this is so much more powerful like most of what i'm getting is an acidic taste like it i think uh adam and his recipe call it bright this is very bright like it hits you almost like lemon juice kind of it doesn't taste like lemon but the acidity of it is way more potent i did not expect that we have our tomato sauces that is not the right lid okay you'd think i would be able to tell sizes of things by looking at them you'd be wrong as i'm getting the dough out of the fridge and ready to transport this is all of the dough that expanded out of the expensive recipe and this is all the dough that expanded out of the cheap recipe so we had much less overflow with this now when i go to make the pizzas i'll weigh out the dough so that we have the same amount in both i just thought it was interesting how much more this expanded maybe that's the the expensive yeast doing its thing okay we're not cooking the pizzas here let's head to where we are cooking them [Music] [Music] [Music] i don't have my mic on but the expensive dough is a very different texture like it's it holds itself together a lot more it's not stretching as wildly and easily [Music] ah [Music] all right we've we've got our first two pizzas one is with the basic ingredients ones with the expensive ingredients so now it's time for taste test and i have not said which is which there have been some guesses which they can vocalize now they like but it's time to taste pizza and see how we like it [Music] okay so i think this one is the bougie nice one just because of like the texture and i don't know before we taste it i thought it was this one just as you can see like crushed tomato rather than just sauce and yeah it tastes you can actually taste the sauce rather than it than just greasy cheese if i'm wrong i'll be really embarrassed but i'm pretty confident see i agree with you but i disagree with you on the sauce part what i think it's the cheese no man that tastes like fancy or cheese we're gonna be so wrong i think without a doubt this is the one with more expensive ingredients it tastes ten times better in my opinion not even not even like question i'm kind of thinking the closer one to this side is the more expensive one this cheese tastes familiar but the far cheese tastes familiar but it tasted more like like plasticky to me and this side just tasted like different which means i'm used to eating garbage pizza and this one tasted like not garbage pizza so like the bar one tastes familiar which makes me think it's more garbage in common and the closer one tasted not familiar to makes me think i don't normally have this which means it's probably bougie so if that one's garbage the garbage one's better well guess what this is the cheap one well this one's gross yeah i don't like that one hate it this sauce is way better i can't tell the difference between the cheese the same cheese i can't tell the difference between the cheeses either but this sauce is dry isn't that sauce gross it's sour yeah like massively thinner so i want to make another one and put more effort into getting the dough really nice and thin see if we have similar results or if anything changes i think you can start eating okay wait i actually don't know oh god authentic burning the roof of your mouth for pizza this is the worst one which which burns you better the expensive or the cheap pizzas real quick [Music] this is my own bias but since i stretched out the expensive dough i like the texture the expensive dough better this time it's all about the sauce i do like the dough i feel like the sauce is cozying through i like the crispiness of both the thinness of the offensive one has made the crust much better than last time i do think that what i'm most learning with pizza the technique of making the pizza is definitely more important than the ingredients used in the pizza so in the brand versus basic pizza so in the brand versus basic side-by-side competition which is the winner well my group of friends seemed to think that there wasn't a clear winner based on the ingredients we were getting a much bigger result based on how we cooked and prepped the pizza if we were doing a good job getting the crust stretched really nicely thin and the right quantity of ingredients that was mattering a lot more than if the ingredients cost a lot of money cost breakdown in the end for the cheap pizza we ended up with an estimated cost of 1.54 cents per pizza for the more expensive pizza we ended up with a cost of 5.66 per pizza 3.7 times as much for a pizza that it's good but it's not noticeably better it really seems to matter more if you're careful getting the crust in if you have just the right amount of sauce and cheese and if you do that then it's really hard to tell the difference between the two so i would say if you're trying to make this homemade pizza recipe which you should because it's quite good go for the cheap one if you already have more expensive ingredients i'm not saying like skip on using them or anything but to us to everyone who was tasting it it really came down more to how you prepared it than whether it cost a lot of money guys thank you so much for watching if you like this video please consider liking and subscribing hit that bell to get notifications and if you want to see me try other things in this brand versus basic idea let me know what foods you think i should try a special thank you shout out to my patreon subscribers what you're doing really helps me make better and more videos which means the world to me if you're interested in joining my patreon the link is in the description down below [Music] you
Channel: Nate From the Internet
Views: 394,684
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: k5MQBPdWbyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 03 2022
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