We Quit Sugar For A Month, Here's What Happened

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His parents were the best part.

👍︎︎ 2675 👤︎︎ u/youshouldreadabook 📅︎︎ Sep 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

The loss of the sweet tooth is the most surprising thing. I haven't enjoyed sugary stuff in years after cutting out sugar. You don't even have to take things to the extent they did. Just stopping soft drinks, sweets, candy, etc will do the trick.

The strangest bit is the queasy / slightly sick feeling I get when I eat something really sweet now. Desert are like a one bite thing, and things like doughnuts are just totally unappetizing. I wonder what it is that makes me feel sick when I eat sugar?

👍︎︎ 3469 👤︎︎ u/Anjin 📅︎︎ Sep 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

Holy shit, WheezyWaiter got married?


It's been a long time since college.

👍︎︎ 1666 👤︎︎ u/harakirinosaru 📅︎︎ Sep 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

Hope this helps get wheezy back into the mainstream

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/boredhuman99 📅︎︎ Sep 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

You don't have to jump into it.

I wish this sentiment was more common. I've always been sort of interested in eating healthier and making some progress towards a healthier life, but people make it seem like the only way to go is this big extreme change. I guess that's the case for some things..you wouldn't quit overspending on credit cards by cutting back just a little bit.

I've had more success with the gradual approach, though..try to drink more water instead of soda, eventually cut out soda. I rarely grab one when I want some caffeine and don't feel like tea, and when I do it I always regret it because of how syrupy it is. No need to flog myself every time I have a soda, it wasn't necessary.

Try to eat less red meats. More fish and chicken. I still love burgers, but instead of eating two after school every day like I did in middle/high school (and I'm only 130 lbs..my metabolism is dumb), I eat probably 1-2 burgers a month. That's like a 97% reduction. I think I've gotten the vast majority of the health benefits of going vegetarian while still indulging in meat (which I love) from time to time. Learned to love the leaner meats more, anyway.

If I'd tried to cut all of that shit out overnight I'd just be overwhelmed and would give it up within a few days.

👍︎︎ 769 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 08 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 269 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Sep 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

I forgot how much I love Wheezy Waiter

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/mosesmoorhouse 📅︎︎ Sep 08 2018 🗫︎ replies

This guy is hilarious

👍︎︎ 29 👤︎︎ u/Brewval904 📅︎︎ Sep 08 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 35 👤︎︎ u/thekingdom195 📅︎︎ Sep 08 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Craig] It's day 12, we only have 18 days to go. So -- wait thir-- i-- 31 days in July, right? So 19 days to go. Only 19 days to go! So, why'd we do this, why did we decide to quit sugar for a month? Well, nowadays you can't hurl a cronut without hitting a thought-provoking expose on how sugar is destroying humanity one disease at a time and I keep coming across videos and articles of people who lost 80 percent of their body fat, unlock the eighth window to the soul, grew a third eye that only sees truth and became an all-seeing all-knowing space baby at the center of the universe. At this point we pretty much all know that too much sugar isn't good for you. Too much of anything isn't good for you. Except for WheezyWaiter videos. Haha! Subscribe, like, comment! But I don't want to listen to what some other schlubs said I want to find out for myself and be my own schlub. But why did I want to find out? Well for one simple reasons. First, I want to live a long time and everyone says sugar causes all sorts of health problems, uh, heart disease, liver disease, the plague, and I enjoy life and the people in it. I want to see my baby grow up I want to live long enough so that there's the technology to download my consciousness into a computer, and in that way be immortal I want to have more energy, which is apparently what happens to people, 'cause if I have more energy I'm in a better mood. If I'm in a better mood, I can be more productive and earn that dolla dolla bill y'all and help my baby grow up and purchase the best VR system money can buy. [Ada cries in background] Whatever she was crying about I could pay for it. Money is everything. [Sung] Bad advice! Another reason: I don't like that sugar is hidden in everything. I want to be in control of what I eat. I want to know what I'm eating. Hey, Tony the Tiger. You don't know me. Hey Keebler Elves. You don't know me Hey Frito Bandito. You have a really kick-ass mustache, but you were discontinued in 1971. So you're not relevant here. And finally, I want to know if what everyone's griping about is correct It's fun to tell people when they're wrong And if they're right, it's fun to tell people that think they're wrong that they're wrong The point is it's fun lording knowledge over people. Isn't that what it's all about? [sung] Bad advi-- Why did my wife want to quit sugar? Let's ask her [Chyna] Um, I don't know I guess I wanted to develop some better habits and set a good example for Ada I just resent being addicted to a substance. So what did we do? What are the rules? What does it mean to quit added sugar? Well natural sugar is sugar that's found naturally in food without us doing anything to it. Like apples, milk, vegetables Bruce Campbell one-liners -- [Bruce Campbell] Give me some sugar, baby. -- and added sugar is sugar added to food when we process it This is found in things like basically [beep]-ing everything--bread. Ketchup. Yogurt. Dressing. System of a Down songs. [SooD] Sugar! That's right, sugar is naturally in Bruce Campbell, it was added to System of a Down, everybody knows that Well, so I'd like to reiterate yogurt It is shocking how much sugar is in popular yogurt brands and it's supposed to be healthy Now here's where it gets tricky apparently natural sugar and added sugar are more or less chemically the same thing but when you have natural sugar in things like Apples it comes with vitamins and fiber and other good stuff that makes the body process it more slowly In a more healthy way and it satiates you and it fills you up more than added sugar But when you take that fruit and you make it into juice even without messing with it in any other way adding other sugar It's still technically natural sugar and will be labeled that way but it loses all the benefits of having it in the fruit and so it's essentially like having added sugar and then there are things like honey and nectar which technically have natural sugar They probably have a little bit more beneficial stuff in them than straight-up sugar But it's still a lot of sugar at once. So with all of that in mind our rules are no added sugar No fruit juice. No sugar alternatives, like stevia [st-eh-via] and aspartame. Stevia? [st-ee-via] No honey, agave, etc. Etcetera known to be 80% sugar. Yes fruit So this means I had to give up my protein bar. I had pretty much everyday no sweet breakfast like pancakes or waffles No donuts ice cream salad dressing ketchup chips and salsa! Barely any sugar added which why I cheated a few times But don't tell anyone and one more thing nearly every fricking packaged thing in a grocery store So we checked in video style on day nine. Let's see how we were doing [Craig] So, what are we on, day nine? [Chyna] Yeah [Craig] Okay Give me a LaCroix. [Chyna] Give me a brownie [Craig] Mmm, oh, I don't have one [Chyna, sad] Mmmm. The first three days weren't that bad. Yeah, this is true It was pretty easy maybe because we weren't that heavy users of sugar in the first place We have quit drinking soda, and I've reduced my ice cream and chocolate regimen over the years Super good! And I'm only eating it to demonstrate to you how to eat it. I'm not eating it because I need to. I don't like that shot, we should probably do it again. This super good! Yeah, I'm only eating it to demonstrate how to eat So I guess this was gonna be a breeze! [Chyna] You know what wasn't easy? [Craig] What? [Chyna and Craig] Day 4! [Craig] On day 4 I was planning on actually shooting some stuff [Chyna] Mm-hmm [Craig] But I felt so terrible. I didn't want to do anything [Chyna] And I was really grumpy. Hmm. That's why we started on day 9 I felt too terrible on day 4 excuses excuses Came down with a case of the want-to-dies. Chyna, want to react to how you felt on day 4? [Chyna] No! That was perfect! So yeah, it wasn't easy. I guess we were gonna feel terrible from that point on [Craig] Then, like day 7 felt amazing Oh yeah, I guess we got over the grumps and everything was gonna be fine. [Craig] Today, I felt a little worse [sighs] Ok, so I guess we were gonna have some ups and downs So what was going on here? Apparently on day 4 we were going through withdrawal, sugar is addictive like drugs [Joe Hanson] ... and another one Another one! And another-- So maybe what happened was on day 4 we were going through withdrawal, day 7 we were like Woo hoo! Yes, you finally stopped eating like a [beep] and then finally day 9 was like whoa, whoa, whoa, everyone calm down, life is still hard But so far there was really only one horrible day but that wasn't the worst thing how we felt physically the worst thing was society! Or to put it less dramatically [Craig] Just the lack of options. If I want something quick, but I don't want the same kind of stuff we're having I can't just go to a fast food place and get food [Chyna] When I was on the road like during lunch today, and I wanted to just like swing through a drive-thru and grab something to eat [Craig] Most fast food is just gonna be all--so much sugar [Chyna] I think you could probably have french fries [Craig] I bet there's sugar in fast-food fries [Chyna] Really? It's just potatoes, and... Ok, Google is there sugar in McDonald's fries? [Google Assistant] The dextrose, a natural form of sugar, is to help achieve a uniform golden color in the sodium acid pyrophosphate [Chyna] Holy -- ! Okay, Google is there sugar in Wendy's fries? Dang it! Ok, well I'm glad I know that. They put sugar in everything, why? Even stuff that doesn't need sugar in it But there were other good things that happened on day nine [Craig] So I've lost three pounds exactly. [Chyna] So I've lost almost five pounds. It's really indicative of how--the sheer volume of sugar calories I was consuming before and I really want to not lose any more. That--my goal is to like just get more healthy calories in Yes, quitting sugar tends to make people lose weight There could be many reasons but one reason might be this [Chyna] Well today I went grocery shopping with Ada, passed the ice creams and I stopped and looked at like the really fancy ones like the [Craig] Mm-hmm [Chyna] artisanal ice creams and I didn't want it that bad. Like a month ago, we went to that same grocery store and I looked at those same ice creams and then impulse bought one [Craig] Yeah [Chyna] and then ate like half of the pint when we got home Cravings for sweets started to go away! Apparently one of the biggest causes of a sweet tooth is a sweet tooth and those cravings never came back not even once! [Chyna] I really want like ice cream or something. Like a Twix! [Craig] Last night, I was looking at Twitter and now this post: butterbeer ice cream I think I was drooling. On top of the fridge, I saw those [Craig] pretzels with -- [Chyna] Peanut butter pretzels? I looked and they have sugar in them! [Craig] Yeah Okay, so the cravings came back a little there were ups and downs, but that's okay as long as we generally just felt better [Chyna] I don't really notice myself feeling better Hmm [Craig] I don't really notice that I have more energy, but I do feel fuller most of the time This was probably the biggest change for me almost all the time I was just kind of full and it was nice But when we were hungry What did we eat? Transition transition [Barnyard sounds in background] Eggs, meat, pasta with homemade sauce with no added sugar, fruit and veggables for snacks Things like apples with natural peanut butter, which I love and I'm completely addicted to [Joe Hanson] and another one-- --in moderation. The best peanut butter is, if you can find it at a grocery store, a machine with peanuts in it that you just grind and you get butter! Peanut butter And quitting added sugar allowed Chyna to get creative. [Craig] You've discovered things to cook because of this [Chyna] Cauliflower caprese something casserole Like lasagna, but the base of it is cauliflower I made a ratatouille and that was pretty good [Craig] Took me back to my youth in--or parts of France and my mom would make me ratatouille But now I'm a jaded old food critic [Chyna] I just got that you were referencing the movie, Ratatouille I saw on like a Facebook video to slice sweet potatoes like long ways spread goat cheese on it and then topped it with blueberries and raspberries and it was so freaking good [Craig] It was delicious And finally [Craig] It's over [Chyna] Yep We planned a glorious celebration. I wanted to celebrate with a [Craig] A wonderful dessert: dark chocolate ice cream, strawberries, peanuts, hot fudge on top. And as I was scooping the hot fudge licked it off the spoon then wait a little while. My heart started racing and I got a little sick to my stomach So I'm just eating strawberries. [Chyna] I just made a very small bowl. [Craig] How do you feel right now? [Chyna] It's yummy... It's really sweet [Craig] Everything's sweeter when you quit sugar, everything that, you know, has sweetness to it [Chyna] Like me? [Craig] No, you're always the sweetest thing in my life [Chyna] Awww [Craig makes gagging sound, Chyna laughs] It's been several weeks since we finished this and I still don't get cravings for ice cream or chocolate or donuts I--anything with sugar. I don't even listen to Suge Knight. I don't even box with Sugar Ray Leonard Is he still alive? He is still alive. Good for him So quitting sugar pros and cons. Pros: feeling full most of the time. Not crashing, energy levels kind of stayed the same throughout the day Disappointing that it didn't shoot up to superhero levels but it was still nice Fresh food tastes better sweet cravings kind of went away Milk tasted like a milkshake. Not the kind of milkshake that brought all the boys to the yard but some of the boys We probably saved a lot of money and with all that extra money We made it rain which gave us exercise which was healthy Another pro: more health Probably. I say probably because you can't really prove the long-term effects of sugar in a month But we did lose weight, which is believed to be healthy in many circles The cons: obviously missing our delicious nomnoms. I love chocolate I love ice cream. Yeah, the cravings went away but isn't life about desire followed by satisfaction I believe it was Nietzsche who said "Just like want stuff and go get it, or whatever." That's how life is. So yeah, denying yourself stuff you love isn't necessarily fun But with time I think you can get over it another con: the terrible withdrawal, which doesn't last forever But the biggest con for me Inconvenience. Most fast food and most grocery store food is out the window You have to be vigilant about making sure there's no sugar in stuff You can't just go out and eat wherever whenever One inconvenient thing that happened We visited my parents and my mom made my favorite meal of all time is her spaghetti with her homemade sauce It has sugar in it. We had to bring our own sauce. And that's cool, my mom was fine with it [Craig's Mom] Craig doesn't like my sauce, he can find another [beep]-ing mom [Craig's Dad] In my day we dumped sugar in our Pepsi, poured Pepsi on our Count Chocula and drizzled corn syrup marinade on top And we washed it done with Yoo-hoo. [Craig's Mom] You said it, Butch. [Craig's Dad] Hell yeah, sugar mama. There it is, this is what quitting added sugar did for us Turns out I concur with most other people who did this and say that quitting added sugar did some good things Good job other people [Craig, off-camera] What did quitting sugar do? [Chyna] Made me grumpy and tired And then I mostly just felt normal [Craig] Are you glad you did it? [Chyna] I'm back on the sugar train But I'm eating less than I was before so that's good. I think it was worth it, ultimately If you want to do it I say go for it, but you don't have to just jump right into it [Phil DeFranco] Let's just jump into it No, you don't have to [Phil DeFranco] Let's just jump into-- No, Phil! You could just start by looking at food labels and learning about how much hidden added sugar there is everywhere Or, just do what you do. You're a beautiful snowflake. And I know you can do it, whatever that is One thing you can do if you like this video is click the like button or you can subscribe. If you do you may see more month-long challenges like this. I may go vegan for a month. I may go streaking for a month I'm not gonna go streaking for a month In my previous video I analyzed why people liked haul videos and I plan to do more analyses like that and I'm doing a secret week daily vlog videos every weekday for patrons if you want to support me on Patreon Thank you for watching and thank you for being you [*ding*] Unless you're a jerk, maybe work on that
Channel: WheezyWaiter
Views: 11,257,353
Rating: 4.863905 out of 5
Keywords: wheezywaiter, wheezy waiter, fun, funny, joke, jokes, hilarious, vlog, vlogger, comedy, humor, sugar, no sugar, month, added sugar, weight, health, food, quit, quitting sugar, quitting added sugar, quit added sugar, natural sugar, fruit, vegetables, eating healthy
Id: wBtslkL5nUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 07 2018
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